- Learn C The Hard Way
- Preface
- Introduction: The Cartesian Dream Of C
- Exercise 0: The Setup
- Exercise 1: Dust Off That Compiler
- Exercise 2: Make Is Your Python Now
- Exercise 3: Formatted Printing
- Exercise 4: Introducing Valgrind
- Exercise 5: The Structure Of A C Program
- Exercise 6: Types Of Variables
- Exercise 7: More Variables, Some Math
- Exercise 8: Sizes And Arrays
- Exercise 9: Arrays And Strings
- Exercise 10: Arrays Of Strings, Looping
- Exercise 11: While-Loop And Boolean Expressions
- Exercise 12: If, Else-If, Else
- Exercise 13: Switch Statement
- Exercise 14: Writing And Using Functions
- Exercise 15: Pointers Dreaded Pointers
- Exercise 16: Structs And Pointers To Them
- Exercise 17: Heap And Stack Memory Allocation
- Exercise 18: Pointers To Functions
- Exercise 19: A Simple Object System
- Exercise 20: Zed's Awesome Debug Macros
- Exercise 21: Advanced Data Types And Flow Control
- Exercise 22: The Stack, Scope, And Globals
- Exercise 23: Meet Duff's Device
- Exercise 24: Input, Output, Files
- Exercise 25: Variable Argument Functions
- Exercise 26: Write A First Real Program
- Exercise 27: Creative And Defensive Programming
- Exercise 28: Intermediate Makefiles
- Exercise 29: Libraries And Linking
- Exercise 30: Automated Testing
- Exercise 31: Debugging Code
- Exercise 32: Double Linked Lists
- Exercise 33: Linked List Algorithms
- Exercise 34: Dynamic Array
- Exercise 35: Sorting And Searching
- Exercise 36: Safer Strings
- Exercise 37: Hashmaps
- Exercise 38: Hashmap Algorithms
- Exercise 39: String Algorithms
- Exercise 40: Binary Search Trees
- Exercise 41: Using Cachegrind And Callgrind For Performance Tuning
- Exercise 42: Stacks and Queues
- Exercise 43: A Simple Statistics Engine
- Exercise 44: Ring Buffer
- Exercise 45: A Simple TCP/IP Client
- Exercise 46: Ternary Search Tree
- Exercise 47: A Fast URL Router
- Exercise 48: A Tiny Virtual Machine Part 1
- Exercise 48: A Tiny Virtual Machine Part 2
- Exercise 50: A Tiny Virtual Machine Part 3
- Exercise 51: A Tiny Virtual Machine Part 4
- Exercise 52: A Tiny Virtual Machine Part 5
- Next Steps
- Deconstructing K & RC Is Dead
Exercise 46: Ternary Search Tree
The final data structure I'll show you is call the TSTree and it's similar to the BSTree
except it has three branches low
, equal
, and high
. It's primarily used to just like BSTree
and Hashmap
to store key/value data, but it is keyed off of the individual characters in the keys. This gives the TSTree
some abilities that neither BSTree
or Hashmap
How a TSTree
works is every key is a string, and it's inserted by walking and building a tree based on the equality of the characters in the string. Start at the root, look at the character for that node, and if lower, equal to, or higher than that then go in that direction. You can see this in the header file:
#ifndef _lcthw_TSTree_h
#define _lctwh_TSTree_h
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <lcthw/darray.h>
typedef struct TSTree {
char splitchar;
struct TSTree *low;
struct TSTree *equal;
struct TSTree *high;
void *value;
} TSTree;
void *TSTree_search(TSTree *root, const char *key, size_t len);
void *TSTree_search_prefix(TSTree *root, const char *key, size_t len);
typedef void (*TSTree_traverse_cb)(void *value, void *data);
TSTree *TSTree_insert(TSTree *node, const char *key, size_t len, void *value);
void TSTree_traverse(TSTree *node, TSTree_traverse_cb cb, void *data);
void TSTree_destroy(TSTree *root);
The TSTree
has the following elements:
The character at this point in the tree.
The branch that is lower than splitchar
The branch that is equal to splitchar
The branch that is higher than splitchar
The value set for a string at that point with that splitchar
You can see this implementation has the following operations:
Typical "find a value for this key
" operation.
Finds the first value that has this as a prefix of its key. This is the an operation that you can't easily do in a BSTree
or Hashmap
Breaks the key
down by each character and inserts it into the tree.
Walks the tree allowing you to collect or analyze all the keys and values it contains.
