
Slice sampler

发布于 2025-02-25 23:43:57 字数 2290 浏览 0 评论 0 收藏 0

Yet another MCMC algorithm is slice sampling. In slice sampling, the Markov chain is constructed by using an auxiliary variable representing slices throuth the (unnomrmalized) posterior distribution that is constructed using only the current parmater value. Like Gibbs sampling, there is no tuning processs and all proposals are accepted. For slice sampling, you either need the inverse distibution function or some way to estimate it.

A toy example illustrates the process - Suppose we want to draw random samples from the posterior distribution \(\mathcal{N}(0, 1)\) using slice sampling

Start with some value \(x\) - sample \(y\) from \(\mathcal{U}(0, f(x))\) - this is the horizontal “slice” that gives the method its name - sample the next \(x\) from \(f^{-1}(y)\) - this is typicaly done numerically - repeat

# Code illustrating idea of slice sampler

import scipy.stats as stats

dist = stats.norm(5, 3)
w = 0.5
x = dist.rvs()

niters = 1000
xs = []
while len(xs) < niters:
    y = np.random.uniform(0, dist.pdf(x))
    lb = x
    rb = x
    while y < dist.pdf(lb):
        lb -= w
    while y < dist.pdf(rb):
        rb += w
    x = np.random.uniform(lb, rb)
    if y > dist.pdf(x):
        if np.abs(x-lb) < np.abs(x-rb):
            lb = x
            lb = y
plt.hist(xs, 20);

Notes on the slice sampler:

  • the slice may consist of disjoint pieces for multimodal distribtuions
  • the slice can be a rectangular hyperslab for multivariable posterior distributions
  • sampling from the slice (i.e. finding the boundaries at level \(y\)) is non-trivial and may involve iterative rejection steps - see figure below from Wikipedia for a typical approach - the blue bars represent disjoint pieces of the true slice through a bimodal distribution and the black lines are the proposal distribution approximaitng the true slice

Slice sampling algorithm from Wikipedia

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