- Debugging/Logging - 飞行日志分析
- Debugging/Logging - ULog文件格式
- 教程
- 教程 - 地面站
- 教程 - 编写应用程序
- 教程 - QGC的视频流
- 教程 - 远距离视频流
- 教程 - u-blox M8P RTK
- 新手上路
- 新手上路 - 初始设置
- 新手上路 - 安装工具链
- 安装工具链 - Mac OS
- 安装工具链 - Linux
- Linux - Advanced Linux
- 安装工具链 - Windows
- 新手上路 - Fast RTPS installation
- 新手上路 - 代码编译
- 新手上路 - 高级配置
- 新手上路 - 贡献& 开发者电话会议
- 贡献& 开发者电话会议 - GIT例程
- 贡献& 开发者电话会议 - Documentation
- 新手上路 - Licenses
- 概念解读
- 概念解读 - 飞行模式
- 概念解读 - 结构概述
- 概念解读 - 飞行控制栈
- 概念解读 - 中间件
- 概念解读 - 混控和执行器
- 概念解读 - PWM限制状态机
- Hardware
- Hardware - 自驾仪硬件
- 机型 - 统一的基础代码
- 机型 - 参考机型
- 机型 - 添加一个新的机型
- Data Links - SiK Radio
- Data Links - Wifi数传
- Data Links - 数传
- I2C总线 - SF1XX lidar
- 传感器和执行机构总线 - UAVCAN总线
- UAVCAN总线 - UAVCAN Bootloader
- UAVCAN总线 - UAVCAN 的各种笔记
- 传感器和执行机构总线 - UART
- UART - uLanding Radar
- 传感器和执行机构总线 - 设置云台控制
- 传感器和执行机构总线 - 相机触发器
- Hardware - 协同电脑
- 仿真
- 仿真 - 基本仿真
- 仿真 - Gazebo仿真
- 仿真 - HITL仿真
- 仿真 - 连接到ROS
- 仿真 - AirSim仿真
- 仿真 - 多机仿真
- 中间件及架构
- 中间件及架构 - uORB消息机制
- 中间件及架构 - MAVLink消息机制
- 中间件及架构 - 守护程序
- 中间件及架构 - 驱动框架
- 模块 & 命令
- 模块 & 命令 - 命令
- 模块 & 命令 - 通信
- 模块 & 命令 - 驱动
- 模块 & 命令 - 系统
- Robotics
- Robotics - 用Linux进行外部控制
- Robotics - ROS
- ROS - 在RPi上安装ROS
- ROS - MAVROS外部控制例程
- ROS - 外部位置估计
- ROS - Gazebo Octomap
- Robotics - DroneKit
- Debugging/Logging
- Debugging/Logging - FAQ
- Debugging/Logging - 系统控制台
- Debugging/Logging - 自驾仪调试
- Debugging/Logging - Sensor/Topic Debugging
- Debugging/Logging - 仿真调试
- Debugging/Logging - System-wide Replay
- Debugging/Logging - 发送调试的值
- Debugging/Logging - Profiling
- Debugging/Logging - 日志记录
- 教程 - 光流
- 教程 - ecl EKF
- 教程 - 飞行前检查
- 教程 - 着陆检测
- 教程 - Linux系统下使用S.Bus驱动
- Advanced Topics
- Advanced Topics - 系统启动
- Advanced Topics - 参数&配置
- Advanced Topics - 参考参数
- Advanced Topics - 安装Intel RealSense R200的驱动
- Advanced Topics - 切换状态估计器
- Advanced Topics - 外部模块
- Advanced Topics - STM32 Bootloader
- 测试和持续集成
- 测试和持续集成 - 持续集成
- 测试和持续集成 - Jenkins持续集成环境
- 测试和持续集成 - 综合测试
- 测试和持续集成 - Docker容器
- 测试和持续集成 - 维护
教程 - 光流
translated_page: https://github.com/PX4/Devguide/blob/master/en/tutorials/optical_flow.md
translated_sha: 95b39d747851dd01c1fe5d36b24e59ec865e323e
Optical Flow uses a downward facing camera and a downward facing distance sensor for position estimation. Optical Flow based navigation is supported by all three estimators: EKF2, LPE and INAV (see below).
As mentioned above, an Optical Flow setup requires a downward facing camera which publishes to the OPTICAL_FLOW_RAD
topic and a distance sensor (preferably a LiDAR) publishing messages to the DISANCE_SENSOR
The output of the flow has to be as follows
Moving direction of the MAV | Integrated flow |
Forwards | + Y |
Backwards | - Y |
Right | - X |
Left | + X |
And for pure rotations, the integraded_xgyro and integraded_x (respectively integraded_ygyro and integraded_y) have to be the same.
An exemplary setup is the PX4Flow and LIDAR-Lite (see picture).
The easiest way to calculate the optical flow is to use the PX4Flow board. In order to use the PX4Flow board, just connect it with I2C. The recommended way of mounting it is with the Sonar side facing forwards (see image). In this configuration the parameter SENS_FLOW_ROT
should be 270 degrees (which is the default). Make sure the the PX4Flow board is well dampened.
In order to ensure good optical flow quality, it is important to focus the camera on the PX4Flow to the desired height of flight. To focus the camera, put an object with text on (e. g. a book) and plug in the PX4Flow into USB and run QGroundControl. Under the settings menu, select the PX4Flow and you should see a camera image. Focus the lens by unscrewing the set screw and loosening and tightening the lens to find where it is in focus.
It is also possible to use a board/quad that has an integrated camera (Bebop2, Snapdragon Flight). For this the Optical Flow repo can be used (see also snap_cam).
Range Finder
We recommend using a LIDAR over a Sonar, because of robustness and accuracy. One possibility is the LIDAR-Lite.
Extended Kalman Filter (EKF2)
In order to use the EKF2 estimator, make sure the parameter SYS_MC_EST_GROUP
is set to 2
and reboot. For Optical Flow fusion, the parameter EKF2_AID_MASK
has to be set accordingly.
Local Position Estimator (LPE)
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