- Introduction to Python
- Getting started with Python and the IPython notebook
- Functions are first class objects
- Data science is OSEMN
- Working with text
- Preprocessing text data
- Working with structured data
- Using SQLite3
- Using HDF5
- Using numpy
- Using Pandas
- Computational problems in statistics
- Computer numbers and mathematics
- Algorithmic complexity
- Linear Algebra and Linear Systems
- Linear Algebra and Matrix Decompositions
- Change of Basis
- Optimization and Non-linear Methods
- Practical Optimizatio Routines
- Finding roots
- Optimization Primer
- Using scipy.optimize
- Gradient deescent
- Newton’s method and variants
- Constrained optimization
- Curve fitting
- Finding paraemeters for ODE models
- Optimization of graph node placement
- Optimization of standard statistical models
- Fitting ODEs with the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm
- 1D example
- 2D example
- Algorithms for Optimization and Root Finding for Multivariate Problems
- Expectation Maximizatio (EM) Algorithm
- Monte Carlo Methods
- Resampling methods
- Resampling
- Simulations
- Setting the random seed
- Sampling with and without replacement
- Calculation of Cook’s distance
- Permutation resampling
- Design of simulation experiments
- Example: Simulations to estimate power
- Check with R
- Estimating the CDF
- Estimating the PDF
- Kernel density estimation
- Multivariate kerndel density estimation
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
- Using PyMC2
- Using PyMC3
- Using PyStan
- C Crash Course
- Code Optimization
- Using C code in Python
- Using functions from various compiled languages in Python
- Julia and Python
- Converting Python Code to C for speed
- Optimization bake-off
- Writing Parallel Code
- Massively parallel programming with GPUs
- Writing CUDA in C
- Distributed computing for Big Data
- Hadoop MapReduce on AWS EMR with mrjob
- Spark on a local mahcine using 4 nodes
- Modules and Packaging
- Tour of the Jupyter (IPython3) notebook
- Polyglot programming
- What you should know and learn more about
- Wrapping R libraries with Rpy
Linear algebra
In general, the linear algebra functions can be found in scipy.linalg. You can also get access to BLAS and LAPACK function via scipy.linagl.blas and scipy.linalg.lapack.
import scipy.linalg as la
A = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]]) b = np.array([1,4]) print(A) print(b)
[[1 2] [3 4]] [1 4]
# Matrix operations import numpy as np import scipy.linalg as la from functools import reduce A = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]]) print(np.dot(A, A)) print(A) print(la.inv(A)) print(A.T)
[[ 7 10] [15 22]] [[1 2] [3 4]] [[-2. 1. ] [ 1.5 -0.5]] [[1 3] [2 4]]
x = la.solve(A, b) # do not use x = dot(inv(A), b) as it is inefficient and numerically unstable print(x) print(np.dot(A, x) - b)
[ 2. -0.5] [ 0. 0.]
Matrix decompositions
A = np.floor(npr.normal(100, 15, (6, 10))) print(A)
[[ 94. 82. 125. 108. 105. 88. 99. 82. 97. 112.] [ 83. 124. 67. 103. 73. 111. 125. 81. 122. 62.] [ 93. 84. 107. 107. 80. 85. 96. 89. 85. 102.] [ 116. 116. 64. 98. 82. 98. 121. 70. 122. 98.] [ 118. 108. 103. 102. 68. 98. 88. 78. 103. 95.] [ 112. 115. 74. 80. 106. 104. 114. 105. 80. 99.]]
P, L, U = la.lu(A) print(np.dot(P.T, A)) print print(np.dot(L, U))
[[ 118. 108. 103. 102. 68. 98. 88. 78. 103. 95.] [ 83. 124. 67. 103. 73. 111. 125. 81. 122. 62.] [ 94. 82. 125. 108. 105. 88. 99. 82. 97. 112.] [ 116. 116. 64. 98. 82. 98. 121. 70. 122. 98.] [ 112. 115. 74. 80. 106. 104. 114. 105. 80. 99.] [ 93. 84. 107. 107. 80. 85. 96. 89. 85. 102.]] [[ 118. 108. 103. 102. 68. 98. 88. 78. 103. 95.] [ 83. 124. 67. 103. 73. 111. 125. 81. 122. 62.] [ 94. 82. 125. 108. 105. 88. 99. 82. 97. 112.] [ 116. 116. 64. 98. 82. 98. 121. 70. 122. 98.] [ 112. 115. 74. 80. 106. 104. 114. 105. 80. 99.] [ 93. 84. 107. 107. 80. 85. 96. 89. 85. 102.]]
