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- WP_Roles
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- wp_update_themes()
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- wxr_nav_menu_terms()
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- wxr_tag_description()
- wxr_tag_name()
- wxr_term_description()
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- wxr_term_name()
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- xmlrpc_getpostcategory()
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- zeroise()
- _()
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- WP_List_Table
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- _make_email_clickable_cb()
- _make_url_clickable_cb()
- _make_web_ftp_clickable_cb()
- _maybe_update_core()
- _maybe_update_plugins()
- _maybe_update_themes()
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- _mb_substr()
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- _media_button()
- _media_states()
- _n()
- _navigation_markup()
- _nav_menu_item_id_use_once()
- _nc()
- _nx()
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- _pad_term_counts()
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- _post_format_get_terms()
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- _post_states()
- _post_type_meta_capabilities()
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- _prime_network_caches()
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- _prime_term_caches()
- _publish_post_hook()
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- _transition_post_status()
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- _update_blog_date_on_post_publish()
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- _update_posts_count_on_delete()
- _update_posts_count_on_transition_post_status()
- _update_post_term_count()
- _update_term_count_on_transition_post_status()
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- _upgrade_cron_array()
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- _usort_terms_by_name()
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- _wp_admin_bar_init()
- _wp_admin_html_begin()
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- _wp_ajax_menu_quick_search()
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- _wp_customize_include()
- WP_Customize_Manager
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- _wp_delete_post_menu_item()
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- _wp_get_current_user()
- _wp_get_image_size_from_meta()
- _wp_get_post_revision_version()
- _wp_get_user_contactmethods()
- _wp_http_get_object()
- WP_Http
- _wp_image_editor_choose()
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- _wp_keep_alive_customize_changeset_dependent_auto_drafts()
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- _wp_kses_split_callback()
- _wp_link_page()
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- _wp_menu_output()
- _wp_nav_menu_meta_box_object()
- _wp_object_count_sort_cb()
- _wp_object_name_sort_cb()
- _wp_oembed_get_object()
- WP_oEmbed
- _wp_post_revision_data()
- _wp_post_revision_fields()
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- _wp_post_thumbnail_class_filter_remove()
- _wp_post_thumbnail_html()
- _wp_preview_post_thumbnail_filter()
- _wp_preview_terms_filter()
- _wp_put_post_revision()
- _wp_register_meta_args_whitelist()
- _wp_relative_upload_path()
- _wp_sidebars_changed()
- _wp_specialchars()
- _wp_timezone_choice_usort_callback()
- _wp_translate_php_url_constant_to_key()
- _wp_translate_postdata()
- _wp_upgrade_revisions_of_post()
- _wp_upload_dir()
- _x()
- _xmlrpc_wp_die_handler()
- __()
- __autoload()
