- 第 1 章 区块链
- 1.2. 什么是智能合约?
- 1.3. 我们应该怎么做?
- 1.4. 如何学习区块链
- 1.5. 币圈与链圈
- 1.6. 区块链能做什么
- 1.7. 区块链不能解决的问题
- 1.8. 理解去中心化
- 1.9. 理解不可撰改
- 1.10. 理解分布式记账
- 1.11. 安全问题
- 1.12. 区块链落地面临的问题
- 1.13. 区块链未来
- 1.14. 区块链的六层模型
- 1.15. 共识机制
- 1.16. SHA-256
- 1.17. Base58编码
- 1.18. Merkle
- 1.19. BIP39协议:使用助记词生成确定性钱包
- 1.20. Ethereum vs Hypterledger Fabic vs EOS 对比
- 1.21. 区块链探索
- 第 2 章 以太坊
- 第 3 章 以太坊私链入门
- 第 4 章 以太坊网络
- 第 5 章 geth v1.8.16 命令详解
- 第 6 章 Wallet
- 第 7 章 Token
- 第 8 章 智能合约语言 Solidity v0.5.0
- 8.2. solc 命令
- 8.3. 智能合约入门演示
- 8.4. Helloworld Example
- 8.5. 数据类型
- 8.6. 单位
- 8.7. 变量
- 8.8. 函数
- 8.9. 事件
- 8.10. 面向对象编程
- 8.11. 合约调用
- 8.12. 合约接收 ETH
- 8.13. 合约中实例化一个接口
- 8.14. 合约中实例化另一个合约
- 8.15. Solidity 安全问题
- 8.16. solidity example
- 8.17. Zeppelin Solidity - OpenZeppelin is a library for writing secure Smart Contracts on Ethereum.
- 第 9 章 Truffle v4.1.8 开发框架
- 第 10 章 web3.js - 1.0.0
- 第 11 章 web3j v3.4.0 - Jave Client
- 11.2. 启动以太坊
- 11.3. Maven pom.xml 文件
- 11.4. Java 与 Solidity 数据类型映射关系
- 11.5. 常量
- 11.6. 连接到服务器获取版本号
- 11.7. 获得以太坊状态信息
- 11.8. 单位转换
- 11.9. 账号管理
- 11.10. Credentials
- 11.11. 交易
- 11.12. 钱包
- 11.13. 智能合约
- 11.14. ERC20合约
- 11.15. Infura
- 11.16. 助记词
- 11.17. 过滤器 (Filter)
- 11.18. Subscription
- 11.19. 解锁账号
- 11.20. IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
- 11.21. Springboot with Ethereum (web3j)
- 第 12 章 web3.py - A python interface for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and ecosystem.
- 第 14 章 Ethereum Developer APIs
- 第 15 章 infura
- 第 16 章 以太坊案例
- 第 17 章 FAQ
- 17.3. Error: authentication needed: password or unlock
- 17.4. 新增节点后不生效
- 17.5. Unhandled rejection Error: Returned error: The method personal_unlockAccount does not exist/is not available
- 17.6. Error: exceeds block gas limit
- 17.7. Migrations.sol:11:3: Warning: Defining constructors as functions with the same name as the contract is deprecated. Use "constructor(…) { … }" instead.
- 17.8. Exception in thread "main" rx.exceptions.OnErrorNotImplementedException: Invalid response received: okhttp3.internal.http.RealResponseBody@6c25e6c4
- 17.9. 旧版本 Remix(browser-solidity) 本地安装
- 第 18 章 Hyperledger Fabric v2.0.0
- 第 19 章 Hyperledger Fabric 运维
- 第 20 章 Chaincode 链码(智能合约)
- 第 21 章 Hyperledger Fabric Client SDK for Node.js
- 第 22 章 fabric-sdk-java
- 第 24 章 已知 Hyperledger 落地案例
- 第 25 章 Fabric Command
- 第 26 章 Fabric FAQ
- 第 27 章 IPFS(InterPlanetary File System,星际文件系统)
- 第 28 章 IPFS 命令
- 第 29 章 IPFS WebUI
- 第 30 章 IPFS 集群配置
- 第 31 章 IPFS API
- 第 32 章 IPFS Faq
- 第 33 章 EOS
- 第 34 章 EOS 安装
- 第 35 章 CLEOS
- 第 36 章 智能合约开发
- 第 37 章 EOS Dapp 开发
- 第 38 章 FAQ
- 第 39 章 BaaS (Blockchain as a Service) 平台
- 第 40 章 BitCoin
- 第 41 章 其他区块链相关
- 附录 1. 附录
35.4. 区块信息
35.4. 区块信息
35.4.1. 获得当前区块链信息
[root@netkiller ~]# cleos get info { "server_version": "90fefdd1", "chain_id": "cf057bbfb72640471fd910bcb67639c22df9f92470936cddc1ade0e2f2e7dc4f", "head_block_num": 1063, "last_irreversible_block_num": 1062, "last_irreversible_block_id": "00000426ca6002e4097bb85032e357bceac77d90075e0020f45b26d397c2183b", "head_block_id": "00000427049a6f175fd5c13660651e7fe36ef8199e316bed0349a178c33f525b", "head_block_time": "2018-06-28T08:39:57.000", "head_block_producer": "eosio", "virtual_block_cpu_limit": 577784, "virtual_block_net_limit": 3033320, "block_cpu_limit": 199900, "block_net_limit": 1048576 }
