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- parl.algorithms.paddle.policy_gradient
- parl.algorithms.paddle.dqn
- parl.algorithms.paddle.ddpg
- parl.algorithms.paddle.ddqn
- parl.algorithms.paddle.oac
- parl.algorithms.paddle.a2c
- parl.algorithms.paddle.qmix
- parl.algorithms.paddle.td3
- parl.algorithms.paddle.sac
- parl.algorithms.paddle.ppo
- parl.algorithms.paddle.maddpg
- parl.core.paddle.model
- parl.core.paddle.algorithm
- parl.remote.remote_decorator
- parl.core.paddle.agent
- parl.remote.client
parl.algorithms.paddle.ppo 源代码
# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import parl import paddle import paddle.nn as nn import paddle.nn.functional as F import paddle.optimizer as optim from paddle.distribution import Normal, Categorical from parl.utils.utils import check_model_method __all__ = ['PPO'] [文档]class PPO(parl.Algorithm): [文档] def __init__(self, model, clip_param=0.1, value_loss_coef=0.5, entropy_coef=0.01, initial_lr=2.5e-4, eps=1e-5, max_grad_norm=0.5, use_clipped_value_loss=True, norm_adv=True, continuous_action=False): """ PPO algorithm Args: model (parl.Model): forward network of actor and critic. clip_param (float): epsilon in clipping loss. value_loss_coef (float): value function loss coefficient in the optimization objective. entropy_coef (float): policy entropy coefficient in the optimization objective. initial_lr (float): learning rate. eps (float): Adam optimizer epsilon. max_grad_norm (float): max gradient norm for gradient clipping. use_clipped_value_loss (bool): whether or not to use a clipped loss for the value function. norm_adv (bool): whether or not to use advantages normalization. continuous_action (bool): whether or not is continuous action environment. """ # check model methods check_model_method(model, 'value', self.__class__.__name__) check_model_method(model, 'policy', self.__class__.__name__) assert isinstance(clip_param, float) assert isinstance(value_loss_coef, float) assert isinstance(entropy_coef, float) assert isinstance(initial_lr, float) assert isinstance(eps, float) assert isinstance(max_grad_norm, float) assert isinstance(use_clipped_value_loss, bool) assert isinstance(norm_adv, bool) assert isinstance(continuous_action, bool) self.clip_param = clip_param self.value_loss_coef = value_loss_coef self.entropy_coef = entropy_coef self.max_grad_norm = max_grad_norm self.use_clipped_value_loss = use_clipped_value_loss self.norm_adv = norm_adv self.continuous_action = continuous_action self.model = model clip = nn.ClipGradByNorm(self.max_grad_norm) self.optimizer = optim.Adam( parameters=self.model.parameters(), learning_rate=initial_lr, epsilon=eps, grad_clip=clip) [文档] def learn(self, batch_obs, batch_action, batch_value, batch_return, batch_logprob, batch_adv, lr=None): """ update model with PPO algorithm Args: batch_obs (torch.Tensor): shape([batch_size] + obs_shape) batch_action (torch.Tensor): shape([batch_size] + action_shape) batch_value (torch.Tensor): shape([batch_size]) batch_return (torch.Tensor): shape([batch_size]) batch_logprob (torch.Tensor): shape([batch_size]) batch_adv (torch.Tensor): shape([batch_size]) lr (torch.Tensor): Returns: value_loss (float): value loss action_loss (float): policy loss entropy_loss (float): entropy loss """ values = self.model.value(batch_obs) if self.continuous_action: mean, std = self.model.policy(batch_obs) dist = Normal(mean, std) action_log_probs = dist.log_prob(batch_action).sum(1) dist_entropy = dist.entropy().sum(1) else: logits = self.model.policy(batch_obs) dist = Categorical(logits=logits) act_dim = logits.shape[-1] batch_action = paddle.to_tensor(batch_action, dtype='int64') actions_onehot = F.one_hot(batch_action, act_dim) action_log_probs = paddle.sum( F.log_softmax(logits) * actions_onehot, axis=-1) dist_entropy = dist.entropy() entropy_loss = dist_entropy.mean() batch_adv = batch_adv if self.norm_adv: batch_adv = (batch_adv - batch_adv.mean()) / ( batch_adv.std() + 1e-8) ratio = paddle.exp(action_log_probs - batch_logprob) surr1 = ratio * batch_adv surr2 = paddle.clip(ratio, 1.0 - self.clip_param, 1.0 + self.clip_param) * batch_adv action_loss = -paddle.minimum(surr1, surr2).mean() values = values.reshape([-1]) # calculate value loss using semi gradient TD if self.use_clipped_value_loss: value_pred_clipped = batch_value + paddle.clip( values - batch_value, -self.clip_param, self.clip_param) value_losses = (values - batch_return).pow(2) value_losses_clipped = (value_pred_clipped - batch_return).pow(2) value_loss = 0.5 * paddle.maximum(value_losses, value_losses_clipped).mean() else: value_loss = 0.5 * (values - batch_return).pow(2).mean() loss = value_loss * self.value_loss_coef + action_loss - entropy_loss * self.entropy_coef if lr: self.optimizer.set_lr(lr) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() self.optimizer.clear_grad() return value_loss.item(), action_loss.item(), entropy_loss.item() [文档] def sample(self, obs): """ Define the sampling process. This function returns the action according to action distribution. Args: obs (torch tensor): observation, shape([batch_size] + obs_shape) Returns: value (torch tensor): value, shape([batch_size, 1]) action (torch tensor): action, shape([batch_size] + action_shape) action_log_probs (torch tensor): action log probs, shape([batch_size]) action_entropy (torch tensor): action entropy, shape([batch_size]) """ value = self.model.value(obs) if self.continuous_action: mean, std = self.model.policy(obs) dist = Normal(mean, std) action = dist.sample([1]) action_log_probs = dist.log_prob(action).sum(-1) action_entropy = dist.entropy().sum(-1).mean() else: logits = self.model.policy(obs) dist = Categorical(logits=logits) action = dist.sample([1]) act_dim = logits.shape[-1] actions_onehot = F.one_hot(action, act_dim) action_log_probs = paddle.sum( F.log_softmax(logits) * actions_onehot, axis=-1) action_entropy = dist.entropy() return value, action, action_log_probs, action_entropy [文档] def predict(self, obs): """ use the model to predict action Args: obs (torch tensor): observation, shape([batch_size] + obs_shape) Returns: action (torch tensor): action, shape([batch_size] + action_shape), noted that in the discrete case we take the argmax along the last axis as action """ if self.continuous_action: action, _ = self.model.policy(obs) else: logits = self.model.policy(obs) probs = F.softmax(logits) action = paddle.argmax(probs, 1) return action [文档] def value(self, obs): """ use the model to predict obs values Args: obs (torch tensor): observation, shape([batch_size] + obs_shape) Returns: value (torch tensor): value of obs, shape([batch_size]) """ return self.model.value(obs)
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