- Qt参考文档
- Qt的类
- Qt的主要类
- Annotated Class Index
- 分组的类
- Member Function Index
- 关于Qt
- Qt的版本
- FAQs
- Window System-specific Notes
- 安装
- 如何学习Qt
- Qt教程一 —— 共十四步
- Qt教程二
- Examples
- Step-by-step Examples
- Key Features in Qt 3.0
- Porting to Qt 3.x
- 简体中文汉化日志
- Class Inheritance Hierarchy
- Qt Class Chart
- Header File Index
- 关于模块
- 画布模块
- 图标视图模块
- Network Module
- Qt OpenGL 三维绘图
- SQL模块
- 表格模块
- 工作区模块
- XML Module
- 概述与HOWTO
- Qt对象模型
- 信号和槽
- 窗口几何结构
- 事件和事件过滤器
- 以Qt国际化
- 调试技术
- Qt中的线程支持
- Pictures of Most Qt Widgets
- Company Information
- 如何报告bug
- Mailing Lists
- Qt的工具
- Qt翻译工具指南
- Qt助手和Qt参考文档
- qmake用户手册
- Standard Accelerator Keys
- Qt Free Edition License Agreement
- GNU General Public License
- Licenses for Code Used in Qt
- 抽象窗口部件类
- Analog Clock
- Walkthrough: A Tiny Editor Illustrating QActionGroup
- A Tiny Example Featuring QActionGroup
- Simple Addressbook
- Advanced Widgets
- Widget Appearance and Style
- Setting the Application Icon
- Main Window and Related Classes
- 介绍
- Qt参考文档介绍
- The 1 Minute Guide to using Qt Assistant
- Qt Assistant in More Detail
- Basic Widgets
- Biff (UNIX only)
- 如何生成大的稀疏QTable
- Buttons and Groupboxes
- A Complete Canvas Application
- Canvas Example
- Listviews with Checkable Items
- A small client-server example
- Collection Classes
- 坐标系统
- Cursors
- 写你自己的布局管理器
- Customized Layoutmanager
- Style overview
- Database Classes
- Format of the QDataStream Operators
- Digital Clock
- Qt Demo
- Qt 设计器
- Reference: Menu Options
- Reference: Toolbar Buttons
- Reference: Dialogs
- Reference: Wizards
- Reference: Windows
- Reference: The .ui File Format
- Creating a Qt Application
- Creating Main Windows with Actions, Toolbars and Menus
- The Designer Approach
- Subclassing and Dynamic Dialogs
- Creating Custom Widgets
- Creating Database Applications
- Customizing and Integrating Qt Designer
- Reference: Key Bindings
- Painting on the Desktop
- Dialog Classes
- A Directory Browser
- 拖放
- Drag And Drop Classes
- Drag and Drop
- Draw Demo
- Connect the Points
- Adding an accelerated graphics driver to Qt/Embedded
- Qt/Embedded Case Study - Cassiopeia E-100
- Character input in Qt/Embedded
- The Qt/Embedded-specific classes
- Qt/Embedded environment variables
- The Feature Definition File
- Fonts in Qt/Embedded
- Enabling the Linux Framebuffer
- Installing Qt/Embedded
- Qt/Embedded Performance Tuning
- Qt/Embedded Pointer Handling
- Porting your applications to Qt/Embedded
- Qt/嵌入式的虚拟帧缓冲
- Running Qt/Embedded applications
- Qt/Embedded as a VNC Server
- Environment Classes
- Event Classes
- Simple Filemanager
- 键盘焦点概述
- A Rectangle Draw "Benchmark"
- An FTP client
- Layout Management
- Grapher Plugin
- Graphics Classes
- Books about GUI
- Hello, World
- Help System
- Simple HTML Help Browser
- Internationalization
- Iconview
- iconview/simple_dd/main.cpp Example File
- iconview/simple_dd/main.h Example File
- Image Processing Classes
- Qt参考文档
- 安装Qt/Windows
- 安装Qt/X11
- Input/Output and Networking
- 布局类
- Layout Managers
- Conway's Game of Life
- Line Edits
- 介绍
- 发布管理器
- Translators
- Programmers
- Listboxes and Comboboxes
- Listbox Example
- Listviews
- A simple mail client
- Editors in a Motif form
- Editors in a Qt main window
- Editors in an Xt form
- makeqpf
- A MDI Application
- Using menus
- 元对象系统
- Miscellaneous Classes
- 使用元对象编译器
- Movies or the Story of the Animated GIF file
- Multimedia Classes
- Network Examples
- A simple NNTP implementation
- Qt-based LiveConnect Plugins
- LiveConnect Examples
- Object Model
- 对象树和对象所有权
- OpenGL Examples
- How to use X11 overlays with the Qt OpenGL extension
- Organizers
- Outliner to show use of DOM
- Picture
- Plugins
- Popup Widgets
- Table of Prime Numbers 2-9999
- Starting processes with IO redirection
- Progress Bar
- Progress Bar and Dialog Example
- 属性
- QAccel类
- qaccel.h包含文件
- QAccel成员列表
- QAccessible Class
- qaccessible.h Include File
- QAccessibleInterface Class
- QAccessibleInterface Member List
- QAccessible Member List
- QAccessibleObject Class
- QAccessibleObject Member List
- QAction类
- A Complete Application Window with Actions
- QAction Examples
- QActionGroup类
- QActionGroup成员列表
- qaction.h包含文件
- QAction成员列表
- QApplication类
- qapplication.h包含文件
- QApplication成员列表
- QAsciiCache Class
- qasciicache.h Include File
- QAsciiCacheIterator Class
- QAsciiCacheIterator Member List
- QAsciiCache Member List
- QAsciiDict Class
- qasciidict.h Include File
- QAsciiDictIterator Class
- QAsciiDictIterator Member List
- QAsciiDict Member List
- qasyncimageio.h Include File
- QAsyncIO Class
- qasyncio.h Include File
- QBitArray类
- qbitarray.h包含文件
- QBitArray成员列表
- QBitmap Class
- qbitmap.h Include File
- QBitmap Member List
- QBitVal Class
- QBitVal Member List
- QBoxLayout Class
- QBoxLayout Member List
- QBrush Class
- qbrush.h Include File
- QBrush Member List
- QBuffer类
- qbuffer.h包含文件
- QBuffer成员列表
- QButton类
- QButtonGroup类
- qbuttongroup.h包含文件
- QButtonGroup成员列表
- qbutton.h包含文件
- QButton成员列表
- QByteArray类
- QByteArray成员列表
- QCache Class
- qcache.h Include File
- QCacheIterator Class
- QCacheIterator Member List
- QCache Member List
- QCanvas Class
- QCanvasEllipse Class
- QCanvasEllipse Member List
- qcanvas.h Include File
- QCanvasItem Class
- QCanvasItemList Class
- QCanvasItemList Member List
- QCanvasItem Member List
- QCanvasLine Class
- QCanvasLine Member List
- QCanvas Member List
- QCanvasPixmap Class
- QCanvasPixmapArray Class
- QCanvasPixmapArray Member List
- QCanvasPixmap Member List
- QCanvasPolygon Class
- QCanvasPolygonalItem Class
- QCanvasPolygonalItem Member List
- QCanvasPolygon Member List
- QCanvasRectangle Class
- QCanvasRectangle Member List
- QCanvasSpline Class
- QCanvasSpline Member List
- QCanvasSprite Class
- QCanvasSprite Member List
- QCanvasText Class
- QCanvasText Member List
- QCanvasView Class
- QCanvasView Member List
- QCDEStyle Class
- qcdestyle.h Include File
- QCDEStyle Member List
- QChar Class
- QChar Member List
- QCharRef Class
- QCharRef Member List
- QCheckBox类
- qcheckbox.h包含文件
- QCheckBox成员列表
- QCheckListItem Class
- QCheckListItem Member List
- QCheckTableItem类
- QCheckTableItem成员列表
- QChildEvent Class
- QChildEvent Member List
- QClipboard类
- qclipboard.h包含文件
- QClipboard成员列表
- QCloseEvent Class
- QCloseEvent Member List
- QColor Class
- QColorDialog类
- qcolordialog.h包含文件
- QColorDialog成员列表
- QColorDrag Class
- QColorDrag Member List
- QColorGroup Class
- QColorGroup Member List
- qcolor.h Include File
- QColor Member List
- QComboBox Class
- qcombobox.h Include File
- QComboBox Member List
- QComboTableItem类
- QComboTableItem成员列表
- QCommonStyle Class
- qcommonstyle.h Include File
- QCommonStyle Member List
- QConstString Class
- QConstString Member List
- QContextMenuEvent Class
- QContextMenuEvent Member List
- QCopChannel Class
- qcopchannel_qws.h Include File
- QCopChannel Member List
- QCString类
- qcstring.h包含文件
- QCString成员列表
- QCursor Class
- qcursor.h Include File
- QCursor Member List
- QCustomEvent Class
- QCustomEvent Member List
- QCustomMenuItem Class
- QCustomMenuItem Member List
- QDataBrowser Class
- qdatabrowser.h Include File
- QDataBrowser Member List
- QDataPump Class
- QDataPump Member List
- QDataSink Class
- QDataSource Class
- QDataSource Member List
- QDataStream类
- qdatastream.h包含文件
- QDataStream成员列表
- QDataTable Class
- qdatatable.h Include File
- QDataTable Member List
- QDataView Class
- qdataview.h Include File
- QDataView Member List
- QDate类
- QDateEdit Class
- QDateEdit Member List
- QDate成员列表
- QDateTime类
- QDateTimeEdit Class
- qdatetimeedit.h Include File