Q, R = la.qr(A) print(A) print print(np.dot(Q, R))
[[ 94. 82. 125. 108. 105. 88. 99. 82. 97. 112.] [ 83. 124. 67. 103. 73. 111. 125. 81. 122. 62.] [ 93. 84. 107. 107. 80. 85. 96. 89. 85. 102.] [ 116. 116. 64. 98. 82. 98. 121. 70. 122. 98.] [ 118. 108. 103. 102. 68. 98. 88. 78. 103. 95.] [ 112. 115. 74. 80. 106. 104. 114. 105. 80. 99.]] [[ 94. 82. 125. 108. 105. 88. 99. 82. 97. 112.] [ 83. 124. 67. 103. 73. 111. 125. 81. 122. 62.] [ 93. 84. 107. 107. 80. 85. 96. 89. 85. 102.] [ 116. 116. 64. 98. 82. 98. 121. 70. 122. 98.] [ 118. 108. 103. 102. 68. 98. 88. 78. 103. 95.] [ 112. 115. 74. 80. 106. 104. 114. 105. 80. 99.]]
U, s, V = la.svd(A) m, n = A.shape S = np.zeros((m, n)) for i, _s in enumerate(s): S[i,i] = _s print(reduce(np.dot, [U, S, V]))
[[ 94. 82. 125. 108. 105. 88. 99. 82. 97. 112.] [ 83. 124. 67. 103. 73. 111. 125. 81. 122. 62.] [ 93. 84. 107. 107. 80. 85. 96. 89. 85. 102.] [ 116. 116. 64. 98. 82. 98. 121. 70. 122. 98.] [ 118. 108. 103. 102. 68. 98. 88. 78. 103. 95.] [ 112. 115. 74. 80. 106. 104. 114. 105. 80. 99.]]
B = np.cov(A) print(B)
[[ 187.7333 -182.4667 94.9333 -105.4444 1.2 -137.2 ] [-182.4667 609.6556 -83.3111 371.0556 90.8778 70.5667] [ 94.9333 -83.3111 97.2889 -48.8889 45.0222 -79.8 ] [-105.4444 371.0556 -48.8889 438.5 145.5 109.0556] [ 1.2 90.8778 45.0222 145.5 215.4333 -39.7667] [-137.2 70.5667 -79.8 109.0556 -39.7667 234.1 ]]
u, V = la.eig(B) print(np.dot(B, V)) print print(np.real(np.dot(V, np.diag(u))))
[[-280.8911 157.1032 12.1003 -60.7161 8.8142 -1.5134] [ 739.1179 34.4268 3.8974 4.3778 14.9092 -122.8749] [-134.1449 128.3162 -11.0569 -6.6382 37.3675 13.4467] [ 598.7992 77.4348 -5.3372 -52.7843 -14.996 94.553 ] [ 170.8339 193.7335 5.8732 67.6135 1.1042 90.1451] [ 199.7105 -218.1547 6.1467 -5.6295 26.3372 101.0444]] [[-280.8911 157.1032 12.1003 -60.7161 8.8142 -1.5134] [ 739.1179 34.4268 3.8974 4.3778 14.9092 -122.8749] [-134.1449 128.3162 -11.0569 -6.6382 37.3675 13.4467] [ 598.7992 77.4348 -5.3372 -52.7843 -14.996 94.553 ] [ 170.8339 193.7335 5.8732 67.6135 1.1042 90.1451] [ 199.7105 -218.1547 6.1467 -5.6295 26.3372 101.0444]]
C = la.cholesky(B) print(np.dot(C.T, C)) print print(B)
[[ 187.7333 -182.4667 94.9333 -105.4444 1.2 -137.2 ] [-182.4667 609.6556 -83.3111 371.0556 90.8778 70.5667] [ 94.9333 -83.3111 97.2889 -48.8889 45.0222 -79.8 ] [-105.4444 371.0556 -48.8889 438.5 145.5 109.0556] [ 1.2 90.8778 45.0222 145.5 215.4333 -39.7667] [-137.2 70.5667 -79.8 109.0556 -39.7667 234.1 ]] [[ 187.7333 -182.4667 94.9333 -105.4444 1.2 -137.2 ] [-182.4667 609.6556 -83.3111 371.0556 90.8778 70.5667] [ 94.9333 -83.3111 97.2889 -48.8889 45.0222 -79.8 ] [-105.4444 371.0556 -48.8889 438.5 145.5 109.0556] [ 1.2 90.8778 45.0222 145.5 215.4333 -39.7667] [-137.2 70.5667 -79.8 109.0556 -39.7667 234.1 ]]
Finding the covariance matrix
np.random.seed(123) x = np.random.multivariate_normal([10,10], np.array([[3,1],[1,5]]), 10) # create a zero mean array u = x - x.mean(0) cov = np.dot(u.T, u)/(10-1) print cov, '\n' print np.cov(x.T)
