
Actors and actions

发布于 2025-02-27 23:45:51 字数 7048 浏览 0 评论 0 收藏 0

The animate method on the Level type gives all actors in the level a chance to move. Its step argument is the time step in seconds. The keys object contains information about the arrow keys the player has pressed.

var maxStep = 0.05;

Level.prototype.animate = function(step, keys) {
  if (this.status != null)
    this.finishDelay -= step;

  while (step > 0) {
    var thisStep = Math.min(step, maxStep);
    this.actors.forEach(function(actor) {
      actor.act(thisStep, this, keys);
    }, this);
    step -= thisStep;

When the level’s status property has a non-null value (which is the case when the player has won or lost), we must count down the finishDelay property, which tracks the time between the point where winning or losing happens and the point where we want to stop showing the level.

The while loop cuts the time step we are animating into suitably small pieces. It ensures that no step larger than maxStep is taken. For example, a step of 0.12 second would be cut into two steps of 0.05 seconds and one step of 0.02.

Actor objects have an act method, which takes as arguments the time step, the level object, and the keys object. Here is one, for the Lava actor type, which ignores the keys object:

Lava.prototype.act = function(step, level) {
  var newPos = this.pos.plus(this.speed.times(step));
  if (!level.obstacleAt(newPos, this.size))
    this.pos = newPos;
  else if (this.repeatPos)
    this.pos = this.repeatPos;
    this.speed = this.speed.times(-1);

It computes a new position by adding the product of the time step and its current speed to its old position. If no obstacle blocks that new position, it moves there. If there is an obstacle, the behavior depends on the type of the lava block—dripping lava has a repeatPos property, to which it jumps back when it hits something. Bouncing lava simply inverts its speed (multiplies it by -1) in order to start moving in the other direction.

Coins use their act method to wobble. They ignore collisions since they are simply wobbling around inside of their own square, and collisions with the player will be handled by the player's act method.

var wobbleSpeed = 8, wobbleDist = 0.07;

Coin.prototype.act = function(step) {
  this.wobble += step * wobbleSpeed;
  var wobblePos = Math.sin(this.wobble) * wobbleDist;
  this.pos = this.basePos.plus(new Vector(0, wobblePos));

The wobble property is updated to track time and then used as an argument to Math.sin to create a wave, which is used to compute a new position.

That leaves the player itself. Player motion is handled separately per axis because hitting the floor should not prevent horizontal motion, and hitting a wall should not stop falling or jumping motion. This method implements the horizontal part:

var playerXSpeed = 7;

Player.prototype.moveX = function(step, level, keys) {
  this.speed.x = 0;
  if (keys.left) this.speed.x -= playerXSpeed;
  if (keys.right) this.speed.x += playerXSpeed;

  var motion = new Vector(this.speed.x * step, 0);
  var newPos = this.pos.plus(motion);
  var obstacle = level.obstacleAt(newPos, this.size);
  if (obstacle)
    this.pos = newPos;

The horizontal motion is computed based on the state of the left and right arrow keys. When a motion causes the player to hit something, the level’s playerTouched method, which handles things like dying in lava and collecting coins, is called. Otherwise, the object updates its position.

Vertical motion works in a similar way but has to simulate jumping and gravity.

var gravity = 30;
var jumpSpeed = 17;

Player.prototype.moveY = function(step, level, keys) {
  this.speed.y += step * gravity;
  var motion = new Vector(0, this.speed.y * step);
  var newPos = this.pos.plus(motion);
  var obstacle = level.obstacleAt(newPos, this.size);
  if (obstacle) {
    if (keys.up && this.speed.y > 0)
      this.speed.y = -jumpSpeed;
      this.speed.y = 0;
  } else {
    this.pos = newPos;

At the start of the method, the player is accelerated vertically to account for gravity. The gravity, jumping speed, and pretty much all other constants in this game have been set by trial and error. I tested various values until I found a combination I liked.

Next, we check for obstacles again. If we hit an obstacle, there are two possible outcomes. When the up arrow is pressed and we are moving down (meaning the thing we hit is below us), the speed is set to a relatively large, negative value. This causes the player to jump. If that is not the case, we simply bumped into something, and the speed is reset to zero.

The actual act method looks like this:

Player.prototype.act = function(step, level, keys) {
  this.moveX(step, level, keys);
  this.moveY(step, level, keys);

  var otherActor = level.actorAt(this);
  if (otherActor)
    level.playerTouched(otherActor.type, otherActor);

  // Losing animation
  if (level.status == "lost") {
    this.pos.y += step;
    this.size.y -= step;

After moving, the method checks for other actors that the player is colliding with and again calls playerTouched when it finds one. This time, it passes the actor object as the second argument because if the other actor is a coin, playerTouched needs to know which coin is being collected.

Finally, when the player dies (touches lava), we set up a little animation that causes them to “shrink” or “sink” down by reducing the height of the player object.

And here is the method that handles collisions between the player and other objects:

Level.prototype.playerTouched = function(type, actor) {
  if (type == "lava" && this.status == null) {
    this.status = "lost";
    this.finishDelay = 1;
  } else if (type == "coin") {
    this.actors = this.actors.filter(function(other) {
      return other != actor;
    if (!this.actors.some(function(actor) {
      return actor.type == "coin";
    })) {
      this.status = "won";
      this.finishDelay = 1;

When lava is touched, the game’s status is set to "lost" . When a coin is touched, that coin is removed from the array of actors, and if it was the last one, the game’s status is set to "won" .

This gives us a level that can actually be animated. All that is missing now is the code that drives the animation.

This is a book about getting computers to do what you want them to do. Computers are about as common as screwdrivers today, but they contain a lot more hidden complexity and thus are harder to operate and understand. To many, they remain alien, slightly threatening things.

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