- 版本 v1.1.15.01
- 指南和概述
- 常见问题(FAQ)
- 按字母排序的命令和函数索引
- AutoHotkey 脚本展示
- 变更和新功能
- 基本用法和语法
- 迁移到 AutoHotkey 1.1(AutoHotkey_L)
- 环境管理
- 本机代码互操作
- 文件、目录和磁盘管理
- Drive
- DriveGet
- DriveSpaceFree
- FileAppend
- FileCopy
- FileCopyDir
- FileCreateDir
- FileCreateShortcut
- FileDelete
- FileEncoding [AHK_L 42+]
- FileGetAttrib
- FileGetShortcut
- FileGetSize
- FileGetTime
- FileGetVersion
- FileInstall
- FileMove
- FileMoveDir
- FileOpen [AHK_L 42+]
- FileReadLine
- FileRead
- FileRecycle
- FileRecycleEmpty
- FileRemoveDir
- FileSelectFile
- FileSelectFolder
- FileSetAttrib
- FileSetTime
- IfExist / IfNotExist
- IniDelete
- IniRead
- IniWrite
- Loop(文件和文件夹)
- Loop(读取文件内容)
- SetWorkingDir
- SplitPath
- 流程控制
- 内置函数
- GUI、MsgBox、InputBox 及其他对话框
- 鼠标和键盘
- 鼠标和键盘
- #InstallKeybdHook
- #InstallMouseHook
- #KeyHistory
- BlockInput
- Click [v1.0.43+]
- ControlClick
- ControlSend / ControlSendRaw
- CoordMode
- GetKeyState
- KeyHistory
- KeyWait
- Input
- MouseClick
- MouseClickDrag
- MouseGetPos
- MouseMove
- Send / SendRaw / SendInput / SendPlay / SendEvent: 发送按键和点击
- SendLevel [v1.1.06+]
- SendMode [v1.0.43+]
- SetDefaultMouseSpeed
- SetKeyDelay
- SetMouseDelay
- SetCapsLockState/SetNumLockState/SetScrollLockState
- SetStoreCapslockMode
- 数学相关
- 屏幕管理
- 杂项命令
- 进程管理
- 注册表管理
- 声音命令
- 字符串管理
- 窗口管理
- 控件
- 窗口组
- #WinActivateForce
- DetectHiddenText
- DetectHiddenWindows
- SetTitleMatchMode
- SetWinDelay
- StatusBarGetText
- StatusBarWait
- WinActivate
- WinActivateBottom
- WinClose
- WinGet
- WinGetActiveStats
- WinGetActiveTitle
- WinGetClass
- WinGetPos
- WinGetText
- WinGetTitle
- WinHide
- WinKill
- WinMaximize
- WinMinimize
- WinMinimizeAll / WinMinimizeAllUndo
- WinMove
- WinRestore
- WinSet
- WinSetTitle
- WinShow
- WinWait
- WinWaitActive / WinWaitNotActive
- WinWaitClose
- #指令
If var [not] between LowerBound and UpperBound
if Var between LowerBound and UpperBound if Var not between LowerBound and UpperBound
- Var
需要被检查的 变量 名称.
- LowerBound
指定范围的下限, Var 必须大于或等于此字符串, 数字或变量引用.
- UpperBound
指定范围的上限, Var 必须小于或等于此字符串, 数字或变量引用.
如果这三个参数都为纯数值,那么它们将被作为数字而不是字符串进行比较。其他情况下, 它们将被作为字符串按字母顺序进行比较 (即字母次序将决定 Var 是否在指定范围内). 此时,可以使用 StringCaseSense On
运算符 "between", "is", "in" 和 "contains" 不支持用于 表达式 中.
IfEqual/Greater/Less, if var in/contains MatchList, if var is type, IfInString, StringCaseSense, EnvAdd, 区块, Else
if var between 1 and 5 MsgBox, %var% is in the range 1 to 5, inclusive. if var not between 0.0 and 1.0 MsgBox %var% is not in the range 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive. if var between %VarLow% and %VarHigh% MsgBox %var% is between %VarLow% and %VarHigh%. if var between blue and red MsgBox %var% is alphabetically between the words blue and red. LowerLimit = 1 UpperLimit = 10 InputBox, UserInput, Enter a number between %LowerLimit% and %UpperLimit% if UserInput not between %LowerLimit% and %UpperLimit% MsgBox Your input is not within the valid range.
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。