- Qt参考文档
- Qt的类
- Qt的主要类
- Annotated Class Index
- 分组的类
- Member Function Index
- 关于Qt
- Qt的版本
- FAQs
- Window System-specific Notes
- 安装
- 如何学习Qt
- Qt教程一 —— 共十四步
- Qt教程二
- Examples
- Step-by-step Examples
- Key Features in Qt 3.0
- Porting to Qt 3.x
- 简体中文汉化日志
- Class Inheritance Hierarchy
- Qt Class Chart
- Header File Index
- 关于模块
- 画布模块
- 图标视图模块
- Network Module
- Qt OpenGL 三维绘图
- SQL模块
- 表格模块
- 工作区模块
- XML Module
- 概述与HOWTO
- Qt对象模型
- 信号和槽
- 窗口几何结构
- 事件和事件过滤器
- 以Qt国际化
- 调试技术
- Qt中的线程支持
- Pictures of Most Qt Widgets
- Company Information
- 如何报告bug
- Mailing Lists
- Qt的工具
- Qt翻译工具指南
- Qt助手和Qt参考文档
- qmake用户手册
- Standard Accelerator Keys
- Qt Free Edition License Agreement
- GNU General Public License
- Licenses for Code Used in Qt
- 抽象窗口部件类
- Analog Clock
- Walkthrough: A Tiny Editor Illustrating QActionGroup
- A Tiny Example Featuring QActionGroup
- Simple Addressbook
- Advanced Widgets
- Widget Appearance and Style
- Setting the Application Icon
- Main Window and Related Classes
- 介绍
- Qt参考文档介绍
- The 1 Minute Guide to using Qt Assistant
- Qt Assistant in More Detail
- Basic Widgets
- Biff (UNIX only)
- 如何生成大的稀疏QTable
- Buttons and Groupboxes
- A Complete Canvas Application
- Canvas Example
- Listviews with Checkable Items
- A small client-server example
- Collection Classes
- 坐标系统
- Cursors
- 写你自己的布局管理器
- Customized Layoutmanager
- Style overview
- Database Classes
- Format of the QDataStream Operators
- Digital Clock
- Qt Demo
- Qt 设计器
- Reference: Menu Options
- Reference: Toolbar Buttons
- Reference: Dialogs
- Reference: Wizards
- Reference: Windows
- Reference: The .ui File Format
- Creating a Qt Application
- Creating Main Windows with Actions, Toolbars and Menus
- The Designer Approach
- Subclassing and Dynamic Dialogs
- Creating Custom Widgets
- Creating Database Applications
- Customizing and Integrating Qt Designer
- Reference: Key Bindings
- Painting on the Desktop
- Dialog Classes
- A Directory Browser
- 拖放
- Drag And Drop Classes
- Drag and Drop
- Draw Demo
- Connect the Points
- Adding an accelerated graphics driver to Qt/Embedded
- Qt/Embedded Case Study - Cassiopeia E-100
- Character input in Qt/Embedded
- The Qt/Embedded-specific classes
- Qt/Embedded environment variables
- The Feature Definition File
- Fonts in Qt/Embedded
- Enabling the Linux Framebuffer
- Installing Qt/Embedded
- Qt/Embedded Performance Tuning
- Qt/Embedded Pointer Handling
- Porting your applications to Qt/Embedded
- Qt/嵌入式的虚拟帧缓冲
- Running Qt/Embedded applications
- Qt/Embedded as a VNC Server
- Environment Classes
- Event Classes
- Simple Filemanager
- 键盘焦点概述
- A Rectangle Draw "Benchmark"
- An FTP client
- Layout Management
- Grapher Plugin
- Graphics Classes
- Books about GUI
- Hello, World
- Help System
- Simple HTML Help Browser
- Internationalization
- Iconview
- iconview/simple_dd/main.cpp Example File
- iconview/simple_dd/main.h Example File
- Image Processing Classes
- Qt参考文档
- 安装Qt/Windows
- 安装Qt/X11
- Input/Output and Networking
- 布局类
- Layout Managers
- Conway's Game of Life
- Line Edits
- 介绍
- 发布管理器
- Translators
- Programmers
- Listboxes and Comboboxes
- Listbox Example
- Listviews
- A simple mail client
- Editors in a Motif form
- Editors in a Qt main window
- Editors in an Xt form
- makeqpf
- A MDI Application
- Using menus
- 元对象系统
- Miscellaneous Classes
- 使用元对象编译器
- Movies or the Story of the Animated GIF file
- Multimedia Classes
- Network Examples
- A simple NNTP implementation
- Qt-based LiveConnect Plugins
- LiveConnect Examples
- Object Model
- 对象树和对象所有权
- OpenGL Examples
- How to use X11 overlays with the Qt OpenGL extension
- Organizers
- Outliner to show use of DOM
- Picture
- Plugins
- Popup Widgets
- Table of Prime Numbers 2-9999
- Starting processes with IO redirection
- Progress Bar
- Progress Bar and Dialog Example
- 属性
- QAccel类
- qaccel.h包含文件
- QAccel成员列表
- QAccessible Class
- qaccessible.h Include File
- QAccessibleInterface Class
- QAccessibleInterface Member List
- QAccessible Member List
- QAccessibleObject Class
- QAccessibleObject Member List
- QAction类
- A Complete Application Window with Actions
- QAction Examples
- QActionGroup类
- QActionGroup成员列表
- qaction.h包含文件
- QAction成员列表
- QApplication类
- qapplication.h包含文件
- QApplication成员列表
- QAsciiCache Class
- qasciicache.h Include File
- QAsciiCacheIterator Class
- QAsciiCacheIterator Member List
- QAsciiCache Member List
- QAsciiDict Class
- qasciidict.h Include File
- QAsciiDictIterator Class
- QAsciiDictIterator Member List
- QAsciiDict Member List
- qasyncimageio.h Include File
- QAsyncIO Class
- qasyncio.h Include File
- QBitArray类
- qbitarray.h包含文件
- QBitArray成员列表
- QBitmap Class
- qbitmap.h Include File
- QBitmap Member List
- QBitVal Class
- QBitVal Member List
- QBoxLayout Class
- QBoxLayout Member List
- QBrush Class
- qbrush.h Include File
- QBrush Member List
- QBuffer类
- qbuffer.h包含文件
- QBuffer成员列表
- QButton类
- QButtonGroup类
- qbuttongroup.h包含文件
- QButtonGroup成员列表
- qbutton.h包含文件
- QButton成员列表
- QByteArray类
- QByteArray成员列表
- QCache Class
- qcache.h Include File
- QCacheIterator Class
- QCacheIterator Member List
- QCache Member List
- QCanvas Class
- QCanvasEllipse Class
- QCanvasEllipse Member List
- qcanvas.h Include File
- QCanvasItem Class
- QCanvasItemList Class
- QCanvasItemList Member List
- QCanvasItem Member List
- QCanvasLine Class
- QCanvasLine Member List
- QCanvas Member List
- QCanvasPixmap Class
- QCanvasPixmapArray Class
- QCanvasPixmapArray Member List
- QCanvasPixmap Member List
- QCanvasPolygon Class
- QCanvasPolygonalItem Class
- QCanvasPolygonalItem Member List
- QCanvasPolygon Member List
- QCanvasRectangle Class
- QCanvasRectangle Member List
- QCanvasSpline Class
- QCanvasSpline Member List
- QCanvasSprite Class
