- 1. Overview
- 1. 概述
- 2. Configuration
- 2. 配置方法
- 3. Operations execution
- 3. 程序接口调用方式
- 4. Data serialization
- 4. 数据序列化
- 5. Data partitioning(sharding)
- 5. 单个集合数据分片(Sharding)
- 5.1. Common operations over objects
- 6. Distributed objects
- 6. 分布式对象
- 7. Distributed collections
- 7. 分布式集合
- 8. Distributed locks and synchronizers
- 8. 分布式锁和同步器
- 9. Distributed services
- 9. 分布式服务
- 10. Additional features
- 10. 额外功能
- 11. Redis commands mapping
- 11. Redis 命令和 Redisson 对象匹配列表
- 12. Standalone node
- 12. 独立节点模式
- 13. Tools
- 13. 工具
- 14. Integration with frameworks
- 14. 第三方框架整合
- 15. Dependency list
- 15. 项目依赖列表
- 16. FAQ
- 16. Observability
11. Redis commands mapping
Redis or Valkey command | Sync / Async API Redisson.create(config) | Reactive API redisson.reactive() | RxJava3 API redisson.rxJava() |
AUTH | Config.setPassword() | - | - |
APPEND | RBinaryStream. getOutputStream().write() | - | - |
BZPOPMAX | RScoredSortedSet. pollLast() pollLastAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. pollLast() | RScoredSortedSetRx. pollLast() |
BZPOPMIN | RScoredSortedSet. pollFirst() pollFirstAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. pollFirst() | RScoredSortedSetRx. pollFirst() |
BZMPOP | RScoredSortedSet. pollLast() pollLastAsync() pollLastFromAny() pollLastEntriesFromAny() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. pollLast() pollLastFromAny() pollLastEntriesFromAny() | RScoredSortedSetRx. pollLast() pollLastFromAny() pollLastEntriesFromAny() |
BITCOUNT | RBitSet. cardinality() cardinalityAsync() | RBitSetReactive. cardinality() | RBitSetRx. cardinality() |
BITOP | RBitSet. or() and() xor() orAsync() andAsync() xorAsync() | RBitSetReactive. or() and() xor() | RBitSetRx. or() and() xor() |
BITPOS | RBitSet. length() lengthAsync() | RBitSetReactive. length() | RBitSetRx. length() |
BITFIELD | RBitSet. getByte() setByte() incrementAndGetByte() getShort() getInteger() getLong() | RBitSetReactive. getByte() setByte() incrementAndGetByte() getShort() getInteger() getLong() | RBitSetRx. getByte() setByte() incrementAndGetByte() getShort() getInteger() getLong() |
BLMPOP | RBlockingQueue. pollLastFromAny() pollFirstFromAny() pollLastFromAnyAsync() pollFirstFromAnyAsync() | RBlockingQueueReactive. pollLastFromAny() pollFirstFromAny() | RBlockingQueueRx. pollLastFromAny() pollFirstFromAny() |
BLPOP | RBlockingQueue. take() poll() pollFromAny() takeAsync() pollAsync() pollFromAnyAsync() | RBlockingQueueReactive. take() poll() pollFromAny() | RBlockingQueueRx. take() poll() pollFromAny() |
BLMOVE | RBlockingDeque. move() moveAsync() | RBlockingDequeReactive. move() | RBlockingDequeRx. move() |
BRPOP | RBlockingDeque. takeLast() takeLastAsync() | RBlockingDequeReactive. takeLast() | RBlockingDequeRx. takeLast() |
BRPOPLPUSH | RBlockingQueue. pollLastAndOfferFirstTo() pollLastAndOfferFirstToAsync() | RBlockingQueueReactive. pollLastAndOfferFirstTo() | RBlockingQueueRx. pollLastAndOfferFirstTo() |
CONFIG GET | RedisNode. getConfig() getConfigAsync() | - | - |
CONFIG SET | RedisNode. setConfig() setConfigAsync() | - | - |
COPY | RObject. copy() copyAsync() | RObjectReactive. copy() | RObjectRx. copy() |
CLIENT SETNAME | Config.setClientName() | - | - |
CLIENT REPLY | BatchOptions.skipResult() | - | - |
