- 第一章 SystemVerilog导论
- 第二章 文本值
- 第三章 数据类型
- 第四章 数组
- 第五章 数据声明
- 第六章 属性
- 第七章 操作符与表达式
- 第八章 过程语句和控制流
- 第九章 进程
- 第十章 任务与函数
- 第十一章 类
- 第十二章 随机约束
- 第十三章 进程间的同步与通信
- 第十四章 调度语义
- 第十五章 时钟控制块
- 第十六章 程序块
- 第十七章 断言
- 第十八章 层次
- 第十九章 接口
- 第二十章 覆盖
- 第二十一章 参数
- 第二十二章 配置库
- 第二十三章 系统任务与系统函数
- 23.1 简介(一般信息)
- 23.2 确立时的typeof函数
- 23.3 typename函数
- 23.4 表达式尺寸系统函数
- 23.5 范围系统函数
- 23.6 Shortreal转换
- 23.7 数组查询系统函数
- 23.8 断言严重性系统任务
- 23.9 断言控制系统任务
- 23.10 断言系统函数
- 23.11 随机数系统函数
- 23.12 程序控制
- 23.13 覆盖系统函数
- 23.14 对Verilog-2001系统任务的增强
- 23.15 $readmemb与$readmemh
- 23.16 $writememb and $writememh
- 23.17 File format considerations for multi-dimensional unpacked arrays
- 23.18 System task arguments for multi-dimensional unpacked arrays
- 第二十四章 VCD数据
- 第二十五章 编译器指令
- 第二十六章 考虑从SystemVerilog中删除的功能
- 第二十七章 直接编程接口(DPI)
- 27.1 概述
- 27.2 Two layers of the DPI
- 27.3 Global name space of imported and exported functions
- 27.4 导入的任务和函数
- 27.5 Calling imported functions
- 27.6 Exported functions
- 27.7 Exported tasks
- 27.8 Disabling DPI tasks and functions
- 第二十八章 SystemVerilog断言API
- 第二十九章 SystemVerilog覆盖API
- 29.1 需求
- 29.2 SystemVerilog real-time coverage access
- 29.3 FSM recognition
- 29.3.1 Specifying the signal that holds the current state
- 29.3.2 Specifying the part-select that holds the current state
- 29.3.3 Specifying the concatenation that holds the current state
- 29.3.4 Specifying the signal that holds the next state
- 29.3.5 Specifying the current and next state signals in the same declaration
- 29.3.6 Specifying the possible states of the FSM
- 29.3.7 Pragmas in one-line comments
- 29.3.8 Example
- 29.4 VPI coverage extensions
- 第三十章 SystemVerilog数据读API
- 30.1 简介(一般信息)
- 30.2 需求
- 30.3 Extensions to VPI enumerations
- 30.4 VPI object type additions
- 30.5 Object model diagrams
- 30.6 Usage extensions to VPI routines
- 30.7 VPI routines added in SystemVerilog
- 30.8 Reading data
- 30.9 Optionally unloading the data
- 30.10 Reading data from multiple databases and/or different read library providers
- 30.11 VPI routines extended in SystemVerilog
- 30.12 VPI routines added in SystemVerilog
- 30.12.1 VPI reader routines
- 第三十一章 SystemVerilog VPI Object Model
- 31.1 简介(一般信息)
- 31.2 Instance
- 31.3 Interface
- 31.4 Program
- 31.5 Module (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.1)
- 31.6 Modport
- 31.7 Interface tf decl
- 31.8 Ports (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.5)
- 31.9 Ref Obj
- 31.9.1 Examples
- 31.10 Variables (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 section 26.6.8)
- 31.11 Var Select (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.8)
- 31.12 Typespec
- 31.13 Variable Drivers and Loads (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.23)
- 31.14 Instance Arrays (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.2)
- 31.15 Scope (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.3)
- 31.16 IO Declaration (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.4)
- 31.17 Clocking Block
- 31.18 Class Object Definition
- 31.19 Constraint, constraint ordering, distribution,
- 31.20 Constraint expression
- 31.21 Class Variables
- 31.22 Structure/Union
- 31.23 Named Events (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.11)
- 31.24 Task, Function Declaration (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.18)
- 31.25 Alias Statement
- 31.25.1 Examples
- 31.26 Frames (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.20)
- 31.27 Threads
- 31.28 tf call (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.19)
- 31.29 Module path, path term (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.15)
- 31.30 Concurrent assertions
- 31.31 Property Decl
- 31.32 Property Specification
- 31.33 Multiclock Sequence Expression
- 31.34 Sequence Declaration
- 31.35 Sequence Expression
