- Install
- Set up an editor
- Test drive
- Write your first Flutter app, part 1
- Learn more
- Flutter for Android developers
- Flutter for iOS developers
- Flutter for React Native developers
- Flutter for web developers
- Flutter for Xamarin.Forms developers
- Introduction to declarative UI
- Cookbook
- Codelabs
- Tutorials
- User interface
- Introduction to widgets
- Layouts in Flutter
- Layout tutorial
- Dealing with box constraints
- Adding interactivity to your Flutter app
- Adding assets and images
- Navigation & routing
- Introduction to animations
- Animations overview
- Animations tutorial
- Hero Animations
- Staggered Animations
- Advanced UI
- Slivers
- Taps, drags, and other gestures
- Widget catalog
- Data & backend
- State management
- State management
- Start thinking declaratively
- Differentiate between ephemeral state and app state
- Simple app state management
- List of state management approaches
- JSON and serialization
- Firebase
- Accessibility & internationalization
- Accessibility
- Internationalizing Flutter apps
- Platform integration
- Writing custom platform-specific code
- Packages & plugins
- Using packages
- Developing packages & plugins
- Background processes
- Tools & techniques
- Android Studio / IntelliJ
- Visual Studio Code
- Upgrading Flutter
- Hot reload
- Code formatting
- Debugging Flutter apps
- Using OEM debuggers
- Flutter's build modes
- Testing Flutter apps
- Performance best practices
- Flutter performance profiling
- Creating flavors for Flutter
- Preparing an Android App for Release
- Preparing an iOS App for Release
- Continuous Delivery using fastlane with Flutter
- Bootstrap into Dart
- Inside Flutter
- Platform specific behaviors and adaptations
- Technical Overview
- Technical videos
- Flutter widget index
- Install
- Windows install
- MacOS install
- Linux install
- Set up an editor
- Write your first Flutter app, part 1
- Learn more
- Cupertino (iOS-style) widgets
- Layout widgets
- Animation and motion widgets
- Retrieve the value of a text field
- Basic widgets
- Material Components widgets
- Animate the properties of a Container
- Fade a Widget in and out
- Add a Drawer to a screen
- Displaying SnackBars
- Exporting fonts from a package
- Updating the UI based on orientation
- Using Themes to share colors and font styles
- Using custom fonts
- Working with Tabs
- Building a form with validation
- Create and style a text field
- Focus on a Text Field
- Handling changes to a text field
- Retrieve the value of a text field
- Adding Material Touch Ripples
- Handling Taps
- Implement Swipe to Dismiss
- Display images from the internet
- Fade in images with a placeholder
- Working with cached images
- Basic List
- Create a horizontal list
- Creating a Grid List
- Creating lists with different types of items
- Place a floating app bar above a list
- Working with long lists
- Report errors to a service
- Animating a Widget across screens
- Navigate to a new screen and back
- Navigate with named routes
- Pass arguments to a named route
- Return data from a screen
- Send data to a new screen
- Fetch data from the internet
- Making authenticated requests
- Parsing JSON in the background
- Working with WebSockets
- Persist data with SQLite
- Reading and Writing Files
- Storing key-value data on disk
- Play and pause a video
- Take a picture using the Camera
- An introduction to integration testing
- Performance profiling
- Scrolling
- An introduction to unit testing
- Mock dependencies using Mockito
- An introduction to widget testing
- Finding widgets
- Tapping, dragging and entering text
- Development
- Introduction to widgets
- Layout tutorial
- Dealing with box constraints
- Adding interactivity to your Flutter app
- Adding assets and images
- Navigation & routing
- Navigate to a new screen and back
- Send data to a new screen
- Return data from a screen
- Navigate with named routes
- Animating a Widget across screens
- AnimatedList
- Sample App Catalog
- Animations overview
- Animations tutorial
- Staggered Animations
- Slivers
- Taps, drags, and other gestures
- Accessibility widgets
- Assets, images, and icon widgets
- Async widgets
- Input widgets
- Interaction model widgets
- Painting and effect widgets
- Scrolling widgets
- Styling widgets
- Text widgets
- State management
- Start thinking declaratively
- Differentiate between ephemeral state and app state
- Simple app state management
- List of state management approaches
- JSON and serialization
- Accessibility
- Internationalizing Flutter apps
- Writing custom platform-specific code
- Using packages
- Fetch data from the internet
- Developing packages & plugins
- Background processes
- Android Studio / IntelliJ
- Set up an editor
- Flutter inspector
- Creating Useful Bug Reports
- Visual Studio Code
- Set up an editor
- Upgrading Flutter
- Hot reload
- Code formatting
Continuous Delivery using fastlane with Flutter
Follow continuous delivery best practices with Flutter to make sure your application is delivered to your beta testers and validated on a frequent basis without resorting to manual workflows.
This guide shows how to integrate fastlane, an open-source tool suite, with your existing testing and continuous integration (CI) workflows (for example, Travis or Cirrus).
Local setup
It’s recommended that you test the build and deployment process locally before migrating to a cloud-based system. You could also choose to perform continuous delivery from a local machine.