CLIENT TRACKING | RBucket .addListener(TrackingListener) RStream .addListener(TrackingListener) RScoredSortedSet .addListener(TrackingListener) RSet .addListener(TrackingListener) RMap .addListener(TrackingListener) | RBucketReactive .addListener(TrackingListener) RStreamReactive .addListener(TrackingListener) RScoredSortedSetReactive .addListener(TrackingListener) RSetReactive .addListener(TrackingListener) RMapReactive .addListener(TrackingListener) | RBucketRx .addListener(TrackingListener) RStreamRx .addListener(TrackingListener) RScoredSortedSetRx .addListener(TrackingListener) RSetRx .addListener(TrackingListener) RMapRx .addListener(TrackingListener) |
CLUSTER INFO | ClusterNode.info() | - | - |
CLUSTER KEYSLOT | RKeys. getSlot() getSlotAsync() | RKeysReactive. getSlot() | RKeysRx. getSlot() |
CLUSTER NODES | Used in ClusterConnectionManager | ||
DECRBY | RAtomicLong. addAndGet() addAndGetAsync() | RAtomicLongReactive. addAndGet() | RAtomicLongRx. addAndGet() |
DUMP | RObject. dump() dumpAsync() | RObjectReactive. dump() | RObjectRx. dump() |
DBSIZE | RKeys. count() countAsync() | RKeysReactive. count() | RKeysRx.count() |
DECR | RAtomicLong. decrementAndGet() decrementAndGetAsync() | RAtomicLongReactive. decrementAndGet() | RAtomicLongRx. decrementAndGet() |
DEL | RObject. delete() deleteAsync() RKeys. | RObjectReactive. delete() RKeysReactive. | RObjectRx. delete() RKeysRx. |
STRLEN | RBucket. size() sizeAsync() | RBucketReactive. size() | RBucketRx. size() |
EVAL | RScript. eval() evalAsync() | RScriptReactive. eval() | RScriptRx. eval() |
EVALSHA | RScript. evalSha() evalShaAsync() | RScriptReactive. evalSha() | RScriptRx. evalSha() |
EXEC | RBatch. execute() executeAsync() | RBatchReactive. execute() | RBatchRx. execute() |
EXISTS | RObject. isExists() isExistsAsync() | RObjectReactive. isExists() | RObjectRx. isExists() |
FLUSHALL | RKeys. flushall() flushallAsync() | RKeysReactive. flushall() | RKeysRx. flushall() |
FLUSHDB | RKeys. flushdb() flushdbAsync() | RKeysReactive. flushdb() | RKeysRx. flushdb() |
GETRANGE | RBinaryStream. getChannel().read() | RBinaryStreamReactive. read() | RBinaryStreamRx. read() |
GEOADD | RGeo. add() addAsync() | RGeoReactive. add() | RGeoRx. add() |
GEODIST | RGeo. dist() distAsync() | RGeoReactive. dist() | RGeoRx. dist() |
GEOHASH | RGeo. hash() hashAsync() | RGeoReactive. hash() | RGeoRx. hash() |
GEOPOS | RGeo. pos() posAsync() | RGeoReactive. pos() | RGeoRx. pos() |
GEORADIUS | RGeo. radius() radiusAsync() radiusWithDistance() radiusWithDistanceAsync() radiusWithPosition() radiusWithPositionAsync() | RGeoReactive. radius() radiusWithDistance() radiusWithPosition() | RGeoRx. radius() radiusWithDistance() radiusWithPosition() |
GEOSEARCH | RGeo. search() searchAsync() | RGeoReactive. search() | RGeoRx. search() |
GEOSEARCHSTORE | RGeo. storeSearchTo() storeSearchToAsync() | RGeoReactive. storeSearchTo() | RGeoRx. storeSearchTo() |
GET | RBucket. get() getAsync() RBinaryStream. | RBucketReactive. get() RBinaryStreamReactive. | RBucketRx. get() RBinaryStreamRx. |
GETEX | RBucket. getAndExpire() getAndExpireAsync() getAndClearExpire() getAndClearExpireAsync() | RBucketReactive. getAndExpire() getAndClearExpire() | RBucketRx. getAndExpire() getAndClearExpire() |
GETBIT | RBitSet. get() getAsync() | RBitSetReactive. get() | RBitSetRx. get() |
