- Install
- Set up an editor
- Test drive
- Write your first Flutter app, part 1
- Learn more
- Flutter for Android developers
- Flutter for iOS developers
- Flutter for React Native developers
- Flutter for web developers
- Flutter for Xamarin.Forms developers
- Introduction to declarative UI
- Cookbook
- Codelabs
- Tutorials
- User interface
- Introduction to widgets
- Layouts in Flutter
- Layout tutorial
- Dealing with box constraints
- Adding interactivity to your Flutter app
- Adding assets and images
- Navigation & routing
- Introduction to animations
- Animations overview
- Animations tutorial
- Hero Animations
- Staggered Animations
- Advanced UI
- Slivers
- Taps, drags, and other gestures
- Widget catalog
- Data & backend
- State management
- State management
- Start thinking declaratively
- Differentiate between ephemeral state and app state
- Simple app state management
- List of state management approaches
- JSON and serialization
- Firebase
- Accessibility & internationalization
- Accessibility
- Internationalizing Flutter apps
- Platform integration
- Writing custom platform-specific code
- Packages & plugins
- Using packages
- Developing packages & plugins
- Background processes
- Tools & techniques
- Android Studio / IntelliJ
- Visual Studio Code
- Upgrading Flutter
- Hot reload
- Code formatting
- Debugging Flutter apps
- Using OEM debuggers
- Flutter's build modes
- Testing Flutter apps
- Performance best practices
- Flutter performance profiling
- Creating flavors for Flutter
- Preparing an Android App for Release
- Preparing an iOS App for Release
- Continuous Delivery using fastlane with Flutter
- Bootstrap into Dart
- Inside Flutter
- Platform specific behaviors and adaptations
- Technical Overview
- Technical videos
- Flutter widget index
- Install
- Windows install
- MacOS install
- Linux install
- Set up an editor
- Write your first Flutter app, part 1
- Learn more
- Cupertino (iOS-style) widgets
- Layout widgets
- Animation and motion widgets
- Retrieve the value of a text field
- Basic widgets
- Material Components widgets
- Animate the properties of a Container
- Fade a Widget in and out
- Add a Drawer to a screen
- Displaying SnackBars
- Exporting fonts from a package
- Updating the UI based on orientation
- Using Themes to share colors and font styles
- Using custom fonts
- Working with Tabs
- Building a form with validation
- Create and style a text field
- Focus on a Text Field
- Handling changes to a text field
- Retrieve the value of a text field
- Adding Material Touch Ripples
- Handling Taps
- Implement Swipe to Dismiss
- Display images from the internet
- Fade in images with a placeholder
- Working with cached images
- Basic List
- Create a horizontal list
- Creating a Grid List
- Creating lists with different types of items
- Place a floating app bar above a list
- Working with long lists
- Report errors to a service
- Animating a Widget across screens
- Navigate to a new screen and back
- Navigate with named routes
- Pass arguments to a named route
- Return data from a screen
- Send data to a new screen
- Fetch data from the internet
- Making authenticated requests
- Parsing JSON in the background
- Working with WebSockets
- Persist data with SQLite
- Reading and Writing Files
- Storing key-value data on disk
- Play and pause a video
- Take a picture using the Camera
- An introduction to integration testing
- Performance profiling
- Scrolling
- An introduction to unit testing
- Mock dependencies using Mockito
- An introduction to widget testing
- Finding widgets
- Tapping, dragging and entering text
- Development
- Introduction to widgets
- Layout tutorial
- Dealing with box constraints
- Adding interactivity to your Flutter app
- Adding assets and images
- Navigation & routing
- Navigate to a new screen and back
- Send data to a new screen
- Return data from a screen
- Navigate with named routes
- Animating a Widget across screens
- AnimatedList
- Sample App Catalog
- Animations overview
- Animations tutorial
- Staggered Animations
- Slivers
- Taps, drags, and other gestures
- Accessibility widgets
- Assets, images, and icon widgets
- Async widgets
- Input widgets
- Interaction model widgets
- Painting and effect widgets
- Scrolling widgets
- Styling widgets
- Text widgets
- State management
- Start thinking declaratively
- Differentiate between ephemeral state and app state
- Simple app state management
- List of state management approaches
- JSON and serialization
- Accessibility
- Internationalizing Flutter apps
- Writing custom platform-specific code
- Using packages
- Fetch data from the internet
- Developing packages & plugins
- Background processes
- Android Studio / IntelliJ
- Set up an editor
- Flutter inspector
- Creating Useful Bug Reports
- Visual Studio Code
- Set up an editor
- Upgrading Flutter
- Hot reload
- Code formatting
Debugging Flutter apps
There are a wide variety of tools and features to help debug Flutter applications.
The Dart Analyzer
Before running your applications, test your code with flutter analyze
. This tool (which is a wrapper around the dartanalyzer
tool) analyzes your code and helps you find possible mistakes. If you’re using a Flutter enabled IDE/editor, this is already happening for you.
The Dart analyzer makes heavy use of type annotations that you put in your code to help track problems down. You are encouraged to use them everywhere (avoiding var
, untyped arguments, untyped list literals, etc) as this is the quickest and least painful way of tracking down problems.
