- 1 基本数据结构
- 2 栈的概念
- 3 栈的抽象数据类型
- 4 栈的实现
- 5 栈的应用之圆括号平衡
- 6 栈的应用之符号平衡(通用)
- 7 栈的应用之进制转换
- 8 栈的应用之中缀前缀后缀
- 9 中缀后前缀、后缀的转换思路
- 10 栈的应用之中缀转后缀表达式算法的实现
- 11 后缀表达式求值
- 12 队列的概念
- 13 队列的抽象数据类型
- 14 队列的 python 实现
- 15 队列应用之烫手的山芋
- 16 队列应用之 打印任务
- 17 列表
- 18 无序列表的实现
- 19 有序列表 ADT 及实现
- 20 递归和递归三定律
- 21 递归的实现和应用
- 22 递归图形
- 23 宾斯基三角形
- 24 汉诺塔问题(河内塔问题)
- 25 探索迷宫
- 26 动态规划
- 27 排序与查找 顺序查找
- 28 二分查找
- 30 冒泡排序
- 31 选择排序
- 29-1 哈希查找
- 29-2 冲突解决
- 29-3 用哈希表实现映射
- 32 插入排序
- 33 希尔排序
- 34 归并排序
- 35 快速排序
- 36 树的基本概念
- 37 树的实现
- 38 分析树
- 39 树的遍历
1 基本数据结构
Basic Data Structures 第 1 章 基本数据结构
- To understand the abstract data types stack, queue, deque, andlist.
- To be able to implement the ADTs stack, queue, and deque usingPython lists.
- To understand the performance of the implementations of basiclinear data structures.
- To understand prefix, infix, and postfix expression formats.
- To use stacks to evaluate postfix expressions.
- To use stacks to convert expressions from infix to postfix.
- To use queues for basic timing simulations.
- To be able to recognize problem properties where stacks, queues,and deques are appropriate data structures.
- To be able to implement the abstract data type list as a linkedlist using the node and reference pattern.
- To be able to compare the performance of our linked listimplementation with Python’s list implementation.
- 理解栈、队列、双向队列和列表的抽象数据类型
- 以 python 之 list 为工具,建立栈队列双向队列和列表的 ADT
- 理解基本数据结构的性能
- 理解前置、中置和后置表达式
- 使用栈计算后置表达式
- 用栈把前置转后置
- 用队列实现基本的时间仿真
- 学会根据问题性质,选择使用栈队双向队等合适的数据结构
- 用列表的 ADT 实现链表的节点和指针
- 学会比较链表和 list 的性能
What Are Linear Structures?
We willbegin our study of data structures by considering four simple butvery powerful concepts. Stacks, queues, deques, and lists areexamples of data collections whose items are ordered depending onhow they are added or removed. Once an item is added, it stays inthat position relative to the other elements that came before andcame after it. Collections such as these are often referred toas lineardata structures.
Linearstructures can be thought of as having two ends. Sometimes theseends are referred to as the “left” and the “right” or in some casesthe “front” and the “rear.” You could also call them the “top” andthe “bottom.” The names given to the ends are not significant. Whatdistinguishes one linear structure from another is the way in whichitems are added and removed, in particular the location where theseadditions and removals occur. For example, a structure might allownew items to be added at only one end. Some structures might allowitems to be removed from either end.
These variationsgive rise to some of the most useful data structures in computerscience. They appear in many algorithms and can be used to solve avariety of important problems.
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