- 1 - 介绍
- 2.1 - 语法约定
- 2.10.1 - 垃圾收集的元方法
- 2.10.2 - Weak Table(弱表)
- 2.10 - 垃圾收集
- 2.11 - Coroutine (协同例程)
- 2.2.1 - 强制转换
- 2.2 - 值与类型
- 2.3 - 变量
- 2.4.1 - Chunk(语句组)
- 2.4.2 - 语句块
- 2.4.3 - 赋值
- 2.4.4 - 控制结构
- 2.4.5 - For 语句
- 2.4.6 - 把函数调用作为语句段
- 2.4.7 - 局部变量声名
- 2.4 - 语句段(Statement)
- 2.5.1 - 数学运算操作符
- 2.5.2 - 比较操作符
- 2.5.3 - 逻辑操作符
- 2.5.4 - 连接符
- 2.5.5 - 取长度操作符
- 2.5.6 - 优先级
- 2.5.7 - Table 构造
- 2.5.8 - 函数调用
- 2.5.9 - 函数定义
- 2.5 - 表达式
- 2.6 - 可视规则
- 2.7 - 错误处理
- 2.8 - Metatable(元表)
- 2.9 - 环境
- 2 - 语言
- 3.1 - 堆栈
- 3.2 - 堆栈尺寸
- 3.3 - 伪索引
- 3.4 - C Closure
- 3.5 - 注册表
- 3.6 - C 中的错误处理
- 3.7 - 函数和类型
- 3.8 - 调试接口
- 3 - 程序接口(API)
- 4.1 - Functions and Types
- 4 - The Auxiliary Library
- 5.1 - Basic Functions
- 5.2 - Coroutine Manipulation
- 5.3 - Modules
- 5.4 - String Manipulation
- 5.5 - Table Manipulation
- 5.6 - Mathematical Functions
- 5.7 - Input and Output Facilities
- 5.8 - Operating System Facilities
- 5.9 - The Debug Library
- 5 - Standard Libraries
- 6 - Lua Stand-alone
- 7.1 - Changes in the Language
- 7.2 - Changes in the Libraries
- 7.3 - Changes in the API
- 7 - Incompatibilities with the Previous Version
- 8 - The Complete Syntax of Lua
- Captures
- Character Class:
- luaL_addchar
- luaL_addlstring
- luaL_addsize
- luaL_addstring
- luaL_addvalue
- luaL_argcheck
- luaL_argerror
- luaL_Buffer
- luaL_buffinit
- luaL_callmeta
- luaL_checkany
- luaL_checkint
- luaL_checkinteger
- luaL_checklong
- luaL_checklstring
- luaL_checknumber
- luaL_checkoption
- luaL_checkstack
- luaL_checkstring
- luaL_checktype
- luaL_checkudata
- luaL_dofile
- luaL_dostring
- luaL_error
- luaL_getmetafield
- luaL_getmetatable
- luaL_gsub
- luaL_loadbuffer
- luaL_loadfile
- luaL_loadstring
- luaL_newmetatable
- luaL_newstate
- luaL_openlibs
- luaL_optint
- luaL_optinteger
- luaL_optlong
- luaL_optlstring
- luaL_optnumber
- luaL_optstring
- luaL_prepbuffer
- luaL_pushresult
- luaL_ref
- luaL_Reg
- luaL_register
- luaL_typename
- luaL_typerror
- luaL_unref
- luaL_where
- lua_Alloc
- lua_atpanic
- lua_call
- lua_CFunction
- lua_checkstack
- lua_close
- lua_concat
- lua_cpcall
- lua_createtable
- lua_Debug
- lua_dump
- lua_equal
- lua_error
- lua_gc
- lua_getallocf
- lua_getfenv
- lua_getfield
- lua_getglobal
- lua_gethook
- lua_gethookcount
- lua_gethookmask
- lua_getinfo
- lua_getlocal
- lua_getmetatable
- lua_getstack
- lua_gettable
- lua_gettop
- lua_getupvalue
- lua_Hook
- lua_insert
- lua_Integer
- lua_isboolean
- lua_iscfunction
- lua_isfunction
- lua_islightuserdata
- lua_isnil
- lua_isnumber
- lua_isstring
- lua_istable
- lua_isthread
- lua_isuserdata
- lua_lessthan
- lua_load
- lua_newstate
- lua_newtable
- lua_newthread
- lua_newuserdata
- lua_next
- lua_Number
- lua_objlen
- lua_pcall
- lua_pop
- lua_pushboolean
- lua_pushcclosure
- lua_pushcfunction
- lua_pushfstring
- lua_pushinteger
- lua_pushlightuserdata
- lua_pushlstring
- lua_pushnil
- lua_pushnumber
- lua_pushstring
- lua_pushthread
- lua_pushvalue
- lua_pushvfstring
- lua_rawequal
- lua_rawget
- lua_rawgeti
- lua_rawset
- lua_rawseti
- lua_Reader
- lua_register
- lua_remove
- lua_replace
- lua_resume
- lua_setallocf
- lua_setfenv
- lua_setfield
- lua_setglobal
- lua_sethook
- lua_setlocal
- lua_setmetatable
- lua_settable
- lua_settop
- lua_setupvalue
- lua_State
- lua_status
- lua_toboolean
- lua_tocfunction
- lua_tointeger
- lua_tolstring
- lua_tonumber
- lua_topointer
- lua_tostring
- lua_tothread
- lua_touserdata
- lua_type
- lua_typename
- lua_Writer
- lua_xmove
- lua_yield
- Pattern:
- Pattern Item:
- assert (v [, message])
- collectgarbage (opt [, arg])
- coroutine.create (f)
- coroutine.resume (co [, val1, ···])
- coroutine.running ()
- coroutine.status (co)
- coroutine.wrap (f)
- coroutine.yield (···)
- debug.debug ()
- debug.getfenv (o)
- debug.gethook ([thread])
- debug.getinfo ([thread,] function [, what])
- debug.getlocal ([thread,] level, local)
- debug.getmetatable (object)
- debug.getregistry ()
- debug.getupvalue (func, up)
- debug.setfenv (object, table)
- debug.sethook ([thread,] hook, mask [, count])
- debug.setlocal ([thread,] level, local, value)
- debug.setmetatable (object, table)
- debug.setupvalue (func, up, value)
- debug.traceback ([thread,] [message])
- dofile (filename)