- __checked_selected_helper()
- __clear_multi_author_cache()
- __get_option()
- __ngettext()
- __ngettext_noop()
- __return_empty_array()
- __return_empty_string()
- __return_false()
- __return_null()
- __return_true()
- __return_zero()
remove_accents( string $string )
Converts all accent characters to ASCII characters.
If there are no accent characters, then the string given is just returned.
Accent characters converted:
Currency signs:
Code | Glyph | Replacement | description |
U+00A3 | £ | (empty) | British Pound sign |
U+20AC | € | E | Euro sign |
Decompositions for Latin-1 Supplement:
Code | Glyph | Replacement | description |
U+00AA | ª | a | Feminine ordinal indicator |
U+00BA | º | o | Masculine ordinal indicator |
U+00C0 | À | A | Latin capital letter A with grave |
U+00C1 | Á | A | Latin capital letter A with acute |
U+00C2 | Â | A | Latin capital letter A with circumflex |
U+00C3 | Ã | A | Latin capital letter A with tilde |
U+00C4 | Ä | A | Latin capital letter A with diaeresis |
U+00C5 | Å | A | Latin capital letter A with ring above |
U+00C6 | Æ | AE | Latin capital letter AE |
U+00C7 | Ç | C | Latin capital letter C with cedilla |
U+00C8 | È | E | Latin capital letter E with grave |
U+00C9 | É | E | Latin capital letter E with acute |
U+00CA | Ê | E | Latin capital letter E with circumflex |
U+00CB | Ë | E | Latin capital letter E with diaeresis |
U+00CC | Ì | I | Latin capital letter I with grave |
U+00CD | Í | I | Latin capital letter I with acute |
U+00CE | Î | I | Latin capital letter I with circumflex |
U+00CF | Ï | I | Latin capital letter I with diaeresis |
U+00D0 | Ð | D | Latin capital letter Eth |
U+00D1 | Ñ | N | Latin capital letter N with tilde |
U+00D2 | Ò | O | Latin capital letter O with grave |
U+00D3 | Ó | O | Latin capital letter O with acute |
U+00D4 | Ô | O | Latin capital letter O with circumflex |
U+00D5 | Õ | O | Latin capital letter O with tilde |
U+00D6 | Ö | O | Latin capital letter O with diaeresis |
U+00D8 | Ø | O | Latin capital letter O with stroke |
U+00D9 | Ù | U | Latin capital letter U with grave |
U+00DA | Ú | U | Latin capital letter U with acute |
U+00DB | Û | U | Latin capital letter U with circumflex |
U+00DC | Ü | U | Latin capital letter U with diaeresis |
U+00DD | Ý | Y | Latin capital letter Y with acute |
U+00DE | Þ | TH | Latin capital letter Thorn |
U+00DF | ß | s | Latin small letter sharp s |
U+00E0 | à | a | Latin small letter a with grave |
U+00E1 | á | a | Latin small letter a with acute |
U+00E2 | â | a | Latin small letter a with circumflex |
U+00E3 | ã | a | Latin small letter a with tilde |
U+00E4 | ä | a | Latin small letter a with diaeresis |
U+00E5 | å | a | Latin small letter a with ring above |
U+00E6 | æ | ae | Latin small letter ae |
U+00E7 | ç | c | Latin small letter c with cedilla |
U+00E8 | è | e | Latin small letter e with grave |
U+00E9 | é | e | Latin small letter e with acute |
U+00EA | ê | e | Latin small letter e with circumflex |
U+00EB | ë | e | Latin small letter e with diaeresis |
U+00EC | ì | i | Latin small letter i with grave |
U+00ED | í | i | Latin small letter i with acute |
U+00EE | î | i | Latin small letter i with circumflex |
U+00EF | ï | i | Latin small letter i with diaeresis |
U+00F0 | ð | d | Latin small letter Eth |
U+00F1 | ñ | n | Latin small letter n with tilde |
U+00F2 | ò | o | Latin small letter o with grave |
U+00F3 | ó | o | Latin small letter o with acute |
U+00F4 | ô | o | Latin small letter o with circumflex |
U+00F5 | õ | o | Latin small letter o with tilde |
U+00F6 | ö | o | Latin small letter o with diaeresis |
U+00F8 | ø | o | Latin small letter o with stroke |
