- 起步
- 进阶
- 构建工具
- 动画
- 动画 / 轨道
- 音频
- 摄像机
- 常量
- 核心
- 核心 / BufferAttributes
- 附件
- 附件 / 核心
- 附件 / 曲线
- 附件 / 物体
- 几何体
- 立方缓冲几何体(BoxGeometry)
- 圆形缓冲几何体(CircleGeometry)
- 圆锥缓冲几何体(ConeGeometry)
- 圆柱缓冲几何体(CylinderGeometry)
- 十二面缓冲几何体(DodecahedronGeometry)
- 边缘几何体(EdgesGeometry)
- 挤压缓冲几何体(ExtrudeGeometry)
- 二十面缓冲几何体(IcosahedronGeometry)
- 车削缓冲几何体(LatheGeometry)
- 八面缓冲几何体(OctahedronGeometry)
- 参数化缓冲几何体(ParametricGeometry)
- 平面缓冲几何体(PlaneGeometry)
- 多面缓冲几何体(PolyhedronGeometry)
- 圆环缓冲几何体(RingGeometry)
- 形状缓冲几何体(ShapeGeometry)
- 球缓冲几何体(SphereGeometry)
- 四面缓冲几何体(TetrahedronGeometry)
- 文本缓冲几何体(TextGeometry)
- 圆环缓冲几何体(TorusGeometry)
- 圆环缓冲扭结几何体(TorusKnotGeometry)
- 管道缓冲几何体(TubeGeometry)
- 网格几何体(WireframeGeometry)
- 辅助对象
- 灯光
- 灯光 / 阴影
- 加载器
- 加载器 / 管理器
- 材质
- 基础线条材质(LineBasicMaterial)
- 虚线材质(LineDashedMaterial)
- 材质(Material)
- 基础网格材质(MeshBasicMaterial)
- 深度网格材质(MeshDepthMaterial)
- MeshDistanceMaterial
- Lambert网格材质(MeshLambertMaterial)
- MeshMatcapMaterial
- 法线网格材质(MeshNormalMaterial)
- Phong网格材质(MeshPhongMaterial)
- 物理网格材质(MeshPhysicalMaterial)
- 标准网格材质(MeshStandardMaterial)
- MeshToonMaterial
- 点材质(PointsMaterial)
- 原始着色器材质(RawShaderMaterial)
- 着色器材质(ShaderMaterial)
- 阴影材质(ShadowMaterial)
- 点精灵材质(SpriteMaterial)
- 数学库
- 数学库 / 插值
- 物体
- 渲染器
- 渲染器 / 着色器
- 渲染器 / WebXR
- 场景
- 纹理贴图
- 动画
- 控制
- 几何体
- 辅助对象
- 灯光
- 加载器
- 物体
- 后期处理
- 导出器
- 数学库
- QuickHull
- 渲染器
- 实用工具
- 差异化支持
- WebGL 渲染器
This class represents an abstraction of the WebXR Device API and is internally used by WebGLRenderer. WebXRManager also provides a public interface that allows users to enable/disable XR and perform XR related tasks like for instance retrieving controllers.
.cameraAutoUpdate : Boolean
Whether the manager's XR camera should be automatically updated or not. Default is true.
.enabled : Boolean
This flag notifies the renderer to be ready for XR rendering. Default is false. Set it to true if you are going to use XR in your app.
.isPresenting : Boolean
Whether XR presentation is active or not. Default is false. This flag is read-only and automatically set by WebXRManager.
.getCamera () : ArrayCamera
Returns an instance of ArrayCamera which represents the XR camera of the active XR session. For each view it holds a separate camera object in its cameras property.
The camera's fov is currently not used and does not reflect the fov of the XR camera. If you need the fov on app level, you have to compute in manually from the XR camera's projection matrices.
.getController ( index : Integer ) : Group
index — The index of the controller.
Returns a Group representing the so called target ray space of the XR controller. Use this space for visualizing 3D objects that support the user in pointing tasks like UI interaction.
.getControllerGrip ( index : Integer ) : Group
index — The index of the controller.
Returns a Group representing the so called grip space of the XR controller. Use this space if the user is going to hold other 3D objects like a lightsaber.
Note: If you want to show something in the user's hand AND offer a pointing ray at the same time, you'll want to attached the handheld object to the group returned by .getControllerGrip() and the ray to the group returned by .getController(). The idea is to have two different groups in two different coordinate spaces for the same WebXR controller.
.getHand ( index : Integer ) : Group
index — The index of the controller.
Returns a Group representing the so called hand or joint space of the XR controller. Use this space for visualizing the user's hands when no physical controllers are used.
.getReferenceSpace () : String
Returns the reference space.
.getSession () : XRSession
Returns the XRSession object which allows a more fine-grained management of active WebXR sessions on application level.
.setFramebufferScaleFactor ( framebufferScaleFactor : Float ) : void
framebufferScaleFactor — The framebuffer scale factor to set.
Specifies the scaling factor to use when determining the size of the framebuffer when rendering to a XR device. The value is relative to the default XR device display resolution. Default is 1. A value of 0.5 would specify a framebuffer with 50% of the display's native resolution.
Note: It is not possible to change the framebuffer scale factor while presenting XR content.
.setReferenceSpaceType ( referenceSpaceType : String ) : void
referenceSpaceType — The reference space type to set.
Can be used to configure a spatial relationship with the user's physical environment. Depending on how the user moves in 3D space, setting an appropriate reference space can improve tracking. Default is local-floor. Please check out the MDN for possible values and their use cases.
.updateCamera ( camera : PerspectiveCamera ) : void
Updates the state of the XR camera. Use this method on app level if you set .cameraAutoUpdate to false. The method requires the non-XR camera of the scene as a parameter. The passed in camera's transformation is automatically adjusted to the position of the XR camera when calling this method.
Note: It is not possible to change the reference space type while presenting XR content.
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