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PART Ⅲ:持续集成与持续部署
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- DolphinScheduler
PART Ⅴ:日志/监控/告警
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PART Ⅶ:数据存储、处理
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VMWare OVF Tools
VMWare OVF Tool是 一个可以在VMWare系列产品上导入导出虚拟机为OVF/OVA格式文件的命令行工具。
ESXI强大的客户端vSpere Client由于在MacOS上没有对应的版本。VMWare Fusion在MacOS上有客户端能对远程ESXI进行基本简单的管理操作!但是只能部署客户端本地的OVF/OVA文件,不能部署存储在远程Web服务器上的OVF模板文件到远程ESXI服务器上。在MacOS上,只能通过组合VMware Fusion+VMware OVF Tool+govc来实现Windows下vSphere Client的大部分功能。
MacOS dmg格式安装后的目录为:/Applications/VMware OVF Tool
。命令没有系统环境变量中,通过设置软连接实现:ln -s /Applications/VMware\ OVF\ Tool/ovftool /usr/local/bin
- 通用型的配置项可以写在配置文件中
- 注释行以
开头 - 配置项是ovftool的命令行参数,一行一个配置项
- 配置文件读取顺序为先全局配置文件
# 指定vSphere存储池位置
# 指定磁盘类型
# 跳过vSphere连接的SSL认证
# 部署完成后开机
# 接受所有用户的licenses
# 指定日志输出级别
# 指定日志输出文件
# 将日志输出控制台
# 跳过OVF原数据校验
# 输出机器可读日志
# 在OVF中注入ENV配置
# ESXI局域网适配器
network='VM Network=VM Network'
ovftool --help config
# Contents of global configuration options (/Users/curiouser/.ovftool):
# datastore=datastore1
# diskMode=thin
# noSSLVerify
# powerOn
# .....
# Currently no local configuration options in .ovftool
ovftool [参数项] 源目标 目的目标
- OVF/OVA文件(a local file path, or an HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP URL)
- 本地虚拟机文件 (.vmx格式)
- vCenter, ESXi或VMware Server上的vAPP/locatoridentifying a virtual machine
- A vCloud Director locator identifying a virtual machine or a vApp in vCloud Director.
- A local file path to a vApprun workspace entity.
- A local file path for VMX, OVF, OVA, or vApprun workspace.
- A vSphere locator identifying a cluster, host, or a vSphere location.
- A vCloud Director locator identifying a virtual machine or a vApp in vCloud Director.
--acceptAllEulas : Accept all end-user licenses agreements without being prompted.
--allowAllExtraConfig : Whether we allow all the ExtraConfig options. These options are a security risk as they control low-level and potential unsafe options on the VM.
--allowExtraConfig : Whether we allow ExtraConfig options. These options are a security risk as they control low-level and potential unsafe options on the VM.
--annotation : Add annotation to vi, vmx, vapprun, vCloud, OVF, and OVA source locators
--authdPortSource : Use this to override default vmware authd port (902) when using a host as source.
--authdPortTarget : Use this to override default vmware authd port (902) when using a host as target.
--chunkSize : Specifies the chunk size to use for files in a generated OVF package. The default is not to chunk. The chunk size without unit is assumed to be in megabytes. Accepted units
are b, kb, mb, gb; e.g., 2gb or 100kb.
--compress : Compress the disks in an OVF package. Value must be between 1 and 9. 1 is the fastest, but gives the worst compression, whereas 9 is the slowest, but gives the best
--computerName : Sets the computer name in the guest for a VM using the syntax --computerName:<VM ID>=<value>. Only applies to vCloud targets version 5.5 or newer.
--coresPerSocket : Specifies the distribution of the total number of CPUs over a number of virtual sockets using the syntax --coresPerSocket:<VM ID>=<value>. Only applies to vCloud targets version 5.5 or newer.
-ds/--datastore : Target datastore name for a VI locator.
--decodeBase64 : Decode option values with Base64.
--defaultStorageProfile : The storage profile for all VMs in the OVF package. The value should be an SPBM profile ID. Only applies to VI targets version 5.5 or newer.