Dart Observatory (statement-level single-stepping debugger and profiler)
If you started your application using flutter run
, then, while it is running, you can open the Web page at the Observatory URL printed to the console (e.g., Observatory listening on
), to connect to your application directly with a statement-level single-stepping debugger. If you’re using a Flutter enabled IDE/editor, you can also debug your application using its built-in debugger.
Observatory also supports profiling, examining the heap, etc. For more information on Observatory, see Observatory’s documentation.
If you use Observatory for profiling, make sure to run your application in profile mode, by passing --profile
to the flutter run
command. Otherwise, the main thing that appears on your profile is the debug asserts verifying the framework’s various invariants (see “Debug mode assertions” below).
When using the Dart Observatory (or another Dart debugger integrated into a Flutter enabled IDE/editor), you can insert programmatic breakpoints using the debugger()
statement. To use this, you have to put import 'dart:developer';
at the top of the relevant file.
The debugger()
statement takes an optional when
argument which you can specify to only break when a certain condition is true, as in:
void someFunction(double offset) {
debugger(when: offset > 30.0);
// ...
and debugPrint
with flutter logs
The Dart print()
function outputs to the system console, which you can view using flutter logs
(which is basically a wrapper around adb logcat
If you output too much at once, then Android sometimes discards some log lines. To avoid this, you can use debugPrint()
, from Flutter’s foundation
library. This is a wrapper around print
which throttles the output to a level that avoids being dropped by Android’s kernel.
Many classes in the Flutter framework have useful toString
implementations. By convention, these output a single line usually including the runtimeType
of the object, typically in the form ClassName(more information about this instance...)
. Some classes that are used in trees also have toStringDeep
, which returns a multiline description of the entire subtree from that point. Some classes that have particularly verbose helpful toString
implementations have a corresponding toStringShort
which returns only the type or some other very brief (one or two word) description of the object.
Debug mode assertions
During development, you are highly encouraged to use Flutter’s “debug” mode. This is the default if you use flutter run
or the bug icon in Android Studio. Some tools support assert statements through the command-line flag --enable-asserts
. In this mode, Dart assert statements are enabled, and the Flutter framework evaluates the argument to each assert statement encountered during execution, throwing an exception if the result is false. This allows developers to enable or disable invariant checking, such that the associated performance cost is only paid during debugging sessions.
When an invariant is violated, it’s reported to the console, with some context information to help track down the source of the problem.
To turn off debug mode, and use release mode, run your application using flutter run --release
. This also turns off the Observatory debugger. An in-between mode that turns off all the debugging aids except the Observatory, known as “profile mode”, is available also, using --profile
instead of --release
For more information, see Flutter’s modes.
Debugging application layers
Each layer of the Flutter framework provides a function to dump its current state or events to the console (using debugPrint
Widget layer
To dump the state of the Widgets library, call debugDumpApp()
. You can call this more or less any time that the application is not in the middle of running a build phase (i.e. anywhere not inside a build()
method), so long as the application has built at least once (i.e. any time after calling runApp()
For example, this application:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() {
home: AppHome(),
class AppHome extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Material(
child: Center(
child: FlatButton(
onPressed: () {
child: Text('Dump App'),
…outputs something like this (the precise details vary by the version of the framework, the size of the device, and so forth):
I/flutter ( 6559): WidgetsFlutterBinding - CHECKED MODE
I/flutter ( 6559): RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter<RenderBox>([GlobalObjectKey RenderView(497039273)]; renderObject: RenderView)
I/flutter ( 6559): └MaterialApp(state: _MaterialAppState(1009803148))
I/flutter ( 6559): └ScrollConfiguration()
I/flutter ( 6559): └AnimatedTheme(duration: 200ms; state: _AnimatedThemeState(543295893; ticker inactive; ThemeDataTween(ThemeData(Brightness.light Color(0xff2196f3) etc...) → null)))
I/flutter ( 6559): └Theme(ThemeData(Brightness.light Color(0xff2196f3) etc...))