- QDateTimeEdit Member List
- qdatetime.h包含文件
- QDateTime成员列表
- QDesktopWidget Class
- qdesktopwidget.h Include File
- QDesktopWidget Member List
- QDial Class
- qdial.h Include File
- QDial Member List
- QDialog类
- qdialog.h包含文件
- QDialog成员列表
- QDict Class
- qdict.h Include File
- QDictIterator Class
- QDictIterator Member List
- QDict Member List
- QDir类
- QDirectPainter Class
- qdirectpainter_qws.h Include File
- QDirectPainter Member List
- QDir
- qdir.h包含文件
- QDir成员列表
- QDns Class
- qdns.h Include File
- QDns Member List
- QDockArea类
- qdockarea.h包含文件
- QDockArea成员列表
- QDockWindow类
- qdockwindow.h包含文件
- QDockWindow成员列表
- QDomAttr Class
- QDomAttr Member List
- QDomCDATASection Class
- QDomCDATASection Member List
- QDomCharacterData Class
- QDomCharacterData Member List
- QDomComment Class
- QDomComment Member List
- QDomDocument Class
- QDomDocumentFragment Class
- QDomDocumentFragment Member List
- QDomDocument Member List
- QDomDocumentType Class
- QDomDocumentType Member List
- QDomElement Class
- QDomElement Member List
- QDomEntity Class
- QDomEntity Member List
- QDomEntityReference Class
- QDomEntityReference Member List
- qdom.h Include File
- QDomImplementation Class
- QDomImplementation Member List
- QDomNamedNodeMap Class
- QDomNamedNodeMap Member List
- QDomNode Class
- QDomNodeList Class
- QDomNodeList Member List
- QDomNode Member List
- QDomNotation Class
- QDomNotation Member List
- QDomProcessingInstruction Class
- QDomProcessingInstruction Member List
- QDomText Class
- QDomText Member List
- QDoubleValidator类
- QDoubleValidator成员列表
- QDragEnterEvent Class
- QDragEnterEvent Member List
- QDragLeaveEvent Class
- QDragLeaveEvent Member List
- QDragMoveEvent Class
- QDragMoveEvent Member List
- QDragObject Class
- qdragobject.h Include File
- QDragObject Member List
- qdrawutil.h Include File
- QDropEvent Class
- QDropEvent Member List
- QDropSite Class
- qdropsite.h Include File
- QEditorFactory Class
- qeditorfactory.h Include File
- QEditorFactory Member List
- QEmbed - File and Image Embedder
- QErrorMessage类
- qerrormessage.h包含文件
- QErrorMessage成员列表
- QEucJpCodec Class
- qeucjpcodec.h Include File
- QEucJpCodec Member List
- QEucKrCodec Class
- qeuckrcodec.h Include File
- QEucKrCodec Member List
- QEvent类
- qevent.h包含文件
- QEvent成员列表
- Font Displayer
- QFile类
- QFileDialog类
- qfiledialog.h包含文件
- QFileDialog成员列表
- qfile.h包含文件
- QFileIconProvider Class
- QFileIconProvider Member List
- QFileInfo Class
- qfileinfo.h Include File
- QFileInfo Member List
- QFile成员列表
- QFilePreview Class
- QFilePreview Member List
- QFocusData Class
- qfocusdata.h Include File
- QFocusData Member List
- QFocusEvent Class
- QFocusEvent Member List
- QFont Class
- QFontDatabase Class
- qfontdatabase.h Include File
- QFontDatabase Member List
- QFontDialog类
- qfontdialog.h包含文件
- QFontDialog成员列表
- QFont Examples
- qfont.h Include File
- QFontInfo Class
- qfontinfo.h Include File
- QFontInfo Member List
- QFontManager Class
- qfontmanager_qws.h Include File
- QFontManager Member List
- QFont Member List
- QFontMetrics Class
- qfontmetrics.h Include File
- QFontMetrics Member List
- QFrame类
- qframe.h包含文件
- QFrame成员列表
- QFtp类
- qftp.h包含文件
- QFtp成员列表
- QGb18030Codec Class
- qgb18030codec.h Include File
- QGb18030Codec Member List
- QGbkCodec Class
- QGbkCodec Member List
- qgfx_qws.h Include File
- QGL Class
- QGLayoutIterator Class
- QGLayoutIterator Member List
- QGLColormap Class
- qglcolormap.h Include File
- QGLColormap Member List
- QGLContext Class
- QGLContext Member List
- QGLFormat Class
- QGLFormat Member List
- qgl.h Include File
- QGL Member List
- qglobal.h Include File
- QGLWidget Class
- QGLWidget Member List
- QGrid类
- qgrid.h包含文件
- QGridLayout Class
- QGridLayout Member List
- QGrid成员列表
- QGridView Class
- qgridview.h Include File
- QGridView Member List
- QGroupBox类
- qgroupbox.h包含文件
- QGroupBox成员列表
- QGuardedPtr类
- qguardedptr.h包含文件
- QGuardedPtr成员列表
- QHBox Class
- qhbox.h Include File
- QHBoxLayout Class
- QHBoxLayout Member List
- QHBox Member List
- QHButtonGroup类
- qhbuttongroup.h包含文件
- QHButtonGroup成员列表
- QHeader类
- qheader.h包含文件
- QHeader成员列表
- QHebrewCodec Class
- QHebrewCodec Member List
- QHGroupBox类
- qhgroupbox.h包含文件
- QHGroupBox成员列表
- QHideEvent Class
- QHideEvent Member List
- QHostAddress Class
- qhostaddress.h Include File
- QHostAddress Member List
- QHttp Class
- qhttp.h Include File
- QHttp Member List
- QIconDrag Class
- QIconDragItem Class
- QIconDragItem Member List
- QIconDrag Member List
- QIconSet Class
- qiconset.h Include File
- QIconSet Member List
- QIconView Class
- qiconview.h Include File
- QIconViewItem Class
- QIconViewItem Member List
- QIconView Member List
- QImage Class
- QImageConsumer Class
- QImageConsumer Member List
- QImageDecoder Class
- QImageDecoder Member List
- QImageDrag Class
- QImageDrag Member List
- QImageFormat Class
- QImageFormat Member List
- QImageFormatPlugin Class
- qimageformatplugin.h Include File
- QImageFormatPlugin Member List
- QImageFormatType Class
- QImageFormatType Member List
- qimage.h Include File
- QImageIO Class
- QImageIO Member List
- QImage Member List
- QIMEvent Class
- QIMEvent Member List
- QInputDialog类
- qinputdialog.h包含文件
- QInputDialog成员列表
- QIntCache Class
- qintcache.h Include File
- QIntCacheIterator Class
- QIntCacheIterator Member List
- QIntCache Member List
- QIntDict Class
- qintdict.h Include File
- QIntDictIterator Class
- QIntDictIterator Member List
- QIntDict Member List
- QIntValidator类
- QIntValidator成员列表
- QIODevice类
- qiodevice.h包含文件
- QIODevice成员列表
- QIODeviceSource Class
- QJisCodec Class
- qjiscodec.h Include File
- QJisCodec Member List
- qkeyboard_qws.h Include File
- QKeyEvent Class
- QKeyEvent Member List
- QKeySequence Class
- qkeysequence.h Include File
- QKeySequence Member List
- QLabel Class
- qlabel.h Include File
- QLabel Member List
- QLayout Class
- qlayout.h Include File
- QLayoutItem Class
- QLayoutItem Member List
- QLayoutIterator Class
- QLayoutIterator Member List
- QLayout Member List
- QLCDNumber Class
- qlcdnumber.h Include File
- QLCDNumber Member List
- QLibrary Class
- qlibrary.h Include File
- QLibrary Member List
- QLineEdit Class
- qlineedit.h Include File
- QLineEdit Member List
- QListBox Class
- qlistbox.h Include File
- QListBoxItem Class
- QListBoxItem Member List
- QListBox Member List
- QListBoxPixmap Class
- QListBoxPixmap Member List
- QListBoxText Class
- QListBoxText Member List
- QListView Class
- qlistview.h Include File
- QListViewItem Class
- QListViewItemIterator Class
- QListViewItemIterator Member List
- QListViewItem Member List
- QListView Member List
- QLocalFs Class
- qlocalfs.h Include File
- QLocalFs Member List
- QLock Class
- qlock_qws.h Include File
- QLock Member List
- QMag
- QMainWindow类
- qmainwindow.h包含文件
- QMainWindow成员列表
- qmake的介绍
- 安装qmake
- 10分钟学会使用qmake
- qmake教程
- qmake概念
- qmake高级概念
- qmake Command Reference
- QMap Class
- QMapConstIterator Class
- QMapConstIterator Member List
- qmap.h Include File
- QMapIterator Class
- QMapIterator Member List
- QMap Member List
- QMemArray类
- qmemarray.h包含文件
- QMemArray成员列表
- QMenuBar Class
- qmenubar.h Include File
- QMenuBar Member List
- QMenuData Class
- qmenudata.h Include File
- QMenuData Member List
- QMessageBox类
- qmessagebox.h包含文件
- QMessageBox成员列表
- QMetaObject Class
- qmetaobject.h Include File
- QMetaObject Member List
- QMetaProperty Class
- QMetaProperty Member List
- qmime.h Include File
- QMimeSource Class
- QMimeSourceFactory Class
- QMimeSourceFactory Member List
- QMimeSource Member List
