
19.6.4 An example of multiple task exports

发布于 2020-09-09 22:55:56 字数 4850 浏览 904 评论 0 收藏 0

It is normally an error for more than one module to export the same task name. However, several instances of the same modport type can be connected to an interface, such as memory modules in the previous example. So that these can still export their read and write tasks, the tasks must be declared in the interface using the extern forkjoin keywords.

The call to extern forkjoin task countslaves( ); in the example below behaves as:


For a read task, only one module should actively respond to the task call, e.g. the one containing the appropriate address. The tasks in the other modules should return with no effect. Only then should the active task write to the result variables.

Note multiple export of functions is not allowed, because they must always write to the result.

The effect of a disable on an extern forkjoin task is as follows:

  • If the task is referenced via the interface instance, all task calls shall be disabled.
  • If the task is referenced via the module instance, only the task call to that module instance shall be disabled.
  • If an interface contains an extern forkjoin task, and no module connected to that interface defines the task, then any call to that task shall report a run-time error and return immediately with no effect.

This interface example shows how to define tasks in more than one module and call them in another using extern forkjoin. The multiple task export mechanism can also be used to count the instances of a particular modport that are connected to each interface instance.

interface simple_bus (input bit clk); // Define the interface
    logic req, gnt;
    logic [7:0] addr, data;
    logic [1:0] mode;
    logic start, rdy;
    int slaves = 0;

    // tasks executed concurrently as a fork/join block
    extern forkjoin task countSlaves();
    extern forkjoin task Read (input logic [7:0] raddr);
    extern forkjoin task Write (input logic [7:0] waddr);

    modport slave (input req,addr, mode, start, clk,
                   output gnt, rdy,
                   ref data, slaves,
                   export Read, Write, countSlaves);
                   // export from module that uses the modport

    modport master (input gnt, rdy, clk,
                    output req, addr, mode, start,
                    ref data,
                    import task Read(input logic [7:0] raddr),
                           task Write(input logic [7:0] waddr));
                    // import requires the full task prototype

    initial begin
        slaves = 0;
        $display ("number of slaves = %d", slaves);
endinterface: simple_bus

module memMod #(parameter int minaddr=0, maxaddr=0;) (interface a);
    logic avail = 1;
    logic [7:0] mem[255:0];

    task a.countSlaves();

    task a.Read(input logic [7:0] raddr); // Read method
        if (raddr >= minaddr && raddr <= maxaddr) begin
            avail = 0;
            #10 a.data = mem[raddr];
            avail = 1;

    task a.Write(input logic [7:0] waddr); // Write method
        if (waddr >= minaddr && waddr <= maxaddr) begin
            avail = 0;
            #10 mem[waddr] = a.data;
            avail = 1;

module cpuMod(interface b);
    typedef enum {read, write} instr;
    instr inst;
    logic [7:0] raddr;
    integer seed;

    always @(posedge b.clk) begin
        inst = instr’($dist_uniform(seed, 0, 1));
        raddr = $dist_uniform(seed, 0, 3);
        if (inst == read) begin
            $display("%t begin read %h @ %h", $time, b.data, raddr);
            $display("%t end read %h @ %h", $time, b.data, raddr);
        else begin
            $display("%t begin write %h @ %h", $time, b.data, raddr);
            b.data = raddr;
            $display("%t end write %h @ %h", $time, b.data, raddr);

module top;
    logic clk = 0;

    function void interrupt();
        disable mem1.a.Read; // task via module instance
        disable sb_intf.Write; // task via interface instance
        if (mem1.avail == 0)
            $display ("mem1 was interrupted");

        if (mem2.avail == 0)
            $display ("mem2 was interrupted");

    always #5 clk++;

    initial begin
        #28 interrupt();
        #10 interrupt();
        #100 $finish;

    simple_bus sb_intf(clk);
    memMod #(0, 127) mem1(sb_intf.slave);
    memMod #(128, 255) mem2(sb_intf.slave);
    cpuMod cpu(sb_intf.master);

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