I/flutter ( 6559): └WidgetsApp([GlobalObjectKey _MaterialAppState(1009803148)]; state: _WidgetsAppState(552902158))
I/flutter ( 6559): └CheckedModeBanner()
I/flutter ( 6559): └Banner()
I/flutter ( 6559): └CustomPaint(renderObject: RenderCustomPaint)
I/flutter ( 6559): └DefaultTextStyle(inherit: true; color: Color(0xd0ff0000); family: "monospace"; size: 48.0; weight: 900; decoration: double Color(0xffffff00) TextDecoration.underline)
I/flutter ( 6559): └MediaQuery(MediaQueryData(size: Size(411.4, 683.4), devicePixelRatio: 2.625, textScaleFactor: 1.0, padding: EdgeInsets(0.0, 24.0, 0.0, 0.0)))
I/flutter ( 6559): └LocaleQuery(null)
I/flutter ( 6559): └Title(color: Color(0xff2196f3))
I/flutter ( 6559): └Navigator([GlobalObjectKey<NavigatorState> _WidgetsAppState(552902158)]; state: NavigatorState(240327618; tracking 1 ticker))
I/flutter ( 6559): └Listener(listeners: down, up, cancel; behavior: defer-to-child; renderObject: RenderPointerListener)
I/flutter ( 6559): └AbsorbPointer(renderObject: RenderAbsorbPointer)
I/flutter ( 6559): └Focus([GlobalKey 489139594]; state: _FocusState(739584448))
I/flutter ( 6559): └Semantics(container: true; renderObject: RenderSemanticsAnnotations)
I/flutter ( 6559): └_FocusScope(this scope has focus; focused subscope: [GlobalObjectKey MaterialPageRoute<void>(875520219)])
I/flutter ( 6559): └Overlay([GlobalKey 199833992]; state: OverlayState(619367313; entries: [OverlayEntry@248818791(opaque: false; maintainState: false), OverlayEntry@837336156(opaque: false; maintainState: true)]))
I/flutter ( 6559): └_Theatre(renderObject: _RenderTheatre)
I/flutter ( 6559): └Stack(renderObject: RenderStack)
I/flutter ( 6559): ├_OverlayEntry([GlobalKey 612888877]; state: _OverlayEntryState(739137453))
I/flutter ( 6559): │└IgnorePointer(ignoring: false; renderObject: RenderIgnorePointer)
I/flutter ( 6559): │ └ModalBarrier()
I/flutter ( 6559): │ └Semantics(container: true; renderObject: RenderSemanticsAnnotations)
I/flutter ( 6559): │ └GestureDetector()
I/flutter ( 6559): │ └RawGestureDetector(state: RawGestureDetectorState(39068508; gestures: tap; behavior: opaque))
I/flutter ( 6559): │ └_GestureSemantics(renderObject: RenderSemanticsGestureHandler)
I/flutter ( 6559): │ └Listener(listeners: down; behavior: opaque; renderObject: RenderPointerListener)
I/flutter ( 6559): │ └ConstrainedBox(BoxConstraints(biggest); renderObject: RenderConstrainedBox)
I/flutter ( 6559): └_OverlayEntry([GlobalKey 727622716]; state: _OverlayEntryState(279971240))
I/flutter ( 6559): └_ModalScope([GlobalKey 816151164]; state: _ModalScopeState(875510645))
I/flutter ( 6559): └Focus([GlobalObjectKey MaterialPageRoute<void>(875520219)]; state: _FocusState(331487674))
I/flutter ( 6559): └Semantics(container: true; renderObject: RenderSemanticsAnnotations)
I/flutter ( 6559): └_FocusScope(this scope has focus)
I/flutter ( 6559): └Offstage(offstage: false; renderObject: RenderOffstage)
I/flutter ( 6559): └IgnorePointer(ignoring: false; renderObject: RenderIgnorePointer)
I/flutter ( 6559): └_MountainViewPageTransition(animation: AnimationController(⏭ 1.000; paused; for MaterialPageRoute<void>(/))➩ProxyAnimation➩Cubic(0.40, 0.00, 0.20, 1.00)➩Tween<Offset>(Offset(0.0, 1.0) → Offset(0.0, 0.0))➩Offset(0.0, 0.0); state: _AnimatedState(552160732))
I/flutter ( 6559): └SlideTransition(animation: AnimationController(⏭ 1.000; paused; for MaterialPageRoute<void>(/))➩ProxyAnimation➩Cubic(0.40, 0.00, 0.20, 1.00)➩Tween<Offset>(Offset(0.0, 1.0) → Offset(0.0, 0.0))➩Offset(0.0, 0.0); state: _AnimatedState(714726495))
I/flutter ( 6559): └FractionalTranslation(renderObject: RenderFractionalTranslation)
I/flutter ( 6559): └RepaintBoundary(renderObject: RenderRepaintBoundary)
I/flutter ( 6559): └PageStorage([GlobalKey 619728754])
I/flutter ( 6559): └_ModalScopeStatus(active)
I/flutter ( 6559): └AppHome()
I/flutter ( 6559): └Material(MaterialType.canvas; elevation: 0; state: _MaterialState(780114997))
I/flutter ( 6559): └AnimatedContainer(duration: 200ms; has background; state: _AnimatedContainerState(616063822; ticker inactive; has background))
I/flutter ( 6559): └Container(bg: BoxDecoration())
I/flutter ( 6559): └DecoratedBox(renderObject: RenderDecoratedBox)
I/flutter ( 6559): └Container(bg: BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: Color(0xfffafafa)))
I/flutter ( 6559): └DecoratedBox(renderObject: RenderDecoratedBox)
I/flutter ( 6559): └NotificationListener<LayoutChangedNotification>()
I/flutter ( 6559): └_InkFeature([GlobalKey ink renderer]; renderObject: _RenderInkFeatures)
I/flutter ( 6559): └AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(duration: 200ms; inherit: false; color: Color(0xdd000000); family: "Roboto"; size: 14.0; weight: 400; baseline: alphabetic; state: _AnimatedDefaultTextStyleState(427742350; ticker inactive))
I/flutter ( 6559): └DefaultTextStyle(inherit: false; color: Color(0xdd000000); family: "Roboto"; size: 14.0; weight: 400; baseline: alphabetic)
I/flutter ( 6559): └Center(alignment: Alignment.center; renderObject: RenderPositionedBox)
I/flutter ( 6559): └FlatButton()
I/flutter ( 6559): └MaterialButton(state: _MaterialButtonState(398724090))
I/flutter ( 6559): └ConstrainedBox(BoxConstraints(88.0<=w<=Infinity, h=36.0); renderObject: RenderConstrainedBox relayoutBoundary=up1)
I/flutter ( 6559): └AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(duration: 200ms; inherit: false; color: Color(0xdd000000); family: "Roboto"; size: 14.0; weight: 500; baseline: alphabetic; state: _AnimatedDefaultTextStyleState(315134664; ticker inactive))
I/flutter ( 6559): └DefaultTextStyle(inherit: false; color: Color(0xdd000000); family: "Roboto"; size: 14.0; weight: 500; baseline: alphabetic)
I/flutter ( 6559): └IconTheme(color: Color(0xdd000000))
I/flutter ( 6559): └InkWell(state: _InkResponseState<InkResponse>(369160267))
I/flutter ( 6559): └GestureDetector()
I/flutter ( 6559): └RawGestureDetector(state: RawGestureDetectorState(175370983; gestures: tap; behavior: opaque))
I/flutter ( 6559): └_GestureSemantics(renderObject: RenderSemanticsGestureHandler relayoutBoundary=up2)
I/flutter ( 6559): └Listener(listeners: down; behavior: opaque; renderObject: RenderPointerListener relayoutBoundary=up3)
I/flutter ( 6559): └Container(padding: EdgeInsets(16.0, 0.0, 16.0, 0.0))
I/flutter ( 6559): └Padding(renderObject: RenderPadding relayoutBoundary=up4)
I/flutter ( 6559): └Center(alignment: Alignment.center; widthFactor: 1.0; renderObject: RenderPositionedBox relayoutBoundary=up5)
I/flutter ( 6559): └Text("Dump App")
I/flutter ( 6559): └RichText(renderObject: RenderParagraph relayoutBoundary=up6)
This is the “flattened” tree, showing all the widgets projected through their various build functions. (This is the tree you obtain if you call toStringDeep
on the root of the widget tree.) You’ll see a lot of widgets in there that don’t appear in your application’s source, because they are inserted by the framework’s widgets’ build functions. For example, InkFeature
is an implementation detail of the Material
Since the debugDumpApp()
call is invoked when the button changes from being pressed to being released, it coincides with the FlatButton
object calling setState()