GETSET | RBucket. getAndSet() getAndSetAsync() RAtomicLong. RAtomicDouble. | RBucketReactive. getAndSet() RAtomicLongReactive. RAtomicDoubleReactive. | RBucketRx. getAndSet() RAtomicLongRx. RAtomicDoubleRx. |
HDEL | RMap. fastRemove() fastRemoveAsync() | RMapReactive. fastRemove() | RMapRx. fastRemove() |
HEXISTS | RMap. containsKey() containsKeyAsync() | RMapReactive. containsKey() | RMapRx. containsKey() |
HGET | RMap. get() getAsync() | RMapReactive. get() | RMapRx. get() |
HSTRLEN | RMap. valueSize() valueSizeAsync() | RMapReactive. valueSize() | RMapRx. valueSize() |
HGETALL | RMap. readAllEntrySet() readAllEntrySetAsync() | RMapReactive. readAllEntrySet() | RMapRx. readAllEntrySet() |
HINCRBY | RMap. addAndGet() addAndGetAsync() | RMapReactive. addAndGet() | RMapRx. addAndGet() |
HINCRBYFLOAT | RMap. addAndGet() addAndGetAsync() | RMapReactive. addAndGet() | RMapRx. addAndGet() |
HKEYS | RMap. readAllKeySet() readAllKeySetAsync() | RMapReactive. readAllKeySet() | RMapRx. readAllKeySet() |
HLEN | RMap. size() sizeAsync() | RMapReactive. size() | RMapRx. size() |
HMGET | RMap. getAll() getAllAsync() | RMapReactive. getAll() | RMapRx. getAll() |
HMSET | RMap. putAll() putAllAsync() | RMapReactive. putAll() | RMapRx. putAll() |
HRANDFIELD | RMap. putAll() putAllAsync() | RMapReactive. putAll() | RMapRx. putAll() |
HSCAN | RMap. keySet().iterator() values().iterator() entrySet().iterator() | RMapReactive. keyIterator() valueIterator() entryIterator() | RMapRx. keyIterator() valueIterator() entryIterator() |
HSET | RMap. randomEntries() randomKeys() randomEntriesAsync() randomKeysAsync() | RMapReactive. randomEntries() randomKeys() | RMapRx. randomEntries() randomKeys() |
HSETNX | RMap. fastPutIfAbsent() fastPutIfAbsentAsync() | RMapReactive. fastPutIfAbsent() | RMapRx. fastPutIfAbsent() |
HVALS | RMap. readAllValues() readAllValuesAsync() | RMapReactive. readAllValues() | RMapRx. readAllValues() |
HPEXPIRE | RMapCacheNative. put() fastPut() putIfAbsent() fastPutIfAbsent() putAll() expireEntry() putAsync() fastPutAsync() putIfAbsentAsync() fastPutIfAbsentAsync() putAllAsync() expireEntryAsync() | RMapCacheNativeReactive. put() | RMapCacheNativeRx. put() |
HPEXPIREAT | RMapCacheNative. put() fastPut() putIfAbsent() fastPutIfAbsent() putAll() expireEntry() putAsync() fastPutAsync() putIfAbsentAsync() fastPutIfAbsentAsync() putAllAsync() expireEntryAsync() | RMapCacheNativeReactive. put() | RMapCacheNativeRx. put() |
HEXPIRE | RMapCacheNative. put() fastPut() putIfAbsent() fastPutIfAbsent() putAll() expireEntry() putAsync() fastPutAsync() putIfAbsentAsync() fastPutIfAbsentAsync() putAllAsync() expireEntryAsync() | RMapCacheNativeReactive. put() | RMapCacheNativeRx. put() |
HEXPIREAT | RMapCacheNative. put() fastPut() putIfAbsent() fastPutIfAbsent() putAll() expireEntry() putAsync() fastPutAsync() putIfAbsentAsync() fastPutIfAbsentAsync() putAllAsync() expireEntryAsync() | RMapCacheNativeReactive. put() | RMapCacheNativeRx. put() |
HPERSIST | RMapCacheNative. clearExpire() clearExpireAsync() | RMapCacheNativeReactive. clearExpire() | RMapCacheNativeRx. clearExpire() |
HPTTL | RMapCacheNative. remainTimeToLive() remainTimeToLiveAsync() | RMapCacheNativeReactive. remainTimeToLive() | RMapCacheNativeRx. remainTimeToLive() |
INCR | RAtomicLong. incrementAndGet() incrementAndGetAsync() | RAtomicLongReactive. incrementAndGet() | RAtomicLongRx. incrementAndGet() |
