- 基础篇
- 进阶篇
- 其他篇
NumPy 参考手册
- 数组对象
- 常量
- 通函数(ufunc)
- 常用 API
- 创建数组
- 数组处理程序
- 二进制运算
- 字符串操作
- C-Types 外部函数接口(numpy.ctypeslib)
- 时间日期相关
- 数据类型相关
- 可选的 Scipy 加速支持(numpy.dual)
- 具有自动域的数学函数( numpy.emath)
- 浮点错误处理
- 离散傅立叶变换(numpy.fft)
- 财金相关
- 实用的功能
- 特殊的 NumPy 帮助功能
- 索引相关
- 输入和输出
- 线性代数(numpy.linalg)
- 逻辑函数
- 操作掩码数组
- 数学函数(Mathematical functions)
- 矩阵库 (numpy.matlib)
- 杂项(Miscellaneous routines)
- 填充数组(Padding Arrays)
- 多项式(Polynomials)
- 随机抽样 (numpy.random)
- 操作集合(Set routines)
- 排序,搜索和计数(Sorting, searching, and counting)
- Statistics
- Test Support (numpy.testing)
- Window functions
- 打包(numpy.distutils)
- NumPy Distutils 用户指南
- NumPy C-API
- NumPy 的内部
- NumPy 和 SWIG
一份给 NumPy/SciPy 的文档做贡献的指南
将Sphinxopen in new window与numpy约定结合使用时,应使用numpydoc
扩展名,以便正确处理文档字符串。例如,Sphinx Parameters
将从您的docstring中提取该 部分并将其转换为字段列表。使用numpydoc
像sphinx期望在文档字符串中找到的节标题(例如)之类的numpy docstring约定时产生的reStructuredText错误。
本文档中描述的某些功能需要最新版本的 numpydoc
0.6 加入 。
请注意,对于numpy中的文档,没有必要 在示例的开头进行。但是,某些子模块(例如,默认情况下不会导入),您必须明确包含它们:import numpy as np
import numpy.fft
为方便起见, 下面包含格式标准open in new window 和示例
numpydoc docstring指南
本文档描述了与Sphinxopen in new window的numpydoc扩展一起使用的文档字符串的语法和最佳实践。
本文档中描述的某些功能需要最新版本的 numpydoc
0.6 加入。
- pylint的open in new window
- pyflakesopen in new window
- pep8.pyopen in new window
- flake8open in new window
- vim-flake8open in new window插件,用于使用flake8自动检查语法和样式
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
"""This is the form of a docstring.
It can be spread over several lines.
NumPy,SciPyopen in new window和scikits遵循文档字符串的通用约定,提供一致性,同时还允许我们的工具链生成格式良好的参考指南。本文档描述了当前社区对此类标准的共识。如果您有改进建议,请将它们发布在numpy-discussion列表中open in new window。
我们的docstring标准使用重新结构化文本(reST)open in new window语法,并使用Sphinxopen in new window(一种了解我们正在使用的特定文档样式的预处理器)open in new window呈现。虽然可以使用丰富的标记集,但我们将自己限制在一个非常基本的子集中,以便提供在纯文本终端上易于阅读的文档字符串。
一个指导原则是文本的人类读者优先于扭曲文档字符串,因此我们的工具产生了良好的输出。我们编写了预处理器来帮助Sphinxopen in new window完成任务,而不是牺牲文档字符串的可读性。
Short summary
A one-line summary that does not use variable names or the function name, e.g.
def add(a, b): """The sum of two numbers. """
The function signature is normally found by introspection and displayed by the help function. For some functions (notably those written in C) the signature is not available, so we have to specify it as the first line of the docstring:
""" add(a, b) The sum of two numbers. """
Deprecation warning
A section (use if applicable) to warn users that the object is deprecated. Section contents should include:
- In what NumPy version the object was deprecated, and when it will be removed.
- Reason for deprecation if this is useful information (e.g., object is superseded, duplicates functionality found elsewhere, etc.).
- New recommended way of obtaining the same functionality.
This section should use the
Sphinx directive instead of an underlined section header... deprecated:: 1.6.0 `ndobj_old` will be removed in NumPy 2.0.0, it is replaced by `ndobj_new` because the latter works also with array subclasses.
Extended Summary
A few sentences giving an extended description. This section should be used to clarify functionality, not to discuss implementation detail or background theory, which should rather be explored in the Notes section below. You may refer to the parameters and the function name, but parameter descriptions still belong in the Parameters section.
Description of the function arguments, keywords and their respective types.
Parameters ---------- x : type Description of parameter `x`. y Description of parameter `y` (with type not specified)
Enclose variables in single backticks. The colon must be preceded by a space, or omitted if the type is absent.
For the parameter types, be as precise as possible. Below are a few examples of parameters and their types.
Parameters ---------- filename : str copy : bool dtype : data-type iterable : iterable object shape : int or tuple of int files : list of str
If it is not necessary to specify a keyword argument, use optional:
x : int, optional
Optional keyword parameters have default values, which are displayed as part of the function signature. They can also be detailed in the description:
Description of parameter `x` (the default is -1, which implies summation over all axes).