and thus marking itself dirty. That is why, when you look at the dump you should see that specific object marked as “dirty”. You can also see what gesture listeners have been registered; in this case, a single GestureDetector is listed, and it is listening only to a “tap” gesture (“tap” is the output of a TapGestureDetector
’s toStringShort
If you write your own widgets, you can add information by overriding debugFillProperties()
. Add DiagnosticsProperty objects to the method’s argument, and call the superclass method. This function is what the toString
method uses to fill in the widget’s description.
Rendering layer
If you are trying to debug a layout issue, then the Widgets layer’s tree may be insufficiently detailed. In that case, you can dump the rendering tree by calling debugDumpRenderTree()
. As with debugDumpApp()
, you can call this more or less any time except during a layout or paint phase. As a general rule, calling it from a frame callback or an event handler is the best solution.
To call debugDumpRenderTree()
, you need to add import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
to your source file.
The output for the tiny example above would look something like this:
I/flutter ( 6559): RenderView
I/flutter ( 6559): │ debug mode enabled - android
I/flutter ( 6559): │ window size: Size(1080.0, 1794.0) (in physical pixels)
I/flutter ( 6559): │ device pixel ratio: 2.625 (physical pixels per logical pixel)
I/flutter ( 6559): │ configuration: Size(411.4, 683.4) at 2.625x (in logical pixels)
I/flutter ( 6559): │
I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderCustomPaint
I/flutter ( 6559): │ creator: CustomPaint ← Banner ← CheckedModeBanner ←
I/flutter ( 6559): │ WidgetsApp-[GlobalObjectKey _MaterialAppState(1009803148)] ←
I/flutter ( 6559): │ Theme ← AnimatedTheme ← ScrollConfiguration ← MaterialApp ←
I/flutter ( 6559): │ [root]
I/flutter ( 6559): │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): │
I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderPointerListener
I/flutter ( 6559): │ creator: Listener ← Navigator-[GlobalObjectKey<NavigatorState>
I/flutter ( 6559): │ _WidgetsAppState(552902158)] ← Title ← LocaleQuery ← MediaQuery
I/flutter ( 6559): │ ← DefaultTextStyle ← CustomPaint ← Banner ← CheckedModeBanner ←
I/flutter ( 6559): │ WidgetsApp-[GlobalObjectKey _MaterialAppState(1009803148)] ←
I/flutter ( 6559): │ Theme ← AnimatedTheme ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): │ behavior: defer-to-child
I/flutter ( 6559): │ listeners: down, up, cancel
I/flutter ( 6559): │
I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderAbsorbPointer
I/flutter ( 6559): │ creator: AbsorbPointer ← Listener ←
I/flutter ( 6559): │ Navigator-[GlobalObjectKey<NavigatorState>
I/flutter ( 6559): │ _WidgetsAppState(552902158)] ← Title ← LocaleQuery ← MediaQuery
I/flutter ( 6559): │ ← DefaultTextStyle ← CustomPaint ← Banner ← CheckedModeBanner ←
I/flutter ( 6559): │ WidgetsApp-[GlobalObjectKey _MaterialAppState(1009803148)] ←
I/flutter ( 6559): │ Theme ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): │ absorbing: false
I/flutter ( 6559): │
I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: RenderSemanticsAnnotations
I/flutter ( 6559): │ creator: Semantics ← Focus-[GlobalKey 489139594] ← AbsorbPointer
I/flutter ( 6559): │ ← Listener ← Navigator-[GlobalObjectKey<NavigatorState>
I/flutter ( 6559): │ _WidgetsAppState(552902158)] ← Title ← LocaleQuery ← MediaQuery
I/flutter ( 6559): │ ← DefaultTextStyle ← CustomPaint ← Banner ← CheckedModeBanner ←
I/flutter ( 6559): │ ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): │
I/flutter ( 6559): └─child: _RenderTheatre
I/flutter ( 6559): │ creator: _Theatre ← Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992] ← _FocusScope ←
I/flutter ( 6559): │ Semantics ← Focus-[GlobalKey 489139594] ← AbsorbPointer ←
I/flutter ( 6559): │ Listener ← Navigator-[GlobalObjectKey<NavigatorState>
I/flutter ( 6559): │ _WidgetsAppState(552902158)] ← Title ← LocaleQuery ← MediaQuery
I/flutter ( 6559): │ ← DefaultTextStyle ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): │
I/flutter ( 6559): ├─onstage: RenderStack
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ creator: Stack ← _Theatre ← Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992] ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ _FocusScope ← Semantics ← Focus-[GlobalKey 489139594] ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ AbsorbPointer ← Listener ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ Navigator-[GlobalObjectKey<NavigatorState>
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ _WidgetsAppState(552902158)] ← Title ← LocaleQuery ← MediaQuery
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ parentData: not positioned; offset=Offset(0.0, 0.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ ├─child 1: RenderIgnorePointer
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ creator: IgnorePointer ← _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey 612888877] ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ Stack ← _Theatre ← Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992] ← _FocusScope
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ ← Semantics ← Focus-[GlobalKey 489139594] ← AbsorbPointer ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ Listener ← Navigator-[GlobalObjectKey<NavigatorState>
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ _WidgetsAppState(552902158)] ← Title ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ parentData: not positioned; offset=Offset(0.0, 0.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ ignoring: false
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ ignoringSemantics: implicitly false
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ └─child: RenderSemanticsAnnotations
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ creator: Semantics ← ModalBarrier ← IgnorePointer ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey 612888877] ← Stack ← _Theatre ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992] ← _FocusScope ← Semantics ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ Focus-[GlobalKey 489139594] ← AbsorbPointer ← Listener ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ └─child: RenderSemanticsGestureHandler
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ creator: _GestureSemantics ← RawGestureDetector ← GestureDetector
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ ← Semantics ← ModalBarrier ← IgnorePointer ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey 612888877] ← Stack ← _Theatre ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992] ← _FocusScope ← Semantics ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ └─child: RenderPointerListener
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ creator: Listener ← _GestureSemantics ← RawGestureDetector ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ GestureDetector ← Semantics ← ModalBarrier ← IgnorePointer ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey 612888877] ← Stack ← _Theatre ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992] ← _FocusScope ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ behavior: opaque