[[ 5.1286 3.0701] [ 3.0701 9.0755]] [[ 5.1286 3.0701] [ 3.0701 9.0755]]
Least squares solution
Suppose we want to solve a system of noisy linear equations
\[\begin{split}y_1 = b_0 x_1 + b_1 \\ y_2 = b_0 x_2 + b_1 \\ y_3 = b_0 x_2 + b_1 \\ y_4 = b_0 x_4 + b_1 \\\end{split}\]
Since the system is noisy (implies full rank) and overdetermined, we cannot find an exact solution. Instead, we will look for the least squares solution. First we can rewrrite in matrix notation \(Y = AB\), treating \(b_1\) as the coefficient of \(x^0 = 1\):
\[\begin{split}\left( \begin{array}{c} y_1 \\ y_2 \\ y_3 \\ y_4 \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{cc} x_1 & 1 \\ x_2 & 1 \\ x_3 & 1 \\ x_4 & 1 \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{cc} b_0 & b_1 \end{array} \right)\end{split}\]
The solution of this (i.e. the \(B\) matrix) is solved by multipling the psudoinverse of \(A\) (the Vandermonde matrix) with \(Y\)
\[(A^\text{T}A)^{-1}A^\text{T} Y\]
Note that higher order polynomials have the same structure and can be solved in the same way
\[\begin{split}\left( \begin{array}{c} y_1 \\ y_2 \\ y_3 \\ y_4 \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} x_1^2 & x_1 & 1 \\ x_2^2 & x_2 & 1 \\ x_3^2 & x_3 & 1 \\ x_4^2 & x_4 & 1 \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{ccc} b_0 & b_1 & b_2 \end{array} \right)\end{split}\]
# Set up a system of 11 linear equations x = np.linspace(1,2,11) y = 6*x - 2 + npr.normal(0, 0.3, len(x)) # Form the VanderMonde matrix A = np.vstack([x, np.ones(len(x))]).T # The linear algebra librayr has a lstsq() function # that will do the above calculaitons for us b, resids, rank, sv = la.lstsq(A, y) # Check against pseudoinverse and the normal equation print("lstsq solution".ljust(30), b) print("pseudoinverse solution".ljust(30), np.dot(la.pinv(A), y)) print("normal euqation solution".ljust(30), np.dot(np.dot(la.inv(np.dot(A.T, A)), A.T), y)) # Now plot the solution xi = np.linspace(1,2,11) yi = b[0]*xi + b[1] plt.plot(x, y, 'o') plt.plot(xi, yi, 'r-');
('lstsq solution ', array([ 5.5899, -1.4177])) ('pseudoinverse solution ', array([ 5.5899, -1.4177])) ('normal euqation solution ', array([ 5.5899, -1.4177]))
# As advertised, this works for finding coeefficeints of a polynomial too x = np.linspace(0,2,11) y = 6*x*x + .5*x + 2 + npr.normal(0, 0.6, len(x)) plt.plot(x, y, 'o') A = np.vstack([x*x, x, np.ones(len(x))]).T b = la.lstsq(A, y)[0] xi = np.linspace(0,2,11) yi = b[0]*xi*xi + b[1]*xi + b[2] plt.plot(xi, yi, 'r-');
# It is important to understand what is going on, # but we don't have to work so hard to fit a polynomial b = np.random.randint(0, 10, 6) x = np.linspace(0, 1, 25) y = np.poly1d(b)(x) y += np.random.normal(0, 5, y.shape) p = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(x, y, len(b)-1)) plt.plot(x, y, 'bo') plt.plot(x, p(x), 'r-') list(zip(b, p.coeffs))
[(6, -250.9964), (7, 819.7606), (1, -909.5724), (5, 449.7862), (7, -91.2660), (9, 15.5274)]
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