U+00F9 | ù | u | Latin small letter u with grave |
U+00FA | ú | u | Latin small letter u with acute |
U+00FB | û | u | Latin small letter u with circumflex |
U+00FC | ü | u | Latin small letter u with diaeresis |
U+00FD | ý | y | Latin small letter y with acute |
U+00FE | þ | th | Latin small letter Thorn |
U+00FF | ÿ | y | Latin small letter y with diaeresis |
Decompositions for Latin Extended-A:
Code | Glyph | Replacement | description |
U+0100 | Ā | A | Latin capital letter A with macron |
U+0101 | ā | a | Latin small letter a with macron |
U+0102 | Ă | A | Latin capital letter A with breve |
U+0103 | ă | a | Latin small letter a with breve |
U+0104 | Ą | A | Latin capital letter A with ogonek |
U+0105 | ą | a | Latin small letter a with ogonek |
U+01006 | Ć | C | Latin capital letter C with acute |
U+0107 | ć | c | Latin small letter c with acute |
U+0108 | Ĉ | C | Latin capital letter C with circumflex |
U+0109 | ĉ | c | Latin small letter c with circumflex |
U+010A | Ċ | C | Latin capital letter C with dot above |
U+010B | ċ | c | Latin small letter c with dot above |
U+010C | Č | C | Latin capital letter C with caron |
U+010D | č | c | Latin small letter c with caron |
U+010E | Ď | D | Latin capital letter D with caron |
U+010F | ď | d | Latin small letter d with caron |
U+0110 | Đ | D | Latin capital letter D with stroke |
U+0111 | đ | d | Latin small letter d with stroke |
U+0112 | Ē | E | Latin capital letter E with macron |
U+0113 | ē | e | Latin small letter e with macron |
U+0114 | Ĕ | E | Latin capital letter E with breve |
U+0115 | ĕ | e | Latin small letter e with breve |
U+0116 | Ė | E | Latin capital letter E with dot above |
U+0117 | ė | e | Latin small letter e with dot above |
U+0118 | Ę | E | Latin capital letter E with ogonek |
U+0119 | ę | e | Latin small letter e with ogonek |
U+011A | Ě | E | Latin capital letter E with caron |
U+011B | ě | e | Latin small letter e with caron |
U+011C | Ĝ | G | Latin capital letter G with circumflex |
U+011D | ĝ | g | Latin small letter g with circumflex |
U+011E | Ğ | G | Latin capital letter G with breve |
U+011F | ğ | g | Latin small letter g with breve |
U+0120 | Ġ | G | Latin capital letter G with dot above |
U+0121 | ġ | g | Latin small letter g with dot above |
U+0122 | Ģ | G | Latin capital letter G with cedilla |
U+0123 | ģ | g | Latin small letter g with cedilla |
U+0124 | Ĥ | H | Latin capital letter H with circumflex |
U+0125 | ĥ | h | Latin small letter h with circumflex |
U+0126 | Ħ | H | Latin capital letter H with stroke |
U+0127 | ħ | h | Latin small letter h with stroke |
U+0128 | Ĩ | I | Latin capital letter I with tilde |
U+0129 | ĩ | i | Latin small letter i with tilde |
U+012A | Ī | I | Latin capital letter I with macron |
U+012B | ī | i | Latin small letter i with macron |
U+012C | Ĭ | I | Latin capital letter I with breve |
U+012D | ĭ | i | Latin small letter i with breve |
U+012E | Į | I | Latin capital letter I with ogonek |
U+012F | į | i | Latin small letter i with ogonek |
U+0130 | İ | I | Latin capital letter I with dot above |
U+0131 | ı | i | Latin small letter dotless i |
U+0132 | IJ | IJ | Latin capital ligature IJ |
U+0133 | ij | ij | Latin small ligature ij |
U+0134 | Ĵ | J | Latin capital letter J with circumflex |
U+0135 | ĵ | j | Latin small letter j with circumflex |
U+0136 | Ķ | K | Latin capital letter K with cedilla |
U+0137 | ķ | k | Latin small letter k with cedilla |
U+0138 | ĸ | k | Latin small letter Kra |
U+0139 | Ĺ | L | Latin capital letter L with acute |
U+013A | ĺ | l | Latin small letter l with acute |
U+013B | Ļ | L | Latin capital letter L with cedilla |
U+013C | ļ | l | Latin small letter l with cedilla |