INCRBY | RAtomicLong. addAndGet() addAndGetAsync() | RAtomicLongReactive. addAndGet() | RAtomicLongRx. addAndGet() |
INCRBYFLOAT | RAtomicDouble. addAndGet() addAndGetAsync() | RAtomicDoubleReactive. addAndGet() | RAtomicDoubleRx. addAndGet() |
JSON.ARRAPPEND | RJsonBucket. arrayAppend() arrayAppendAsync() | RJsonBucketReactive. arrayAppend() | RJsonBucketRx. arrayAppend() |
JSON.ARRINDEX | RJsonBucket. arrayIndex() arrayIndexAsync() | RJsonBucketReactive. arrayIndex() | RJsonBucketRx. arrayIndex() |
JSON.ARRINSERT | RJsonBucket. arrayInsert() arrayInsertAsync() | RJsonBucketReactive. arrayInsert() | RJsonBucketRx. arrayInsert() |
JSON.ARRLEN | RJsonBucket. arraySize() arraySizeAsync() | RJsonBucketReactive. arraySize() | RJsonBucketRx. arraySize() |
JSON.ARRPOP | RJsonBucket. arrayPollLast() arrayPollFirst() arrayPop() arrayPollLastAsync() arrayPollFirstAsync() arrayPopAsync() | RJsonBucketReactive. arrayPollLast() arrayPollFirst() arrayPop() | RJsonBucketRx. arrayPollLast() arrayPollFirst() arrayPop() |
JSON.ARRTRIM | RJsonBucket. arrayTrim() arrayTrimAsync() | RJsonBucketReactive. arrayTrim() | RJsonBucketRx. arrayTrim() |
JSON.CLEAR | RJsonBucket. clear() clearAsync() | RJsonBucketReactive. clear() | RJsonBucketRx. clear() |
JSON.GET | RJsonBucket. get() getAsync() | RJsonBucketReactive. get() | RJsonBucketRx. get() |
JSON.MERGE | RJsonBucket. merge() mergeAsync() | RJsonBucketReactive. merge() | RJsonBucketRx. merge() |
JSON.NUMINCRBY | RJsonBucket. incrementAndGet() incrementAndGetAsync() | RJsonBucketReactive. incrementAndGet() | RJsonBucketRx. incrementAndGet() |
JSON.OBJLEN | RJsonBucket. countKeys() countKeysAsync() | RJsonBucketReactive. countKeys() | RJsonBucketRx. countKeys() |
JSON.OBJKEYS | RJsonBucket. getKeys() getKeysAsync() | RJsonBucketReactive. getKeys() | RJsonBucketRx. getKeys() |
JSON.SET | RJsonBucket. set() setAsync() | RJsonBucketReactive. set() | RJsonBucketRx. set() |
JSON.STRAPPEND | RJsonBucket. stringAppend() stringAppendAsync() | RJsonBucketReactive. stringAppend() | RJsonBucketRx. stringAppend() |
JSON.STRLEN | RJsonBucket. stringSize() stringSizeAsync() | RJsonBucketReactive. stringSize() | RJsonBucketRx. stringSize() |
JSON.TOGGLE | RJsonBucket. toggle() toggleAsync() | RJsonBucketReactive. toggle() | RJsonBucketRx. toggle() |
JSON.TYPE | RJsonBucket. type() typeAsync() | RJsonBucketReactive. type() | RJsonBucketRx. type() |
KEYS | RKeys. getKeysByPattern() getKeysByPatternAsync() | RKeysReactive. getKeysByPattern() | RKeysRx. getKeysByPattern() |
LINDEX | RList. get() getAsync() | RListReactive. get() | RListRx. get() |
LLEN | RList. size() sizeAsync() | RListReactive. size() | RListRx. size() |
LMOVE | RDeque. move() moveAsync() | RDequeReactive. move() | RDequeRx. move() |
LPOP | RQueue. poll() pollAsync() | RQueueReactive. poll() | RQueueRx. poll() |
LPUSH | RDeque. addFirst() addFirstAsync() | RDequeReactive. addFirst() | |
LRANGE | RList. readAll() readAllAsync() | RListReactive.readAll() | RListRx.readAll() |
LPUSHX | RDeque. addFirstIfExists() addFirstIfExistsAsync() | RDequeReactive. addFirstIfExists() | RDequeRx. addFirstIfExists() |
LREM | RList. fastRemove() fastRemoveAsync() | RListReactive. fastRemove() | RListRx. fastRemove() |
LSET | RList. fastSet() fastSetAsync() | RListReactive. fastSet() | RListRx. fastSet() |