- QCanvasSprite Member List
- QCanvasText Class
- QCanvasText Member List
- QCanvasView Class
- QCanvasView Member List
- QCDEStyle Class
- qcdestyle.h Include File
- QCDEStyle Member List
- QChar Class
- QChar Member List
- QCharRef Class
- QCharRef Member List
- QCheckBox类
- qcheckbox.h包含文件
- QCheckBox成员列表
- QCheckListItem Class
- QCheckListItem Member List
- QCheckTableItem类
- QCheckTableItem成员列表
- QChildEvent Class
- QChildEvent Member List
- QClipboard类
- qclipboard.h包含文件
- QClipboard成员列表
- QCloseEvent Class
- QCloseEvent Member List
- QColor Class
- QColorDialog类
- qcolordialog.h包含文件
- QColorDialog成员列表
- QColorDrag Class
- QColorDrag Member List
- QColorGroup Class
- QColorGroup Member List
- qcolor.h Include File
- QColor Member List
- QComboBox Class
- qcombobox.h Include File
- QComboBox Member List
- QComboTableItem类
- QComboTableItem成员列表
- QCommonStyle Class
- qcommonstyle.h Include File
- QCommonStyle Member List
- QConstString Class
- QConstString Member List
- QContextMenuEvent Class
- QContextMenuEvent Member List
- QCopChannel Class
- qcopchannel_qws.h Include File
- QCopChannel Member List
- QCString类
- qcstring.h包含文件
- QCString成员列表
- QCursor Class
- qcursor.h Include File
- QCursor Member List
- QCustomEvent Class
- QCustomEvent Member List
- QCustomMenuItem Class
- QCustomMenuItem Member List
- QDataBrowser Class
- qdatabrowser.h Include File
- QDataBrowser Member List
- QDataPump Class
- QDataPump Member List
- QDataSink Class
- QDataSource Class
- QDataSource Member List
- QDataStream类
- qdatastream.h包含文件
- QDataStream成员列表
- QDataTable Class
- qdatatable.h Include File
- QDataTable Member List
- QDataView Class
- qdataview.h Include File
- QDataView Member List
- QDate类
- QDateEdit Class
- QDateEdit Member List
- QDate成员列表
- QDateTime类
- QDateTimeEdit Class
- qdatetimeedit.h Include File
- QDateTimeEdit Member List
- qdatetime.h包含文件
- QDateTime成员列表
- QDesktopWidget Class
- qdesktopwidget.h Include File
- QDesktopWidget Member List
- QDial Class
- qdial.h Include File
- QDial Member List
- QDialog类
- qdialog.h包含文件
- QDialog成员列表
- QDict Class
- qdict.h Include File
- QDictIterator Class
- QDictIterator Member List
- QDict Member List
- QDir类
- QDirectPainter Class
- qdirectpainter_qws.h Include File
- QDirectPainter Member List
- QDir
- qdir.h包含文件
- QDir成员列表
- QDns Class
- qdns.h Include File
- QDns Member List
- QDockArea类
- qdockarea.h包含文件
- QDockArea成员列表
- QDockWindow类
- qdockwindow.h包含文件
- QDockWindow成员列表
- QDomAttr Class
- QDomAttr Member List
- QDomCDATASection Class
- QDomCDATASection Member List
- QDomCharacterData Class
- QDomCharacterData Member List
- QDomComment Class
- QDomComment Member List
- QDomDocument Class
- QDomDocumentFragment Class
- QDomDocumentFragment Member List
- QDomDocument Member List
- QDomDocumentType Class
- QDomDocumentType Member List
- QDomElement Class
- QDomElement Member List
- QDomEntity Class
- QDomEntity Member List
- QDomEntityReference Class
- QDomEntityReference Member List
- qdom.h Include File
- QDomImplementation Class
- QDomImplementation Member List
- QDomNamedNodeMap Class
- QDomNamedNodeMap Member List
- QDomNode Class
- QDomNodeList Class
- QDomNodeList Member List
- QDomNode Member List
- QDomNotation Class
- QDomNotation Member List
- QDomProcessingInstruction Class
- QDomProcessingInstruction Member List
- QDomText Class
- QDomText Member List
- QDoubleValidator类
- QDoubleValidator成员列表
- QDragEnterEvent Class
- QDragEnterEvent Member List
- QDragLeaveEvent Class
- QDragLeaveEvent Member List
- QDragMoveEvent Class
- QDragMoveEvent Member List
- QDragObject Class
- qdragobject.h Include File
- QDragObject Member List
- qdrawutil.h Include File
- QDropEvent Class
- QDropEvent Member List
- QDropSite Class
- qdropsite.h Include File
- QEditorFactory Class
- qeditorfactory.h Include File
- QEditorFactory Member List
- QEmbed - File and Image Embedder
- QErrorMessage类
- qerrormessage.h包含文件
- QErrorMessage成员列表
- QEucJpCodec Class
- qeucjpcodec.h Include File
- QEucJpCodec Member List
- QEucKrCodec Class
- qeuckrcodec.h Include File
- QEucKrCodec Member List
- QEvent类
- qevent.h包含文件
- QEvent成员列表
- Font Displayer
- QFile类
- QFileDialog类
- qfiledialog.h包含文件
- QFileDialog成员列表
- qfile.h包含文件
- QFileIconProvider Class
- QFileIconProvider Member List
- QFileInfo Class
- qfileinfo.h Include File
- QFileInfo Member List
- QFile成员列表
- QFilePreview Class
- QFilePreview Member List
- QFocusData Class
- qfocusdata.h Include File
- QFocusData Member List
- QFocusEvent Class
- QFocusEvent Member List
- QFont Class
- QFontDatabase Class
- qfontdatabase.h Include File
- QFontDatabase Member List
- QFontDialog类
- qfontdialog.h包含文件
- QFontDialog成员列表
- QFont Examples
- qfont.h Include File
- QFontInfo Class
- qfontinfo.h Include File
- QFontInfo Member List
- QFontManager Class
- qfontmanager_qws.h Include File
- QFontManager Member List
- QFont Member List
- QFontMetrics Class
- qfontmetrics.h Include File
- QFontMetrics Member List
- QFrame类
- qframe.h包含文件
- QFrame成员列表
- QFtp类
- qftp.h包含文件
- QFtp成员列表
- QGb18030Codec Class
- qgb18030codec.h Include File
- QGb18030Codec Member List
- QGbkCodec Class
- QGbkCodec Member List
- qgfx_qws.h Include File
- QGL Class
- QGLayoutIterator Class
- QGLayoutIterator Member List
- QGLColormap Class
- qglcolormap.h Include File
- QGLColormap Member List
- QGLContext Class
- QGLContext Member List
- QGLFormat Class
- QGLFormat Member List
- qgl.h Include File
- QGL Member List
- qglobal.h Include File
- QGLWidget Class
- QGLWidget Member List
- QGrid类
- qgrid.h包含文件
- QGridLayout Class
- QGridLayout Member List
- QGrid成员列表
- QGridView Class
- qgridview.h Include File
- QGridView Member List
- QGroupBox类
- qgroupbox.h包含文件