U+013D | Ľ | L | Latin capital letter L with caron |
U+013E | ľ | l | Latin small letter l with caron |
U+013F | Ŀ | L | Latin capital letter L with middle dot |
U+0140 | ŀ | l | Latin small letter l with middle dot |
U+0141 | Ł | L | Latin capital letter L with stroke |
U+0142 | ł | l | Latin small letter l with stroke |
U+0143 | Ń | N | Latin capital letter N with acute |
U+0144 | ń | n | Latin small letter N with acute |
U+0145 | Ņ | N | Latin capital letter N with cedilla |
U+0146 | ņ | n | Latin small letter n with cedilla |
U+0147 | Ň | N | Latin capital letter N with caron |
U+0148 | ň | n | Latin small letter n with caron |
U+0149 | ʼn | n | Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe |
U+014A | Ŋ | N | Latin capital letter Eng |
U+014B | ŋ | n | Latin small letter Eng |
U+014C | Ō | O | Latin capital letter O with macron |
U+014D | ō | o | Latin small letter o with macron |
U+014E | Ŏ | O | Latin capital letter O with breve |
U+014F | ŏ | o | Latin small letter o with breve |
U+0150 | Ő | O | Latin capital letter O with double acute |
U+0151 | ő | o | Latin small letter o with double acute |
U+0152 | Œ | OE | Latin capital ligature OE |
U+0153 | œ | oe | Latin small ligature oe |
U+0154 | Ŕ | R | Latin capital letter R with acute |
U+0155 | ŕ | r | Latin small letter r with acute |
U+0156 | Ŗ | R | Latin capital letter R with cedilla |
U+0157 | ŗ | r | Latin small letter r with cedilla |
U+0158 | Ř | R | Latin capital letter R with caron |
U+0159 | ř | r | Latin small letter r with caron |
U+015A | Ś | S | Latin capital letter S with acute |
U+015B | ś | s | Latin small letter s with acute |
U+015C | Ŝ | S | Latin capital letter S with circumflex |
U+015D | ŝ | s | Latin small letter s with circumflex |
U+015E | Ş | S | Latin capital letter S with cedilla |
U+015F | ş | s | Latin small letter s with cedilla |
U+0160 | Š | S | Latin capital letter S with caron |
U+0161 | š | s | Latin small letter s with caron |
U+0162 | Ţ | T | Latin capital letter T with cedilla |
U+0163 | ţ | t | Latin small letter t with cedilla |
U+0164 | Ť | T | Latin capital letter T with caron |
U+0165 | ť | t | Latin small letter t with caron |
U+0166 | Ŧ | T | Latin capital letter T with stroke |
U+0167 | ŧ | t | Latin small letter t with stroke |
U+0168 | Ũ | U | Latin capital letter U with tilde |
U+0169 | ũ | u | Latin small letter u with tilde |
U+016A | Ū | U | Latin capital letter U with macron |
U+016B | ū | u | Latin small letter u with macron |
U+016C | Ŭ | U | Latin capital letter U with breve |
U+016D | ŭ | u | Latin small letter u with breve |
U+016E | Ů | U | Latin capital letter U with ring above |
U+016F | ů | u | Latin small letter u with ring above |
U+0170 | Ű | U | Latin capital letter U with double acute |
U+0171 | ű | u | Latin small letter u with double acute |
U+0172 | Ų | U | Latin capital letter U with ogonek |
U+0173 | ų | u | Latin small letter u with ogonek |
U+0174 | Ŵ | W | Latin capital letter W with circumflex |
U+0175 | ŵ | w | Latin small letter w with circumflex |
U+0176 | Ŷ | Y | Latin capital letter Y with circumflex |
U+0177 | ŷ | y | Latin small letter y with circumflex |
U+0178 | Ÿ | Y | Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis |
U+0179 | Ź | Z | Latin capital letter Z with acute |
U+017A | ź | z | Latin small letter z with acute |
U+017B | Ż | Z | Latin capital letter Z with dot above |
U+017C | ż | z | Latin small letter z with dot above |
U+017D | Ž | Z | Latin capital letter Z with caron |
U+017E | ž | z | Latin small letter z with caron |
U+017F | ſ | s | Latin small letter long s |
U+01A0 | Ơ | O | Latin capital letter O with horn |
