第一部分: 半协程调度器
- 统一生成器接口
- 生成器迭代
- 生成器返回值
- 生成器委托
- 改写 return
- 抽象异步模型
- 引入异常处理
- 异常: 嵌套任务透传
- 异常: 传递流程
- 异常: 重新进行 CPS 变换
- 异常: 重新加入 Async
- Syscall 与 Context
- 调度器: 里程碑
- spawn
- callcc
- race 与 timeout
- all 与 parallel
- channel 与协程间通信
- 无缓存 channel
- 缓存 channel
- channel 演示
- FutureTask 与 fork
第二部分: Koa
- 穿越地心之旅
- 洋葱圈模型
- rightReduce与中间件compose
- Koa::Application
- Koa::Context
- Koa::Request
- Koa::Response
- Koa - HelloWorld
- Middleware Interface
- Middleware: 全局异常处理
- Middleware: Router
- Middleware: 请求超时
- 一个综合示例
wiki - call-with-current-continuation
the function call-with-current-continuation, abbreviated call/cc, is a control operator
异步回调API是无法直接使用yield语法的,需要使用thunk或者promise进行转换,thunkify是将多参数函数替换成单参数函数且参数只接受回调(参见:Thunk 函数的含义和用法)。上文中我们将回调api显式实现Async接口,显得有些麻烦,这里可以把 “通过call参数$k传递异步结果” 的模式抽象出来,实现一个穷人的call/cc。
// CallCC instanceof Async
class CallCC implements Async
public $fun;
public function __construct(callable $fun)
$this->fun = $fun;
public function begin(callable $continuation)
$fun = $this->fun;
function callcc(callable $fn)
return new CallCC($fn);
wiki - call-with-current-continuation
Taking a function f as its only argument, call/cc takes the current continuation as an object and applies f to it. The continuation object is a first-class value and is represented as a function, with function application as its only operation. When a continuation object is applied to an argument, the existing continuation is eliminated and the applied continuation is restored in its place, so that the program flow will continue at the point at which the continuation was captured and the argument of the continuation then becomes the "return value" of the call/cc invocation. Continuations created with call/cc may be called more than once, and even from outside the dynamic extent of the call/cc application.
我们的call/cc只可以调用一次(Generator是单向的),虽然我们的$k也是first-class value
Generators, also known as semicoroutines, are also a generalisation of subroutines, but are more limited than coroutines. Specifically, while both of these can yield multiple times, suspending their execution and allowing re-entry at multiple entry points, they differ in that coroutines can control where execution continues after they yield, while generators cannot, instead transferring control back to the generator's caller. That is, since generators are primarily used to simplify the writing of iterators, the yield statement in a generator does not specify a coroutine to jump to, but rather passes a value back to a parent routine.
However, it is still possible to implement coroutines on top of a generator facility, with the aid of a top-level dispatcher routine (a trampoline, essentially) that passes control explicitly to child generators identified by tokens passed back from the generators
function async_sleep($ms)
return callcc(function($k) use($ms) {
swoole_timer_after($ms, function() use($k) {
function async_dns_lookup($host)
return callcc(function($k) use($host) {
swoole_async_dns_lookup($host, function($host, $ip) use($k) {
class HttpClient extends \swoole_http_client
public function async_get($uri)
return callcc(function($k) use($uri) {
$this->get($uri, $k);
public function async_post($uri, $post)
return callcc(function($k) use($uri, $post) {
$this->post($uri, $post, $k);
public function async_execute($uri)
return callcc(function($k) use($uri) {
$this->execute($uri, $k);
// 这里!
spawn(function() {
$ip = (yield async_dns_lookup("www.baidu.com"));
$cli = new HttpClient($ip, 80);
$cli->setHeaders(["foo" => "bar"]);
$cli = (yield $cli->async_get("/"));
echo $cli->body, "\n";
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