
solution / 3000-3099 / 3006.Find Beautiful Indices in the Given Array I / README

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3006. 找出数组中的美丽下标 I

English Version


给你一个下标从 0 开始的字符串 s 、字符串 a 、字符串 b 和一个整数 k

如果下标 i 满足以下条件,则认为它是一个 美丽下标

  • 0 <= i <= s.length - a.length
  • s[i..(i + a.length - 1)] == a
  • 存在下标 j 使得:
    • 0 <= j <= s.length - b.length
    • s[j..(j + b.length - 1)] == b
    • |j - i| <= k

以数组形式按 从小到大排序 返回美丽下标。


示例 1:

输入:s = "isawsquirrelnearmysquirrelhouseohmy", a = "my", b = "squirrel", k = 15
解释:存在 2 个美丽下标:[16,33]。
- 下标 16 是美丽下标,因为 s[16..17] == "my" ,且存在下标 4 ,满足 s[4..11] == "squirrel" 且 |16 - 4| <= 15 。
- 下标 33 是美丽下标,因为 s[33..34] == "my" ,且存在下标 18 ,满足 s[18..25] == "squirrel" 且 |33 - 18| <= 15 。
因此返回 [16,33] 作为结果。

示例 2:

输入:s = "abcd", a = "a", b = "a", k = 4
解释:存在 1 个美丽下标:[0]。
- 下标 0 是美丽下标,因为 s[0..0] == "a" ,且存在下标 0 ,满足 s[0..0] == "a" 且 |0 - 0| <= 4 。
因此返回 [0] 作为结果。



  • 1 <= k <= s.length <= 105
  • 1 <= a.length, b.length <= 10
  • sa、和 b 只包含小写英文字母。



class Solution:
  def beautifulIndices(self, s: str, a: str, b: str, k: int) -> List[int]:
    def build_prefix_function(pattern):
      prefix_function = [0] * len(pattern)
      j = 0
      for i in range(1, len(pattern)):
        while j > 0 and pattern[i] != pattern[j]:
          j = prefix_function[j - 1]
        if pattern[i] == pattern[j]:
          j += 1
        prefix_function[i] = j
      return prefix_function

    def kmp_search(pattern, text, prefix_function):
      occurrences = []
      j = 0
      for i in range(len(text)):
        while j > 0 and text[i] != pattern[j]:
          j = prefix_function[j - 1]
        if text[i] == pattern[j]:
          j += 1
        if j == len(pattern):
          occurrences.append(i - j + 1)
          j = prefix_function[j - 1]
      return occurrences

    prefix_a = build_prefix_function(a)
    prefix_b = build_prefix_function(b)

    resa = kmp_search(a, s, prefix_a)
    resb = kmp_search(b, s, prefix_b)

    res = []
    print(resa, resb)
    i = 0
    j = 0
    while i < len(resa):
      while j < len(resb):
        if abs(resb[j] - resa[i]) <= k:
        elif j + 1 < len(resb) and abs(resb[j + 1] - resa[i]) < abs(
          resb[j] - resa[i]
          j += 1
      i += 1
    return res
public class Solution {
  public void computeLPS(String pattern, int[] lps) {
    int M = pattern.length();
    int len = 0;

    lps[0] = 0;

    int i = 1;
    while (i < M) {
      if (pattern.charAt(i) == pattern.charAt(len)) {
        lps[i] = len;
      } else {
        if (len != 0) {
          len = lps[len - 1];
        } else {
          lps[i] = 0;

  public List<Integer> KMP_codestorywithMIK(String pat, String txt) {
    int N = txt.length();
    int M = pat.length();
    List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();

    int[] lps = new int[M];
    computeLPS(pat, lps);

    int i = 0; // Index for text
    int j = 0; // Index for pattern

    while (i < N) {
      if (pat.charAt(j) == txt.charAt(i)) {

      if (j == M) {
        result.add(i - j); // Pattern found at index i-j+1 (If you have to return 1 Based
                   // indexing, that's why added + 1)
        j = lps[j - 1];
      } else if (i < N && pat.charAt(j) != txt.charAt(i)) {
        if (j != 0) {
          j = lps[j - 1];
        } else {

    return result;

  private int lowerBound(List<Integer> list, int target) {
    int left = 0, right = list.size() - 1, result = list.size();

    while (left <= right) {
      int mid = left + (right - left) / 2;

      if (list.get(mid) >= target) {
        result = mid;
        right = mid - 1;
      } else {
        left = mid + 1;

    return result;

  public List<Integer> beautifulIndices(String s, String a, String b, int k) {
    int n = s.length();