U+01A1 | ơ | o | Latin small letter o with horn |
U+01AF | Ư | U | Latin capital letter U with horn |
U+01B0 | ư | u | Latin small letter u with horn |
U+01CD | Ǎ | A | Latin capital letter A with caron |
U+01CE | ǎ | a | Latin small letter a with caron |
U+01CF | Ǐ | I | Latin capital letter I with caron |
U+01D0 | ǐ | i | Latin small letter i with caron |
U+01D1 | Ǒ | O | Latin capital letter O with caron |
U+01D2 | ǒ | o | Latin small letter o with caron |
U+01D3 | Ǔ | U | Latin capital letter U with caron |
U+01D4 | ǔ | u | Latin small letter u with caron |
U+01D5 | Ǖ | U | Latin capital letter U with diaeresis and macron |
U+01D6 | ǖ | u | Latin small letter u with diaeresis and macron |
U+01D7 | Ǘ | U | Latin capital letter U with diaeresis and acute |
U+01D8 | ǘ | u | Latin small letter u with diaeresis and acute |
U+01D9 | Ǚ | U | Latin capital letter U with diaeresis and caron |
U+01DA | ǚ | u | Latin small letter u with diaeresis and caron |
U+01DB | Ǜ | U | Latin capital letter U with diaeresis and grave |
U+01DC | ǜ | u | Latin small letter u with diaeresis and grave |
Decompositions for Latin Extended-B:
Code | Glyph | Replacement | description |
U+0218 | Ș | S | Latin capital letter S with comma below |
U+0219 | ș | s | Latin small letter s with comma below |
U+021A | Ț | T | Latin capital letter T with comma below |
U+021B | ț | t | Latin small letter t with comma below |
Vowels with diacritic (Chinese, Hanyu Pinyin):
Code | Glyph | Replacement | description |
U+0251 | ɑ | a | Latin small letter alpha |
U+1EA0 | Ạ | A | Latin capital letter A with dot below |
U+1EA1 | ạ | a | Latin small letter a with dot below |
U+1EA2 | Ả | A | Latin capital letter A with hook above |
U+1EA3 | ả | a | Latin small letter a with hook above |
U+1EA4 | Ấ | A | Latin capital letter A with circumflex and acute |
U+1EA5 | ấ | a | Latin small letter a with circumflex and acute |
U+1EA6 | Ầ | A | Latin capital letter A with circumflex and grave |
U+1EA7 | ầ | a | Latin small letter a with circumflex and grave |
U+1EA8 | Ẩ | A | Latin capital letter A with circumflex and hook above |
U+1EA9 | ẩ | a | Latin small letter a with circumflex and hook above |
U+1EAA | Ẫ | A | Latin capital letter A with circumflex and tilde |
U+1EAB | ẫ | a | Latin small letter a with circumflex and tilde |
U+1EA6 | Ậ | A | Latin capital letter A with circumflex and dot below |
U+1EAD | ậ | a | Latin small letter a with circumflex and dot below |
U+1EAE | Ắ | A | Latin capital letter A with breve and acute |
U+1EAF | ắ | a | Latin small letter a with breve and acute |
U+1EB0 | Ằ | A | Latin capital letter A with breve and grave |
U+1EB1 | ằ | a | Latin small letter a with breve and grave |
U+1EB2 | Ẳ | A | Latin capital letter A with breve and hook above |
U+1EB3 | ẳ | a | Latin small letter a with breve and hook above |
U+1EB4 | Ẵ | A | Latin capital letter A with breve and tilde |
U+1EB5 | ẵ | a | Latin small letter a with breve and tilde |
U+1EB6 | Ặ | A | Latin capital letter A with breve and dot below |
U+1EB7 | ặ | a | Latin small letter a with breve and dot below |
U+1EB8 | Ẹ | E | Latin capital letter E with dot below |
U+1EB9 | ẹ | e | Latin small letter e with dot below |
U+1EBA | Ẻ | E | Latin capital letter E with hook above |
U+1EBB | ẻ | e | Latin small letter e with hook above |
U+1EBC | Ẽ | E | Latin capital letter E with tilde |
U+1EBD | ẽ | e | Latin small letter e with tilde |
U+1EBE | Ế | E | Latin capital letter E with circumflex and acute |
U+1EBF | ế | e | Latin small letter e with circumflex and acute |
U+1EC0 | Ề | E | Latin capital letter E with circumflex and grave |
U+1EC1 | ề | e | Latin small letter e with circumflex and grave |