LTRIM | RList. trim() trimAsync() | RListReactive. trim() | RListRx. trim() |
LINSERT | RList. addBefore() addAfter() addBeforeAsync() addAfterAsync() | RListReactive. addBefore() addAfter() | RListRx. addBefore() addAfter() |
MULTI | RBatch. execute() executeAsync() | RBatchReactive. execute() | RBatchRx. execute() |
MGET | RBuckets. get() getAsync() | RBucketsReactive. get() | RBucketsRx. get() |
MSETNX | RBuckets. trySet() trySetAsync() | RBucketsReactive. trySet() | RBucketsRx. trySet() |
MIGRATE | RObject. migrate() migrateAsync() | RObjectReactive. migrate() | RObjectRx. migrate() |
MOVE | RObject. move() moveAsync() | RObjectReactive. move() | RObjectRx. move() |
MSET | RBuckets. set() setAsync() | RBucketsReactive. set() | RBucketsRx. set() |
PERSIST | RExpirable. clearExpire() clearExpireAsync() | RExpirableReactive. clearExpire() | RExpirableRx. clearExpire() |
PEXPIRE | RExpirable. expire() expireAsync() | RExpirableReactive. expire() | RExpirableRx. expire() |
PEXPIREAT | RExpirable. expireAt() expireAtAsync() | RExpirableReactive. expireAt() | RExpirableRx. expireAt() |
PEXPIRETIME | RExpirable. expireTime() expireTimeAsync() | RExpirableReactive. expireTime() | RExpirableRx. expireTime() |
PFADD | RHyperLogLog. add() addAsync() addAll() addAllAsync() | RHyperLogLogReactive. add() addAll() | RHyperLogLogRx. add() addAll() |
PFCOUNT | RHyperLogLog. count() countAsync() countWith() countWithAsync() | RHyperLogLogReactive. count() countWith() | RHyperLogLogRx. count() countWith() |
PFMERGE | RHyperLogLog. mergeWith() mergeWithAsync() | RHyperLogLogReactive. mergeWith() | RHyperLogLogRx. mergeWith() |
PING | Node.ping() NodesGroup.pingAll() | - | - |
PSUBSCRIBE | RPatternTopic. addListener() | RPatternTopicReactive. addListener() | RPatternTopicRx. addListener() |
PSETEX | RBucket. set() setAsync() | RBucketReactive. set() | RBucketRx. set() |
PTTL | RExpirable. remainTimeToLive() remainTimeToLiveAsync() | RExpirableReactive. remainTimeToLive() | RExpirableRx. remainTimeToLive() |
PUBLISH | RTopic. publish() | RTopicReactive. publish() | RTopicRx. publish() |
PUBSUB NUMSUB | RTopic. countSubscribers() countSubscribersAsync() | RTopicReactive. countSubscribers() | RTopicRx. countSubscribers() |
PUNSUBSCRIBE | RPatternTopic. removeListener() | RPatternTopicReactive. removeListener() | RPatternTopicRx. removeListener() |
RANDOMKEY | RKeys. randomKey() randomKeyAsync() | RKeysReactive. randomKey() | RKeysRx. randomKey() |
RESTORE | RObject. restore() restoreAsync() | RObjectReactive. restore() | RObjectRx. restore() |
RENAME | RObject. rename() renameAsync() | RObjectReactive. rename() | RObjectRx. rename() |
RPOP | RDeque. pollLast() removeLast() pollLastAsync() removeLastAsync() | RDequeReactive. pollLast() removeLast() | RDequeRx. pollLast() removeLast() |
RPOPLPUSH | RDeque. pollLastAndOfferFirstTo() pollLastAndOfferFirstToAsync() | RDequeReactive. pollLastAndOfferFirstTo() | RDequeRx. pollLastAndOfferFirstTo() |
RPUSH | RList. add() addAsync() | RListReactive. add() | RListRx. add() |
RPUSHX | RDeque. addLastIfExists() addLastIfExistsAsync() | RListReactive. addLastIfExists() | RListRx. addLastIfExists() |
SADD | RSet. add() addAsync() | RSetReactive. add() | RSetRx. add() |
SETRANGE | RBinaryStream. getChannel().write() | RBinaryStreamReactive. write() | RBinaryStreamRx. write() |