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │ listeners: down
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ └─child: RenderConstrainedBox
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ creator: ConstrainedBox ← Listener ← _GestureSemantics ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ RawGestureDetector ← GestureDetector ← Semantics ← ModalBarrier
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ ← IgnorePointer ← _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey 612888877] ← Stack ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ _Theatre ← Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992] ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ additionalConstraints: BoxConstraints(biggest)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ └─child 2: RenderSemanticsAnnotations
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ creator: Semantics ← Focus-[GlobalObjectKey
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ MaterialPageRoute<void>(875520219)] ← _ModalScope-[GlobalKey
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ 816151164] ← _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey 727622716] ← Stack ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ _Theatre ← Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992] ← _FocusScope ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ Semantics ← Focus-[GlobalKey 489139594] ← AbsorbPointer ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ Listener ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ parentData: not positioned; offset=Offset(0.0, 0.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ └─child: RenderOffstage
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ creator: Offstage ← _FocusScope ← Semantics ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ Focus-[GlobalObjectKey MaterialPageRoute<void>(875520219)] ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ _ModalScope-[GlobalKey 816151164] ← _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ 727622716] ← Stack ← _Theatre ← Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992] ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ _FocusScope ← Semantics ← Focus-[GlobalKey 489139594] ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ offstage: false
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ └─child: RenderIgnorePointer
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ creator: IgnorePointer ← Offstage ← _FocusScope ← Semantics ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ Focus-[GlobalObjectKey MaterialPageRoute<void>(875520219)] ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ _ModalScope-[GlobalKey 816151164] ← _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ 727622716] ← Stack ← _Theatre ← Overlay-[GlobalKey 199833992] ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ _FocusScope ← Semantics ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ ignoring: false
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ ignoringSemantics: implicitly false
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ └─child: RenderFractionalTranslation
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ creator: FractionalTranslation ← SlideTransition ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ _MountainViewPageTransition ← IgnorePointer ← Offstage ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ _FocusScope ← Semantics ← Focus-[GlobalObjectKey
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ MaterialPageRoute<void>(875520219)] ← _ModalScope-[GlobalKey
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ 816151164] ← _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey 727622716] ← Stack ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ _Theatre ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ translation: Offset(0.0, 0.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ transformHitTests: true
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ └─child: RenderRepaintBoundary
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ creator: RepaintBoundary ← FractionalTranslation ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ SlideTransition ← _MountainViewPageTransition ← IgnorePointer ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ Offstage ← _FocusScope ← Semantics ← Focus-[GlobalObjectKey
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ MaterialPageRoute<void>(875520219)] ← _ModalScope-[GlobalKey
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ 816151164] ← _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey 727622716] ← Stack ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ metrics: 83.3% useful (1 bad vs 5 good)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ diagnosis: this is a useful repaint boundary and should be kept
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ └─child: RenderDecoratedBox
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ creator: DecoratedBox ← Container ← AnimatedContainer ← Material
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ ← AppHome ← _ModalScopeStatus ← PageStorage-[GlobalKey
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ 619728754] ← RepaintBoundary ← FractionalTranslation ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ SlideTransition ← _MountainViewPageTransition ← IgnorePointer ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ decoration:
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ <no decorations specified>
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ configuration: ImageConfiguration(bundle:
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ PlatformAssetBundle@367106502(), devicePixelRatio: 2.625,
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ platform: android)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ └─child: RenderDecoratedBox
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ creator: DecoratedBox ← Container ← DecoratedBox ← Container ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ AnimatedContainer ← Material ← AppHome ← _ModalScopeStatus ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ PageStorage-[GlobalKey 619728754] ← RepaintBoundary ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ FractionalTranslation ← SlideTransition ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ decoration:
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ backgroundColor: Color(0xfffafafa)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ configuration: ImageConfiguration(bundle:
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ PlatformAssetBundle@367106502(), devicePixelRatio: 2.625,
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ platform: android)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ └─child: _RenderInkFeatures
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ creator: _InkFeature-[GlobalKey ink renderer] ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ NotificationListener<LayoutChangedNotification> ← DecoratedBox
