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- Windows API main functions
- System functions in Windows API
- Strings in Windows API
- Date & time in Windows API
- A window in Windows API
- First steps in UI
- Windows API menus
- Windows API dialogs
- Windows API controls I
- Windows API controls II
- Windows API controls III
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- The GDI in Windows API
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- Qt4 Widgets II
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- Containers in Qt5
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- Application skeletons in wxPython
- The GDI
- Mapping modes
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- Layout management II in Java Gnome
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- Basic Controls II in Mono Winforms
- Advanced Controls in Mono Winforms
- Dialogs
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- Painting
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Procedures in Tcl
In this part of the tutorial, we will cover Tcl procedures.
A procedure is a code block containing a series of commands. Procedures are called functions in many programming languages. It is a good programming practice for procedures to do only one specific task. Procedures bring modularity to programs. The proper use of procedures brings the following advantages:
- Reducing duplication of code
- Decomposing complex problems into simpler pieces
- Improving clarity of the code
- Reuse of code
- Information hiding
There are two basic types of procedures: built-in procedures and user defined ones. The built-in procedures are part of the Tcl core language. For instance, the rand()
, sin()
and exp()
are buit-in procedures. The user defined procedures are procedures created with the proc
The proc
keyword is used to create new Tcl commands. The term procedures and commands are often used interchangeably.
We start with a simple example.
#!/usr/bin/tclsh proc tclver {} { set v [info tclversion] puts "This is Tcl version $v" } tclver
In this script, we create a simple tclver
procedure. The procedure prints the version of Tcl language.
proc tclver {} {
The new procedure is created with the proc
command. The {}
characters reveal that the procedure takes no arguments.
{ set v [info tclversion] puts "This is Tcl version $v" }
This is the body of the tclver
procedure. It is executed when we execute the tclver
command. The body of the command lies between the curly brackets.
The procedure is called by specifying its name.
$ ./version.tcl This is Tcl version 8.6
Sample output.
Procedure arguments
An argument is a value passed to the procedure. Procedures can take one or more arguments. If procedures work with data, we must pass the data to the procedures.
In the following example, we have a procedure which takes one argument.
#!/usr/bin/tclsh proc ftc {f} { return [expr $f * 9 / 5 + 32] } puts [ftc 100] puts [ftc 0] puts [ftc 30]
We create a ftc
procedure which transforms Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius temperature.
proc ftc {f} {
The procedure takes one parameter. Its name f
will be used in the body of the procedure.
return [expr $f * 9 / 5 + 32]
We compute the value of the Celsius temperature. The return
command returns the value to the caller. If the procedure does not execute an explicit return, then its return value is the value of the last command executed in the procedure's body.
puts [ftc 100]
The ftc
procedure is executed. It takes 100 as a parameter. It is the temperature in Fahrenheit. The returned value is used by the puts
command, which prints it to the console.
$ ./fahrenheit.tcl 212 32 86
Output of the example.
Next we will have a procedure which takes two arguments.
#!/usr/bin/tclsh proc maximum {x y} { if {$x > $y} { return $x } else { return $y } } set a 23 set b 32 set val [maximum $a $b] puts "The max of $a, $b is $val"
The maximum
procedure returs the maximum of two values.
proc maximum {x y} {
The method takes two arguments.
if {$x > $y} { return $x } else { return $y }
Here we compute which number is greater.
set a 23 set b 32
We define two variables which are to be compared.
set val [maximum $a $b]
We calculate the maximum of the two variables.
$ ./maximum.tcl The max of 23, 32 is 32
This is the output of the maximum.tcl
Variable number of arguments
A procedure can take and process variable number of arguments. For this we use the special args
#!/usr/bin/tclsh proc sum {args} { set s 0 foreach arg $args { incr s $arg } return $s } puts [sum 1 2 3 4] puts [sum 1 2] puts [sum 4]
We define a sum
procedure which adds up all its arguments.
proc sum {args} {
The sum
procedure has a special args
argument. It has a list of all values passed to the procedure.
foreach arg $args { incr s $arg }
We go through the list and calculate the sum.
puts [sum 1 2 3 4] puts [sum 1 2] puts [sum 4]
We call the sum
procedure three times. In the first case, it takes 4 arguments, in the second case 2, in the last case one.
$ ./variable.tcl 10 3 4
Output of the variable.tcl
Implicit arguments
The arguments in Tcl procedures may have implicit values. An implicit value is used if no explicit value is provided.
