- Debugging/Logging - 飞行日志分析
- Debugging/Logging - ULog文件格式
- 教程
- 教程 - 地面站
- 教程 - 编写应用程序
- 教程 - QGC的视频流
- 教程 - 远距离视频流
- 教程 - u-blox M8P RTK
- 新手上路
- 新手上路 - 初始设置
- 新手上路 - 安装工具链
- 安装工具链 - Mac OS
- 安装工具链 - Linux
- Linux - Advanced Linux
- 安装工具链 - Windows
- 新手上路 - Fast RTPS installation
- 新手上路 - 代码编译
- 新手上路 - 高级配置
- 新手上路 - 贡献& 开发者电话会议
- 贡献& 开发者电话会议 - GIT例程
- 贡献& 开发者电话会议 - Documentation
- 新手上路 - Licenses
- 概念解读
- 概念解读 - 飞行模式
- 概念解读 - 结构概述
- 概念解读 - 飞行控制栈
- 概念解读 - 中间件
- 概念解读 - 混控和执行器
- 概念解读 - PWM限制状态机
- Hardware
- Hardware - 自驾仪硬件
- 机型 - 统一的基础代码
- 机型 - 参考机型
- 机型 - 添加一个新的机型
- Data Links - SiK Radio
- Data Links - Wifi数传
- Data Links - 数传
- I2C总线 - SF1XX lidar
- 传感器和执行机构总线 - UAVCAN总线
- UAVCAN总线 - UAVCAN Bootloader
- UAVCAN总线 - UAVCAN 的各种笔记
- 传感器和执行机构总线 - UART
- UART - uLanding Radar
- 传感器和执行机构总线 - 设置云台控制
- 传感器和执行机构总线 - 相机触发器
- Hardware - 协同电脑
- 仿真
- 仿真 - 基本仿真
- 仿真 - Gazebo仿真
- 仿真 - HITL仿真
- 仿真 - 连接到ROS
- 仿真 - AirSim仿真
- 仿真 - 多机仿真
- 中间件及架构
- 中间件及架构 - uORB消息机制
- 中间件及架构 - MAVLink消息机制
- 中间件及架构 - 守护程序
- 中间件及架构 - 驱动框架
- 模块 & 命令
- 模块 & 命令 - 命令
- 模块 & 命令 - 通信
- 模块 & 命令 - 驱动
- 模块 & 命令 - 系统
- Robotics
- Robotics - 用Linux进行外部控制
- Robotics - ROS
- ROS - 在RPi上安装ROS
- ROS - MAVROS外部控制例程
- ROS - 外部位置估计
- ROS - Gazebo Octomap
- Robotics - DroneKit
- Debugging/Logging
- Debugging/Logging - FAQ
- Debugging/Logging - 系统控制台
- Debugging/Logging - 自驾仪调试
- Debugging/Logging - Sensor/Topic Debugging
- Debugging/Logging - 仿真调试
- Debugging/Logging - System-wide Replay
- Debugging/Logging - 发送调试的值
- Debugging/Logging - Profiling
- Debugging/Logging - 日志记录
- 教程 - 光流
- 教程 - ecl EKF
- 教程 - 飞行前检查
- 教程 - 着陆检测
- 教程 - Linux系统下使用S.Bus驱动
- Advanced Topics
- Advanced Topics - 系统启动
- Advanced Topics - 参数&配置
- Advanced Topics - 参考参数
- Advanced Topics - 安装Intel RealSense R200的驱动
- Advanced Topics - 切换状态估计器
- Advanced Topics - 外部模块
- Advanced Topics - STM32 Bootloader
- 测试和持续集成
- 测试和持续集成 - 持续集成
- 测试和持续集成 - Jenkins持续集成环境
- 测试和持续集成 - 综合测试
- 测试和持续集成 - Docker容器
- 测试和持续集成 - 维护
新手上路 - Fast RTPS installation
eprosima Fast RTPS is a C++ implementation of the RTPS (Real Time Publish Subscribe) protocol, which provides publisher-subscriber communications over unreliable transports such as UDP, as defined and maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium. RTPS is also the wire interoperability protocol defined for the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard, again by the OMG.
NOTE: The information here was extracted from original eprosima Fast RTPS documentation
eProsima Fast RTPS requires the following packages to work.
Run Dependencies
Java is required to make use of our built-in code generation tool fastrtpsgen. It’s recommended install Java JDK 8.
Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit
Visual C++ 2013 or 2015 Redistributable Package
eProsima Fast RTPS requires the Visual C++ Redistributable packages for the Visual Studio version you choose during the installation or compilation. The installer gives you the option of downloading and installing them.
NOTE: For more information, please, visit Requirements
Installation from Sources
Clone the project from Github:
$ git clone https://github.com/eProsima/Fast-RTPS
$ mkdir Fast-RTPS/build && cd Fast-RTPS/build
If you are on Linux, execute:
$ cmake -DTHIRDPARTY=ON ..
$ make
$ sudo make install
If you are on Windows, choose your version of Visual Studio:
> cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DTHIRDPARTY=ON ..
> cmake --build . --target install
If you want to compile the examples, you will need to add the argmuent -DCOMPILE_EXAMPLES=ON
when calling CMake.
If you want to compile the performance tests, you will need to add the argument -DPERFORMANCE_TESTS=ON
when calling CMake.
NOTE: For more information, please, visit Installation from Sources
Installation from Binaries
You can always download the latest binary realese of eProsima Fast RTPS from the company website.
Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit
Execute the installer and follow the instructions, choosing your preferred Visual Studio version and architecture when prompted.
Environmental Variables
eProsima Fast RTPS requires the following environmental variable setup in order to function properly
- FASTRTPSHOME: Root folder where eProsima Fast RTPS is installed.
- Additions to the PATH: the /bin folder and the subfolder for your Visual Studio version of choice should be appended to the PATH.
These variables are set automatically by checking the corresponding box during the installation process.
Extract the contents of the package. It will containt both eProsima Fast RTPS and its required package eProsima Fast CDR. You will have follow the same procedure for both packages, starting with Fast CDR.
Configure the compilation:
$ ./configure --libdir=/usr/lib
If you want to compile with debug symbols (which also enables verbose mode):
$ ./configure CXXFLAGS="-g -D__DEBUG" --libdir=/usr/lib
After configuring the project compile and install the library:
$ sudo make install
NOTE: For more information, please, visit Installation from Binaries
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