- 教程
- 教程
- 双倍强度加密(Double Strength Encryption)
- Python Overview and 安装
- Reverse Cipher
- Caesar Cipher
- ROT13算法(ROT13 Algorithm)
- 换位密码(Transposition Cipher)
- 转置密码的加密(Encryption of Transposition Cipher)
- 换位密码的解密(Decryption of Transposition Cipher)
- 加密文件(Encryption of files)
- 解密文件(Decryption of files)
- Base64编码和解码(Base64 Encoding & Decoding)
- XOR Process
- 乘法密码(Multiplicative Cipher)
- Affine Ciphers
- 黑客单字母密码(Hacking Monoalphabetic Cipher)
- 简单的替代密码(Simple Substitution Cipher)
- 简单替换密码的测试(Testing of Simple Substitution Cipher)
- 简单替换密码的解密(Decryption of Simple Substitution Cipher)
- Python Modules of Cryptography
- 了解Vigenere Cipher(Understanding Vignere Cipher)
- 实现Vigenere Cipher(Implementing Vignere Cipher)
- 一次性密码(One Time Pad Cipher)
- 一次性密码密码的实现(Implementation of One Time Pad Cipher)
- 对称和非对称密码学(Symmetric & Asymmetric Cryptography)
- 理解RSA算法(Understanding RSA Algorithm)
- 创建RSA密钥(Creating RSA Keys)
- RSA密码加密(RSA Cipher Encryption)
- RSA密码解密(RSA Cipher Decryption)
- 黑客攻击RSA密码(Hacking RSA Cipher)
- 资源
Python Modules of Cryptography
它包含所有配方和原语,并在Python中提供高级编码接口。 您可以使用以下命令安装加密模块 -
pip install cryptography
您可以使用以下代码来实现加密模块 -
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
key = Fernet.generate_key()
cipher_suite = Fernet(key)
cipher_text = cipher_suite.encrypt("This example is used to demonstrate cryptography module")
plain_text = cipher_suite.decrypt(cipher_text)
输出 (Output)
上面给出的代码产生以下输出 -
此处给出的代码用于验证密码并创建其哈希值。 它还包括用于验证密码以进行身份验证的逻辑。
import uuid
import hashlib
def hash_password(password):
# uuid is used to generate a random number of the specified password
salt = uuid.uuid4().hex
return hashlib.sha256(salt.encode() + password.encode()).hexdigest() + ':' + salt
def check_password(hashed_password, user_password):
password, salt = hashed_password.split(':')
return password == hashlib.sha256(salt.encode() + user_password.encode()).hexdigest()
new_pass = input('Please enter a password: ')
hashed_password = hash_password(new_pass)
print('The string to store in the db is: ' + hashed_password)
old_pass = input('Now please enter the password again to check: ')
if check_password(hashed_password, old_pass):
print('You entered the right password')
print('Passwords do not match')
输出 (Output)
Scenario 1 - 如果您输入了正确的密码,您可以找到以下输出 -
Scenario 2 - 如果我们输入错误的密码,您可以找到以下输出 -
说明 (Explanation)
Hashlib包用于在数据库中存储密码。 在此程序中,使用salt ,在实现散列函数之前将随机序列添加到密码字符串。
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