- QMotifPlusStyle Class
- qmotifplusstyle.h Include File
- QMotifPlusStyle Member List
- QMotifStyle Class
- qmotifstyle.h Include File
- QMotifStyle Member List
- QMouseEvent Class
- QMouseEvent Member List
- QMoveEvent Class
- QMoveEvent Member List
- QMovie Class
- qmovie.h Include File
- QMovie Member List
- QMultiLineEdit Class
- qmultilineedit.h Include File
- QMultiLineEdit Member List
- QMutex类
- qmutex.h包含文件
- QMutex成员列表
- qnamespace.h Include File
- qnetwork.h Example File
- QNetworkOperation Class
- QNetworkOperation Member List
- QNetworkProtocol Class
- qnetworkprotocol.h Include File
- QNetworkProtocol Member List
- qnp.h Include File
- QNPInstance Class
- QNPInstance Member List
- QNPlugin Class
- QNPlugin Member List
- QNPStream Class
- QNPStream Member List
- QNPWidget Class
- QNPWidget Member List
- QObject类
- QObjectCleanupHandler Class
- qobjectcleanuphandler.h Include File
- QObjectCleanupHandler Member List
- qobject.h包含文件
- QObjectList类
- qobjectlist.h包含文件
- QObjectListIt类
- QObjectListIt成员列表
- QObjectList成员列表
- QObject成员列表
- QPaintDevice类
- qpaintdevice.h包含文件
- QPaintDevice成员列表
- QPaintDeviceMetrics Class
- qpaintdevicemetrics.h Include File
- QPaintDeviceMetrics Member List
- QPainter类
- qpainter.h包含文件
- QPainter成员列表
- QPaintEvent Class
- QPaintEvent Member List
- QPair Class
- qpair.h Include File
- QPair Member List
- QPalette Class
- qpalette.h Include File
- QPalette Member List
- QPen Class
- qpen.h Include File
- QPen Member List
- QPicture Class
- qpicture.h Include File
- QPicture Member List
- QPixmap Class
- QPixmapCache Class
- qpixmapcache.h Include File
- QPixmapCache Member List
- qpixmap.h Include File
- QPixmap Member List
- QPlatinumStyle Class
- qplatinumstyle.h Include File
- QPlatinumStyle Member List
- QPNGImagePacker Class
- QPNGImagePacker Member List
- qpngio.h Include File
- QPoint类
- QPointArray Class
- qpointarray.h Include File
- QPointArray Member List
- qpoint.h包含文件
- QPoint成员列表
- QPopupMenu Class
- qpopupmenu.h Include File
- QPopupMenu Member List
- QPrinter Class
- qprinter.h Include File
- QPrinter Member List
- QProcess Class
- QProcess Examples
- qprocess.h Include File
- QProcess Member List
- QProgressBar Class
- qprogressbar.h Include File
- QProgressBar Member List
- QProgressDialog类
- qprogressdialog.h包含文件
- QProgressDialog成员列表
- QPtrCollection类
- qptrcollection.h包含文件
- QPtrCollection成员列表
- QPtrDict Class
- qptrdict.h Include File
- QPtrDictIterator Class
- QPtrDictIterator Member List
- QPtrDict Member List
- QPtrList类
- qptrlist.h包含文件
- QPtrListIterator类
- QPtrListIterator成员列表
- QPtrList成员列表
- QPtrQueue类
- qptrqueue.h包含文件
- QPtrQueue成员列表
- QPtrStack类
- qptrstack.h包含文件
- QPtrStack成员列表
- QPtrVector类
- qptrvector.h包含文件
- QPtrVector成员列表
- QPushButton类
- qpushbutton.h包含文件
- QPushButton成员列表
- QRadioButton Class
- qradiobutton.h Include File
- QRadioButton Member List
- QRangeControl类
- qrangecontrol.h包含文件
- QRangeControld成员列表
- QRect类
- qrect.h包含文件
- QRect成员列表
- QRegExp Class
- qregexp.h Include File
- QRegExp Member List
- QRegExpValidator Class
- QRegExpValidator Member List
- QRegion Class
- qregion.h Include File
- QRegion Member List
- QResizeEvent Class
- QResizeEvent Member List
- qrtlcodec.h Include File
- QScreen Class
- QScreen Member List
- QScrollBar类
- qscrollbar.h包含文件
- QScrollBar成员列表
- QScrollView类
- qscrollview.h包含文件
- QScrollView成员列表
- QSemaphore类
- qsemaphore.h包含文件
- QSemaphore成员列表
- QServerSocket Class
- qserversocket.h Include File
- QServerSocket Member List
- QSessionManager Class
- qsessionmanager.h Include File
- QSessionManager Member List
- QSettings Class
- qsettings.h Include File
- QSettings Member List
- QSGIStyle Class
- qsgistyle.h Include File
- QSGIStyle Member List
- QShowEvent Class
- QShowEvent Member List
- QSignal Class
- qsignal.h Include File
- QSignalMapper Class
- qsignalmapper.h Include File
- QSignalMapper Member List
- QSignal Member List
- QSimpleRichText Class
- qsimplerichtext.h Include File
- QSimpleRichText Member List
- QSize类
- QSizeGrip Class
- qsizegrip.h Include File
- QSizeGrip Member List
- qsize.h包含文件
- QSize成员列表
- QSizePolicy Class
- qsizepolicy.h Include File
- QSizePolicy Member List
- QSjisCodec Class
- qsjiscodec.h Include File
- QSjisCodec Member List
- QSlider Class
- qslider.h Include File
- QSlider Member List
- QSocket类
- QSocketDevice Class
- qsocketdevice.h Include File
- QSocketDevice Member List
- qsocket.h包含文件
- QSocket成员列表
- QSocketNotifier Class
- qsocketnotifier.h Include File
- QSocketNotifier Member List
- QSortedList Class
- qsortedlist.h Include File
- QSortedList Member List
- QSound类
- qsound.h包含文件
- QSound成员列表
- QSpacerItem Class
- QSpacerItem Member List
- QSpinBox Class
- qspinbox.h Include File
- QSpinBox Member List
- QSplitter Class
- qsplitter.h Include File
- QSplitter Member List
- QSql类
- QSqlCursor Class
- qsqlcursor.h Include File
- QSqlCursor Member List
- QSqlDatabase Class
- qsqldatabase.h Include File
- QSqlDatabase Member List
- QSqlDriver Class
- qsqldriver.h Include File
- QSqlDriver Member List
- QSqlDriverPlugin Class
- qsqldriverplugin.h Include File
- QSqlDriverPlugin Member List
- QSqlEditorFactory Class
- qsqleditorfactory.h Include File
- QSqlEditorFactory Member List
- QSqlError Class
- qsqlerror.h Include File
- QSqlError Member List
- QSqlField Class
- qsqlfield.h Include File
- QSqlFieldInfo Class
- QSqlFieldInfo Member List
- QSqlField Member List
- QSqlForm Class
- qsqlform.h Include File
- QSqlForm Member List
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- qsqlindex.h Include File
- QSqlIndex Member List
- QSql成员列表
- QSqlPropertyMap Class
- qsqlpropertymap.h Include File
- QSqlPropertyMap Member List
- QSqlQuery类
- qsqlquery.h 包含文件
- QSqlQuery成员列表
- QSqlRecord Class
- qsqlrecord.h Include File
- QSqlRecordInfo Class
- QSqlRecordInfo Member List
- QSqlRecord Member List
- QSqlResult Class
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- QSqlResult Member List
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- QStoredDrag Member List
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- QStrIList Member List
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- QStringList Class
- qstringlist.h Include File
- QStringList Member List
- QString成员列表
- QStrList Class
- qstrlist.h Include File
- QStrListIterator Class
- QStrListIterator Member List
- QStrList Member List
- QStyle Class
- QStyleFactory Class
- qstylefactory.h Include File
- QStyleFactory Member List
- qstyle.h Include File
- QStyle Member List
- QStyleOption Class
- QStyleOption Member List
- QStylePlugin Class
- qstyleplugin.h Include File
- QStylePlugin Member List
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- qstylesheet.h Include File
- QStyleSheetItem Class
- QStyleSheetItem Member List
- QStyleSheet Member List
- Qt类
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- QTabBar Class
- qtabbar.h Include File
- QTabBar Member List
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- qtable.h包含文件
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- QTabletEvent Member List
- QTab Member List
- QTabWidget Class
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- QTabWidget Member List
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- qtextbrowser.h Include File
- QTextBrowser Member List
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- qtextcodec.h Include File
- QTextCodec Member List
- QTextCodecPlugin Class
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- QTextCodecPlugin Member List
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- QTextDrag Member List