- QGroupBox成员列表
- QGuardedPtr类
- qguardedptr.h包含文件
- QGuardedPtr成员列表
- QHBox Class
- qhbox.h Include File
- QHBoxLayout Class
- QHBoxLayout Member List
- QHBox Member List
- QHButtonGroup类
- qhbuttongroup.h包含文件
- QHButtonGroup成员列表
- QHeader类
- qheader.h包含文件
- QHeader成员列表
- QHebrewCodec Class
- QHebrewCodec Member List
- QHGroupBox类
- qhgroupbox.h包含文件
- QHGroupBox成员列表
- QHideEvent Class
- QHideEvent Member List
- QHostAddress Class
- qhostaddress.h Include File
- QHostAddress Member List
- QHttp Class
- qhttp.h Include File
- QHttp Member List
- QIconDrag Class
- QIconDragItem Class
- QIconDragItem Member List
- QIconDrag Member List
- QIconSet Class
- qiconset.h Include File
- QIconSet Member List
- QIconView Class
- qiconview.h Include File
- QIconViewItem Class
- QIconViewItem Member List
- QIconView Member List
- QImage Class
- QImageConsumer Class
- QImageConsumer Member List
- QImageDecoder Class
- QImageDecoder Member List
- QImageDrag Class
- QImageDrag Member List
- QImageFormat Class
- QImageFormat Member List
- QImageFormatPlugin Class
- qimageformatplugin.h Include File
- QImageFormatPlugin Member List
- QImageFormatType Class
- QImageFormatType Member List
- qimage.h Include File
- QImageIO Class
- QImageIO Member List
- QImage Member List
- QIMEvent Class
- QIMEvent Member List
- QInputDialog类
- qinputdialog.h包含文件
- QInputDialog成员列表
- QIntCache Class
- qintcache.h Include File
- QIntCacheIterator Class
- QIntCacheIterator Member List
- QIntCache Member List
- QIntDict Class
- qintdict.h Include File
- QIntDictIterator Class
- QIntDictIterator Member List
- QIntDict Member List
- QIntValidator类
- QIntValidator成员列表
- QIODevice类
- qiodevice.h包含文件
- QIODevice成员列表
- QIODeviceSource Class
- QJisCodec Class
- qjiscodec.h Include File
- QJisCodec Member List
- qkeyboard_qws.h Include File
- QKeyEvent Class
- QKeyEvent Member List
- QKeySequence Class
- qkeysequence.h Include File
- QKeySequence Member List
- QLabel Class
- qlabel.h Include File
- QLabel Member List
- QLayout Class
- qlayout.h Include File
- QLayoutItem Class
- QLayoutItem Member List
- QLayoutIterator Class
- QLayoutIterator Member List
- QLayout Member List
- QLCDNumber Class
- qlcdnumber.h Include File
- QLCDNumber Member List
- QLibrary Class
- qlibrary.h Include File
- QLibrary Member List
- QLineEdit Class
- qlineedit.h Include File
- QLineEdit Member List
- QListBox Class
- qlistbox.h Include File
- QListBoxItem Class
- QListBoxItem Member List
- QListBox Member List
- QListBoxPixmap Class
- QListBoxPixmap Member List
- QListBoxText Class
- QListBoxText Member List
- QListView Class
- qlistview.h Include File
- QListViewItem Class
- QListViewItemIterator Class
- QListViewItemIterator Member List
- QListViewItem Member List
- QListView Member List
- QLocalFs Class
- qlocalfs.h Include File
- QLocalFs Member List
- QLock Class
- qlock_qws.h Include File
- QLock Member List
- QMag
- QMainWindow类
- qmainwindow.h包含文件
- QMainWindow成员列表
- qmake的介绍
- 安装qmake
- 10分钟学会使用qmake
- qmake教程
- qmake概念
- qmake高级概念
- qmake Command Reference
- QMap Class
- QMapConstIterator Class
- QMapConstIterator Member List
- qmap.h Include File
- QMapIterator Class
- QMapIterator Member List
- QMap Member List
- QMemArray类
- qmemarray.h包含文件
- QMemArray成员列表
- QMenuBar Class
- qmenubar.h Include File
- QMenuBar Member List
- QMenuData Class
- qmenudata.h Include File
- QMenuData Member List
- QMessageBox类
- qmessagebox.h包含文件
- QMessageBox成员列表
- QMetaObject Class
- qmetaobject.h Include File
- QMetaObject Member List
- QMetaProperty Class
- QMetaProperty Member List
- qmime.h Include File
- QMimeSource Class
- QMimeSourceFactory Class
- QMimeSourceFactory Member List
- QMimeSource Member List
- QMotifPlusStyle Class
- qmotifplusstyle.h Include File
- QMotifPlusStyle Member List
- QMotifStyle Class
- qmotifstyle.h Include File
- QMotifStyle Member List
- QMouseEvent Class
- QMouseEvent Member List
- QMoveEvent Class
- QMoveEvent Member List
- QMovie Class
- qmovie.h Include File
- QMovie Member List
- QMultiLineEdit Class
- qmultilineedit.h Include File
- QMultiLineEdit Member List
- QMutex类
- qmutex.h包含文件
- QMutex成员列表
- qnamespace.h Include File
- qnetwork.h Example File
- QNetworkOperation Class
- QNetworkOperation Member List
- QNetworkProtocol Class
- qnetworkprotocol.h Include File
- QNetworkProtocol Member List
- qnp.h Include File
- QNPInstance Class
- QNPInstance Member List
- QNPlugin Class
- QNPlugin Member List
- QNPStream Class
- QNPStream Member List
- QNPWidget Class
- QNPWidget Member List
- QObject类
- QObjectCleanupHandler Class
- qobjectcleanuphandler.h Include File
- QObjectCleanupHandler Member List
- qobject.h包含文件
- QObjectList类
- qobjectlist.h包含文件
- QObjectListIt类
- QObjectListIt成员列表
- QObjectList成员列表
- QObject成员列表
- QPaintDevice类
- qpaintdevice.h包含文件
- QPaintDevice成员列表
- QPaintDeviceMetrics Class
- qpaintdevicemetrics.h Include File
- QPaintDeviceMetrics Member List
- QPainter类
- qpainter.h包含文件
- QPainter成员列表
- QPaintEvent Class
- QPaintEvent Member List
- QPair Class
- qpair.h Include File
- QPair Member List
- QPalette Class
- qpalette.h Include File
- QPalette Member List
- QPen Class
- qpen.h Include File
- QPen Member List
- QPicture Class
- qpicture.h Include File
- QPicture Member List
- QPixmap Class
- QPixmapCache Class
- qpixmapcache.h Include File
- QPixmapCache Member List
- qpixmap.h Include File
- QPixmap Member List
- QPlatinumStyle Class
- qplatinumstyle.h Include File
- QPlatinumStyle Member List
- QPNGImagePacker Class
- QPNGImagePacker Member List
- qpngio.h Include File
- QPoint类
- QPointArray Class
- qpointarray.h Include File
- QPointArray Member List
- qpoint.h包含文件
- QPoint成员列表
- QPopupMenu Class
- qpopupmenu.h Include File