#!/usr/bin/tclsh proc power {a {b 2}} { if {$b == 2} { return [expr $a * $a] } set value 1 for {set i 0} {$i<$b} {incr i} { set value [expr $value * $a] } return $value } set v1 [power 5] set v2 [power 5 4] puts "5^2 is $v1" puts "5^4 is $v2"
Here we create a power
procedure. The procedure has one argument with an implicit value. We can call the procedure with one and two arguments.
proc power {a {b 2}} {
The second argument b
, has an implicit value 2. If we provide only one argument, the power
procedure then returns the value of a
to the power 2.
set v1 [power 5] set v2 [power 5 4]
We call the power procedure with one and two arguments. The first line computes the value of 5 to the power 2. The second line value of 5 to the power 4.
$ ./implicit.tcl 5^2 is 25 5^4 is 625
Output of the example.
Returning multiple values
The return
command passes one value to the caller. There is often a need to return multiple values. In such cases, we can return a list.
#!/usr/bin/tclsh proc tworandoms {} { set r1 [expr round(rand()*10)] set r2 [expr round(rand()*10)] return [list $r1 $r2] } puts [tworandoms] puts [tworandoms] puts [tworandoms] puts [tworandoms]
We have a tworandoms
procedure. It returns two random integers between 1 and 10.
set r1 [expr round(rand()*10)]
A random integer is computed and set to the r1
return [list $r1 $r2]
Two values are returned with the help of the list
$ ./tworandoms.tcl 3 7 1 3 8 7 9 9
A sample output.
Recursion, in mathematics and computer science, is a way of defining functions in which the function being defined is applied within its own definition. In other words, a recursive function calls itself to do its job. Recursion is a widely used approach to solve many programming tasks. Recursion is the fundamental approach in functional languages like Scheme, OCalm, or Clojure.
Recursion calls have a limit in Tcl. There cannot be more than 1000 recursion calls.
A typical example of recursion is the calculation of a factorial. Factorial n! is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n.
#!/usr/bin/tclsh proc factorial n { if {$n==0} { return 1 } else { return [expr $n * [factorial [expr $n - 1]]] } } # Stack limit between 800 and 1000 levels puts [factorial 4] puts [factorial 10] puts [factorial 18]
In this code example, we calculate the factorial of three numbers.
return [expr $n * [factorial [expr $n - 1]]]
Inside the body of the factorial
procedure, we call the factorial
procedure with a modified argument. The procedure calls itself.
$ ./recursion.tcl 24 3628800 6402373705728000
These are the results. If we tried to compute the factorial of 100, we would receive "too many nested evaluations" error.
A variable declared inside a procedure has a procedure scope. The scope of a name is the region of a program text within which it is possible to refer to the entity declared by the name without qualification of the name. A variable which is declared inside a procedure has a procedure scope; it is also called a local scope. The variable is then valid only in this particular procedure.
#!/usr/bin/tclsh proc test {} { puts "inside procedure" #puts "x is $x" set x 4 puts "x is $x" } set x 1 puts "outside procedure" puts "x is $x" test puts "outside procedure" puts "x is $x"
In the preceding example, we have an x
variable defined outside and inside of the test procedure.
set x 4 puts "x is $x"
Inside the test procedure, we define an x
variable. The variable has local scope, valid only inside this procedure.
set x 1 puts "outside procedure" puts "x is $x"
We define an x
variable outside the procedure. It has a global scope. The variables do not conflict because they have different scopes.
$ ./scope.tcl outside procedure x is 1 inside procedure x is 4 outside procedure x is 1
Output of the example.
It is possible to change the global variable inside a procedure.
#!/usr/bin/tclsh proc test {} { upvar x y puts "inside procedure" puts "y is $y" set y 4 puts "y is $y" } set x 1 puts "outside procedure" puts "x is $x" test puts "outside procedure" puts "x is $x"
We define a global x
variable. We change the variable inside the test procedure.
upvar x y
We refer to the global x
variable by the name y
with the upvar
set y 4
We assign a value to the local y
variable and also change the value of the global x
$ ./scope2.tcl outside procedure x is 1 inside procedure y is 1 y is 4 outside procedure x is 4
From the output we can see the test procedure has changed the x variable.
With the global
command, we can refer to global variables from procedures.
#!/usr/bin/tclsh proc test {} { global x puts "inside test procedure x is $x" proc nested {} { global x puts "inside nested x is $x" } } set x 1 test nested puts "outside x is $x"
In the above example, we have a test procedure and a nested procedure defined within the test procedure. We refer to the global x
variable from both procedures.
global x puts "inside test procedure x is $x"
With the global
command, we refer to the global x variable, defined outside the test procedure.
proc nested {} { global x puts "inside nested x is $x" }
It is possible to create nested procedures. These are procedures defined inside other procedures. We refer to the global x
variable with the global
test nested
We call the test procedure and its nested procedure.
$ ./scope3.tcl inside test procedure x is 1 inside nested x is 1 outside x is 1
Output of the example.
In this part of the Tcl tutorial, we covered Tcl procedures.
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