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- QTextOStream类
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- QTimeEdit Class
- QTimeEdit Member List
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- QTimerEvent类
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- qtmultilineedit.h Include File
- QtMultiLineEdit Member List
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- QToolTipGroup Class
- QToolTipGroup Member List
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- QToolTip Member List
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- qtranslator.h Include File
- QTranslator Member List
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- QTranslatorMessage Member List
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- QUriDrag Member List
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- qurl.h Include File
- QUrlInfo Class
- qurlinfo.h Include File
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- QUrl Member List
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- qurloperator.h Include File
- QUrlOperator Member List
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- qvariant.h Include File
- QVariant Member List
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- qvbox.h Include File
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- QWhatsThis成员列表
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- QWheelEvent Member List
- QWidget类
- QWidgetFactory Class
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- QWidgetPlugin Class
- qwidgetplugin.h Include File
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- QWindowsMime Class
- QWindowsMime Member List
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- qwindowsstyle.h Include File
- QWindowsStyle Member List
- qwindowsystem_qws.h Include File
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- QWMatrix Class
- qwmatrix.h Include File
- QWMatrix Member List
- QWorkspace类
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- Qt/Embedded
- QWSDecoration Class
- qwsdecoration_qws.h Include File
- QWSDecoration Member List
- QWSKeyboardHandler Class
- QWSKeyboardHandler Member List
- qwsmouse_qws.h Include File
- QWSMouseHandler Class
- QWSMouseHandler Member List
- QWSServer Class
- QWSServer Member List
- QWSWindow Class
- QWSWindow Member List
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- QXmlAttributes Member List
- QXmlContentHandler Class
- QXmlContentHandler Member List
- QXmlDeclHandler Class
- QXmlDeclHandler Member List
- QXmlDefaultHandler Class
- QXmlDefaultHandler Member List
- QXmlDTDHandler Class
- QXmlDTDHandler Member List
- QXmlEntityResolver Class
- QXmlEntityResolver Member List
- QXmlErrorHandler Class
- QXmlErrorHandler Member List
- qxml.h Include File
- QXmlInputSource Class
- QXmlInputSource Member List
- QXmlLexicalHandler Class
- QXmlLexicalHandler Member List
- QXmlLocator Class
- QXmlLocator Member List
- QXmlNamespaceSupport Class
- QXmlNamespaceSupport Member List
- QXmlParseException Class
- QXmlParseException Member List
- QXmlReader Class
- QXmlSimpleReader Class
- QXmlSimpleReader Member List
- QXtApplication Class
- QXtApplication Member List
- qxt.h Include File
- QXtWidget Class
- QXtWidget Member List
- Range controls
- Richtext
- Rot13
- Simple Painting Application
- Qt的文本引擎
- Scrollview
- Session Management
- Implicitly and Explicitly Shared Classes
- Shared Classes
- Show Image
- Drag and Drop (Simple)
- Walkthrough: A Simple Application
- Walkthrough: A Simple Application with Actions
- A Complete Application Window
- A simple demonstration of QFont member functions
- Walkthrough: A simple QFont demonstration
- 小表格样例
- Sound Example
- Splitter
- SQL Module - Drivers
- Qt SQL Examples
- sql/overview/basicbrowsing2/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/basicbrowsing/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/basicdatamanip/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/connect1/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/create_connections/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/custom1/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/custom1/main.h Example File
- sql/overview/del/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/extract/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/form1/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/form2/main.h Example File
- sql/overview/insert/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/navigating/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/order1/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/order2/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/retrieve1/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/retrieve2/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/subclass1/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/subclass2/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/subclass2/main.h Example File
- sql/overview/subclass3/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/subclass3/main.h Example File
- sql/overview/subclass4/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/subclass4/main.h Example File
- sql/overview/subclass5/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/subclass5/main.h Example File
- sql/overview/table1/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/table2/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/table3/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/table3/main.h Example File
- sql/overview/table4/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/table4/main.h Example File
- sql/overview/update/main.cpp Example File
- SQL Table
- 表格样例
- t10/cannon.cpp Example File
- t10/cannon.h Example File
- t10/lcdrange.cpp Example File
- t10/lcdrange.h Example File
- t10/main.cpp Example File
- t11/cannon.cpp Example File
- t11/cannon.h Example File
- t11/lcdrange.cpp Example File
- t11/lcdrange.h Example File
- t11/main.cpp Example File
- t12/cannon.cpp Example File
- t12/cannon.h Example File
- t12/lcdrange.cpp Example File
- t12/lcdrange.h Example File
- t12/main.cpp Example File
- t13/cannon.cpp Example File
- t13/cannon.h Example File
- t13/gamebrd.cpp Example File
- t13/gamebrd.h Example File
- t13/lcdrange.cpp Example File
- t13/lcdrange.h Example File
- t13/main.cpp Example File
- t14/cannon.cpp Example File
- t14/cannon.h Example File
- t14/gamebrd.cpp Example File
- t14/gamebrd.h Example File
- t14/lcdrange.cpp Example File
- t14/lcdrange.h Example File
- t14/main.cpp Example File
- t7/lcdrange.cpp Example File
- t7/lcdrange.h Example File
- t7/main.cpp Example File
- t8/cannon.cpp Example File
- t8/cannon.h Example File
- t8/lcdrange.cpp Example File
- t8/lcdrange.h Example File
- t8/main.cpp Example File
- t9/cannon.cpp Example File
- t9/cannon.h Example File
- t9/lcdrange.cpp Example File
- t9/lcdrange.h Example File
- t9/main.cpp Example File
- Tabdialog
- table/bigtable/main.cpp Example File
- 表格例程
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- Qt教程一 —— 第十一章:给它一个炮弹
- Qt教程一 —— 第十一章:悬在空中的砖
- Qt教程一 —— 第十三章:游戏结束
- Qt教程一 —— 第十四章:面对墙壁
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- wizard/wizard.h Example File
- Transformed Graphics Demo
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- Walkthrough: How to use the Qt SAX2 classes
- Qt Xt/Motif Support Extension
- 适应2000年问题声明
QImage Class
The QImage class provides a hardware-independent pixmap representation with direct access to the pixel data. More...
#include <qimage.h>
List of all member functions.