- Install fastlane
gem install fastlane
orbrew cask install fastlane
. - Create your Flutter project, and when ready, make sure that your project builds via
flutter build apk --release
; andflutter build ios --release --no-codesign
- Initialize the fastlane projects for each platform.
In your
directory, runfastlane init
.In your
directory, runfastlane init
- Edit the
s to ensure they have adequate metadata for your app.Check that
matches your package name in AndroidManifest.xml.Check that
also matches Info.plist’s bundle identifier. Fill inapple_id
with your respective account info.
- Set up your local login credentials for the stores.
Follow the Supply setup steps and ensure that
fastlane supply init
successfully syncs data from your Play Store console. Treat the .json file like your password and do not check it into any public source control repositories.Your iTunes Connect username is already in your
shell environment variable with your iTunes Connect password. Otherwise, you’ll be prompted when uploading to iTunes/TestFlight.
- Set up code signing.
On Android, there are two signing keys: deployment and upload. The end-users download the .apk signed with the ‘deployment key’. An ‘upload key’ is used to authenticate the .apk uploaded by developers onto the Play Store and is re-signed with the deployment key once in the Play Store.
- It’s highly recommended to use the automatic cloud managed signing for the deployment key. For more information, see the official Play Store documentation.
- Follow the key generation steps to create your upload key.
- Configure gradle to use your upload key when building your app in release mode by editing
On iOS, create and sign using a distribution certificate instead of a development certificate when you’re ready to test and deploy using TestFlight or App Store.
- Create and download a distribution certificate in your Apple Developer Account console.
open [project]/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/
and select the distribution certificate in your target’s settings pane.
- Create a
script for each platform.On Android, follow the fastlane Android beta deployment guide. Your edit could be as simple as adding a
that callsupload_to_play_store
. Set theapk
argument to../build/app/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk
to use the apkflutter build
already built.On iOS, follow the fastlane iOS beta deployment guide. Your edit could be as simple as adding a
that callsbuild_ios_app
withexport_method: 'app-store'
. On iOS an extra build is required sinceflutter build
builds an .app rather than archiving .ipas for release.
You’re now ready to perform deployments locally or migrate the deployment process to a continuous integration (CI) system.
Running deployment locally
- Build the release mode app.
flutter build apk --release
.flutter build ios --release --no-codesign
. No need to sign now since fastlane will sign when archiving.
- Run the Fastfile script on each platform.
cd android
thenfastlane [name of the lane you created]
.cd ios
thenfastlane [name of the lane you created]
Cloud build and deploy setup
First, follow the local setup section described in ‘Local setup’ to make sure the process works before migrating onto a cloud system like Travis.
The main thing to consider is that since cloud instances are ephemeral and untrusted, you won’t be leaving your credentials like your Play Store service account JSON or your iTunes distribution certificate on the server.
Continuous Integration (CI) systems, such as Cirrus generally support encrypted environment variables to store private data.
Take precaution not to re-echo those variable values back onto the console in your test scripts. Those variables are also not available in pull requests until they’re merged to ensure that malicious actors cannot create a pull request that prints these secrets out. Be careful with interactions with these secrets in pull requests that you accept and merge.
- Make login credentials ephemeral.
On Android:
- Remove the
field fromAppfile
and store the string content of the JSON in your CI system’s encrypted variable. Use thejson_key_data
argument inupload_to_play_store
to read the environment variable directly in yourFastfile
. - Serialize your upload key (for example, using base64) and save it as an encrypted environment variable. You can deserialize it on your CI system during the install phase with
echo "$PLAY_STORE_UPLOAD_KEY" | base64 --decode > /home/cirrus/[directory # and filename specified in your gradle].keystore
- Remove the
On iOS:
- Move the local environment variable
to use encrypted environment variables on the CI system. - The CI system needs access to your distribution certificate. fastlane’s Match system is recommended to synchronize your certificates across machines.
- Move the local environment variable
- It’s recommended to use a Gemfile instead of using an indeterministic
gem install fastlane
on the CI system each time to ensure the fastlane dependencies are stable and reproducible between local and cloud machines. However, this step is optional.- In both your
folders, create aGemfile
containing the following content:source "https://rubygems.org" gem "fastlane"
- In both directories, run
bundle update
and check bothGemfile
into source control. - When running locally, use
bundle exec fastlane
instead offastlane
- In both your
- Create the CI test script such as
in your repository root.- Shard your script to run on both Linux and macOS platforms.
- Remember to specify a dependency on Xcode for macOS (for example
osx_image: xcode9.2
). - See fastlane CI documentation for CI specific setup.
- During the setup phase, depending on the platform, make sure that:
- Bundler is available using
gem install bundler
. - For Android, make sure the Android SDK is available and the
path is set. - Run
bundle install
. - Make sure the Flutter SDK is available and set in
- Bundler is available using
- In the script phase of the CI task:
- Run
flutter build apk --release
orflutter build ios --release --no-codesign
depending on the platform. cd android
orcd ios
.bundle exec fastlane [name of the lane]
- Run
The Flutter Gallery in the Flutter repo uses fastlane for continuous deployment. See the source for a working example of fastlane in action. Also see the Flutter framework repository’s Cirrus script.
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