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- 资源
- Express 词汇表
- Express 社区
- 模板引擎
- Express 中间件
- Express body-parser middleware
- Express compression middleware
- Express connect-rid middleware
- Express cookie-parser middleware
- Express cookie-session middleware
- Express cors middleware
- Express csurf middleware
- Express errorhandler middleware
- Express method-override middleware
- Express morgan middleware
- Express multer middleware
- Express response-time middleware
- Express serve-favicon middleware
- Express serve-index middleware
- Express serve-static middleware
- Express session middleware
- Express timeout middleware
- Express vhost middleware
- Express 实用模板
- 推荐框架
- 推荐书籍和博客
Express 社区
Technical committee
The Express technical committee meets online every two weeks (as needed) to discuss development and maintenance of Express, and other issues relevant to the Express project. Each meeting is typically announced in an expressjs/discussions issue with a link to join or view the meeting, which is open to all observers.
The meetings are recorded; for a list of the recordings, see the Express.js YouTube channel.
Members of the Express technical committee are:
- @blakeembrey - Blake Embrey
- @crandmck - Rand McKinney
- @dougwilson - Douglas Wilson
- @LinusU - Linus Unnebäck
- @wesleytodd - Wes Todd
- @hacksparrow - Hage Yaapa
- @jonathanong - jongleberry
- @niftylettuce - niftylettuce
- @troygoode - Troy Goode
Express is made of many modules
Our vibrant community has created a large variety of extensions, middleware modules and higher-level frameworks.
Additionally, the Express community maintains modules in these two GitHub orgs:
- jshttp modules providing useful utility functions; see Utility modules.
- pillarjs: low-level modules that Express uses internally.
To keep up with what is going on in the whole community, check out the ExpressJS StatusBoard.
The expressjs/express chatroom is great place for developers interested in the everyday discussions related to Express.
If you’ve come across what you think is a bug, or just want to make a feature request open a ticket in the issue queue.
View dozens of Express application examples in the repository covering everything from API design and authentication to template engine integration.
Mailing List
Join over 2000 Express users or browse over 5000 discussions in the Google Group.
IRC channel
Hundreds of developers idle in #express on freenode every day. If you have questions about the framework, jump in for quick feedback.
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。