The only thing missing is a TSTree_delete
, and that's because it is a horribly expensive operation, even more than BSTree_delete
was. When I use TSTree
structures I treat them as constant data that I plan on traversing many times and not removing anything from them. They are very fast for this, but are not good if you need to insert and delete quickly. For that I use Hashmap
since it beats both BSTree
and TSTree
The implementation for the TSTree
is actually simple, but it might be hard to follow at first. I'll break it down after you enter it in:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <lcthw/dbg.h>
#include <lcthw/tstree.h>
static inline TSTree *TSTree_insert_base(TSTree *root, TSTree *node,
const char *key, size_t len, void *value)
if(node == NULL) {
node = (TSTree *) calloc(1, sizeof(TSTree));
if(root == NULL) {
root = node;
node->splitchar = *key;
if(*key < node->splitchar) {
node->low = TSTree_insert_base(root, node->low, key, len, value);
} else if(*key == node->splitchar) {
if(len > 1) {
node->equal = TSTree_insert_base(root, node->equal, key+1, len - 1, value);
} else {
assert(node->value == NULL && "Duplicate insert into tst.");
node->value = value;
} else {
node->high = TSTree_insert_base(root, node->high, key, len, value);
return node;
TSTree *TSTree_insert(TSTree *node, const char *key, size_t len, void *value)
return TSTree_insert_base(node, node, key, len, value);
void *TSTree_search(TSTree *root, const char *key, size_t len)
TSTree *node = root;
size_t i = 0;
while(i < len && node) {
if(key[i] < node->splitchar) {
node = node->low;
} else if(key[i] == node->splitchar) {
if(i < len) node = node->equal;
} else {
node = node->high;
if(node) {
return node->value;
} else {
return NULL;
void *TSTree_search_prefix(TSTree *root, const char *key, size_t len)
if(len == 0) return NULL;
TSTree *node = root;
TSTree *last = NULL;
size_t i = 0;
while(i < len && node) {
if(key[i] < node->splitchar) {
node = node->low;
} else if(key[i] == node->splitchar) {
if(i < len) {
if(node->value) last = node;
node = node->equal;
} else {
node = node->high;
node = node ? node : last;
// traverse until we find the first value in the equal chain
// this is then the first node with this prefix
while(node && !node->value) {
node = node->equal;
return node ? node->value : NULL;
void TSTree_traverse(TSTree *node, TSTree_traverse_cb cb, void *data)
if(!node) return;
if(node->low) TSTree_traverse(node->low, cb, data);
if(node->equal) {
TSTree_traverse(node->equal, cb, data);
if(node->high) TSTree_traverse(node->high, cb, data);
if(node->value) cb(node->value, data);
void TSTree_destroy(TSTree *node)
if(node == NULL) return;
if(node->low) TSTree_destroy(node->low);
if(node->equal) {
if(node->high) TSTree_destroy(node->high);
For TSTree_insert
I'm using the same pattern for recursive structures where I have a small function that calls the real recursive function. I'm not doing any additional check here but you should add the usual defensive programming to it. One thing to keep in mind is it is using a slightly different design where you don't have a separate TSTree_create
function, and instead if you pass it a NULL
for the node
then it will create it, and returns the final value.
That means I need to break down TSTree_insert_base
for you to understand the insert operation:
As I mentioned, if I'm given a NULL
then I need to make this node and assign the *key
(current char) to it. This is used to build the tree as we insert keys.
If the *key
< this then recurse, but go to the low
This splitchar
is equal, so I want to go to deal with equality. This will happen if we just created this node, so we'll be building the tree at this point.
There's still characters to handle, so recurse down the equal
branch, but go to the next *key
This is the last char, so I set the value and that's it. I have an assert
here in case of a duplicate.
The last condition is that this *key
is greater than splitchar
so I need to recurse down the high
The key to some of the properties of this data structure is the fact that I'm only incrementing the character I analyze when a splitchar
is equal. The other two conditions I just walk the tree until I hit an equal character to recurse into next. What this does is it makes it very fast to not find a key. I can get a bad key, and simply walk a few high
and low
nodes until I hit a dead end to know that this key doesn't exist. I don't need to process every character of the key, or every node of the tree.
Once you understand that then move onto analyzing how TSTree_search
I don't need to process the tree recursively in the TSTree
, I can just use a while loop and a node
for where I am currently.
If the current char is less than the node splitchar
, then go low.
If it's equal, then increment i
and go equal as long as it's not the last character. That's why the if(i < len)
is there, so that I don't go too far past the final value
Otherwise I go high
since the char is greater.
If after the loop I have a node, then return its value
, otherwise return NULL
This isn't too difficult to understand, and you can then see that it's almost exacty the same algorithm for the TSTree_search_prefix
function. The only difference is I'm trying to not find an exact match, but the longest prefix I can. To do that I keep track of the last
node that was equal, and then after the search loop, walk that node until I find a value
Looking at TSTree_search_prefix
you can start to see the second advantage a TSTree
has over the BSTree
and Hashmap
for finding strings. Given any key of X length, you can find any key in X moves. You can also find the first prefix in X moves, plus N more depending on how big the matching key is. If the biggest key in the tree is 10 characters long, then you can find any prefix in that key in 10 moves. More importantly, you can do all of this by only comparing each character of the key once .
