3. Hello, World!
除直接映射机器代码的命令外,还有语言定义的伪指令。伪指令(Pseudo Instruction)面向编译器,告知如何工作。
; hello.s global _start section .data hello : db `hello, world!\n` section .text _start: mov rax, 1 ; system call number should be stored in rax mov rdi, 1 ; argument #1 in rdi: where to write (descriptor)? mov rsi, hello ; argument #2 in rsi: where does the string start? mov rdx, 14 ; argument #3 in rdx: how many bytes to write? syscall ; this instruction invokes a system call mov rax, 60 ; 'exit' syscall number xor rdi, rdi ; syscall
$ nasm -g -F dwarf -f elf64 -o hello.o hello.s $ ld -o test hello.o
# makefile .PHONY: build clean build: @nasm -g -F dwarf -f elf64 -o hello.o hello.s @ld -o hello hello.o clean: -@rm -rf test hello a.out -@rm -rf *.o *.i *.a *.so
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