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ ← Container ← DecoratedBox ← Container ← AnimatedContainer ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ Material ← AppHome ← _ModalScopeStatus ← PageStorage-[GlobalKey
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ 619728754] ← RepaintBoundary ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ └─child: RenderPositionedBox
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ creator: Center ← DefaultTextStyle ← AnimatedDefaultTextStyle ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ _InkFeature-[GlobalKey ink renderer] ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ NotificationListener<LayoutChangedNotification> ← DecoratedBox
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ ← Container ← DecoratedBox ← Container ← AnimatedContainer ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ Material ← AppHome ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ size: Size(411.4, 683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ alignment: Alignment.center
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ widthFactor: expand
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ heightFactor: expand
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ └─child: RenderConstrainedBox relayoutBoundary=up1
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ creator: ConstrainedBox ← MaterialButton ← FlatButton ← Center ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ DefaultTextStyle ← AnimatedDefaultTextStyle ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ _InkFeature-[GlobalKey ink renderer] ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ NotificationListener<LayoutChangedNotification> ← DecoratedBox
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ ← Container ← DecoratedBox ← Container ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ parentData: offset=Offset(156.7, 323.7)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(0.0<=w<=411.4, 0.0<=h<=683.4)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ size: Size(98.0, 36.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ additionalConstraints: BoxConstraints(88.0<=w<=Infinity, h=36.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ └─child: RenderSemanticsGestureHandler relayoutBoundary=up2
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ creator: _GestureSemantics ← RawGestureDetector ← GestureDetector
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ ← InkWell ← IconTheme ← DefaultTextStyle ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ AnimatedDefaultTextStyle ← ConstrainedBox ← MaterialButton ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ FlatButton ← Center ← DefaultTextStyle ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(88.0<=w<=411.4, h=36.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ size: Size(98.0, 36.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ └─child: RenderPointerListener relayoutBoundary=up3
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ creator: Listener ← _GestureSemantics ← RawGestureDetector ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ GestureDetector ← InkWell ← IconTheme ← DefaultTextStyle ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ AnimatedDefaultTextStyle ← ConstrainedBox ← MaterialButton ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ FlatButton ← Center ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(88.0<=w<=411.4, h=36.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ size: Size(98.0, 36.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ behavior: opaque
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ listeners: down
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ └─child: RenderPadding relayoutBoundary=up4
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ creator: Padding ← Container ← Listener ← _GestureSemantics ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ RawGestureDetector ← GestureDetector ← InkWell ← IconTheme ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ DefaultTextStyle ← AnimatedDefaultTextStyle ← ConstrainedBox ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ MaterialButton ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ parentData: <none>
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(88.0<=w<=411.4, h=36.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ size: Size(98.0, 36.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ padding: EdgeInsets(16.0, 0.0, 16.0, 0.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ └─child: RenderPositionedBox relayoutBoundary=up5
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ creator: Center ← Padding ← Container ← Listener ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ _GestureSemantics ← RawGestureDetector ← GestureDetector ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ InkWell ← IconTheme ← DefaultTextStyle ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ AnimatedDefaultTextStyle ← ConstrainedBox ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ parentData: offset=Offset(16.0, 0.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(56.0<=w<=379.4, h=36.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ size: Size(66.0, 36.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ alignment: Alignment.center
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ widthFactor: 1.0
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ heightFactor: expand
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ └─child: RenderParagraph relayoutBoundary=up6
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ creator: RichText ← Text ← Center ← Padding ← Container ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ Listener ← _GestureSemantics ← RawGestureDetector ←
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ GestureDetector ← InkWell ← IconTheme ← DefaultTextStyle ← ⋯
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ parentData: offset=Offset(0.0, 10.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ constraints: BoxConstraints(0.0<=w<=379.4, 0.0<=h<=36.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ │ size: Size(66.0, 16.0)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ ╘═╦══ text ═══
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ ║ TextSpan:
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ ║ inherit: false
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ ║ color: Color(0xdd000000)
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ ║ family: "Roboto"
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ ║ size: 14.0
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ ║ weight: 500
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ ║ baseline: alphabetic
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ ║ "Dump App"
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎ ╚═══════════
I/flutter ( 6559): ╎
I/flutter ( 6559): └╌no offstage children
This is the output of the root RenderObject
object’s toStringDeep
When debugging layout issues, the key fields to look at are the size
and constraints
fields. The constraints flow down the tree, and the sizes flow back up.