Public Members
- enum Endian { IgnoreEndian, BigEndian, LittleEndian }
- QImage ()
- QImage ( intw, inth, intdepth, intnumColors = 0, EndianbitOrder = IgnoreEndian )
- QImage ( constQSize&size, intdepth, intnumColors = 0, EndianbitOrder = IgnoreEndian )
- QImage ( constQString&fileName, constchar*format = 0 )
- QImage ( constchar*constxpm[] )
- QImage ( constQByteArray&array )
- QImage ( uchar*yourdata, intw, inth, intdepth, QRgb*colortable, intnumColors, EndianbitOrder )
- QImage ( uchar*yourdata, intw, inth, intdepth, intbpl, QRgb*colortable, intnumColors, EndianbitOrder )
- QImage ( constQImage&image )
- ~QImage ()
- QImage & operator= ( constQImage&image )
- QImage & operator= ( constQPixmap&pixmap )
- bool operator== ( constQImage&i ) const
- bool operator!= ( constQImage&i ) const
- void detach ()
- QImage copy () const
- QImage copy ( intx, inty, intw, inth, intconversion_flags = 0 ) const
- QImage copy ( constQRect&r ) const
- bool isNull () const
- int width () const
- int height () const
- QSize size () const
- QRect rect () const
- int depth () const
- int numColors () const
- Endian bitOrder () const
- QRgb color ( inti ) const
- void setColor ( inti, QRgbc )
- void setNumColors ( intnumColors )
- bool hasAlphaBuffer () const
- void setAlphaBuffer ( boolenable )
- bool allGray () const
- bool isGrayscale () const
- uchar * bits () const
- uchar * scanLine ( inti ) const
- uchar ** jumpTable () const
- QRgb * colorTable () const
- int numBytes () const
- int bytesPerLine () const
- bool create ( intwidth, intheight, intdepth, intnumColors = 0, EndianbitOrder = IgnoreEndian )
- bool create ( const QSize &, intdepth, intnumColors = 0, EndianbitOrder = IgnoreEndian )
- void reset ()
- void fill ( uintpixel )
- void invertPixels ( boolinvertAlpha = TRUE )
- QImage convertDepth ( intdepth ) const
- QImage convertDepthWithPalette ( intd, QRgb*palette, intpalette_count, intconversion_flags = 0 ) const
- QImage convertDepth ( intdepth, intconversion_flags ) const
- QImage convertBitOrder ( EndianbitOrder ) const
- enum ScaleMode { ScaleFree, ScaleMin, ScaleMax }
- QImage smoothScale ( intw, inth, ScaleModemode = ScaleFree ) const
- QImage smoothScale ( constQSize&s, ScaleModemode = ScaleFree ) const
- QImage scale ( intw, inth, ScaleModemode = ScaleFree ) const
- QImage scale ( constQSize&s, ScaleModemode = ScaleFree ) const
- QImage scaleWidth ( intw ) const
- QImage scaleHeight ( inth ) const
- QImage xForm ( constQWMatrix&matrix ) const
- QImage createAlphaMask ( intconversion_flags = 0 ) const
- QImage createHeuristicMask ( boolclipTight = TRUE ) const
- QImage mirror () const
- QImage mirror ( boolhorizontal, boolvertical ) const
- QImage swapRGB () const
- bool load ( constQString&fileName, constchar*format = 0 )
- bool loadFromData ( constuchar*buf, uintlen, constchar*format = 0 )
- bool loadFromData ( QByteArraybuf, constchar*format = 0 )
- bool save ( constQString&fileName, constchar*format, intquality = -1 ) const
- bool valid ( intx, inty ) const
- int pixelIndex ( intx, inty ) const
- QRgb pixel ( intx, inty ) const
- void setPixel ( intx, inty, uintindex_or_rgb )
- int dotsPerMeterX () const
- int dotsPerMeterY () const
- void setDotsPerMeterX ( intx )
- void setDotsPerMeterY ( inty )
- QPoint offset () const
- void setOffset ( constQPoint&p )
- QValueList<QImageTextKeyLang> textList () const
- QStringList textLanguages () const
- QStringList textKeys () const
- QString text ( constchar*key, constchar*lang = 0 ) const
- QString text ( constQImageTextKeyLang&kl ) const
- void setText ( constchar*key, constchar*lang, constQString&s )
Static Public Members
- Endian systemBitOrder ()
- Endian systemByteOrder ()
- const char * imageFormat ( constQString&fileName )
- QStrList inputFormats ()
- QStrList outputFormats ()
- QStringList inputFormatList ()
- QStringList outputFormatList ()
Related Functions
- QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream&s, constQImage&image )
- QDataStream & operator>> ( QDataStream&s, QImage&image )
Detailed Description
The QImage class provides a hardware-independent pixmap representation with direct access to the pixel data.It is one of the two classes Qt provides for dealing with images, the other being QPixmap. QImage is designed and optimized for I/O and for direct pixel access/manipulation. QPixmap is designed and optimized for drawing. There are (slow) functions to convert between QImage and QPixmap: QPixmap::convertToImage() and QPixmap::convertFromImage().
An image has the parameters width, height and depth (bits per pixel, bpp), a color table and the actual pixels. QImage supports 1-bpp, 8-bpp and 32-bpp image data. 1-bpp and 8-bpp images use a color lookup table; the pixel value is a color table index.
32-bpp images encode an RGB value in 24 bits and ignore the color table. The most significant byte is used for the alpha buffer.
An entry in the color table is an RGB triplet encoded as a uint. Use the qRed(), qGreen() and qBlue() functions (qcolor.h) to access the components, and qRgb to make an RGB triplet (see the QColor class documentation).
1-bpp (monochrome) images have a color table with a most two colors. There are two different formats: big endian (MSB first) or little endian (LSB first) bit order. To access a single bit you will must do some bit shifts:
QImage image; // sets bit at (x,y) to 1 if ( image.bitOrder() == QImage::LittleEndian ) *(image.scanLine(y) + (x >> 3)) |= 1 << (x & 7); else *(image.scanLine(y) + (x >> 3)) |= 1 << (7 -(x & 7));
If this looks complicated, it might be a good idea to convert the 1-bpp image to an 8-bpp image using convertDepth().
8-bpp images are much easier to work with than 1-bpp images because they have a single byte per pixel:
QImage image; // set entry 19 in the color table to yellow image.setColor( 19, qRgb(255,255,0) ); // set 8 bit pixel at (x,y) to value yellow (in color table) *(image.scanLine(y) + x) = 19;
32-bpp images ignore the color table; instead, each pixel contains the RGB triplet. 24 bits contain the RGB value; the most significant byte is reserved for the alpha buffer.
QImage image; // sets 32 bit pixel at (x,y) to yellow. uint *p = (uint *)image.scanLine(y) + x; *p = qRgb(255,255,0);
On Qt/Embedded, scanlines are aligned to the pixel depth and may be padded to any degree, while on all other platforms, the scanlines are 32-bit aligned for all depths. The constructor taking a uchar* argument always expects 32-bit aligned data. On Qt/Embedded, an additional constructor allows the number of bytes-per-line to be specified.
QImage supports a variety of methods for getting information about the image, for example, colorTable(), allGray(), isGrayscale(), bitOrder(), bytesPerLine(), depth(), dotsPerMeterX() and dotsPerMeterY(), hasAlphaBuffer(), numBytes(), numColors(), and width() and height().
Pixel colors are retrieved with pixel() and set with setPixel().
QImage also supports a number of functions for creating a new image that is a transformed version of the original. For example, copy(), convertBitOrder(), convertDepth(), createAlphaMask(), createHeuristicMask(), mirror(), scale(), smoothScale(), swapRGB() and xForm(). There are also functions for changing attributes of an image in-place, for example, setAlphaBuffer(), setColor(), setDotsPerMeterX() and setDotsPerMeterY() and setNumColors().
Images can be loaded and saved in the supported formats. Images are saved to a file with save(). Images are loaded from a file with load() (or in the constructor) or from an array of data with loadFromData(). The lists of supported formats are available from inputFormatList() and outputFormatList().
Strings of text may be added to images using setText().
The QImage class uses explicit sharing, similar to that used by QMemArray.
New image formats can be added as plugins.
See also QImageIO, QPixmap, Shared Classes, Graphics Classes, Image Processing Classes and Implicitly and Explicitly Shared Classes.
Member Type Documentation
This enum type is used to describe the endianness of the CPU and graphics hardware.
- QImage::IgnoreEndian - Endianness does not matter. Useful for some operations that are independent of endianness.
- QImage::BigEndian - Network byte order, as on SPARC and Motorola CPUs.
- QImage::LittleEndian - PC/Alpha byte order.
The functions scale() and smoothScale() use different modes for scaling the image. The purpose of these modes is to retain the ratio of the image if this is required.