- QPopupMenu Member List
- QPrinter Class
- qprinter.h Include File
- QPrinter Member List
- QProcess Class
- QProcess Examples
- qprocess.h Include File
- QProcess Member List
- QProgressBar Class
- qprogressbar.h Include File
- QProgressBar Member List
- QProgressDialog类
- qprogressdialog.h包含文件
- QProgressDialog成员列表
- QPtrCollection类
- qptrcollection.h包含文件
- QPtrCollection成员列表
- QPtrDict Class
- qptrdict.h Include File
- QPtrDictIterator Class
- QPtrDictIterator Member List
- QPtrDict Member List
- QPtrList类
- qptrlist.h包含文件
- QPtrListIterator类
- QPtrListIterator成员列表
- QPtrList成员列表
- QPtrQueue类
- qptrqueue.h包含文件
- QPtrQueue成员列表
- QPtrStack类
- qptrstack.h包含文件
- QPtrStack成员列表
- QPtrVector类
- qptrvector.h包含文件
- QPtrVector成员列表
- QPushButton类
- qpushbutton.h包含文件
- QPushButton成员列表
- QRadioButton Class
- qradiobutton.h Include File
- QRadioButton Member List
- QRangeControl类
- qrangecontrol.h包含文件
- QRangeControld成员列表
- QRect类
- qrect.h包含文件
- QRect成员列表
- QRegExp Class
- qregexp.h Include File
- QRegExp Member List
- QRegExpValidator Class
- QRegExpValidator Member List
- QRegion Class
- qregion.h Include File
- QRegion Member List
- QResizeEvent Class
- QResizeEvent Member List
- qrtlcodec.h Include File
- QScreen Class
- QScreen Member List
- QScrollBar类
- qscrollbar.h包含文件
- QScrollBar成员列表
- QScrollView类
- qscrollview.h包含文件
- QScrollView成员列表
- QSemaphore类
- qsemaphore.h包含文件
- QSemaphore成员列表
- QServerSocket Class
- qserversocket.h Include File
- QServerSocket Member List
- QSessionManager Class
- qsessionmanager.h Include File
- QSessionManager Member List
- QSettings Class
- qsettings.h Include File
- QSettings Member List
- QSGIStyle Class
- qsgistyle.h Include File
- QSGIStyle Member List
- QShowEvent Class
- QShowEvent Member List
- QSignal Class
- qsignal.h Include File
- QSignalMapper Class
- qsignalmapper.h Include File
- QSignalMapper Member List
- QSignal Member List
- QSimpleRichText Class
- qsimplerichtext.h Include File
- QSimpleRichText Member List
- QSize类
- QSizeGrip Class
- qsizegrip.h Include File
- QSizeGrip Member List
- qsize.h包含文件
- QSize成员列表
- QSizePolicy Class
- qsizepolicy.h Include File
- QSizePolicy Member List
- QSjisCodec Class
- qsjiscodec.h Include File
- QSjisCodec Member List
- QSlider Class
- qslider.h Include File
- QSlider Member List
- QSocket类
- QSocketDevice Class
- qsocketdevice.h Include File
- QSocketDevice Member List
- qsocket.h包含文件
- QSocket成员列表
- QSocketNotifier Class
- qsocketnotifier.h Include File
- QSocketNotifier Member List
- QSortedList Class
- qsortedlist.h Include File
- QSortedList Member List
- QSound类
- qsound.h包含文件
- QSound成员列表
- QSpacerItem Class
- QSpacerItem Member List
- QSpinBox Class
- qspinbox.h Include File
- QSpinBox Member List
- QSplitter Class
- qsplitter.h Include File
- QSplitter Member List
- QSql类
- QSqlCursor Class
- qsqlcursor.h Include File
- QSqlCursor Member List
- QSqlDatabase Class
- qsqldatabase.h Include File
- QSqlDatabase Member List
- QSqlDriver Class
- qsqldriver.h Include File
- QSqlDriver Member List
- QSqlDriverPlugin Class
- qsqldriverplugin.h Include File
- QSqlDriverPlugin Member List
- QSqlEditorFactory Class
- qsqleditorfactory.h Include File
- QSqlEditorFactory Member List
- QSqlError Class
- qsqlerror.h Include File
- QSqlError Member List
- QSqlField Class
- qsqlfield.h Include File
- QSqlFieldInfo Class
- QSqlFieldInfo Member List
- QSqlField Member List
- QSqlForm Class
- qsqlform.h Include File
- QSqlForm Member List
- qsql.h包含文件
- QSqlIndex Class
- qsqlindex.h Include File
- QSqlIndex Member List
- QSql成员列表
- QSqlPropertyMap Class
- qsqlpropertymap.h Include File
- QSqlPropertyMap Member List
- QSqlQuery类
- qsqlquery.h 包含文件
- QSqlQuery成员列表
- QSqlRecord Class
- qsqlrecord.h Include File
- QSqlRecordInfo Class
- QSqlRecordInfo Member List
- QSqlRecord Member List
- QSqlResult Class
- qsqlresult.h Include File
- QSqlResult Member List
- QStatusBar类
- qstatusbar.h包含文件
- QStatusBar成员列表
- QStoredDrag Class
- QStoredDrag Member List
- QStrIList Class
- QStrIList Member List
- QString类
- qstring.h包含文件
- QStringList Class
- qstringlist.h Include File
- QStringList Member List
- QString成员列表
- QStrList Class
- qstrlist.h Include File
- QStrListIterator Class
- QStrListIterator Member List
- QStrList Member List
- QStyle Class
- QStyleFactory Class
- qstylefactory.h Include File
- QStyleFactory Member List
- qstyle.h Include File
- QStyle Member List
- QStyleOption Class
- QStyleOption Member List
- QStylePlugin Class
- qstyleplugin.h Include File
- QStylePlugin Member List
- QStyleSheet Class
- qstylesheet.h Include File
- QStyleSheetItem Class
- QStyleSheetItem Member List
- QStyleSheet Member List
- Qt类
- QTab Class
- QTabBar Class
- qtabbar.h Include File
- QTabBar Member List
- QTabDialog类
- qtabdialog.h包含文件
- QTabDialog成员列表
- QTable类
- qtable.h包含文件
- QTableItem类
- QTableItem成员列表
- QTable成员列表
- QTableSelection类
- QTableSelection成员列表
- QTabletEvent Class
- QTabletEvent Member List
- QTab Member List
- QTabWidget Class
- qtabwidget.h Include File
- QTabWidget Member List
- QTextBrowser Class
- qtextbrowser.h Include File
- QTextBrowser Member List
- QTextCodec Class
- qtextcodec.h Include File
- QTextCodec Member List
- QTextCodecPlugin Class
- qtextcodecplugin.h Include File
- QTextCodecPlugin Member List
- QTextDecoder Class
- QTextDecoder Member List
- QTextDrag Class
- QTextDrag Member List
- QTextEdit类
- qtextedit.h包含文件
- QTextEdit成员列表
- QTextEncoder Class
- QTextEncoder Member List
- QTextIStream类
- QTextIStream成员列表
- QTextOStream类
- QTextOStream成员列表
- QTextStream类
- qtextstream.h包含文件
- QTextStream成员列表
- QTextView Class
- qtextview.h Include File
- QTextView Member List
- QThread类
- qthread.h包含文件
- QThread成员列表
- Display Images in Qt-supported Formats