    List<Integer> i_indices = KMP_codestorywithMIK(a, s);
    List<Integer> j_indices = KMP_codestorywithMIK(b, s);

    List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();

    for (int i : i_indices) {

      int left_limit = Math.max(0, i - k); // To avoid out of bound -> I used max(0, i-k)
      int right_limit
        = Math.min(n - 1, i + k); // To avoid out of bound -> I used min(n-1, i+k)

      int lowerBoundIndex = lowerBound(j_indices, left_limit);

      if (lowerBoundIndex < j_indices.size()
        && j_indices.get(lowerBoundIndex) <= right_limit) {

    return result;
class Solution {
  vector<int> beautifulIndices(string s, string patternA, string patternB, int k) {
    vector<int> beautifulIndicesA = kmpSearch(s, patternA);
    vector<int> beautifulIndicesB = kmpSearch(s, patternB);

    sort(beautifulIndicesB.begin(), beautifulIndicesB.end());

    vector<int> result;
    for (int indexA : beautifulIndicesA) {
      int left = lower_bound(beautifulIndicesB.begin(), beautifulIndicesB.end(), indexA - k) - beautifulIndicesB.begin();
      int right = lower_bound(beautifulIndicesB.begin(), beautifulIndicesB.end(), indexA + k + patternB.length()) - beautifulIndicesB.begin();

      left = (left >= 0) ? left : -(left + 1);
      right = (right >= 0) ? right : -(right + 1);

      for (int indexB = left; indexB < right; indexB++) {
        if (abs(beautifulIndicesB[indexB] - indexA) <= k) {

    return result;

  vector<int> kmpSearch(string text, string pattern) {
    vector<int> indices;
    vector<int> pi = computePrefixFunction(pattern);

    int q = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
      while (q > 0 && pattern[q] != text[i]) {
        q = pi[q - 1];
      if (pattern[q] == text[i]) {
      if (q == pattern.length()) {
        indices.push_back(i - q + 1);
        q = pi[q - 1];

    return indices;

  vector<int> computePrefixFunction(string pattern) {
    int m = pattern.length();
    vector<int> pi(m, 0);
    int k = 0;
    for (int q = 1; q < m; q++) {
      while (k > 0 && pattern[k] != pattern[q]) {
        k = pi[k - 1];
      if (pattern[k] == pattern[q]) {
      pi[q] = k;
    return pi;
func beautifulIndices(s string, a string, b string, k int) []int {

  s_len := len(s)
  a_len := len(a)
  b_len := len(b)

  final := make([]int, 0)
  lps_a := make([]int, a_len)
  lps_b := make([]int, b_len)
  a_index := make([]int, 0)
  b_index := make([]int, 0)

  var pat func(lps []int, s_l int, pattern string)

  pat = func(lps []int, s_l int, pattern string) {

    l := 0
    lps[0] = 0
    i := 1

    for i < s_l {
      if pattern[i] == pattern[l] {
        lps[i] = l
      } else {
        if l != 0 {
          l = lps[l-1]
        } else {
          lps[i] = l

  pat(lps_a, a_len, a)
  pat(lps_b, b_len, b)

  var kmp func(pat string, pat_l int, lps []int, index *[]int)

  kmp = func(pat string, pat_l int, lps []int, index *[]int) {
    i := 0
    j := 0
    for s_len-i >= pat_l-j {
      if s[i] == pat[j] {
      if j == pat_l {
        *index = append(*index, i-pat_l)
        j = lps[j-1]
      } else if s[i] != pat[j] {
        if j != 0 {
          j = lps[j-1]
        } else {

  kmp(a, a_len, lps_a, &a_index)
  kmp(b, b_len, lps_b, &b_index)

  // fmt.Println(a_index, b_index)

  i := 0
  j := 0

  for i < len(a_index) && j < len(b_index) {
    if a_index[i]+k >= b_index[j] && a_index[i]-k <= b_index[j] {
      final = append(final, a_index[i])
    } else if a_index[i]-k > b_index[j] {
    } else {

  return final

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