For example, in the dump above you can see that the window size, Size(411.4, 683.4)
, is used to force all the boxes down to the RenderPositionedBox
to be the size of the screen, with constraints of BoxConstraints(w=411.4, h=683.4)
. The RenderPositionedBox
, which the dump says was created by a Center
widget (as described by the creator
field), sets its child’s constraints to a loose version of this: BoxConstraints(0.0<=w<=411.4, 0.0<=h<=683.4)
. The child, a RenderPadding
, further inserts these constraints to ensure there is room for the padding, and thus the RenderConstrainedBox
has a loose constraint of BoxConstraints(0.0<=w<=395.4, 0.0<=h<=667.4)
. This object, which the creator
field tells us is probably part of the FlatButton
’s definition, sets a minimum width of 88 pixels on its contents and a specific height of 36.0. (This is the FlatButton
class implementing the Material Design guidelines regarding button dimensions.)
The inner-most RenderPositionedBox
loosens the constraints again, this time to center the text within the button. The RenderParagraph
picks its size based on its contents. If you now follow the sizes back up the chain, you’ll see how the text’s size is what influences the width of all the boxes that form the button, as they all take their child’s dimensions to size themselves.
Another way to notice this is by looking at the “relayoutSubtreeRoot” part of the descriptions of each box, which essentially tells you how many ancestors depend on this element’s size in some way. Thus the RenderParagraph
has a relayoutSubtreeRoot=up8
, meaning that when the RenderParagraph
is dirtied, eight ancestors also have to be dirtied because they might be affected by the new dimensions.
If you write your own render objects, you can add information to the dump by overriding debugFillProperties()
. Add DiagnosticsProperty objects to the method’s argument, and call the superclass method.
If you are trying to debug a compositing issue, you can use debugDumpLayerTree()
. For the example above, it would output:
I/flutter : TransformLayer
I/flutter : │ creator: [root]
I/flutter : │ offset: Offset(0.0, 0.0)
I/flutter : │ transform:
I/flutter : │ [0] 3.5,0.0,0.0,0.0
I/flutter : │ [1] 0.0,3.5,0.0,0.0
I/flutter : │ [2] 0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0
I/flutter : │ [3] 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
I/flutter : │
I/flutter : ├─child 1: OffsetLayer
I/flutter : │ │ creator: RepaintBoundary ← _FocusScope ← Semantics ← Focus-[GlobalObjectKey MaterialPageRoute(560156430)] ← _ModalScope-[GlobalKey 328026813] ← _OverlayEntry-[GlobalKey 388965355] ← Stack ← Overlay-[GlobalKey 625702218] ← Navigator-[GlobalObjectKey _MaterialAppState(859106034)] ← Title ← ⋯
I/flutter : │ │ offset: Offset(0.0, 0.0)
I/flutter : │ │
I/flutter : │ └─child 1: PictureLayer
I/flutter : │
I/flutter : └─child 2: PictureLayer
This is the output of calling toStringDeep
on the root Layer
The transform at the root is the transform that applies the device pixel ratio; in this case, a ratio of 3.5 device pixels for every logical pixel.
The RepaintBoundary
widget, which creates a RenderRepaintBoundary
in the render tree, creates a new layer in the layer tree. This is used to reduce how much needs to be repainted.
You can also obtain a dump of the Semantics tree (the tree presented to the system accessibility APIs) using debugDumpSemanticsTree()
. To use this, you have to have first enable accessibility, e.g. by enabling a system accessibility tool or the SemanticsDebugger
(discussed below).