- QImage::ScaleFree - The image is scaled freely: the resulting image fits exactly into the specified size; the ratio will not necessarily be preserved.
- QImage::ScaleMin - The ratio of the image is preserved and the resulting image is guaranteed to fit into the specified size (it is as large as possible within these constraints) - the image might be smaller than the requested size.
- QImage::ScaleMax - The ratio of the image is preserved and the resulting image fills the whole specified rectangle (it is as small as possible within these constraints) - the image might be larger than the requested size.
Member Function Documentation
QImage::QImage ()
Constructs a null image.See also isNull().
QImage::QImage ( intw, inth, intdepth, intnumColors = 0, EndianbitOrder = IgnoreEndian )
Constructs an image with w width, h height, depth bits per pixel, numColors colors and bit order bitOrder.Using this constructor is the same as first constructing a null image and then calling the create() function.
See also create().
QImage::QImage ( constQSize&size, intdepth, intnumColors = 0, EndianbitOrder = IgnoreEndian )
Constructs an image with size size pixels, depth depth bits, numColors and bitOrder endianness.Using this constructor is the same as first constructing a null image and then calling the create() function.
See also create().
QImage::QImage ( constQString&fileName, constchar*format = 0 )
Constructs an image and tries to load the image from the file fileName.If format is specified, the loader attempts to read the image using the specified format. If format is not specified (which is the default), the loader reads a few bytes from the header to guess the file format.
If the loading of the image failed, this object is a null image.
The QImageIO documentation lists the supported image formats and explains how to add extra formats.
See also load(), isNull() and QImageIO.
QImage::QImage ( constchar*constxpm[] )
Constructs an image from xpm, which must be a valid XPM image.Errors are silently ignored.
Note that it's possible to squeeze the XPM variable a little bit by using an unusual declaration:
static const char * const start_xpm[]={ "16 15 8 1", "a c #cec6bd", ....
The extra const makes the entire definition read-only, which is slightly more efficient (e.g. when the code is in a shared library) and ROMable when the application is to be stored in ROM.
QImage::QImage ( constQByteArray&array )
Constructs an image from the binary data array. It tries to guess the file format.If the loading of the image failed, this object is a null image.
See also loadFromData(), isNull() and imageFormat().
QImage::QImage ( uchar*yourdata, intw, inth, intdepth, QRgb*colortable, intnumColors, EndianbitOrder )
Constructs an image w pixels wide, h pixels high with a color depth of depth, that uses an existing memory buffer, yourdata. The buffer must remain valid throughout the life of the QImage. The image does not delete the buffer at destruction.If colortable is 0, a color table sufficient for numColors will be allocated (and destructed later).
Note that yourdata must be 32-bit aligned.
The endianness is given in bitOrder.
QImage::QImage ( uchar*yourdata, intw, inth, intdepth, intbpl, QRgb*colortable, intnumColors, EndianbitOrder )
Constructs an image that uses an existing memory buffer. The buffer must remain valid for the life of the QImage. The image does not delete the buffer at destruction. The buffer is passed as yourdata. The image's width is w and its height is h. The color depth is depth. bpl specifies the number of bytes per line.If colortable is 0, a color table sufficient for numColors will be allocated (and destructed later).
The endian-ness is specified by bitOrder.
QImage::QImage ( constQImage&image )
Constructs a shallow copy of image.QImage::~QImage ()
Destroys the image and cleans up.bool QImage::allGray () const
Returns TRUE if all the colors in the image are shades of gray (i.e. their red, green and blue components are equal); otherwise returns FALSE.This function is slow for large 16-bit and 32-bit images.
See also isGrayscale().
Endian QImage::bitOrder () const
Returns the bit order for the image.
If it is a 1-bpp image, this function returns either QImage::BigEndian or QImage::LittleEndian.
If it is not a 1-bpp image, this function returns QImage::IgnoreEndian.
See also depth().
uchar * QImage::bits () const
Returns a pointer to the first pixel data. This is equivalent to scanLine(0).
See also numBytes(), scanLine() and jumpTable().
Example: opengl/texture/gltexobj.cpp.
int QImage::bytesPerLine () const
Returns the number of bytes per image scanline. This is equivalent to numBytes()/height().
See also numBytes() and scanLine().
QRgb QImage::color ( inti ) const
Returns the color in the color table at index i. The first color is at index 0.
A color value is an RGB triplet. Use the qRed(), qGreen() and qBlue() functions (defined in qcolor.h) to get the color value components.
See also setColor(), numColors() and QColor.
Example: themes/wood.cpp.
QRgb * QImage::colorTable () const
Returns a pointer to the color table.
See also numColors().
QImage QImage::convertBitOrder ( EndianbitOrder ) const
Converts the bit order of the image to bitOrder and returns the converted image. The original image is not changed.Returns *this if the bitOrder is equal to the image bit order, or a null image if this image cannot be converted.
See also bitOrder(), systemBitOrder() and isNull().
QImage QImage::convertDepth ( intdepth, intconversion_flags ) const
Converts the depth (bpp) of the image to depth and returns the converted image. The original image is not changed.The depth argument must be 1, 8, 16 or 32.
Returns *this if depth is equal to the image depth, or a null image if this image cannot be converted.
If the image needs to be modified to fit in a lower-resolution result (e.g. converting from 32-bit to 8-bit), use the conversion_flags to specify how you'd prefer this to happen.
See also Qt::ImageConversionFlags, depth() and isNull().
QImage QImage::convertDepth ( intdepth ) const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.QImage QImage::convertDepthWithPalette ( intd, QRgb*palette, intpalette_count, intconversion_flags = 0 ) const
Returns an image with depth d, using the palette_count colors pointed to by palette. If d is 1 or 8, the returned image will have its color table ordered the same as palette.If the image needs to be modified to fit in a lower-resolution result (e.g. converting from 32-bit to 8-bit), use the conversion_flags to specify how you'd prefer this to happen.
Note: currently no closest-color search is made. If colors are found that are not in the palette, the palette may not be used at all. This result should not be considered valid because it may change in future implementations.
Currently inefficient for non-32-bit images.
See also Qt::ImageConversionFlags.
QImage QImage::copy () const
Returns a deep copy of the image.See also detach().
QImage QImage::copy ( intx, inty, intw, inth, intconversion_flags = 0 ) const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.Returns a deep copy of a sub-area of the image.
The returned image is always w by h pixels in size, and is copied from position x, y in this image. In areas beyond this image pixels are filled with pixel 0.
If the image needs to be modified to fit in a lower-resolution result (e.g. converting from 32-bit to 8-bit), use the conversion_flags to specify how you'd prefer this to happen.
See also bitBlt() and Qt::ImageConversionFlags.
QImage QImage::copy ( constQRect&r ) const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.Returns a deep copy of a sub-area of the image.
The returned image always has the size of the rectangle r. In areas beyond this image pixels are filled with pixel 0.
bool QImage::create ( intwidth, intheight, intdepth, intnumColors = 0, EndianbitOrder = IgnoreEndian )
Sets the image width, height, depth, its number of colors (in numColors), and bit order. Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if the parameters are incorrect or if memory cannot be allocated.The width and height is limited to 32767. depth must be 1, 8, 16 or 32. If depth is 1, bitOrder must be set to either QImage::LittleEndian or QImage::BigEndian. For other depths bitOrder must be QImage::IgnoreEndian.
This function allocates a color table and a buffer for the image data. The image data is not initialized.
The image buffer is allocated as a single block that consists of a table of scanline pointers (jumpTable()) and the image data (bits()).
See also fill(), width(), height(), depth(), numColors(), bitOrder(), jumpTable(), scanLine(), bits(), bytesPerLine() and numBytes().
bool QImage::create ( constQSize&, intdepth, intnumColors = 0, EndianbitOrder = IgnoreEndian )
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.QImage QImage::createAlphaMask ( intconversion_flags = 0 ) const
Builds and returns a 1-bpp mask from the alpha buffer in this image. Returns a null image if alpha buffer mode is disabled.See QPixmap::convertFromImage() for a description of the conversion_flags argument.
The returned image has little-endian bit order, which you can convert to big-endianness using convertBitOrder().
See also createHeuristicMask(), hasAlphaBuffer() and setAlphaBuffer().
QImage QImage::createHeuristicMask ( boolclipTight = TRUE ) const
Creates and returns a 1-bpp heuristic mask for this image. It works by selecting a color from one of the corners, then chipping away pixels of that color starting at all the edges.The four corners vote for which color is to be masked away. In case of a draw (this generally means that this function is not applicable to the image), the result is arbitrary.