35.4.2. 获取指定区块数据
[root@netkiller ~]# cleos get block 1063 { "timestamp": "2018-06-28T08:39:57.000", "producer": "eosio", "confirmed": 0, "previous": "00000426ca6002e4097bb85032e357bceac77d90075e0020f45b26d397c2183b", "transaction_mroot": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "action_mroot": "b472502694c9f3fa5684f44edc4c34742708b2400690a49bb00a297b3d201456", "schedule_version": 0, "new_producers": null, "header_extensions": [], "producer_signature": "SIG_K1_Jzx3cvL6pDxEsxhFbqPasqBymxKhodiiWjVmgtifFEDzThdYfBTvVvvmTNTxaBLwBZ1AJxyuW1uR3J5nvKDwc3xnAgRuWk", "transactions": [], "block_extensions": [], "id": "00000427049a6f175fd5c13660651e7fe36ef8199e316bed0349a178c33f525b", "block_num": 1063, "ref_block_prefix": 918672735 }
35.4.3. 从区块链获取交易信息
[root@netkiller ~]# cleos get transaction cf057bbfb72640471fd910bcb67639c22df9f92470936cddc1ade0e2f2e7dc4f { "id": "cf057bbfb72640471fd910bcb67639c22df9f92470936cddc1ade0e2f2e7dc4f", "trx": null, "block_time": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000", "block_num": 0, "last_irreversible_block": 1777, "traces": [] }
35.4.4. 获得账号信息
[root@netkiller ~]# cleos get account neo permissions: owner 1: 1 EOS7fcRYssRt5SXVnsPpRNzj86E9h5g62hBgKwr1NSzRmSpH9byZr active 1: 1 EOS7fcRYssRt5SXVnsPpRNzj86E9h5g62hBgKwr1NSzRmSpH9byZr memory: quota: unlimited used: 2.66 KiB net bandwidth: used: unlimited available: unlimited limit: unlimited cpu bandwidth: used: unlimited available: unlimited limit: unlimited
[root@netkiller ~]# cleos get accounts EOS7fcRYssRt5SXVnsPpRNzj86E9h5g62hBgKwr1NSzRmSpH9byZr { "account_names": [ "neo" ] } [root@netkiller ~]# cleos get accounts EOS5xfs4X3wNB5cdhzUAebBmaVN3eTsQspGpKrr7FgvEMcZV5kvn3 { "account_names": [ "contract.cms" ] }
35.4.5. 从区块链上获取 abi 文件
[root@netkiller eos]# cleos get code contract.art -a art.abi code hash: 37636dd268e72e75d0559f3c8acdce07feae20dd682bc4b859e7f62517f4bc5f saving abi to art.abi
[root@netkiller eos]# cat art.abi { "version": "eosio::abi/1.0", "types": [], "structs": [{ "name": "create", "base": "", "fields": [{ "name": "user", "type": "name" },{ "name": "title", "type": "string" },{ "name": "content", "type": "string" } ] },{ "name": "change", "base": "", "fields": [{ "name": "user", "type": "name" },{ "name": "post_id", "type": "uint64" },{ "name": "title", "type": "string" },{ "name": "content", "type": "string" } ] },{ "name": "remove", "base": "", "fields": [{ "name": "user", "type": "name" },{ "name": "post_id", "type": "uint64" } ] },{ "name": "find", "base": "", "fields": [{ "name": "post_id", "type": "uint64" },{ "name": "user", "type": "name" } ] } ], "actions": [{ "name": "create", "type": "create", "ricardian_contract": "" },{ "name": "change", "type": "change", "ricardian_contract": "" },{ "name": "remove", "type": "remove", "ricardian_contract": "" },{ "name": "find", "type": "find", "ricardian_contract": "" } ], "tables": [], "ricardian_clauses": [], "error_messages": [], "abi_extensions": [] }
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