- QTime类
- QTimeEdit Class
- QTimeEdit Member List
- QTime成员列表
- QTimer类
- QTimerEvent类
- QTimerEvent成员列表
- qtimer.h包含文件
- QTimer成员列表
- Qt模板库类
- Qt Member List
- QtMultiLineEdit Class
- qtmultilineedit.h Include File
- QtMultiLineEdit Member List
- QToolBar类
- qtoolbar.h包含文件
- QToolBar成员列表
- QToolButton类
- qtoolbutton.h包含文件
- QToolButton成员列表
- QToolTip Class
- QToolTipGroup Class
- QToolTipGroup Member List
- qtooltip.h Include File
- QToolTip Member List
- QTranslator Class
- qtranslator.h Include File
- QTranslator Member List
- QTranslatorMessage Class
- QTranslatorMessage Member List
- QTsciiCodec Class
- qtsciicodec.h Include File
- QTsciiCodec Member List
- QtTableView Class
- qttableview.h Include File
- QtTableView Member List
- Qt模板库
- QUriDrag Class
- QUriDrag Member List
- QUrl Class
- qurl.h Include File
- QUrlInfo Class
- qurlinfo.h Include File
- QUrlInfo Member List
- QUrl Member List
- QUrlOperator Class
- qurloperator.h Include File
- QUrlOperator Member List
- QValidator类
- qvalidator.h包含文件
- QValidator成员列表
- QVariant Class
- qvariant.h Include File
- QVariant Member List
- QVBox Class
- qvbox.h Include File
- QVBoxLayout Class
- QVBoxLayout Member List
- QVBox Member List
- QVButtonGroup类
- qvbuttongroup.h包含文件
- QVButtonGroup成员列表
- QVGroupBox类
- qvgroupbox.h包含文件
- QVGroupBox成员列表
- QWaitCondition类
- qwaitcondition.h包含文件
- QWaitCondition成员列表
- Simple HTML Browser
- QWhatsThis类
- qwhatsthis.h包含文件
- QWhatsThis成员列表
- QWheelEvent Class
- QWheelEvent Member List
- QWidget类
- QWidgetFactory Class
- qwidgetfactory.h Include File
- QWidgetFactory Member List
- qwidget.h包含文件
- QWidgetItem Class
- QWidgetItem Member List
- QWidget成员列表
- QWidgetPlugin Class
- qwidgetplugin.h Include File
- QWidgetPlugin Member List
- QWidgetStack类
- qwidgetstack.h包含文件
- QWidgetStack成员列表
- qwindowdefs.h Include File
- QWindowsMime Class
- QWindowsMime Member List
- QWindowsStyle Class
- qwindowsstyle.h Include File
- QWindowsStyle Member List
- qwindowsystem_qws.h Include File
- QWizard类
- qwizard.h包含文件
- QWizard成员列表
- QWMatrix Class
- qwmatrix.h Include File
- QWMatrix Member List
- QWorkspace类
- qworkspace.h包含文件
- QWorkspace成员列表
- Qt/Embedded
- QWSDecoration Class
- qwsdecoration_qws.h Include File
- QWSDecoration Member List
- QWSKeyboardHandler Class
- QWSKeyboardHandler Member List
- qwsmouse_qws.h Include File
- QWSMouseHandler Class
- QWSMouseHandler Member List
- QWSServer Class
- QWSServer Member List
- QWSWindow Class
- QWSWindow Member List
- QXmlAttributes Class
- QXmlAttributes Member List
- QXmlContentHandler Class
- QXmlContentHandler Member List
- QXmlDeclHandler Class
- QXmlDeclHandler Member List
- QXmlDefaultHandler Class
- QXmlDefaultHandler Member List
- QXmlDTDHandler Class
- QXmlDTDHandler Member List
- QXmlEntityResolver Class
- QXmlEntityResolver Member List
- QXmlErrorHandler Class
- QXmlErrorHandler Member List
- qxml.h Include File
- QXmlInputSource Class
- QXmlInputSource Member List
- QXmlLexicalHandler Class
- QXmlLexicalHandler Member List
- QXmlLocator Class
- QXmlLocator Member List
- QXmlNamespaceSupport Class
- QXmlNamespaceSupport Member List
- QXmlParseException Class
- QXmlParseException Member List
- QXmlReader Class
- QXmlSimpleReader Class
- QXmlSimpleReader Member List
- QXtApplication Class
- QXtApplication Member List
- qxt.h Include File
- QXtWidget Class
- QXtWidget Member List
- Range controls
- Richtext
- Rot13
- Simple Painting Application
- Qt的文本引擎
- Scrollview
- Session Management
- Implicitly and Explicitly Shared Classes
- Shared Classes
- Show Image
- Drag and Drop (Simple)
- Walkthrough: A Simple Application
- Walkthrough: A Simple Application with Actions
- A Complete Application Window
- A simple demonstration of QFont member functions
- Walkthrough: A simple QFont demonstration
- 小表格样例
- Sound Example
- Splitter
- SQL Module - Drivers
- Qt SQL Examples
- sql/overview/basicbrowsing2/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/basicbrowsing/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/basicdatamanip/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/connect1/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/create_connections/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/custom1/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/custom1/main.h Example File
- sql/overview/del/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/extract/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/form1/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/form2/main.h Example File
- sql/overview/insert/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/navigating/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/order1/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/order2/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/retrieve1/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/retrieve2/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/subclass1/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/subclass2/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/subclass2/main.h Example File
- sql/overview/subclass3/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/subclass3/main.h Example File
- sql/overview/subclass4/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/subclass4/main.h Example File
- sql/overview/subclass5/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/subclass5/main.h Example File
- sql/overview/table1/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/table2/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/table3/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/table3/main.h Example File
- sql/overview/table4/main.cpp Example File
- sql/overview/table4/main.h Example File