SCAN | RKeys. getKeys() | RKeysReactive. getKeys() | RKeysRx. getKeys() |
SCARD | RSet. size() sizeAsync() | RSetReactive. size() | RSetRx. size() |
SCRIPT EXISTS | RScript. scriptExists() scriptExistsAsync() | RScriptReactive. scriptExists() | RScriptRx. scriptExists() |
SCRIPT FLUSH | RScript. scriptFlush() scriptFlushAsync() | RScriptReactive. scriptFlush() | RScriptRx. scriptFlush() |
SCRIPT KILL | RScript. scriptKill() scriptKillAsync() | RScriptReactive. scriptKill() | RScriptRx. scriptKill() |
SCRIPT LOAD | RScript. scriptLoad() scriptLoadAsync() | RScriptReactive. scriptLoad() | RScriptRx. scriptLoad() |
SDIFFSTORE | RSet. diff() diffAsync() | RSetReactive. diff() | RSetRx. diff() |
SDIFF | RSet. readDiff() readDiffAsync() | RSetReactive. readDiff() | RSetRx. readDiff() |
SRANDMEMBER | RSet. random() randomAsync() | RSetReactive. random() | RSetRx. random() |
SELECT | Config.setDatabase() | - | - |
SET | RBucket. set() setAsync() | RBucketReactive. set() | RBucketRx. set() |
SETBIT | RBitSet. set() clear() setAsync() clearAsync() | RBitSetReactive. set() clear() | RBitSetRx. set() clear() |
SETEX | RBucket. set() setAsync() | RBucketReactive. set() | RBucketRx. set() |
SETNX | RBucket. setIfAbsent() setIfAbsentAsync() | RBucketReactive. setIfAbsent() | RBucketRx. setIfAbsent() |
SISMEMBER | RSet. contains() containsAsync() | RSetReactive. contains() | RSetRx. contains() |
SINTERSTORE | RSet. intersection() intersectionAsync() | RSetReactive. intersection() | RSetRx. intersection() |
SINTER | RSet. readIntersection() readIntersectionAsync() | RSetReactive. readIntersection() | RSetRx. readIntersection() |
SMEMBERS | RSet. readAll() readAllAsync() | RSetReactive. readAll() | RSetRx. readAll() |
SMOVE | RSet. move() moveAsync() | RSetReactive. move() | RSetRx. move() |
SORT | RList. readSort() sortTo() readSortAsync() sortToAsync() | RListReactive. readSort() sortTo() | RListRx. readSort() sortTo() |
SPOP | RSet. removeRandom() removeRandomAsync() | RSetReactive. removeRandom() | RSetRx. removeRandom() |
SREM | RSet. remove() removeAsync() | RSetReactive. remove() | RSetRx. remove() |
SSCAN | RSet. iterator() | RSetReactive. iterator() | RSetRx. iterator() |
SUBSCRIBE | RTopic. addListener() | RTopicReactive. addListener() | RTopicRx. addListener() |
SUNION | RSet. readUnion() readUnionAsync() | RSetReactive. readUnion() | RSetRx. readUnion() |
SUNIONSTORE | RSet. union() unionAsync() | RSetReactive. union() | RSetRx. union() |
SWAPDB | RKeys. swapdb() swapdbAsync() | RKeysReactive. swapdb() | RKeysRx. swapdb() |
TTL | RExpirable. remainTimeToLive() remainTimeToLiveAsync() | RExpirableReactive. remainTimeToLive() | RExpirableRx. remainTimeToLive() |
TYPE | RKeys. getType() getTypeAsync() | RKeysReactive. getType() | RKeysRx. getType() |
TOUCH | RObject. touch() touchAsync() | RObjectReactive. touch() | RObjectRx. touch() |
UNSUBSCRIBE | RTopic. removeListener() | RTopicReactive. removeListener() | RTopicRx. removeListener() |
UNLINK | RObject. unlink() unlinkAsync() | RObjectReactive. unlink() | RObjectRx. unlink() |
WAIT | BatchOptions. sync() | BatchOptions. sync() | BatchOptions. sync() |
WAITAOF | BatchOptions. syncAOF() | BatchOptions. syncAOF() | BatchOptions. syncAOF() |
ZADD | RScoredSortedSet. add() addAsync() addAll() addAllAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. add() addAll() | RScoredSortedSetRx. add() addAll() |