When a parameter can only assume one of a fixed set of values, those values can be listed in braces, with the default appearing first:
order : {'C', 'F', 'A'} Description of `order`.
When two or more input parameters have exactly the same type, shape and description, they can be combined:
x1, x2 : array_like Input arrays, description of `x1`, `x2`.
Explanation of the returned values and their types. Similar to the Parameters section, except the name of each return value is optional. The type of each return value is always required:
Returns ------- int Description of anonymous integer return value.
If both the name and type are specified, the Returns section takes the same form as the Parameters section:
Returns ------- err_code : int Non-zero value indicates error code, or zero on success. err_msg : str or None Human readable error message, or None on success. Yields
Explanation of the yielded values and their types. This is relevant to generators only. Similar to the Returns section in that the name of each value is optional, but the type of each value is always required:
Yields ------ int Description of the anonymous integer return value.
If both the name and type are specified, the Yields section takes the same form as the Returns section:
Yields ------ err_code : int Non-zero value indicates error code, or zero on success. err_msg : str or None Human readable error message, or None on success.
Support for the Yields section was added in numpydocopen in new window version 0.6.
Explanation of parameters passed to a generator’s
method, formatted as for Parameters, above. Since, like for Yields and Returns, a single object is always passed to the method, this may describe either the single parameter, or positional arguments passed as a tuple. If a docstring includes Receives it must also include Yields.Other Parameters
An optional section used to describe infrequently used parameters. It should only be used if a function has a large number of keyword parameters, to prevent cluttering the Parameters section.
An optional section detailing which errors get raised and under what conditions:
Raises ------ LinAlgException If the matrix is not numerically invertible.
This section should be used judiciously, i.e., only for errors that are non-obvious or have a large chance of getting raised.
An optional section detailing which warnings get raised and under what conditions, formatted similarly to Raises.
An optional section with cautions to the user in free text/reST.
See Also
An optional section used to refer to related code. This section can be very useful, but should be used judiciously. The goal is to direct users to other functions they may not be aware of, or have easy means of discovering (by looking at the module docstring, for example). Routines whose docstrings further explain parameters used by this function are good candidates.
As an example, for
we would have:See Also -------- average : Weighted average
When referring to functions in the same sub-module, no prefix is needed, and the tree is searched upwards for a match.
Prefix functions from other sub-modules appropriately. E.g., whilst documenting the random module, refer to a function in fft by
fft.fft2 : 2-D fast discrete Fourier transform
When referring to an entirely different module:
scipy.random.norm : Random variates, PDFs, etc.
Functions may be listed without descriptions, and this is preferable if the functionality is clear from the function name:
See Also -------- func_a : Function a with its description. func_b, func_c_, func_d func_e
An optional section that provides additional information about the code, possibly including a discussion of the algorithm. This section may include mathematical equations, written in LaTeXopen in new window format:
The FFT is a fast implementation of the discrete Fourier transform: .. math:: X(e^{j\omega } ) = x(n)e^{ - j\omega n}
Equations can also be typeset underneath the math directive:
The discrete-time Fourier time-convolution property states that .. math:: x(n) * y(n) \Leftrightarrow X(e^{j\omega } )Y(e^{j\omega } )\\ another equation here
Math can furthermore be used inline, i.e.
The value of :math:`\omega` is larger than 5.
Variable names are displayed in typewriter font, obtained by using
:We square the input parameter `alpha` to obtain :math:`\mathtt{alpha}^2`.
Note that LaTeX is not particularly easy to read, so use equations sparingly.
Images are allowed, but should not be central to the explanation; users viewing the docstring as text must be able to comprehend its meaning without resorting to an image viewer. These additional illustrations are included using:
.. image:: filename
where filename is a path relative to the reference guide source directory.
References cited in the notes section may be listed here, e.g. if you cited the article below using the text
, include it as in the list as follows:.. [1] O. McNoleg, "The integration of GIS, remote sensing, expert systems and adaptive co-kriging for environmental habitat modelling of the Highland Haggis using object-oriented, fuzzy-logic and neural-network techniques," Computers & Geosciences, vol. 22, pp. 585-588, 1996.
which renders as [1]:
O. McNoleg, “The integration of GIS, remote sensing, expert systems and adaptive co-kriging for environmental habitat modelling of the Highland Haggis using object-oriented, fuzzy-logic and neural-network techniques,” Computers & Geosciences, vol. 22, pp. 585-588, 1996.
Referencing sources of a temporary nature, like web pages, is discouraged. References are meant to augment the docstring, but should not be required to understand it. References are numbered, starting from one, in the order in which they are cited.