- error (message [, level])
- getfenv (f)
- getmetatable (object)
- io.close ([file])
- io.flush ()
- io.input ([file])
- io.lines ([filename])
- io.open (filename [, mode])
- io.output ([file])
- io.popen ([prog [, mode]])
- io.read (···)
- io.tmpfile ()
- io.type (obj)
- io.write (···)
- ipairs (t)
- load (func [, chunkname])
- loadfile ([filename])
- loadstring (string [, chunkname])
- math.abs (x)
- math.acos (x)
- math.asin (x)
- math.atan (x)
- math.atan2 (x, y)
- math.ceil (x)
- math.cos (x)
- math.cosh (x)
- math.deg (x)
- math.exp (x)
- math.floor (x)
- math.fmod (x, y)
- math.frexp (x)
- math.huge
- math.ldexp (m, e)
- math.log (x)
- math.log10 (x)
- math.max (x, ···)
- math.min (x, ···)
- math.modf (x)
- math.pi
- math.pow (x, y)
- math.rad (x)
- math.random ([m [, n]])
- math.randomseed (x)
- math.sin (x)
- math.sinh (x)
- math.sqrt (x)
- math.tan (x)
- math.tanh (x)
- module (name [, ···])
- next (table [, index])
- os.clock ()
- os.date ([format [, time]])
- os.difftime (t2, t1)
- os.execute ([command])
- os.exit ([code])
- os.getenv (varname)
- os.remove (filename)
- os.rename (oldname, newname)
- os.setlocale (locale [, category])
- os.time ([table])
- os.tmpname ()
- package.cpath
- package.loaded
- package.loadlib (libname, funcname)
- package.path
- package.preload
- package.seeall (module)
- pairs (t)
- pcall (f, arg1, ···)
- print (···)
- rawequal (v1, v2)
- rawget (table, index)
- rawset (table, index, value)
- require (modname)
- select (index, ···)
- setfenv (f, table)
- setmetatable (table, metatable)
- string.byte (s [, i [, j]])
- string.char (···)
- string.dump (function)
- string.find (s, pattern [, init [, plain]])
- string.format (formatstring, ···)
- string.gmatch (s, pattern)
- string.gsub (s, pattern, repl [, n])
- string.len (s)
- string.lower (s)
- string.match (s, pattern [, init])
- string.rep (s, n)
- string.reverse (s)
- string.sub (s, i [, j])
- string.upper (s)
- table.concat (table [, sep [, i [, j]]])
- table.insert (table, [pos,] value)
- table.maxn (table)
- table.remove (table [, pos])
- table.sort (table [, comp])
- tonumber (e [, base])
- tostring (e)
- type (v)
- unpack (list [, i [, j]])
- xpcall (f, err)
- _G
- file:close ()
- file:flush ()
- file:lines ()
- file:read (...)
- file:seek ([whence] [, offset])
- file:setvbuf (mode [, size])
- file:write (...)
void lua_call (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults);
Calls a function.
To call a function you must use the following protocol: first, the function to be called is pushed onto the stack; then, the arguments to the function are pushed in direct order; that is, the first argument is pushed first. Finally you call lua_call
; nargs
is the number of arguments that you pushed onto the stack. All arguments and the function value are popped from the stack when the function is called. The function results are pushed onto the stack when the function returns. The number of results is adjusted to nresults
, unless nresults
. In this case, all results from the function are pushed. Lua takes care that the returned values fit into the stack space. The function results are pushed onto the stack in direct order (the first result is pushed first), so that after the call the last result is on the top of the stack.
Any error inside the called function is propagated upwards (with a longjmp
The following example shows how the host program may do the equivalent to this Lua code:
a = f("how", t.x, 14)
Here it is in C:
lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "f"); /* function to be called */ lua_pushstring(L, "how"); /* 1st argument */ lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "t"); /* table to be indexed */ lua_getfield(L, -1, "x"); /* push result of t.x (2nd arg) */ lua_remove(L, -2); /* remove 't' from the stack */ lua_pushinteger(L, 14); /* 3rd argument */ lua_call(L, 3, 1); /* call function with 3 arguments and 1 result */ lua_setfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "a"); /* set global variable 'a' */
Note that the code above is "balanced": at its end, the stack is back to its original configuration. This is considered good programming practice.
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