- sql/overview/update/main.cpp Example File
- SQL Table
- 表格样例
- t10/cannon.cpp Example File
- t10/cannon.h Example File
- t10/lcdrange.cpp Example File
- t10/lcdrange.h Example File
- t10/main.cpp Example File
- t11/cannon.cpp Example File
- t11/cannon.h Example File
- t11/lcdrange.cpp Example File
- t11/lcdrange.h Example File
- t11/main.cpp Example File
- t12/cannon.cpp Example File
- t12/cannon.h Example File
- t12/lcdrange.cpp Example File
- t12/lcdrange.h Example File
- t12/main.cpp Example File
- t13/cannon.cpp Example File
- t13/cannon.h Example File
- t13/gamebrd.cpp Example File
- t13/gamebrd.h Example File
- t13/lcdrange.cpp Example File
- t13/lcdrange.h Example File
- t13/main.cpp Example File
- t14/cannon.cpp Example File
- t14/cannon.h Example File
- t14/gamebrd.cpp Example File
- t14/gamebrd.h Example File
- t14/lcdrange.cpp Example File
- t14/lcdrange.h Example File
- t14/main.cpp Example File
- t7/lcdrange.cpp Example File
- t7/lcdrange.h Example File
- t7/main.cpp Example File
- t8/cannon.cpp Example File
- t8/cannon.h Example File
- t8/lcdrange.cpp Example File
- t8/lcdrange.h Example File
- t8/main.cpp Example File
- t9/cannon.cpp Example File
- t9/cannon.h Example File
- t9/lcdrange.cpp Example File
- t9/lcdrange.h Example File
- t9/main.cpp Example File
- Tabdialog
- table/bigtable/main.cpp Example File
- 表格例程
- Tablet Example
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- Demonstration of SAX2 features
- 为什么Qt不用模板来实现信号和槽?
- Tetrix
- Text Related Classes
- Text Edit Example
- Themes (Styles)
- 线程
- Tic Tac Toe
- 时间和日期
- 定时器
- A Tiny Example Featuring a Toggle Action
- Non-GUI Classes
- Advanced use of tool tips
- Trivial Example
- Qt教程一 —— 第一章:Hello, World!
- Qt教程一 —— 第二章:调用退出
- Qt教程一 —— 第三章:家庭价值
- Qt教程一 —— 第四章:使用窗口部件
- Qt教程一 —— 第五章:组装积木
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- Qt教程一 —— 第十章:像丝一样滑
- Qt教程一 —— 第十一章:给它一个炮弹
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- Qt教程一 —— 第十三章:游戏结束
- Qt教程一 —— 第十四章:面对墙壁
- 介绍
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- 数据元素
- 主体很容易
- 实现图形用户界面
- 画布控制
- 文件处理
- 获得数据
- 设置选项
- 项目文件
- 完成
- User Interface Compiler (uic)
- 关于Unicode
- Widgets Example
- Wizard
- wizard/wizard.cpp Example File
- wizard/wizard.h Example File
- Transformed Graphics Demo
- Qt XML Examples
- Walkthrough: Using SAX2 features with the Qt XML classes
- Walkthrough: How to use the Qt SAX2 classes
- Qt Xt/Motif Support Extension
- 适应2000年问题声明
Linguist Main Window
The One Minute Guide to Using Qt Linguist
Qt Linguist is a tool for adding translations to Qt applications. It introduces the concept of a translation "context" which means a group of phrases that appear together on the screen e.g. in the same menu or dialog.
To start, run Qt Linguist, either from the taskbar menu, or by double clicking the desktop icon, or type linguist (followed by Enter) at the command line. Once Qt Linguist has started choose File|Open from the menu bar and select a .ts translation source file to work on.
Qt Linguist's main window is divided into four main areas. The left hand side contains the Context list, the top right is the Source text area, the middle right is the translation area and the bottom right is the phrases and guesses area. We'll describe them in detail later.
Click on one of the contexts in the context list (left hand side) and then click on one of the phrases that appears in the Source text area (top right). The phrase will be copied into the translation area (middle right). Click under the word 'Translation' and type in the translation. Click Ctrl+Enter (Done & Next) to confirm that you have completed the translation and to move on to the next phrase that requires translation.
The cycle of entering a translation then pressing Ctrl+Enter can be repeated until all the translations are done or until you finish the session. Linguist will attempt to fill the "phrases and guesses" area with possible translations from any open phrase books and any previous translations. Each has a keyboard shortcut, e.g. Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, etc., which you can use to copy the guess into the Translation area. (Mouse users can double click a phrase or guess to move it into the Translation area.) At the end of the session choose File|Save from the menu bar and then File|Exit to quit.
Qt Linguist's Main Window
Context List
This appears at the left hand side of the main window by default. The first column, 'Done', identifies whether or not the translations for the context have been done. A tick indicates that all the translations have been done and are valid. A question mark indicates that one or more translations have not been done or have failed validation. The second column, 'Context' is the name of the context in which the translation phrases appear. The third column, 'Items' shows two numbers, the first is the number of translations that have been done, and the second is the number of phrases that are in the context; if the numbers are equal then all the translations have been done. Note that a greyed out tick indicates an obsolete translation, i.e. a phrase that was translated in a previous version of the application but which does not occur in the new version.
The contexts are ordered alphabetically. The phrases within each context are in the order in which they appear in the source program and this may not be the order in which they are shown on screen.
The Context List is a dockable window so it can be dragged to another position in the main window, or dragged out of the main window to be a window in its own right. If you move the Context List, Qt Linguist will remember its position and restore it whenever you start the program.
