- 起步
- 进阶
- 构建工具
- 动画
- 动画 / 轨道
- 音频
- 摄像机
- 常量
- 核心
- 核心 / BufferAttributes
- 附件
- 附件 / 核心
- 附件 / 曲线
- 附件 / 物体
- 几何体
- 立方缓冲几何体(BoxGeometry)
- 圆形缓冲几何体(CircleGeometry)
- 圆锥缓冲几何体(ConeGeometry)
- 圆柱缓冲几何体(CylinderGeometry)
- 十二面缓冲几何体(DodecahedronGeometry)
- 边缘几何体(EdgesGeometry)
- 挤压缓冲几何体(ExtrudeGeometry)
- 二十面缓冲几何体(IcosahedronGeometry)
- 车削缓冲几何体(LatheGeometry)
- 八面缓冲几何体(OctahedronGeometry)
- 参数化缓冲几何体(ParametricGeometry)
- 平面缓冲几何体(PlaneGeometry)
- 多面缓冲几何体(PolyhedronGeometry)
- 圆环缓冲几何体(RingGeometry)
- 形状缓冲几何体(ShapeGeometry)
- 球缓冲几何体(SphereGeometry)
- 四面缓冲几何体(TetrahedronGeometry)
- 文本缓冲几何体(TextGeometry)
- 圆环缓冲几何体(TorusGeometry)
- 圆环缓冲扭结几何体(TorusKnotGeometry)
- 管道缓冲几何体(TubeGeometry)
- 网格几何体(WireframeGeometry)
- 辅助对象
- 灯光
- 灯光 / 阴影
- 加载器
- 加载器 / 管理器
- 材质
- 基础线条材质(LineBasicMaterial)
- 虚线材质(LineDashedMaterial)
- 材质(Material)
- 基础网格材质(MeshBasicMaterial)
- 深度网格材质(MeshDepthMaterial)
- MeshDistanceMaterial
- Lambert网格材质(MeshLambertMaterial)
- MeshMatcapMaterial
- 法线网格材质(MeshNormalMaterial)
- Phong网格材质(MeshPhongMaterial)
- 物理网格材质(MeshPhysicalMaterial)
- 标准网格材质(MeshStandardMaterial)
- MeshToonMaterial
- 点材质(PointsMaterial)
- 原始着色器材质(RawShaderMaterial)
- 着色器材质(ShaderMaterial)
- 阴影材质(ShadowMaterial)
- 点精灵材质(SpriteMaterial)
- 数学库
- 数学库 / 插值
- 物体
- 渲染器
- 渲染器 / 着色器
- 渲染器 / WebXR
- 场景
- 纹理贴图
- 动画
- 控制
- 几何体
- 辅助对象
- 灯光
- 加载器
- 物体
- 后期处理
- 导出器
- 数学库
- QuickHull
- 渲染器
- 实用工具
- 差异化支持
- WebGL 渲染器
Creates an array of textures directly from raw data, width and height and depth. This type of texture can only be used with a WebGL 2 rendering context.
DataTexture2DArray( data, width, height, depth )
The data argument must be an ArrayBufferView. The properties inherited from Texture are the default, except magFilter and minFilter default to THREE.NearestFilter. The properties flipY and generateMipmaps are intially set to false.
The interpretation of the data depends on type and format: If the type is THREE.UnsignedByteType, a Uint8Array will be useful for addressing the texel data. If the format is THREE.RGBAFormat, data needs four values for one texel; Red, Green, Blue and Alpha (typically the opacity). Similarly, THREE.RGBFormat specifies a format where only three values are used for each texel.
For the packed types, THREE.UnsignedShort4444Type, THREE.UnsignedShort5551Type or THREE.UnsignedShort565Type, all color components of one texel can be addressed as bitfields within an integer element of a Uint16Array.
In order to use the types THREE.FloatType and THREE.HalfFloatType, the WebGL implementation must support the respective extensions OES_texture_float and OES_texture_half_float. In order to use THREE.LinearFilter for component-wise, bilinear interpolation of the texels based on these types, the WebGL extensions OES_texture_float_linear or OES_texture_half_float_linear must also be present.
This creates a DataTexture2DArray where each texture has a different color.
// create a buffer with color data const width = 512; const height = 512; const depth = 100; const size = width * height; const data = new Uint8Array( 3 * size * depth ); for ( let i = 0; i < depth; i ++ ) { const color = new THREE.Color( Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random() ); const r = Math.floor( color.r * 255 ); const g = Math.floor( color.g * 255 ); const b = Math.floor( color.b * 255 ); for ( let j = 0; j < size; j ++ ) { const stride = ( i * size + j ) * 3; data[ stride ] = r; data[ stride + 1 ] = g; data[ stride + 2 ] = b; } } // used the buffer to create a DataTexture2DArray const texture = new THREE.DataTexture2DArray( data, width, height, depth ); texture.format = THREE.RGBFormat; texture.type = THREE.UnsignedByteType;
WebGL2 / materials / texture3d
See the base Texture class for common properties.
.image : Image
Overridden with a record type holding data, width and height and depth.
See the base Texture class for common methods.
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