--defaultStorageRawProfile : The storage profile for all VMs in the OVF package. The value should be raw SPBM profile. The value will overwrite that in --defaultStorageProfile.
Only applies to VI targets version 5.5 or newer.
--deploymentOption : Selects what deployment option to use (if the source OVF package supports multiple options.)
--disableVerification : Skip validation of signature and certificate.
-dm/--diskMode : Select target disk format. Supported formats are: monolithicSparse, monolithicFlat, twoGbMaxExtentSparse, twoGbMaxExtentFlat, seSparse (VI target),
: eagerZeroedThick (VI target), thin (VI target), thick (VI target), sparse, and flat
--diskSize : Sets the size of a VM disk in megabytes using the syntax --diskSize:<VM ID>,<disk instance ID>=<value>. Only applies to vCloud targets version 5.5 or newer.
--eula : EULA to be inserted in the first virtual system or virtual system collection in the OVF. If the EULA is in a file, use the option --eula@=filename instead.
--exportDeviceSubtypes : Enables export of resource subtype for CD/Floppy/Parallel/Serial devices. This can limit portability as not all device backings are supported on all hypervisors.
: The default is false.
--exportFlags : Specifies one or more export flags to control what gets exported. The supported values for VI sources are mac, uuid, and extraconfig.
: Supported value for vCloud sources are preserveIdentity. One or more options can be provided, separated by commas.
--extraConfig : Sets an ExtraConfig element for all VirtualHardwareSections. The syntax is --extraConfig:<key>=<value>. Applies to vi, vmx, vapprun, vCloud, ovf, and ova source
--fencedMode : If a parent network exists on the vCloud target, this property specifies the connectivity to the parent. Possible values are bridged, isolated, and natRouted.
-h /--help : Prints this message.
--hideEula : In OVF probe mode, hides the EULA.
--ipAllocationPolicy : IP allocation policy for a deployed OVF package.Supported values are: dhcpPolicy, transientPolicy, fixedPolicy, fixedAllocatedPolicy.
--ipProtocol : Select what IP protocol to use (IPv4, IPv6).
--lax : Relax OVF specification conformance and virtual hardware compliance checks. Use only if you know what you are doing.
--locale : Selects locale for target.
--machineOutput : Output OVF Tool messages in a machine friendly manner.
--makeDeltaDisks : Build delta disk hierarchy from the given source locator.
--maxVirtualHardwareVersion : The maximal virtual hardware version to generate.
--memorySize : Sets the memory size in megabytes of a VM using the syntax --memorySize:<VM ID>=<value>. Only applies to vCloud targets version 5.5 or newer.
-n /--name : Specifies target name (defaults to source name).
--net : Set a network assignment in the deployed OVF package. A network assignment is set using the syntax --net:<OVF name>=<target name>. If the target is vCloud 5.5 or newer,
: a fence mode can also be specified using the syntax --net:<OVF name>=<target name>,<fence mode>. Possible fence mode values are: bridged, isolated, and natRouted.
-nw/--network : Target network for a VI deployment.
--nic : Specifies NIC configuration in a VM using the syntax --nic:<VM ID>,<index>=<OVF net name>,<isPrimary>,<ipAddressingMode>,<ipAddress>.
: Possible values for ipAddressingMode are: DHCP, POOL, MANUAL, and NONE. ipAddress is optional and should only be used when ipAddressingMode is set to MANUAL. Only applies to vCloud targets version 5.5 or newer.
--noDisks : Disable disk conversion.
--noImageFiles : Do not include image files in destination.
--noSSLVerify : Skip SSL verification for VI connections.
--numberOfCpus : Sets the number of CPUs for a VM using the syntax --numberOfCpus:<VM ID>=<value>. Only applies to vCloud targets version 5.5 or newer.
-o /--overwrite : Force overwrites of existing files.
--powerOffSource : Ensures a VM/vApp is powered off before importing from a VI source.
--powerOffTarget : Ensures a VM/vApp is powered off before overwriting a VI target.
--powerOn : Powers on a VM/vApp deployed on a VI target.