U+1EC2 | Ể | E | Latin capital letter E with circumflex and hook above |
U+1EC3 | ể | e | Latin small letter e with circumflex and hook above |
U+1EC4 | Ễ | E | Latin capital letter E with circumflex and tilde |
U+1EC5 | ễ | e | Latin small letter e with circumflex and tilde |
U+1EC6 | Ệ | E | Latin capital letter E with circumflex and dot below |
U+1EC7 | ệ | e | Latin small letter e with circumflex and dot below |
U+1EC8 | Ỉ | I | Latin capital letter I with hook above |
U+1EC9 | ỉ | i | Latin small letter i with hook above |
U+1ECA | Ị | I | Latin capital letter I with dot below |
U+1ECB | ị | i | Latin small letter i with dot below |
U+1ECC | Ọ | O | Latin capital letter O with dot below |
U+1ECD | ọ | o | Latin small letter o with dot below |
U+1ECE | Ỏ | O | Latin capital letter O with hook above |
U+1ECF | ỏ | o | Latin small letter o with hook above |
U+1ED0 | Ố | O | Latin capital letter O with circumflex and acute |
U+1ED1 | ố | o | Latin small letter o with circumflex and acute |
U+1ED2 | Ồ | O | Latin capital letter O with circumflex and grave |
U+1ED3 | ồ | o | Latin small letter o with circumflex and grave |
U+1ED4 | Ổ | O | Latin capital letter O with circumflex and hook above |
U+1ED5 | ổ | o | Latin small letter o with circumflex and hook above |
U+1ED6 | Ỗ | O | Latin capital letter O with circumflex and tilde |
U+1ED7 | ỗ | o | Latin small letter o with circumflex and tilde |
U+1ED8 | Ộ | O | Latin capital letter O with circumflex and dot below |
U+1ED9 | ộ | o | Latin small letter o with circumflex and dot below |
U+1EDA | Ớ | O | Latin capital letter O with horn and acute |
U+1EDB | ớ | o | Latin small letter o with horn and acute |
U+1EDC | Ờ | O | Latin capital letter O with horn and grave |
U+1EDD | ờ | o | Latin small letter o with horn and grave |
U+1EDE | Ở | O | Latin capital letter O with horn and hook above |
U+1EDF | ở | o | Latin small letter o with horn and hook above |
U+1EE0 | Ỡ | O | Latin capital letter O with horn and tilde |
U+1EE1 | ỡ | o | Latin small letter o with horn and tilde |
U+1EE2 | Ợ | O | Latin capital letter O with horn and dot below |
U+1EE3 | ợ | o | Latin small letter o with horn and dot below |
U+1EE4 | Ụ | U | Latin capital letter U with dot below |
U+1EE5 | ụ | u | Latin small letter u with dot below |
U+1EE6 | Ủ | U | Latin capital letter U with hook above |
U+1EE7 | ủ | u | Latin small letter u with hook above |
U+1EE8 | Ứ | U | Latin capital letter U with horn and acute |
U+1EE9 | ứ | u | Latin small letter u with horn and acute |
U+1EEA | Ừ | U | Latin capital letter U with horn and grave |
U+1EEB | ừ | u | Latin small letter u with horn and grave |
U+1EEC | Ử | U | Latin capital letter U with horn and hook above |
U+1EED | ử | u | Latin small letter u with horn and hook above |
U+1EEE | Ữ | U | Latin capital letter U with horn and tilde |
U+1EEF | ữ | u | Latin small letter u with horn and tilde |
U+1EF0 | Ự | U | Latin capital letter U with horn and dot below |
U+1EF1 | ự | u | Latin small letter u with horn and dot below |
U+1EF2 | Ỳ | Y | Latin capital letter Y with grave |
U+1EF3 | ỳ | y | Latin small letter y with grave |
U+1EF4 | Ỵ | Y | Latin capital letter Y with dot below |
U+1EF5 | ỵ | y | Latin small letter y with dot below |
U+1EF6 | Ỷ | Y | Latin capital letter Y with hook above |
U+1EF7 | ỷ | y | Latin small letter y with hook above |
U+1EF8 | Ỹ | Y | Latin capital letter Y with tilde |
U+1EF9 | ỹ | y | Latin small letter y with tilde |
German (de_DE
), German formal (de_DE_formal
), German (Switzerland) formal (de_CH
), and German (Switzerland) informal (de_CH_informal
) locales:
Code | Glyph | Replacement | description |