- 31.36 Attribute (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.42)
- 31.37 Atomic Statement (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.27)
- 31.38 If, if else, return, case, do while (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.35, 26.6.36)
- 31.39 waits, disables, expect, foreach (supersedes IEEE 1364 26.6.38)
- 31.40 Simple expressions (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.25)
- 31.41 Expressions (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.26)
- 31.42 Event control (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.30)
- 31.43 Event stmt (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.27)
- 31.44 Process (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.27)
- 31.45 Assignment (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.28)
- 附录A 形式语法
- A.1 源文本
- A.2 声明
- A.3 Primitive instances
- A.4 Module, interface and generated instantiation
- A.5 UDP declaration and instantiation
- A.6 Behavioral statements
- A.6.1 Continuous assignment and net alias statements
- A.6.2 Procedural blocks and assignments
- A.6.3 Parallel and sequential blocks
- A.6.4 Statements
- A.6.5 Timing control statements
- A.6.6 Conditional statements
- A.6.7 Case statements
- A.6.8 Looping statements
- A.6.9 Subroutine call statements
- A.6.10 Assertion statements
- A.6.11 Clocking block
- A.6.12 Randsequence
- A.7 Specify section
- A.8 Expressions
- A.9 General
- A.10 Footnotes (normative)
- 附录B 关键字
- 附录C 标准包
- 附录D 链表
- 附录E DPI C-layer
- E.1 概述
- E.2 Naming conventions
- E.3 Portability
- E.4 Include files
- E.5 Semantic constraints
- E.6 Data types
- E.7 Argument passing modes
- E.8 Context tasks and functions
- E.9 Include files
- E.10 Arrays
- E.11 Open arrays
- E.11.1 Actual ranges
- E.11.2 Array querying functions
- E.11.3 Access functions
- E.11.4 Access to the actual representation
- E.11.5 Access to elements via canonical representation
- E.11.6 Access to scalar elements (bit and logic)
- E.11.7 Access to array elements of other types
- E.11.8 Example 4— two-dimensional open array
- E.11.9 Example 5 — open array
- E.11.10 Example 6 — access to packed arrays
- E.11.11 Example 7 — binary compatible calls of exported functions
- 附录F 包含文件
- 附录G 包含外部语言代码
- 附录H 并发断言的形式语义
- 附录I svvpiuser.h
- 附录J 术语表
- 附录K 参考书目
- 其他
附录J 术语表
主题 | 描述 |
集合 | 一个集合表达式、变量或类型代表了一组单一值。集合类型是任意非压缩结构体、非压缩联合体、或非压缩数组数据类型。集合可以作为一个整体拷贝或比较,但典型情况下不能作为一个整体使用在表达式中。 |
断言 | 断言是一条某个特性必须为“真”的语句。例如,一个read_request信号必须总是在两个时钟内跟着一个read_grant信号。断言能够自动检查一个指定的特性是否为“真”,并且,如果特性不为“真”,它能够自动产生一条错误信息。SystemVerilog提供了特殊的断言结构。断言结构在第17章中讨论。 |
Bit-stream | A bit-stream type or variables is any type that can be represented as a serial stream of bits. To qualify as a bit-stream type, each and every bit of the type must be individually addressable. This means that a bit-stream type can be any type that does not include a handle, chandle, real, shortreal, or event. |
Canonical representation | A data representation format established by convention into which and from which translations can be made with specialized representations. |
Constant | There are two types of constants in SystemVerilog. Parameters and local parameters are elaboration constants. Their values are calculated before elaboration is complete. Elaboration constants can be used to set the range of array types. The other form of constant is a run-time constant. These are variables that can only be set in an initialization expression using the const qualifier. |
Context imported task | A DPI imported task declared with the 'context' property that is capable of calling exported tasks or functions and capable of accessing System Verilog objects via VPI or PLI calls. |
Disable protocol | A set of conventions for setting, checking and handling disable status. |