--privateKey : Sign OVF package with the given private key (.pem file). The file must contain a private key and a certificate.
--privateKeyPassword : Password for the private key. Should be used in conjunction with privateKey if the private key requires password authentication.
: If required and not specified, the tool will prompt for the password.
--prop : Set a property in the deployed OVF package. A property is set using the syntax --prop:<key>=<value>.
--proxy : Proxy used for HTTP[S] access.
--proxyNTLMAuth : Enable NTLM authentication for proxy.
-q /--quiet : No output to screen except errors.
--schemaValidate : Validate OVF descriptor against OVF schema.
--shaAlgorithm : Select SHA digest algorithm when creating OVF package. Supported values are SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512. Default value is SHA256.
--skipManifestCheck : Skip validation of OVF package manifest.
--skipManifestGeneration : Skip generation of OVF package manifest.
--sourcePEM : File path to PEM formatted file used to verify VI connections.
--sourceSSLThumbprint : SSL fingerprint of SOURCE. OVF Tool verifies the SSL fingerprint it gets from SOURCE if the value is set.
-st/--sourceType : Explicitly express that source is OVF, OVA, VMX, VI, vCloud, ISO, FLP, vApprun
--sslCipherList : Use this to override default OpenSSL ciphers suite.
--sslVersion : Use this to set preferred TLS/SSL version for HTTPS connections. The valid values are as following:
TLSv1_0: Set preferred TLS/SSL version to TLSv1.0.
TLSv1_1: Set preferred TLS/SSL version to TLSv1.1.
TLSv1_2: Set preferred TLS/SSL version to TLSv1.2.
--storageProfile : Sets the storage profile for a VM using the syntax --storageProfile:<VM ID>=<value>.Only applies to vCloud targets version 5.5 or newer.
--targetPEM : File path to PEM formatted file used to verify VI connections.
--targetSSLThumbprint : SSL fingerprint of TARGET. OVF Tool verifies the SSL fingerprint it gets from TARGET if the value is set.
-tt/--targetType : Explicitly express that target is OVF, OVA, VMX, VI, vCloud, ISO, FLP, vApprun
--vCloudTemplate : Create only a vApp template. Default value is false
--vService : Set a vService assignment in the deployed OVF package. A vService assignment is set using the syntax --vService:<dependencyId>=<providerId>.
--verifyOnly : Do not upload the source but only verify it against the target host. Applies to VI 4 targets only.
-v /--version : Prints the version of this tool.
--viCpuResource : Specify the CPU resource settings for VI-locator targets. The syntax is --viCpuResource=<shares>:<reservation>:<limit>.
--viMemoryResource : Specify the CPU resource settings for VI-locator targets. The syntax is --viMemoryResource=<shares>:<reservation>:<limit>.
-vf/--vmFolder : Target VM folder in VI inventory (relative to datacenter).
ovftool --help 文档主题
# 文档主题
locators : For detailed source and destination locator syntax
examples : For examples of use
config : For syntax of configuration files
debug : For debug purpose
integration : For a list of options primarily used when ovftool is exec'ed
from another tool or shellscript.
echo "nvm_2C4G80G() { ovftool --name=\"\$@\" vi://root:****@ ;}" >> ~/.zshrc
echo "nvm_4C8G100G() { ovftool --name=\"\$@\" vi://root:****@ ;}" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
1、将存储在Nexus RAW仓库中的OVF模板部署遇到远程ESXI中
ovftool \
--name="test1" \
--X:injectOvfEnv \
--X:logFile=./ovftool.log \
--X:enableHiddenProperties \
--allowExtraConfig \
--machineOutput \
--X:waitForIp \ \
# Nexus中的OVF模板文件标注VMDK位置需要修改为HTTP协议类型的URL地址
ovftool vi://root:'***'@ ./empty-6C20G100G.ovf
ovftool -ds=hdd -dm=thin -n=VM名字 本地OVF模板文件路径 vi://root@
# -dm=thin是精简置备的意思,-n是新主机的名字
1、导入VM OVF模板时报A general system error occurred: Fault cause: vim.fault.FileNotFound
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