GMT 入门
GMT 实例
GMT 进阶
- 基础知识
- 表数据
- 网格文件
- 颜色表 CPT
- 标准选项
- 地图投影
- -JX: Linear, logarithmic, power, and time
- -JP: Polar/Cylindrical
- -JA: Lambert azimuthal equal area
- -JB: Albers conic equal area
- -JC: Cassini cylindrical
- -JCyl_stere: Cylindrical stereographic
- -JD: Equidistant conic
- -JE: Azimuthal equidistant
- -JF: Azimuthal gnomonic
- -JG: Azimuthal orthographic/General perspective
- -JH: Hammer equal area
- -JI: Sinusoidal equal area
- -JJ: Miller cylindrical
- -JK: Eckert equal area
- -JL: Lambert conic conformal
- -JM: Mercator cylindrical
- -JN: Robinson
- -JO: Oblique Mercator
- -JPoly: (American) polyconic
- -JQ: Equidistant cylindrical
- -JR: Winkel Tripel
- -JS: General stereographic
- -JT: Transverse Mercator
- -JU: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
- -JV: Van der Grinten
- -JW: Mollweide
- -JY: Cylindrical equal area
- 配置参数
- 地学数据集
- 中国地理空间数据集
- 中文支持
- 模块手册
- basemap
- begin
- clear
- clip
- coast
- colorbar
- contour
- coupe
- end
- figure
- filter1d
- fitcircle
- gmt
- gmt-config
- gmtbinstats
- gmtconnect
- gmtdefaults
- gmtget
- gmtinfo
- gmtlogo
- gmtmath
- gmtselect
- gmtset
- gmtsimplify
- gmtspatial
- gmtsplit
- gmtvector
- gmtwhich
- grd2cpt
- grd2xyz
- grdblend
- grdclip
- grdcontour
- grdconvert
- grdcut
- grdedit
- grdfill
- grdimage
- grdinfo
- grdlandmask
- grdmask
- grdmath
- grdpaste
- grdproject
- grdsample
- grdtrack
- grdtrend
- grdvector
- grdview
- grdvolume
- gshhg
- histogram
- image
- img2google
- img2grd
- kml2gmt
- makecpt
- mapproject
- mask
- meca
- nearneighbor
- plot
- polar
- project
- psconvert
- rose
- sac
- sample1d
- solar
- spectrum1d
- sph2grd
- sphdistance
- sphinterpolate
- sphtriangulate
- surface
- ternary
- text
- triangiulate
- velo
- wiggle
- x2sys_binlist
- x2sys_cross
- x2sys_datalist
- x2sys_get
- x2sys_init
- x2sys_list
- x2sys_merge
- x2sys_put
- x2sys_report
- x2sys_solve
- xyz2grd
- mgd77manage
- mgd77convert
- mgd77header
- mgd77info
- mgd77list
- mgd77magref
- mgd77path
- mgd77sniffer
- mgd77track
- legend
- docs
- subplot
- inset
- 官方文档
- 简介
legend 模块用于绘制图例,图例由图例文件控制。如无特别说明,标注的字体由 FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY 控制。若图例中含有中文,必须将 FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY 设置为中文字体。
gmt legend [ specfile ]
- -D[g|j|J|n|x]refpoint+wwidth[/height][+jjustify][+lspacing][+odx[/dy]]
简单介绍各子选项的含义,详情见 修饰物
+jjustify 指定图例框的锚点(默认锚点在左下角(BL))
+odx/dy 在参考点的基础上设置图例框的额外偏移量
+wwidth[/height] 指定图例框的尺寸。若 height 为0或未指定,则根据图例内容自动估算图例框高度。
+lspacing 设置图例里的行间距 [默认值1.1,即当前字体大小的1.1倍]
将图例放在左下角: -DjBL+w4c+o0.2c/0.2c
将图例放在左上角: -DjTL+w4c+o0.2c/0.2c
将图例放在右下角: -DjBR+w4c+o0.2c/0.2c
将图例放在右上角: -DjTR+w4c+o0.2c/0.2c
- -Bparameters (more …)
- -Cdx/dy
设置图例边框与内部图例之间的空白 [默认值 4p/4p]
- -F[+cclearances][+gfill][+i[[gap/]pen]][+p[pen]][+r[radius]][+s[[dx/dy/][shade]]]
- # comment
以 # 开头的行或空行是注释行,会被跳过
- A cptname
- B cptname offset height [ optional arguments ]
offset 是colorbar相对于图例框左边界的距离
height 是colorbar高度,其后可以加上子选项 [+e[b|f][length]][+h][+m[a|c|l|u]][+n[txt]]
optional arguments 为 colorbar 模块的其它选项,如
front符号 f:front 符号位于左侧,其大小为指定符号大小的30%
矢量符号 v:箭头大小为符号大小的30%
椭圆符号 e|E:主轴长度为符号大小,次轴长度是符号大小的65%,方位角为0
矩形符号 r:宽度为符号大小,高度为宽度的65%
旋转矩形符号 j|J:宽度为符号大小,高度为宽度的65%,旋转角度为30度
圆角矩形符号 R:宽度为符号大小,高度为宽度的65%,角半径为宽度的10%
数学圆弧符号 m|M:角度在-10°-45°,箭头大小为符号大小的30%
楔形符号 w:角度为-30°到30°
#!/usr/bin/env bash gmt begin legend gmt makecpt -Cpanoply -T-8/8/1 -H > tt.cpt gmt set FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY 12p gmt legend -R0/10/0/10 -JM6i -Dx0.5i/0.5i+w5i+jBL+l1.2 -C0.1i/0.1i -F+p+gazure1+r -B5f1 << EOF # Legend test for gmt pslegend # G is vertical gap, V is vertical line, N sets # of columns, D draws horizontal line, # H is # G -0.1i H 24p,Times-Roman My Map Legend D 0.2i 1p N 2 V 0 1p S 0.1i c 0.15i p300/12 0.25p 0.3i This circle is hachured S 0.1i e 0.15i yellow 0.25p 0.3i This ellipse is yellow S 0.1i w 0.15i green 0.25p 0.3i This wedge is green S 0.1i f 0.25i blue 0.25p 0.3i This is a fault S 0.1i - 0.15i - 0.25p,- 0.3i A contour S 0.1i v 0.25i magenta 0.5p 0.3i This is a vector S 0.1i i 0.15i cyan 0.25p 0.3i This triangle is boring D 0.2i 1p V 0 1p N 1 M 5 5 600+u+f G 0.05i I @SOEST_block4.png 3i CT G 0.05i B tt.cpt 0.2i 0.2i -B0 G 0.05i L 9p,Times-Roman R Smith et al., @%5%J. Geophys. Res., 99@%%, 2000 G 0.1i T Let us just try some simple text that can go on a few lines. T There is no easy way to predetermine how many lines may be required T so we may have to adjust the height to get the right size box. EOF rm -f tt.cpt gmt end show
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