References will break tables
Where references like [1] appear in a tables within a numpydoc docstring, the table markup will be broken by numpydoc processing. See numpydoc issue #130open in new window
An optional section for examples, using the doctestopen in new window format. This section is meant to illustrate usage, not to provide a testing framework – for that, use the
directory. While optional, this section is very strongly encouraged.When multiple examples are provided, they should be separated by blank lines. Comments explaining the examples should have blank lines both above and below them:
>>> np.add(1, 2) 3 Comment explaining the second example >>> np.add([1, 2], [3, 4]) array([4, 6])
The example code may be split across multiple lines, with each line after the first starting with ‘… ‘:
>>> np.add([[1, 2], [3, 4]], ... [[5, 6], [7, 8]]) array([[ 6, 8], [10, 12]])
For tests with a result that is random or platform-dependent, mark the output as such:
>>> import numpy.random >>> np.random.rand(2) array([ 0.35773152, 0.38568979]) #random
You can run examples as doctests using:
>>> np.test(doctests=True) >>> np.linalg.test(doctests=True) # for a single module
In IPython it is also possible to run individual examples simply by copy-pasting them in doctest mode:
In [1]: %doctest_mode Exception reporting mode: Plain Doctest mode is: ON >>> %paste import numpy.random np.random.rand(2) ## -- End pasted text -- array([ 0.8519522 , 0.15492887])
It is not necessary to use the doctest markup
to indicate empty lines in the output. Note that the option to run the examples throughnumpy.test
is provided for checking if the examples work, not for making the examples part of the testing framework.The examples may assume that
import numpy as np
is executed before the example code in numpy. Additional examples may make use of matplotlib for plotting, but should import it explicitly, e.g.,import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
. All other imports, including the demonstrated function, must be explicit.When matplotlib is imported in the example, the Example code will be wrapped in matplotlib’s Sphinx
plot directive <http://matplotlib.org/sampledoc/extensions.html>
_. When matplotlib is not explicitly imported, plot:: can be used directly if matplotlib.sphinxext.plot_directive is loaded as a Sphinx extension inconf.py
Documenting 类
使用与上面相同的部分(除了 Returns
之外的所有部分都适用)。 此处还应记录 constructor(init),docstring 的 Parameters 部分详细说明了构造函数参数。
位于 参数 部分下方的 属性 部分可用于描述类的非方法属性:
x : float
The X coordinate.
y : float
The Y coordinate.
x : float
The X coordinate
y : float
The Y coordinate
class Photo(ndarray):
Array with associated photographic information.
exposure : float
Exposure in seconds.
Represent the photo in the given colorspace.
Change the photo's gamma exposure.
需要注意的是 自我 的 不 列为方法的第一个参数。
像任何其他功能一样记录这些。不要包含 self
在参数列表中。如果方法具有等效函数(例如,许多ndarray方法就是这种情况),则函数docstring应该包含详细的文档,而docstring方法应该引用它。仅提供简要摘要,另请参阅方法docstring中的部分。该方法应根据需要使用“ **退货”**或“ **收益”**部分。
属于NumPy API的类的实例(例如 np.r_
np,c_ , np.index_exp 等)可能需要一些小心。要为这些实例提供有用的文档字符串,我们执行以下操作:
- 单实例:如果只公开一个类的实例,请记录该类。示例可以使用实例名称。
- 多个实例:如果公开了多个实例,则会
在运行时写入每个实例的文档字符串并将其分配给实例的 属性。该类按常规进行记录,并且可以在Notes和See Also 部分中提及公开的实例。
应记录发电机,就像记录功能一样。唯一的区别是,应该使用Yields部分而不是Returns部分。numpydocopen in new window版本0.6中添加了对Yields部分的 支持。open in new window
1. summary
2. extended summary (optional)
3. see also (optional)
4. references (optional)
5. examples (optional)
1. summary
2. extended summary
3. routine listings
4. see also
5. notes
6. references
7. examples
dict 来很好地概述所有功能。
- 等式:如上面的注释部分所述,LaTeX格式应保持最小。通常可以将方程式显示为Python代码或伪代码,这在终端中更易读。对于内联显示器,请使用双反键(如)。要在上方和下方显示空行,请使用双冒号并缩进代码,例如:
y = np.sin(x)
end of previous sentence::
y = np.sin(x)
- 注释和警告:如果文档字符串中的某些点值得特别强调,则可以在警告的上下文附近(部分内部)使用注释或警告的reST指令。句法:
.. warning:: Warning text.
.. note:: Note text.
- array_like:对于带有不仅可以有 ndarray 类型的参数的函数,还有可以转换为ndarray的类型(即标量类型,序列类型),可以使用 array_like 类型记录这些参数。
- 链接:如果您需要在docstring中包含超链接,请注意某些文档字符串部分未被解析为标准reST,并且在这些部分中,numpydoc可能会被超链接目标混淆,例如:
.. _Example: http://www.example.com
如果Sphinx构建发出表单警告 ,那就是正在发生的事情。要避免此问题,请使用内联超链接表单:WARNING: Unknown target name: "example"
`Example <http://www.example.com>`_
在此示例文档中open in new window可以找到更广泛的reST标记示例open in new window ; 该快速参考open in new window是编辑时非常有用。
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。