The returned image has little-endian bit order, which you can convert to big-endianness using convertBitOrder().
If clipTight is TRUE the mask is just large enough to cover the pixels; otherwise, the mask is larger than the data pixels.
This function disregards the alpha buffer.
See also createAlphaMask().
int QImage::depth () const
Returns the depth of the image.
The image depth is the number of bits used to encode a single pixel, also called bits per pixel (bpp) or bit planes of an image.
The supported depths are 1, 8, 16 and 32.
See also convertDepth().
void QImage::detach ()
Detaches from shared image data and makes sure that this image is the only one referring to the data.If multiple images share common data, this image makes a copy of the data and detaches itself from the sharing mechanism. Nothing is done if there is just a single reference.
See also copy().
Example: themes/wood.cpp.
int QImage::dotsPerMeterX () const
Returns the number of pixels that fit horizontally in a physical meter. This and dotsPerMeterY() define the intended scale and aspect ratio of the image.
See also setDotsPerMeterX().
int QImage::dotsPerMeterY () const
Returns the number of pixels that fit vertically in a physical meter. This and dotsPerMeterX() define the intended scale and aspect ratio of the image.
See also setDotsPerMeterY().
void QImage::fill ( uintpixel )
Fills the entire image with the pixel value pixel.If the depth of this image is 1, only the lowest bit is used. If you say fill(0), fill(2), etc., the image is filled with 0s. If you say fill(1), fill(3), etc., the image is filled with 1s. If the depth is 8, the lowest 8 bits are used.
If the depth is 32 and the image has no alpha buffer, the pixel value is written to each pixel in the image. If the image has an alpha buffer, only the 24 RGB bits are set and the upper 8 bits (alpha value) are left unchanged.
See also invertPixels(), depth(), hasAlphaBuffer() and create().
bool QImage::hasAlphaBuffer () const
Returns TRUE if alpha buffer mode is enabled; otherwise returns FALSE.
See also setAlphaBuffer().
int QImage::height () const
Returns the height of the image.
See also width(), size() and rect().
Examples: canvas/canvas.cpp and opengl/texture/gltexobj.cpp.
const char * QImage::imageFormat ( constQString&fileName ) [static]
Returns a string that specifies the image format of the file fileName, or 0 if the file cannot be read or if the format is not recognized.The QImageIO documentation lists the guaranteed supported image formats, or use QImage::inputFormats() and QImage::outputFormats() to get lists that include the installed formats.
See also load() and save().
QStringList QImage::inputFormatList () [static]
Returns a list of image formats that are supported for image input.Note that if you want to iterate over the list, you should iterate over a copy, e.g.
QStringList list = myImage.inputFormatList(); QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); while( it != list.end() ) { myProcessing( *it ); ++it; }
See also outputFormatList(), inputFormats() and QImageIO.
Example: showimg/showimg.cpp.
QStrList QImage::inputFormats () [static]
Returns a list of image formats that are supported for image input.See also outputFormats(), inputFormatList() and QImageIO.
void QImage::invertPixels ( boolinvertAlpha = TRUE )
Inverts all pixel values in the image.If the depth is 32: if invertAlpha is TRUE, the alpha bits are also inverted, otherwise they are left unchanged.
If the depth is not 32, the argument invertAlpha has no meaning.
Note that inverting an 8-bit image means to replace all pixels using color index i with a pixel using color index 255 minus i. Similarly for a 1-bit image. The color table is not changed.
See also fill(), depth() and hasAlphaBuffer().
bool QImage::isGrayscale () const
For 16-bit and 32-bit images, this function is equivalent to allGray().For 8-bpp images, this function returns TRUE if color(i) is QRgb(i,i,i) for all indices of the color table; otherwise returns FALSE.
See also allGray() and depth().
bool QImage::isNull () const
Returns TRUE if it is a null image; otherwise returns FALSE.
A null image has all parameters set to zero and no allocated data.
Examples: qtimage/qtimage.cpp and showimg/showimg.cpp.
uchar ** QImage::jumpTable () const
Returns a pointer to the scanline pointer table.
This is the beginning of the data block for the image.
See also bits() and scanLine().
bool QImage::load ( constQString&fileName, constchar*format = 0 )
Loads an image from the file fileName. Returns TRUE if the image was successfully loaded; otherwise returns FALSE.If format is specified, the loader attempts to read the image using the specified format. If format is not specified (which is the default), the loader reads a few bytes from the header to guess the file format.
The QImageIO documentation lists the supported image formats and explains how to add extra formats.
See also loadFromData(), save(), imageFormat(), QPixmap::load() and QImageIO.
bool QImage::loadFromData ( constuchar*buf, uintlen, constchar*format = 0 )
Loads an image from the first len bytes of binary data in buf. Returns TRUE if the image was successfully loaded; otherwise returns FALSE.If format is specified, the loader attempts to read the image using the specified format. If format is not specified (which is the default), the loader reads a few bytes from the header to guess the file format.
The QImageIO documentation lists the supported image formats and explains how to add extra formats.
See also load(), save(), imageFormat(), QPixmap::loadFromData() and QImageIO.
bool QImage::loadFromData ( QByteArraybuf, constchar*format = 0 )
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.Loads an image from the QByteArray buf.
QImage QImage::mirror () const
Returns a QImage which is a vertically mirrored copy of this image. The original QImage is not changed.QImage QImage::mirror ( boolhorizontal, boolvertical ) const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.Returns a mirror of the image, mirrored in the horizontal and/or the vertical direction depending on whether horizontal and vertical are set to TRUE or FALSE. The original image is not changed.
See also smoothScale().
int QImage::numBytes () const
Returns the number of bytes occupied by the image data.
See also bytesPerLine() and bits().
int QImage::numColors () const
Returns the size of the color table for the image.
Notice that numColors() returns 0 for 16-bpp and 32-bpp images because these images do not use color tables, but instead encode pixel values as RGB triplets.
See also setNumColors() and colorTable().
Example: themes/wood.cpp.
QPoint QImage::offset () const
Returns the number of pixels by which the image is intended to be offset by when positioning relative to other images.
bool QImage::operator!= ( constQImage&i ) const
Returns TRUE if this image and image i have different contents; otherwise returns FALSE. The comparison can be slow, unless there is some obvious difference, such as different widths, in which case the function will return quickly.See also operator=().
QImage& QImage::operator= ( constQImage&image )
Assigns a shallow copy of image to this image and returns a reference to this image.See also copy().
QImage& QImage::operator= ( constQPixmap&pixmap )
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.Sets the image bits to the pixmap contents and returns a reference to the image.
If the image shares data with other images, it will first dereference the shared data.
Makes a call to QPixmap::convertToImage().
bool QImage::operator== ( constQImage&i ) const
Returns TRUE if this image and image i have the same contents; otherwise returns FALSE. The comparison can be slow, unless there is some obvious difference, such as different widths, in which case the function will return quickly.See also operator=().
QStringList QImage::outputFormatList () [static]
Returns a list of image formats that are supported for image output.Note that if you want to iterate over the list, you should iterate over a copy, e.g.
QStringList list = myImage.outputFormatList(); QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); while( it != list.end() ) { myProcessing( *it ); ++it; }
See also inputFormatList(), outputFormats() and QImageIO.
QStrList QImage::outputFormats () [static]
Returns a list of image formats that are supported for image output.See also inputFormats(), outputFormatList() and QImageIO.
Example: showimg/showimg.cpp.
QRgb QImage::pixel ( intx, inty ) const
Returns the color of the pixel at the coordinates (x, y).If (x, y) is not on the image, the results are undefined.
See also setPixel(), qRed(), qGreen(), qBlue() and valid().
Examples: canvas/canvas.cpp and qmag/qmag.cpp.
int QImage::pixelIndex ( intx, inty ) const
Returns the pixel index at the given coordinates.If (x, y) is not valid, or if the image is not a paletted image (depth() > 8), the results are undefined.
See also valid() and depth().
QRect QImage::rect () const
Returns the enclosing rectangle (0, 0, width(), height()) of the image.
See also width(), height() and size().
void QImage::reset ()
Resets all image parameters and deallocates the image data.Example: qtimage/qtimage.cpp.
bool QImage::save ( constQString&fileName, constchar*format, intquality = -1 ) const
Saves the image to the file fileName, using the image file format format and a quality factor of quality. quality must be in the range 0..100 or -1. Specify 0 to obtain small compressed files, 100 for large uncompressed files, and -1 (the default) to use the default settings.Returns TRUE if the image was successfully saved; otherwise returns FALSE.