ZCARD | RScoredSortedSet. size() sizeAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. size() | RScoredSortedSetRx. size() |
ZCOUNT | RScoredSortedSet. count() countAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. count() | RScoredSortedSetRx. count() |
ZDIFF | RScoredSortedSet. readDiff() readDiffAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. readDiff() | RScoredSortedSetRx. readDiff() |
ZDIFFSTORE | RScoredSortedSet. diff() diffAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. diff() | RScoredSortedSetRx. diff() |
ZINCRBY | RScoredSortedSet. addScore() addScoreAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. addScore() | RScoredSortedSetRx. addScore() |
ZINTER | RScoredSortedSet. readIntersection() readIntersectionAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. readIntersection() | RScoredSortedSetRx. readIntersection() |
ZREMRANGEBYRANK | RScoredSortedSet. removeRangeByRank() removeRangeByRankAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. removeRangeByRank() | RScoredSortedSetRx. removeRangeByRank() |
ZREVRANGEBYLEX | RLexSortedSet. rangeReversed() rangeReversedAsync() | RLexSortedSetReactive. rangeReversed() | RLexSortedSetSetRx. rangeReversed() |
ZLEXCOUNT | RLexSortedSet. lexCount() lexCountHead() lexCountTail() lexCountAsync() lexCountHeadAsync() lexCountTailAsync() | RLexSortedSetReactive. lexCount() lexCountHead() lexCountTail() | RLexSortedSetRx. lexCount() lexCountHead() lexCountTail() |
ZRANGE | RScoredSortedSet. valueRange() valueRangeAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. valueRange() | RScoredSortedSetRx. valueRange() |
ZRANDMEMBER | RScoredSortedSet. random() randomAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. random() | RScoredSortedSetRx. random() |
ZREVRANGE | RScoredSortedSet. valueRangeReversed() valueRangeReversedAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. valueRangeReversed() | RScoredSortedSetRx. valueRangeReversed() |
ZUNION | RScoredSortedSet. readUnion() readUnionAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. readUnion() | RScoredSortedSetRx. readUnion() |
ZUNIONSTORE | RScoredSortedSet. union() unionAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. union() | RScoredSortedSetRx. union() |
ZINTERSTORE | RScoredSortedSet. intersection() intersectionAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. intersection() | RScoredSortedSetRx. intersection() |
ZPOPMAX | RScoredSortedSet. pollLast() pollLastAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. pollLast() | RScoredSortedSetRx. pollLast() |
ZPOPMIN | RScoredSortedSet. pollFirst() pollFirstAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. pollFirst() | RScoredSortedSetRx. pollFirst() |
ZMPOP | RScoredSortedSet. pollFirstEntriesFromAny() pollFirstEntriesFromAnyAsync() pollLastFromAny() pollLastFromAnyAsync() pollFirstFromAny() pollFirstFromAnyAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. pollFirstEntriesFromAny() pollLastFromAny() pollFirstFromAny() | RScoredSortedSetRx. pollFirstEntriesFromAny() pollLastFromAny() pollFirstFromAny() |
ZRANGEBYLEX | RLexSortedSet. range() rangeHead() rangeTail() rangeAsync() rangeHeadAsync() rangeTailAsync() | RLexSortedSetReactive. range() rangeHead() rangeTail() | RLexSortedSetRx. range() rangeHead() rangeTail() |
