- 目录
- 1. 序章
- 2. 计算机网络与协议
- 3. 信息收集
- 4. 常见漏洞攻防
- 5. 语言与框架
- 6. 内网渗透
- 7. 云安全
- 8. 防御技术
- 9. 认证机制
- 10. 工具与资源
- 11. 手册速查
- 12. 其他
10.6. 漏洞利用/检测
10.6. 漏洞利用/检测
10.6.1. 数据库注入
10.6.2. 非结构化数据库注入
10.6.3. 数据库漏洞利用
- mysql unsha1
- ODAT Oracle Database Attacking Tool
10.6.4. XSS
- BeEF
- XSS Reciver
- XSStrike
- xsssniper
- tracy
- xsleaks A collection of browser-based side channel attack vectors
10.6.5. SSRF
10.6.6. 模版注入
10.6.7. HTTP Request Smuggling
- smuggler An HTTP Request Smuggling / Desync testing tool written in Python
- h2cSmuggler HTTP Request Smuggling over HTTP/2 Cleartext (h2c)
10.6.8. 命令注入
10.6.9. PHP
- Chankro Herramienta para evadir disable_functions y open_basedir
10.6.10. LFI
10.6.11. struts
10.6.12. CMS
- Joomla Vulnerability Scanner
- Drupal enumeration & exploitation tool
- Wordpress Vulnerability Scanner
- TPscan 一键ThinkPHP漏洞检测
- dedecmscan 织梦全版本漏洞扫描
10.6.13. Java框架
- ShiroScan Shiro<=1.2.4反序列化检测工具
- fastjson rce tool fastjson命令执行利用工具
10.6.14. DNS相关漏洞
- dnsAutoRebinding
- AngelSword
- Subdomain TakeOver
- dnsReaper dnsReaper - subdomain takeover tool
- mpDNS
- JudasDNS Nameserver DNS poisoning
- singularity A DNS rebinding attack framework by NGC Group
10.6.15. DNS数据提取
- dnsteal
- DNSExfiltrator
- dns exfiltration by krmaxwell
- dns exfiltration by coryschwartz
- requestbin for dns
10.6.16. DNS 隧道
10.6.17. DNS Shell
10.6.18. XXE
- XXEinjector
- DTD Finder List DTDs and generate XXE payloads using those local DTDs
10.6.19. 反序列化 Java反序列化
- ysoserial
- JRE8u20 RCE Gadget
- Java Serialization Dumper A tool to dump Java serialization streams in a more human readable form
- marshalsec Java Unmarshaller Security - Turning your data into code execution
- gadgetinspector A byte code analyzer for finding deserialization gadget chains in Java applications
- fastjsonScan fastjson漏洞burp插件 .NET反序列化
- viewgen ASP.NET ViewState Generator
10.6.20. JNDI
- Rogue JNDI A malicious LDAP server for JNDI injection attacks
- JNDI Injection Exploit
- JNDIExploit
10.6.21. 端口Hack
10.6.22. JWT
10.6.23. 无线
10.6.24. 中间人攻击
- mitmproxy
- ssh mitm
- injectify
- Responder Responder is a LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner, with built-in HTTP/SMB/MSSQL/FTP/LDAP rogue authentication server supporting NTLMv1/NTLMv2/LMv2, Extended Security NTLMSSP and Basic HTTP authentication.
- toxy Hackable HTTP proxy for resiliency testing and simulated network conditions
- bettercap The Swiss Army knife for 802.11, BLE and Ethernet networks reconnaissance and MITM attacks
10.6.25. DHCP
10.6.26. DDoS
10.6.27. 正则表达式
- Regexploit Find regular expressions which are vulnerable to ReDoS
10.6.28. Shellcode
- go shellcode A repository of Windows Shellcode runners and supporting utilities
10.6.29. 越权
10.6.30. 利用平台
10.6.31. 漏洞利用库
- Penetration Testing POC
- thc ipv6 IPv6 attack toolkit
10.6.32. 漏洞利用框架
10.6.33. Windows
- PyWSUS a standalone implementation of a legitimate WSUS server which sends malicious responses to clients
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