U+00C4 | Ä | Ae | Latin capital letter A with diaeresis |
U+00E4 | ä | ae | Latin small letter a with diaeresis |
U+00D6 | Ö | Oe | Latin capital letter O with diaeresis |
U+00F6 | ö | oe | Latin small letter o with diaeresis |
U+00DC | Ü | Ue | Latin capital letter U with diaeresis |
U+00FC | ü | ue | Latin small letter u with diaeresis |
U+00DF | ß | ss | Latin small letter sharp s |
Danish (da_DK
) locale:
Code | Glyph | Replacement | description |
U+00C6 | Æ | Ae | Latin capital letter AE |
U+00E6 | æ | ae | Latin small letter ae |
U+00D8 | Ø | Oe | Latin capital letter O with stroke |
U+00F8 | ø | oe | Latin small letter o with stroke |
U+00C5 | Å | Aa | Latin capital letter A with ring above |
U+00E5 | å | aa | Latin small letter a with ring above |
Catalan (ca
) locale:
Code | Glyph | Replacement | description |
U+00B7 | l·l | ll | Flown dot (between two Ls) |
Serbian (sr_RS
) and Bosnian (bs_BA
) locales:
Code | Glyph | Replacement | description |
U+0110 | Đ | DJ | Latin capital letter D with stroke |
U+0111 | đ | dj | Latin small letter d with stroke |
- $string
(string) (Required) Text that might have accent characters
(string) Filtered string with replaced "nice" characters.
File: wp-includes/formatting.php
function remove_accents( $string ) {
if ( !preg_match('/[\x80-\xff]/', $string) )
return $string;
if (seems_utf8($string)) {
$chars = array(
// Decompositions for Latin-1 Supplement
'ª' => 'a', 'º' => 'o',
'À' => 'A', 'Á' => 'A',
'Â' => 'A', 'Ã' => 'A',
'Ä' => 'A', 'Å' => 'A',
'Æ' => 'AE','Ç' => 'C',
'È' => 'E', 'É' => 'E',
'Ê' => 'E', 'Ë' => 'E',
'Ì' => 'I', 'Í' => 'I',
'Î' => 'I', 'Ï' => 'I',
'Ð' => 'D', 'Ñ' => 'N',
'Ò' => 'O', 'Ó' => 'O',
'Ô' => 'O', 'Õ' => 'O',
'Ö' => 'O', 'Ù' => 'U',
'Ú' => 'U', 'Û' => 'U',
'Ü' => 'U', 'Ý' => 'Y',
'Þ' => 'TH','ß' => 's',
'à' => 'a', 'á' => 'a',
'â' => 'a', 'ã' => 'a',
'ä' => 'a', 'å' => 'a',
'æ' => 'ae','ç' => 'c',
'è' => 'e', 'é' => 'e',
'ê' => 'e', 'ë' => 'e',
'ì' => 'i', 'í' => 'i',
'î' => 'i', 'ï' => 'i',
'ð' => 'd', 'ñ' => 'n',
'ò' => 'o', 'ó' => 'o',
'ô' => 'o', 'õ' => 'o',
'ö' => 'o', 'ø' => 'o',
'ù' => 'u', 'ú' => 'u',
'û' => 'u', 'ü' => 'u',
'ý' => 'y', 'þ' => 'th',
'ÿ' => 'y', 'Ø' => 'O',
// Decompositions for Latin Extended-A
'Ā' => 'A', 'ā' => 'a',
'Ă' => 'A', 'ă' => 'a',
'Ą' => 'A', 'ą' => 'a',
'Ć' => 'C', 'ć' => 'c',
'Ĉ' => 'C', 'ĉ' => 'c',
'Ċ' => 'C', 'ċ' => 'c',
'Č' => 'C', 'č' => 'c',
'Ď' => 'D', 'ď' => 'd',
'Đ' => 'D', 'đ' => 'd',
'Ē' => 'E', 'ē' => 'e',
'Ĕ' => 'E', 'ĕ' => 'e',
'Ė' => 'E', 'ė' => 'e',
'Ę' => 'E', 'ę' => 'e',
'Ě' => 'E', 'ě' => 'e',
'Ĝ' => 'G', 'ĝ' => 'g',
'Ğ' => 'G', 'ğ' => 'g',
'Ġ' => 'G', 'ġ' => 'g',
'Ģ' => 'G', 'ģ' => 'g',
'Ĥ' => 'H', 'ĥ' => 'h',
'Ħ' => 'H', 'ħ' => 'h',
'Ĩ' => 'I', 'ĩ' => 'i',
'Ī' => 'I', 'ī' => 'i',
'Ĭ' => 'I', 'ĭ' => 'i',
'Į' => 'I', 'į' => 'i',
'İ' => 'I', 'ı' => 'i',
'IJ' => 'IJ','ij' => 'ij',
'Ĵ' => 'J', 'ĵ' => 'j',
'Ķ' => 'K', 'ķ' => 'k',
'ĸ' => 'k', 'Ĺ' => 'L',
'ĺ' => 'l', 'Ļ' => 'L',
'ļ' => 'l', 'Ľ' => 'L',
'ľ' => 'l', 'Ŀ' => 'L',
'ŀ' => 'l', 'Ł' => 'L',
'ł' => 'l', 'Ń' => 'N',
'ń' => 'n', 'Ņ' => 'N',
'ņ' => 'n', 'Ň' => 'N',
'ň' => 'n', 'ʼn' => 'n',
'Ŋ' => 'N', 'ŋ' => 'n',
'Ō' => 'O', 'ō' => 'o',
'Ŏ' => 'O', 'ŏ' => 'o',
'Ő' => 'O', 'ő' => 'o',
'Œ' => 'OE','œ' => 'oe',
'Ŕ' => 'R','ŕ' => 'r',
'Ŗ' => 'R','ŗ' => 'r',
'Ř' => 'R','ř' => 'r',
'Ś' => 'S','ś' => 's',
'Ŝ' => 'S','ŝ' => 's',
'Ş' => 'S','ş' => 's',
'Š' => 'S', 'š' => 's',
'Ţ' => 'T', 'ţ' => 't',
'Ť' => 'T', 'ť' => 't',
'Ŧ' => 'T', 'ŧ' => 't',
'Ũ' => 'U', 'ũ' => 'u',
'Ū' => 'U', 'ū' => 'u',
'Ŭ' => 'U', 'ŭ' => 'u',
'Ů' => 'U', 'ů' => 'u',
'Ű' => 'U', 'ű' => 'u',
'Ų' => 'U', 'ų' => 'u',
'Ŵ' => 'W', 'ŵ' => 'w',
'Ŷ' => 'Y', 'ŷ' => 'y',