Source Text Area
This appears at the top right of the main window by default. The first column, 'Done', signifies the status of the translation. A tick indicates that the phrase has been translated and passed validation. A question mark indicates that the translation has not been done. An exclamation mark indicates that the translation has failed validation. The second column 'Source text' shows the text that must be translated. The third column shows the translation.
Qt Linguist provides three kinds of validation: accelerator, punctuation and phrase. If the source text contains an accelerator i.e. an ampersand, '&' and the translated text does not contain an ampersand the translation will fail the accelerator validation. Similarly, if the source text ends with a particular punctuation mark, e.g. '?', '!' or '.' and the translation ends with a different punctuation mark the translation will fail the punctuation validation. If the source text has a translation in one of the open phrase books that differs from the translation used the translation will fail phrase validation. (See Validation.)
The Source Text Area is a dockable window.
Translation Area
This area appears at the middle right of the main window by default. It is comprised of three vertical sections. The first section is labelled 'Source text' below which the source text appears. The second section contains contextual information on a light blue background that the programmer has added to assist the translator. If no contextual information has been given this section does not appear. The third section is labelled 'Translation' and this is where you enter the translation of the source text.
Phrases and Guesses Area
This area appears at the bottom right of the main window by default. When you move to a new phrase if the phrase is in one of the phrase books that has been loaded the phrase will appear in this area with its translation. If the phrase is the same or similar to another phrase that has already been translated the phrase and translation will be shown in this area. To copy a translation from the phrases and guesses area press F6 to move to the phrases and guesses area, use the up and down arrow keys to move to the phrase you want to use and press Enter to copy it. If you decide that you don't want to copy a phrase after all, press Esc. In both cases the focus will return to the Translation area. Alternatively, double click the translation you want to use and it will be copied into the translation area.
The Phrases and Guesses Area is a dockable window.
Common Tasks
Leaving a Translation for Later
If you wish to leave a translation press Ctrl+L (Next Unfinished) to move to the next unfinished translation. An unfinished translation is one that either has not been translated at all or one which fails validation. To move to the next phrase press Shift+Ctrl+L. You can also navigate using the Translation menu. If you want to go to a different context entirely, click the context you want to work on in the Context list, then click the source text in the Source Text area.
Phrases That Require Multiple Translations Depending on Context
The same phrase may occur in two or more contexts without conflict. Once a phrase has been translated in one context, Qt Linguist notes that the translation has been made and when the translator reaches a later occurrence of the same phrase Qt Linguist will provide the previous translation as a possible translation candidate in the phrases and guesses area. If the previous translation is acceptable just click the Done & Next button (press Alt+Enter) to move on to the next unfinished phrase.
If a phrase occurs more than once in a particular context it will only be shown once in Qt Linguist's context list and the translation will be applied to every occurrence within the context. If the same phrase needs to be translated differently within the same context the programmer must provide a distinguishing comment for each of the phrases concerned. If such comments are used the duplicate phrases will appear in the context list. The programmers comments will appear in the translation area on a light blue background.
Changing Keyboard Accelerators
A keyboard accelerator is a key combination that when pressed will cause an application to perform an action. Keyboard accelerators normally come in two forms: Alt key and Ctrl key accelerators.
Alt key accelerators are used for menus and buttons. The underlining signifies that pressing the Alt key with the underlined letter is the same as clicking the menu item with the mouse. For example, most applications have a File menu with the "F" in the word "file" underlined. In these applications the file menu can be invoked either by clicking the word "File" on the menu bar or by pressing Alt+F. The accelerator key which is underlined is signified by preceeding it with an ampersand, e.g. &File. If a source phrase appears with an ampersand in it then the translation should also contain an ampersand, preferably in front of the same letter. The meaning of Alt key accelerators can be determined from the phrase in which the ampersand is embedded. The translator may need to change the letter used with the Alt key, e.g. if the translated phrase does not contain the original accelerator letter. Conflicts with other keys, i.e. having two Alt key accelerators using the same letter in the same context, must be avoided. Note that some Alt key accelerators, usually those on the menu bar, may apply in other contexts.
Ctrl key accelerators can exist independently of any visual control. They are often used to invoke actions in menus that would otherwise take several keystrokes or mouse clicks. They may also be used to perform actions that do not appear in any menu or on any button. For example, most applications that have a File menu have a submenu item called New. In many applications this will appear as "New... Ctrl+N". This menu option could be invoked by clicking File then clicking New with the mouse. Or you could press Alt+F then press N since these letters are underlined. But the same thing can be achieved simply by pressing Ctrl+Enter. Accelerators that use the Ctrl key are shown literally in the source text, e.g. Ctrl+Enter. Ctrl key accelerators have no phrase so the translator must rely on the programmer to add a "comment" which appears in the top right hand pane. This comment should explain what action the Ctrl key accelerator performs. Ideally Ctrl key accelerators are translated simply by copying them by clicking the Begin from Source button. However in some cases the letter will not make sense in the target language and must be changed. Whatever letter (or digit) is chosen, the translation should always be in the form "Ctrl+" followed by the letter or digit in upper case. As with Alt key accelerators, if the translator changes the key it must not conflict with any other Ctrl key accelerator.
Later versions of Qt Linguist are expected to help the translator avoid accelerator conflicts.
Dealing with Phrases that Contain Variables
Some phrases contain variables. Variables are placeholders for items of text that are filled in at runtime. They are signified in the source text with a percent sign followed by a digit, e.g. After processing file %1, file %2 is next in line. In this example, %1 will be replaced at runtime with the name of the first file to be processed and %2 with the name of the next file to be processed. In the translated version the variables must still appear. For example a German translation might reverse the phrases, e.g. Datei %2 wird bearbeitet, wenn. Datei %1 fertig ist. Note that both variables are still used but their order has changed. The order in which variables appear does not matter; %1 will always be replaced by the same text at runtime no matter where it appears in the source text or translation and similarly %2, etc.
Reusing Translations
If the translated text is similar to the source text, click the Begin from Source button (press Alt+T) which will copy the source text into the translation area.
Qt Linguist automatically lists phrases from the open phrase books and similar or identical phrases that have already been translated in the Phrases and guesses area.
Creating and Using Phrase Books
Phrase Book Dialog
A Qt Linguist phrase book is a set of source phrases, target (translated) phrases, and optional definitions. Phrase Books are created independently of any application, although typically one phrase book will be created per application or family of applications.
If the translator reaches an untranslated phrase that is the same as a source phrase in the phrase book, Qt Linguist will show the phrase book entry in the Relevant phrases panel at the bottom right of the main window. Phrases which have translations that conflict with those given in the phrase book are marked with a question mark in the source text pane. Phrase Books are used to provide a common set of translations to help ensure consistency. They can also be used to avoid duplication of effort since the translations for a family of applications can be produced once in the phrase book and the phrase book used for the majority of translations in each application.
