where 查询条件
SQL 中使用 where 可能会有一些不安全的动态参数传入或者一些复杂的 SQL 语句,但是 Medoo 提供非常简介和安全的方法来实现这些.
在基础使用中. 你可以使用一些符号对参数进行过滤
$database->select("account", "user_name", [ "email" => "foo@bar.com"]
// WHERE email = 'foo@bar.com'
$database->select("account", "user_name", [ "user_id" => 200]
// WHERE user_id = 200
$database->select("account", "user_name", [ "user_id[>]" => 200]
// WHERE user_id > 200
$database->select("account", "user_name", [ "user_id[>=]" => 200]
// WHERE user_id >= 200
$database->select("account", "user_name", [ "user_id[!]" => 200]
// WHERE user_id != 200
$database->select("account", "user_name", [ "age[]" => [200, 500]]
// WHERE age BETWEEN 200 AND 500
$database->select("account", "user_name", [ "age[> [200, 500]]);
// WHERE age NOT BETWEEN 200 AND 500
// [><] 和 [] 可以用于 datetime
$database->select("account", "user_name", [ "birthday[> [date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2015)), date("Y-m-d")]]);
//WHERE `birthday` BETWEEN '2015-01-01' AND '2017-01-16' (now)
// 你不仅可以使用字符串和数字,还可以使用数组
$database->select("account", "user_name", [ "OR" => [ "user_id" => [2, 123, 234, 54],
"email" => ["foo@bar.com", "cat@dog.com", "admin@medoo.in"]
// user_id IN (2,123,234,54) OR
// email IN ('foo@bar.com','cat@dog.com','admin@medoo.in')
// 多条件查询
$database->select("account", "user_name", [ "AND" => [ "user_name[!]" => "foo",
"user_id[!]" => 1024,
"email[!]" => ["foo@bar.com", "cat@dog.com", "admin@medoo.in"],
"city[!]" => null,
"promoted[!]" => true
// `user_name` != 'foo' AND
// `user_id` != 1024 AND
// `email` NOT IN ('foo@bar.com','cat@dog.com','admin@medoo.in') AND
// `city` IS NOT NULL// `promoted` != 1
// 或者嵌套 select() ak get() 方法
$database->select("account", "user_name", [ "user_id" => $database->select("post", "user_id", ["comments[>]" => 40])]
// WHERE user_id IN (2, 51, 321, 3431)
你可以使用"AND" 或 "OR" 来拼接非常复杂的 SQL 语句
// 基础使用
$database->select("account", "user_name", [ "AND" => [ "user_id[>]" => 200,
"age[]" => [18, 25],
"gender" => "female"
// WHERE user_id > 200 AND age BETWEEN 18 AND 25 AND gender = 'female'
$database->select("account", "user_name", [ "OR" => [ "user_id[>]" => 200,
"age[]" => [18, 25],
"gender" => "female"
// WHERE user_id > 200 OR age BETWEEN 18 AND 25 OR gender = 'female'
// 复合条件
$database->has("account", [ "AND" => [ "OR" => [ "user_name" => "foo",
"email" => "foo@bar.com"
"password" => "12345"
// WHERE (user_name = 'foo' OR email = 'foo@bar.com') AND password = '12345'
// 注意// 因为 medoo 使用的是数组传参,所以下面这种用法是错误的。
$database->select("account", '*', [ "AND" => [ "OR" => [ "user_name" => "foo",
"email" => "foo@bar.com"
"OR" => [ "user_name" => "bar",
"email" => "bar@foo.com"
// [X] SELECT * FROM "account" WHERE ("user_name" = 'bar' OR "email" = 'bar@foo.com')
// 正确的方式是使用如下方式定义复合条件
$database->select("account", '*', [ "AND" => [ //实际应用时这儿可以使用 AND 或者 OR
"OR" => [ //第一个条件
"user_name" => "foo",
"email" => "foo@bar.com"
"OR" => [ //第二个条件
"user_name" => "bar",
"email" => "bar@foo.com"
// SELECT * FROM "account"
// WHERE (
// (
// "user_name" = 'foo' OR "email" = 'foo@bar.com'
// )
// AND
// (
// "user_name" = 'bar' OR "email" = 'bar@foo.com'
// )
// )
模糊匹配 like
LIKE 使用语法 [~] .
// 默认情况下,使用%在前后包含关键词
$database->select("person", "id", [ "city[~]" => "lon"]
WHERE "city" LIKE '%lon%'
// 数组形式,查询多个关键词
$database->select("person", "id", [ "city[~]" => ["lon", "foo", "bar"]]
WHERE "city" LIKE '%lon%' OR "city" LIKE '%foo%' OR "city" LIKE '%bar%'
// 不包含 [!~]$database->select("person", "id", [ "city[!~]" => "lon"]
WHERE "city" NOT LIKE '%lon%'
// 使用 SQL 自带的一些通配符
// 你可以使用 sql 自带的一些通配符来完成较复杂的查询
$database->select("person", "id", [ "city[~]" => "stan%"
// Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Türkmenistan]
$database->select("person", "id", [ "city[~]" => "Londo_" // London, Londox, Londos...]);
$database->select("person", "id", [ "name[~]" => "[BCR]at" // Bat, Cat, Rat]);
$database->select("person", "id", [ "name[~]" => "[!BCR]at" // Eat, Fat, Hat...]);
$database->select("account", "user_id", [ // Single condition
"ORDER" => "user_id",
// Multiple condition
"ORDER" => [
// Order by column with sorting by customized order.
"user_id" => [43, 12, 57, 98, 144, 1],
// Order by column
// Order by column with descending sorting
"profile_id" => "DESC",
// Order by column with ascending sorting
"date" => "ASC" ]]
// [MATCH]
$database->select("post_table", "post_id", [ "MATCH" => [ "columns" => ["content", "title"],
"keyword" => "foo"
// WHERE MATCH (content, title) AGAINST ('foo')
使用 SQL 函数
在一些特殊的情况下,你可能需要使用 SQL 系统函数,只需要字段名前加上#号即可
$data = $database->select('account', [ 'user_id', 'user_name'], [ '#datetime' => 'NOW()']
// SELECT "user_id","user_name"
// FROM "account"
// WHERE "datetime" = NOW()
// [IMPORTANT] Keep in mind that, the value will not be quoted should be matched as XXX() uppercase.
// The following sample will be failed.
$database->select('account', [ 'user_id', 'user_name'], [ '#datetime2' => 'now()',
'datetime3' => 'NOW()',
'#datetime4' => 'NOW']
$database->select("account", "user_id", [ "GROUP" => "type", // Must have to use it with GROUP together
"HAVING" => [ "user_id[>]" => 500
// LIMIT => 20
"LIMIT" => [20, 100]]
// SELECT user_id FROM account
// GROUP BY type
// HAVING user_id > 500
// LIMIT 20,100
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