DPI | Direct Programming Interface. This is an interface between SystemVerilog and foreign programming languages permitting direct function calls from SystemVerilog to foreign code and from foreign code to SystemVerilog. It has been designed to have low inherent overhead and permit direct exchange of data between SystemVerilog and foreign code. |
Dynamic | A dynamic type or variable is one that can be resized or re-allocated at runtime. Dynamic types include those that contain dynamic arrays, associative arrays, queues, or class handles. |
Elaboration | Elaboration is the process of binding together the components that make up a design. These components can include module instances, primitive instances, interfaces, and the top-level of the design hierarchy. |
枚举类型 | 枚举数据类型提供了一种能力来声明可以由一组命名值表示的变量。我们可以指定这些值等价的数值。枚举类型可以使用枚举名字而不是枚举值方便地引用或显示。3.10节讨论了枚举类型。 |
Exported task | A System Verilog task that is declared in an export declaration and can be enabled from an imported task. |
Imported task | A DPI foreign code subprogram that can call exported tasks and can directly or indirectly consume simulation time. |
Interface | An interface encapsulates the communication between blocks of a design, allowing a smooth migration from abstract system-level design through successive refinement down to lower-level register-transfer and structural views of the design. By encapsulating the communication between blocks, the interface construct also facilitates design re-use. The inclusion of interface capabilities is one of the major advantages of SystemVerilog. Interfaces are covered in Section 19. |
Integral | An integral expression, variable or type is used to represent integral, or integer value They may also be called vectored values. .Integrals may be signed or unsigned, sliced into smaller integral values, or concatenated into larger values. |
LRM | LRM是Language Reference Manual的缩写。“SystemVerilog LRM”指的是本文档。“Verilog LRM”指的是IEEE手册“1364-2001 IEEE Standard for Verilog Hardware Description Language 2001”。参见附录K中有关这个手册的信息。 |
Open array | A DPI array formal argument for which the packed or unpacked dimension size (or both) is not specified and for which interface routines describe the size of corresponding actual arguments at runtime. |
Packed array | Packed array refers to an array where the dimensions are declared before an object name. Packed arrays can have any number of dimensions. A one-dimensional packed array is the same as a vector width declaration in Verilog. Packed arrays provide a mechanism for subdividing a vector into subfields, which can be conveniently accessed as array elements. A packed array differs from an unpacked array, in that the whole array is treated as a single vector for arithmetic operations. Packed arrays are discussed in detail in Section 4. |
进程 | 进程是一个或多个编程语句的线程,这些编程语句可以独立于其它编程语句执行。Verilog中的每一个initial过程、always过程以及连续赋值语句都是一个独立的进程。这些都是静态的进程。也就是说,每次进程启动运行后,都会有一个进程的结束。SystemVerilog加入了特殊的always过程,它们既可以是静态进程也可以是动态进程。当启动动态进程的时候,它们可以无中止地运行。有关进程的内容在第九章提供。 |
信号 | 信号是一个非正式的术语,通常指的是一个变量或线网。它所处的上下文可能会在允许的类型上作进一步的限制。 |
单一类型(Singular) | 一个单一(singular)表达式、变量或类型代表一个单一的值、符号或句柄。一个单一类型可以是除非压缩结构体、非压缩联合体、或非压缩数组数据类型外的任何类型。 |
SystemVerilog | SystemVerilog指的是Accellera为在抽象建模和验证方面扩展IEEE 1364-2001 Verilog标准的能力所建立的标准。SystemVerilog标准的许多特性均在本文档中提供。 |
非压缩数组(Unpacked array) | 非压缩数组是一种类型的数组,它的数组维数在对象名之后声明。非压缩数组与Verilog中的数组相同,并且可以拥有任意数目的维数。非压缩数组与压缩数组的不同之处在于:非压缩数组作为一个整体不能使用在算术运算中。它的每一个元素必须单独处理。非压缩数组在第四章中讨论。 |
Verilog | Verilog指的是IEEE 1364-2001 Verilog硬件描述语言(HDL),一般称为Verilog-2001。这个语言在IEEE手册“1364-2001 IEEE Standard for Verilog Hardware Description Language 2001”中描述。参见附录K中有关这个手册的相关信息。 |
VPI | Verilog Procedural Interface的缩写,意为“Verilog程序接口”。它是第三代Verilog编程语言接口(PLI),提供了以面向对象的方式访问Verilog行为对象、结构对象、断言和覆盖对象的能力。 |
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