'Ÿ' => 'Y', 'Ź' => 'Z',
'ź' => 'z', 'Ż' => 'Z',
'ż' => 'z', 'Ž' => 'Z',
'ž' => 'z', 'ſ' => 's',
// Decompositions for Latin Extended-B
'Ș' => 'S', 'ș' => 's',
'Ț' => 'T', 'ț' => 't',
// Euro Sign
'€' => 'E',
// GBP (Pound) Sign
'£' => '',
// Vowels with diacritic (Vietnamese)
// unmarked
'Ơ' => 'O', 'ơ' => 'o',
'Ư' => 'U', 'ư' => 'u',
// grave accent
'Ầ' => 'A', 'ầ' => 'a',
'Ằ' => 'A', 'ằ' => 'a',
'Ề' => 'E', 'ề' => 'e',
'Ồ' => 'O', 'ồ' => 'o',
'Ờ' => 'O', 'ờ' => 'o',
'Ừ' => 'U', 'ừ' => 'u',
'Ỳ' => 'Y', 'ỳ' => 'y',
// hook
'Ả' => 'A', 'ả' => 'a',
'Ẩ' => 'A', 'ẩ' => 'a',
'Ẳ' => 'A', 'ẳ' => 'a',
'Ẻ' => 'E', 'ẻ' => 'e',
'Ể' => 'E', 'ể' => 'e',
'Ỉ' => 'I', 'ỉ' => 'i',
'Ỏ' => 'O', 'ỏ' => 'o',
'Ổ' => 'O', 'ổ' => 'o',
'Ở' => 'O', 'ở' => 'o',
'Ủ' => 'U', 'ủ' => 'u',
'Ử' => 'U', 'ử' => 'u',
'Ỷ' => 'Y', 'ỷ' => 'y',
// tilde
'Ẫ' => 'A', 'ẫ' => 'a',
'Ẵ' => 'A', 'ẵ' => 'a',
'Ẽ' => 'E', 'ẽ' => 'e',
'Ễ' => 'E', 'ễ' => 'e',
'Ỗ' => 'O', 'ỗ' => 'o',
'Ỡ' => 'O', 'ỡ' => 'o',
'Ữ' => 'U', 'ữ' => 'u',
'Ỹ' => 'Y', 'ỹ' => 'y',
// acute accent
'Ấ' => 'A', 'ấ' => 'a',
'Ắ' => 'A', 'ắ' => 'a',
'Ế' => 'E', 'ế' => 'e',
'Ố' => 'O', 'ố' => 'o',
'Ớ' => 'O', 'ớ' => 'o',
'Ứ' => 'U', 'ứ' => 'u',
// dot below
'Ạ' => 'A', 'ạ' => 'a',
'Ậ' => 'A', 'ậ' => 'a',
'Ặ' => 'A', 'ặ' => 'a',
'Ẹ' => 'E', 'ẹ' => 'e',
'Ệ' => 'E', 'ệ' => 'e',
'Ị' => 'I', 'ị' => 'i',
'Ọ' => 'O', 'ọ' => 'o',
'Ộ' => 'O', 'ộ' => 'o',
'Ợ' => 'O', 'ợ' => 'o',
'Ụ' => 'U', 'ụ' => 'u',
'Ự' => 'U', 'ự' => 'u',
'Ỵ' => 'Y', 'ỵ' => 'y',
// Vowels with diacritic (Chinese, Hanyu Pinyin)
'ɑ' => 'a',
// macron
'Ǖ' => 'U', 'ǖ' => 'u',
// acute accent
'Ǘ' => 'U', 'ǘ' => 'u',
// caron
'Ǎ' => 'A', 'ǎ' => 'a',
'Ǐ' => 'I', 'ǐ' => 'i',
'Ǒ' => 'O', 'ǒ' => 'o',
'Ǔ' => 'U', 'ǔ' => 'u',
'Ǚ' => 'U', 'ǚ' => 'u',
// grave accent
'Ǜ' => 'U', 'ǜ' => 'u',
// Used for locale-specific rules
$locale = get_locale();
if ( 'de_DE' == $locale || 'de_DE_formal' == $locale || 'de_CH' == $locale || 'de_CH_informal' == $locale ) {
$chars[ 'Ä' ] = 'Ae';
$chars[ 'ä' ] = 'ae';
$chars[ 'Ö' ] = 'Oe';
$chars[ 'ö' ] = 'oe';
$chars[ 'Ü' ] = 'Ue';
$chars[ 'ü' ] = 'ue';
$chars[ 'ß' ] = 'ss';
} elseif ( 'da_DK' === $locale ) {
$chars[ 'Æ' ] = 'Ae';
$chars[ 'æ' ] = 'ae';
$chars[ 'Ø' ] = 'Oe';
$chars[ 'ø' ] = 'oe';
$chars[ 'Å' ] = 'Aa';
$chars[ 'å' ] = 'aa';
} elseif ( 'ca' === $locale ) {
$chars[ 'l·l' ] = 'll';
} elseif ( 'sr_RS' === $locale || 'bs_BA' === $locale ) {
$chars[ 'Đ' ] = 'DJ';
$chars[ 'đ' ] = 'dj';
$string = strtr($string, $chars);
} else {
$chars = array();
// Assume ISO-8859-1 if not UTF-8
$chars['in'] = "\x80\x83\x8a\x8e\x9a\x9e"
$chars['out'] = "EfSZszYcYuAAAAAACEEEEIIIINOOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiinoooooouuuuyy";
$string = strtr($string, $chars['in'], $chars['out']);
$double_chars = array();
$double_chars['in'] = array("\x8c", "\x9c", "\xc6", "\xd0", "\xde", "\xdf", "\xe6", "\xf0", "\xfe");
$double_chars['out'] = array('OE', 'oe', 'AE', 'DH', 'TH', 'ss', 'ae', 'dh', 'th');
$string = str_replace($double_chars['in'], $double_chars['out'], $string);
return $string;
Version | description |
4.8.0 | Added locale support for bs_BA . |
4.7.0 | Added locale support for sr_RS . |
4.6.0 | Added locale support for de_CH , de_CH_informal , and ca . |
1.2.1 | Introduced. |
- wp-includes/l10n.php: get_locale()
- wp-includes/formatting.php: seems_utf8()
Used By
- wp-includes/formatting.php: sanitize_user()
- wp-includes/formatting.php: sanitize_title()
User Contributed Notes
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Basic Example
$text = "Hoy será un gran día"; echo remove_accents ( $text ); // Outputs: Hoy sera un gran dia
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