See also load(), loadFromData(), imageFormat(), QPixmap::save() and QImageIO.
QImage QImage::scale ( intw, inth, ScaleModemode = ScaleFree ) const
Returns a scaled copy of the image. The returned image has a size of width w by height h pixels if mode is ScaleFree. The modes ScaleMin and ScaleMax may be used to preserve the ratio of the image: if mode is ScaleMin, the returned image is guaranteed to fit into the rectangle specified by w and h (it is as large as possible within the constraints); if mode is ScaleMax, the returned image fits at least into the specified rectangle (it is a small as possible within the constraints).If either the width w or the height h is 0 or negative, this function returns a null image.
This function uses a rather simple algorithm; if you need better quality, use smoothScale() instead.
See also scaleWidth(), scaleHeight(), smoothScale() and xForm().
QImage QImage::scale ( constQSize&s, ScaleModemode = ScaleFree ) const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.The requested size of the image is s.
QImage QImage::scaleHeight ( inth ) const
Returns a scaled copy of the image. The returned image has a height of h pixels. This function automatically calculates the width of the image so that the ratio of the image is preserved.If h is 0 or negative a null image is returned.
See also scale(), scaleWidth(), smoothScale() and xForm().
Example: table/small-table-demo/main.cpp.
QImage QImage::scaleWidth ( intw ) const
Returns a scaled copy of the image. The returned image has a width of w pixels. This function automatically calculates the height of the image so that the ratio of the image is preserved.If w is 0 or negative a null image is returned.
See also scale(), scaleHeight(), smoothScale() and xForm().
uchar * QImage::scanLine ( inti ) const
Returns a pointer to the pixel data at the scanline with index i. The first scanline is at index 0.
The scanline data is aligned on a 32-bit boundary.
Warning: If you are accessing 32-bpp image data, cast the returned pointer to QRgb* (QRgb has a 32-bit size) and use it to read/write the pixel value. You cannot use the uchar* pointer directly, because the pixel format depends on the byte order on the underlying platform. Hint: use qRed(), qGreen() and qBlue(), etc. (qcolor.h) to access the pixels.
Warning: If you are accessing 16-bpp image data, you must handle endianness yourself.
See also bytesPerLine(), bits() and jumpTable().
Example: desktop/desktop.cpp.
void QImage::setAlphaBuffer ( boolenable )
Enables alpha buffer mode if enable is TRUE, otherwise disables it. The default setting is disabled.An 8-bpp image has 8-bit pixels. A pixel is an index into the color table, which contains 32-bit color values. In a 32-bpp image, the 32-bit pixels are the color values.
This 32-bit value is encoded as follows: The lower 24 bits are used for the red, green, and blue components. The upper 8 bits contain the alpha component.
The alpha component specifies the transparency of a pixel. 0 means completely transparent and 255 means opaque. The alpha component is ignored if you do not enable alpha buffer mode.
The alpha buffer is used to set a mask when a QImage is translated to a QPixmap.
See also hasAlphaBuffer() and createAlphaMask().
void QImage::setColor ( inti, QRgbc )
Sets a color in the color table at index i to c.
A color value is an RGB triplet. Use the qRgb() function (defined in qcolor.h) to make RGB triplets.
See also color(), setNumColors() and numColors().
Examples: desktop/desktop.cpp and themes/wood.cpp.
void QImage::setDotsPerMeterX ( intx )
Sets the value returned by dotsPerMeterX() to x.void QImage::setDotsPerMeterY ( inty )
Sets the value returned by dotsPerMeterY() to y.void QImage::setNumColors ( intnumColors )
Resizes the color table to numColors colors.If the color table is expanded all the extra colors will be set to black (RGB 0,0,0).
See also numColors(), color(), setColor() and colorTable().
void QImage::setOffset ( constQPoint&p )
Sets the value returned by offset() to p.void QImage::setPixel ( intx, inty, uintindex_or_rgb )
Sets the pixel index or color at the coordinates (x, y) to index_or_rgb.If (x, y) is not valid, the result is undefined.
If the image is a paletted image (depth() <= 8) and index_or_rgb >= numColors(), the result is undefined.
See also pixelIndex(), pixel(), qRgb(), qRgba() and valid().
void QImage::setText ( constchar*key, constchar*lang, constQString&s )
Records string s for the keyword key. The key should be a portable keyword recognizable by other software - some suggested values can be found in the PNG specification. s can be any text. lang should specify the language code (see RFC 1766) or 0.QSize QImage::size () const
Returns the size of the image, i.e. its width and height.
See also width(), height() and rect().
QImage QImage::smoothScale ( intw, inth, ScaleModemode = ScaleFree ) const
Returns a smoothly scaled copy of the image. The returned image has a size of width w by height h pixels if mode is ScaleFree. The modes ScaleMin and ScaleMax may be used to preserve the ratio of the image: if mode is ScaleMin, the returned image is guaranteed to fit into the rectangle specified by w and h (it is as large as possible within the constraints); if mode is ScaleMax, the returned image fits at least into the specified rectangle (it is a small as possible within the constraints).For 32-bpp images and 1-bpp/8-bpp color images the result will be 32-bpp, whereas all-gray images (including black-and-white 1-bpp) will produce 8-bit grayscale images with the palette spanning 256 grays from black to white.
This function uses code based on pnmscale.c by Jef Poskanzer.
pnmscale.c - read a portable anymap and scale it
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
See also scale() and mirror().
QImage QImage::smoothScale ( constQSize&s, ScaleModemode = ScaleFree ) const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.The requested size of the image is s.
QImage QImage::swapRGB () const
Returns a QImage in which the values of the red and blue components of all pixels have been swapped, effectively converting an RGB image to a BGR image. The original QImage is not changed.Endian QImage::systemBitOrder () [static]
Determines the bit order of the display hardware. Returns QImage::LittleEndian (LSB first) or QImage::BigEndian (MSB first).See also systemByteOrder().
Endian QImage::systemByteOrder () [static]
Determines the host computer byte order. Returns QImage::LittleEndian (LSB first) or QImage::BigEndian (MSB first).See also systemBitOrder().
QString QImage::text ( constchar*key, constchar*lang = 0 ) const
Returns the string recorded for the keyword key in language lang, or in a default language if lang is 0.QString QImage::text ( constQImageTextKeyLang&kl ) const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.Returns the string recorded for the keyword and language kl.
QStringList QImage::textKeys () const
Returns the keywords for which some texts are recorded.Note that if you want to iterate over the list, you should iterate over a copy, e.g.
QStringList list = myImage.textKeys(); QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); while( it != list.end() ) { myProcessing( *it ); ++it; }
See also textList(), text(), setText() and textLanguages().
QStringList QImage::textLanguages () const
Returns the language identifiers for which some texts are recorded.Note that if you want to iterate over the list, you should iterate over a copy, e.g.
QStringList list = myImage.textLanguages(); QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); while( it != list.end() ) { myProcessing( *it ); ++it; }
See also textList(), text(), setText() and textKeys().
QValueList<QImageTextKeyLang> QImage::textList () const
Returns a list of QImageTextKeyLang objects that enumerate all the texts key/language pairs set by setText() for this image.Note that if you want to iterate over the list, you should iterate over a copy, e.g.
QValueList<QImageTextKeyLang> list = myImage.textList(); QValueList<QImageTextKeyLang>::Iterator it = list.begin(); while( it != list.end() ) { myProcessing( *it ); ++it; }
bool QImage::valid ( intx, inty ) const
Returns TRUE if ( x, y ) is a valid coordinate in the image; otherwise returns FALSE.See also width(), height() and pixelIndex().
Examples: canvas/canvas.cpp and qmag/qmag.cpp.
int QImage::width () const
Returns the width of the image.
See also height(), size() and rect().
Examples: canvas/canvas.cpp and opengl/texture/gltexobj.cpp.
QImage QImage::xForm ( constQWMatrix&matrix ) const
Returns a copy of the image that is transformed using the transformation matrix, matrix.The transformation matrix is internally adjusted to compensate for unwanted translation, i.e. xForm() returns the smallest image that contains all the transformed points of the original image.
See also scale(), QPixmap::xForm(), QPixmap::trueMatrix() and QWMatrix.
Related Functions
QDataStream& operator<< ( QDataStream&s, constQImage&image )
Writes the image image to the stream s as a PNG image.
See also QImage::save() and Format of the QDataStream operators.
QDataStream& operator>> ( QDataStream&s, QImage&image )
Reads an image from the stream s and stores it in image.
See also QImage::load() and Format of the QDataStream operators.
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