Before a phrase book can be edited it must be created or if it already exists, opened. Create a new phrase book by selecting Phrase|New Phrase Book from the menu bar. You must enter a filename and may change the location of the file if you wish. A newly created phrase book is automatically opened. Open an existing phrase book by choosing Phrase|Open Phrase Book from the menu bar.
To add a new phrase click the New Phrase button (or press Alt+N) and type in a new source phrase. Press Tab and type in the translation. Optionally press Tab and enter a definition -- this is useful to distinguish different translations of the same source phrase. This process may be repeated as often as necessary.
You can delete a phrase by selecting it in the phrases list and clicking Remove Phrase.
Click the Save button (press Alt+S) and then click the Close button (press Esc) once you've finished adding (and removing) phrases.
When a phrase or set of phrases appears in the phrase book double clicking the required target phrase will copy it to the translation pane at the text cursor position. If you want to replace the text in the translation pane with the target phrase, click the translation pane, choose Edit|Select All (press Alt+A) and then double click the target phrase.
Qt Linguist provides three kinds of validation on translated phrases.
Accelerator validation detects translated phrases that do not have an ampersand when the source phrase does and vice versa.
Punctuation validation detects differences in the terminating punctuation between source and translated phrases when this may be significant, e.g. warns if the source phrase ends with an ellipsis, exclamation mark or question mark, and the translated phrase doesn't and vice versa.
Phrases validation detects source phrases that are also in the phrase book but whose translation differs from that given in the phrase book.
Validation may be switched on or off from the menu bar's Validation item or using the toolbar buttons. Phrases that fail validation are marked with a question mark in the source text pane. If you switch validation off and then switch it on later, Qt Linguist will recheck all phrases and mark any that fail validation.
If any phrase in a context is invalid then the context itself will be marked with a question mark; if all the phrases in a context are done and are valid the context will be marked with a tick.
Note that only phrases which are marked as done (with a tick) will appear in the application. Invalid phrases and phrases which are translated but not marked as done are kept in the translation source file but are not used by the application.
Qt Linguist Reference
File Types
Qt Linguist makes use of three kinds of file:
.ts translation source files
are human-readable XML files containing source phrases and their translations. These files are usually created and updated by lupdate and are specific to an application..qm Qt message files
are binary files that contain translations used by an application at runtime. These files are generated by lrelease, but can also be generated by Qt Linguist..qph Qt phrase book files
are human-readable XML files containing standard phrases and their translations. These files are created and updated by Qt Linguist and may be used by any number of projects and applications.
The Menu Bar
Menu Bar
Open... Ctrl+O
pops up an open file dialog from which a translation source .ts file can be chosen.Save Ctrl+S
saves the current translation source .ts file.Save As...
pops up a save as file dialog so that the current translation source .ts file may be saved with a different name and/or put in a different location.Release...
pops up a save as file dialog. The filename entered will be a Qt message .qm file of the translation based on the current translation source file. The release manager's command line tool lrelease performs the same function on all of an application's translation source files.Print... Ctrl+P
pops up a print dialog. If you click OK the translation source and the translations will be printed.Recently opened files
shows the .ts files that have been opened recently, click one to open it.Exit Ctrl+Q
closes Qt Linguist.
Undo Ctrl+Z
undoes the last editing action in the translation pane.Redo Ctrl+Y
redoes the last editing action in the translation pane.Cut Ctrl+X
deletes any highlighted text in the translation pane and saves a copy to the clipboard.Copy Ctrl+C
copies the highlighted text in the translation pane to the clipboard.Paste Ctrl+V
pastes the clipboard text into the translation pane.Select All Ctrl+A
selects all the text in the translation pane ready for copying or deleting.Find... Ctrl+F
pops up the Find dialog. When the dialog pops up enter the text to be found and click the Find Next button. Source phrases, translations and comments may be searched.Find Next F3
finds the next occurrence of the text that was last entered in the Find dialog.
Prev Unfinished Ctrl+K
moves to the nearest previous unfinished source phrase (unfinished means untranslated or translated but failed validation).Next Unfinished Ctrl+L
moves to the next unfinished source phrase.Prev Shift+Ctrl+K
moves to the previous source phrase.Next Shift+Ctrl+L
moves to the next source phrase.Done & NextCtrl+Enter
mark this phrase as 'done' (translated) and move to the next unfinished source phrase.Begin from Source Ctrl+B
copies the source text into the translation.
Validation (See the Validation section)
toggles validation on or off for Alt accelerators.Ending Punctuation
switches validation on or off for phrase ending punctuation, e.g. ellipsis, exclamation mark, question mark, etc.Phrase Matches
sets validation on or off for matching against translations that are in the current phrase book.
Phrase (See the section Creating and Using Phrase Books for details.)
New Phrase Book... Ctrl+N
pops up a save as file dialog. You must enter a filename to be used for the phrase book and save the file. Once saved you should open the phrase book to begin using it.Open Phrase Book... Ctrl+H
pops up an open file dialog. Find and choose a phrase book to open.Close Phrase Book
closes the current phrase book. This will stop any further phrase validation taking place. The same effect can be achieved by switching off phrase validation using the Validation menu or the phrase toolbar button.Edit Phrase Book...
pops up the phrase book dialog where you can add, edit or delete phrases.Print Phrase Book...
pops up a print dialog. If you click OK the phrase book will be printed.
Revert Sorting
puts the phrases in the source text pane into their original order.Display Guesses
turns the display of phrases and guesses on or off.Views
toggles the visibility of the Context, Source text and Phrase views.Toolbars
toggles the visibility of the different toolbars.
The Toolbar
Pops up the open file dialog to open a new translation source .ts file.
Saves the current translation source .ts file.
Prints the current translation source .ts file.
Pops up the file open dialog to open a new phrase book .qph file.
Undoes the last editing action in the translation pane.
Redoes the last editing action in the translation pane.
Deletes any highlighted text in the translation pane and save a copy to the clipboard.
Copies the highlighted text in the translation pane to the clipboard.
Pastes the clipboard text into the translation pane.
Pops up the Find dialog.
Moves to the previous source phrase.
Moves to the next source phrase.
Moves to the previous unfinished source phrase.
Moves to the next unfinished source phrase.
Marks the phrase as 'done' (translated) and move to the next unfinished source phrase.
Toggles accelerator validation on and off.
Toggles phrase ending punctuation validation on and off.
Toggles phrase book validation on or off.
The Find Dialog
The Find Dialog
Choose Edit|Find from the menu bar or press Ctrl+F to pop up the Find dialog. Press F3 to repeat the last search. By default the source phrases, translations and comments will all be searched and the search will be case-insensitive. These settings can be changed by checking or unchecking the checkboxes to reflect your preferences.
The Phrase Dialog
This dialog is explained in the Creating and Using Phrase Books section.
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