For the example above, it would output:
I/flutter : SemanticsNode(0; Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 411.4, 683.4))
I/flutter : ├SemanticsNode(1; Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 411.4, 683.4))
I/flutter : │ └SemanticsNode(2; Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 411.4, 683.4); canBeTapped)
I/flutter : └SemanticsNode(3; Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 411.4, 683.4))
I/flutter : └SemanticsNode(4; Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 82.0, 36.0); canBeTapped; "Dump App")
To find out where your events happen relative to the frame’s begin/end, you can toggle the debugPrintBeginFrameBanner
and the debugPrintEndFrameBanner
booleans to print the beginning and end of the frames to the console.
For example:
I/flutter : ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Frame 12 30s 437.086ms ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
I/flutter : Debug print: Am I performing this work more than once per frame?
I/flutter : Debug print: Am I performing this work more than once per frame?
I/flutter : ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
can also be used to print the call stack causing the current frame to be scheduled.
Visual debugging
You can also debug a layout problem visually, by setting debugPaintSizeEnabled
to true
. This is a boolean from the rendering
library. It can be enabled at any time and affects all painting while it is true. The easiest way to set it is at the top of your void main()
entry point. See code below:
//add import to rendering library
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
void main() {
When it is enabled, all boxes get a bright teal border, padding (from widgets like Padding
) is shown in faded blue with a darker blue box around the child, alignment (from widgets like Center
and Align
) is shown with yellow arrows, and spacers (from widgets like Container
when they have no child) are shown in gray.
The debugPaintBaselinesEnabled
does something similar but for objects with baselines. The alphabetic baseline is shown in bright green and the ideographic baseline in orange.
The debugPaintPointersEnabled
flag turns on a special mode whereby any objects that are being tapped get highlighted in teal. This can help you determine whether an object is somehow failing to correctly hit test (which might happen if, for instance, it is actually outside the bounds of its parent and thus not being considered for hit testing in the first place).
If you’re trying to debug compositor layers, for example to determine whether and where to add RepaintBoundary
widgets, you can use the debugPaintLayerBordersEnabled
flag, which outlines each layer’s bounds in orange, or the debugRepaintRainbowEnabled
flag, which causes layers to be overlayed with a rotating set of colors whenever they are repainted.
All of these flags only work in debug mode. In general, anything in the Flutter framework that starts with “debug...
” only works in debug mode.
Debugging animations
The easiest way to debug animations is to slow them down. To do that, set the timeDilation
variable (from the scheduler
library) to a number greater than 1.0, for instance, 50.0. It’s best to only set this once on app startup. If you change it on the fly, especially if you reduce it while animations are running, it’s possible that the framework will observe time going backwards, which will probably result in asserts and generally interfere with your efforts.
Debugging performance problems
To see why your application is causing relayouts or repaints, you can set the debugPrintMarkNeedsLayoutStacks
and debugPrintMarkNeedsPaintStacks
flags, respectively. These log a stack trace to the console any time a render box is asked to relayout and repaint. You can use the debugPrintStack()
method from the services
library to print your own stack traces on demand, if this kind of approach is useful to you.
Measuring app startup time
To gather detailed information about the time it takes for your Flutter app to start, you can run the flutter run
command with the trace-startup
and profile
$ flutter run --trace-startup --profile
The trace output is saved as a JSON file called start_up_info.json
under the build
directory of your Flutter project. The output lists the elapsed time from app startup to these trace events (captured in microseconds):
- Time to enter the Flutter engine code.
- Time to render the first frame of the app.
- Time to initialize the Flutter framework.
- Time to complete the Flutter framework initialization.
For example:
"engineEnterTimestampMicros": 96025565262,
"timeToFirstFrameMicros": 2171978,
"timeToFrameworkInitMicros": 514585,
"timeAfterFrameworkInitMicros": 1657393
Tracing any Dart code performance
To perform custom performance traces and measure wall/CPU time of arbitrary segments of Dart code similar to what would be done on Android with systrace, use dart:developer
’s Timeline utilities to wrap the code you want to measure such as:
Timeline.startSync('interesting function');
// iWonderHowLongThisTakes();
Then open your app’s Observatory’s timeline page, check the ‘Dart’ recording option and perform the function you want to measure.
Refreshing the page displays the chronological timeline records of your app in Chrome’s tracing tool.
Be sure to flutter run
your app with the --profile
flag to ensure that the runtime performance characteristics closely matches that of your final product.
To get a graphical view of the performance of your application, set the showPerformanceOverlay
argument of the MaterialApp
constructor to true. The WidgetsApp
constructor has a similar argument. (If you’re not using MaterialApp
or WidgetsApp
, you can get the same effect by wrapping your application in a stack and putting a widget on your stack that was created by calling PerformanceOverlay.allEnabled()
This shows two graphs. The top one is the time spent by the GPU thread, the bottom one is the time spent by the CPU thread. The white lines across the graphs show 16ms increments along the vertical axis; if the graph ever goes over one of these lines then you are running at less than 60Hz. The horizontal axis represents frames. The graph is only updated when your application paints, so if it is idle the graph stops moving.
This should always be done in release mode, since in debug mode performance is intentionally sacrificed in exchange for expensive asserts that are intended to aid development, and thus the results are misleading.
Material grid
When developing applications that implement Material Design, it can be helpful to overlay a Material Design baseline grid over the application to help verify alignments. To that end, the MaterialApp
constructor has a debugShowMaterialGrid
argument which, when set to true
in debug mo
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