ZRANGEBYSCORE | RScoredSortedSet. valueRange() entryRange() valueRangeAsync() entryRangeAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. valueRange() entryRange() | RScoredSortedSetRx. valueRange() entryRange() |
TIME | RedissonClient. getNodesGroup(). getNode().time() getClusterNodesGroup(). getNode().time() | - | - |
ZRANK | RScoredSortedSet. rank() rankAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. rank() | RScoredSortedSetRx. rank() |
ZREM | RScoredSortedSet. remove() removeAll() removeAsync() removeAllAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. remove() removeAll() | RScoredSortedSetRx. remove() removeAll() |
ZREMRANGEBYLEX | RLexSortedSet. removeRange() removeRangeHead() removeRangeTail() removeRangeAsync() removeRangeHeadAsync() removeRangeTailAsync() | RLexSortedSetReactive. removeRange() removeRangeHead() removeRangeTail() | RLexSortedSetRx. removeRange() removeRangeHead() removeRangeTail() |
ZREMRANGEBYSCORE | RScoredSortedSet. removeRangeByScore() removeRangeByScoreAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. removeRangeByScore() | RScoredSortedSetRx. removeRangeByScore() |
ZREVRANGEBYSCORE | RScoredSortedSet. valueRangeReversed() entryRangeReversed() valueRangeReversedAsync() entryRangeReversedAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. entryRangeReversed() valueRangeReversed() | RScoredSortedSetRx. entryRangeReversed() valueRangeReversed() |
ZREVRANK | RScoredSortedSet. revRank() revRankAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. revRank() | RScoredSortedSetRx. revRank() |
ZSCORE | RScoredSortedSet. getScore() getScoreAsync() | RScoredSortedSetReactive. getScore() | RScoredSortedSetRx. getScore() |
XACK | RStream. ack() ackAsync() | RStreamReactive. ack() | RStreamRx. ack() |
XADD | RStream. add() addAsync() | RStreamReactive. add() | RStreamRx. add() |
XAUTOCLAIM | RStream. autoClaim() autoClaimAsync() | RStreamReactive. autoClaim() | RStreamRx. autoClaim() |
XCLAIM | RStream. claim() claimAsync() | RStreamReactive. claim() | RStreamRx. claim() |
XDEL | RStream. remove() removeAsync() | RStreamReactive. remove() | RStreamRx. remove() |
XGROUP | RStream. createGroup() removeGroup() updateGroup() createGroupAsync() removeGroupAsync() updateGroupAsync() | RStreamReactive. createGroup() removeGroup() updateGroup() | RStreamRx. createGroup() removeGroup() updateGroup() |
XINFO | RStream. getInfo() listGroups() listConsumers() getInfoAsync() listGroupsAsync() listConsumersAsync() | RStreamReactive. getInfo() listGroups() listConsumers() | RStreamRx. getInfo() listGroups() listConsumers() |
XLEN | RStream. size() sizeAsync() | RStreamReactive. size() | RStreamRx. size() |
XPENDING | RStream. listPending() listPendingAsync() | RStreamReactive. listPending() | RStreamRx. listPending() |
XRANGE | RStream. range() rangeAsync() | RStreamReactive. range() | RStreamRx. range() |
XREAD | RStream. read() readAsync() | RStreamReactive. read() | RStreamRx. read() |
XREADGROUP | RStream. readGroup() readGroupAsync() | RStreamReactive. readGroup() | RStreamRx. readGroup() |
XREVRANGE | RStream. rangeReversed() rangeReversedAsync() | RStreamReactive. rangeReversed() | RStreamRx. rangeReversed() |
XTRIM | RStream. trim() trimAsync() | RStreamReactive. trim() | RStreamRx. trim() |
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