In comparison, to do the same with a BSTree
you would have to check the prefixes of each character in every possibly matching node in the BSTree
against the characters in the prefix. It's the same for finding keys, or seeing if a key doesn't exist. You have to compare each character against most of the characters in the BSTree
to find or not find a match.
A Hashamp
is even worse for finding prefixes since you can't hash just the prefix. You basically can't do this efficiently in a Hashmap
unless the data is something you can parse like a URL. Even then that usually requires whole trees of Hashmaps
The last two functions should be easy for you to analyze as they are the typical traversing and destroying operations you've seen already for other data structures.
Finally, I have a simple unit test for the whole thing to make sure it works right:
#include "minunit.h"
#include <lcthw/tstree.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <lcthw/bstrlib.h>
TSTree *node = NULL;
char *valueA = "VALUEA";
char *valueB = "VALUEB";
char *value2 = "VALUE2";
char *value4 = "VALUE4";
char *reverse = "VALUER";
int traverse_count = 0;
struct tagbstring test1 = bsStatic("TEST");
struct tagbstring test2 = bsStatic("TEST2");
struct tagbstring test3 = bsStatic("TSET");
struct tagbstring test4 = bsStatic("T");
char *test_insert()
node = TSTree_insert(node, bdata(&test1), blength(&test1), valueA);
mu_assert(node != NULL, "Failed to insert into tst.");
node = TSTree_insert(node, bdata(&test2), blength(&test2), value2);
mu_assert(node != NULL, "Failed to insert into tst with second name.");
node = TSTree_insert(node, bdata(&test3), blength(&test3), reverse);
mu_assert(node != NULL, "Failed to insert into tst with reverse name.");
node = TSTree_insert(node, bdata(&test4), blength(&test4), value4);
mu_assert(node != NULL, "Failed to insert into tst with second name.");
return NULL;
char *test_search_exact()
// tst returns the last one inserted
void *res = TSTree_search(node, bdata(&test1), blength(&test1));
mu_assert(res == valueA, "Got the wrong value back, should get A not B.");
// tst does not find if not exact
res = TSTree_search(node, "TESTNO", strlen("TESTNO"));
mu_assert(res == NULL, "Should not find anything.");
return NULL;
char *test_search_prefix()
void *res = TSTree_search_prefix(node, bdata(&test1), blength(&test1));
debug("result: %p, expected: %p", res, valueA);
mu_assert(res == valueA, "Got wrong valueA by prefix.");
res = TSTree_search_prefix(node, bdata(&test1), 1);
debug("result: %p, expected: %p", res, valueA);
mu_assert(res == value4, "Got wrong value4 for prefix of 1.");
res = TSTree_search_prefix(node, "TE", strlen("TE"));
mu_assert(res != NULL, "Should find for short prefix.");
res = TSTree_search_prefix(node, "TE--", strlen("TE--"));
mu_assert(res != NULL, "Should find for partial prefix.");
return NULL;
void TSTree_traverse_test_cb(void *value, void *data)
assert(value != NULL && "Should not get NULL value.");
assert(data == valueA && "Expecting valueA as the data.");
char *test_traverse()
traverse_count = 0;
TSTree_traverse(node, TSTree_traverse_test_cb, valueA);
debug("traverse count is: %d", traverse_count);
mu_assert(traverse_count == 4, "Didn't find 4 keys.");
return NULL;
char *test_destroy()
return NULL;
char * all_tests() {
return NULL;
Advantages And Disadvantages
There's other interesting practical things you can do with a TSTree
- In addition to finding prefixes, you can reverse all the keys you insert, and then find by suffix . I use this to lookup host names, since I want to find
so if I go backwards I can match them quickly. - You can do "approximate" matching, where you gather all the nodes that have most of the same characters as the key, or using other algorithms for what's a close match.
- You can find all the keys that have a part in the middle.
I've already talked about some of the things TSTrees
can do, but they aren't the best data structure all the time. The disadvantages of the TSTree
- As I mentioned, deleting from them is murder. They are better for data that needs to be looked up fast and you rarely remove from. If you need to delete then simply disable the
and then periodically rebuild the tree when it gets too big. - It uses a ton of memory compared to
for the same key space. Think about it, it's using a full node for each character in every key. It might do better for smaller keys, but if you put a lot in aTSTree
it will get huge. - They also do not work well with large keys, but "large" is subjective so as usual test first. If you're trying to store 10k character sized keys then use a
How To Improve It
As usual, go through and improve this by adding the defensive preconditions, asserts, and checks to each function. There's some other possible improvements, but you don't necessarily have to implement all of these:
- You could allow duplicates by using a
instead of thevalue
. - As I mentioned deleting is hard, but you could simulate it by setting the values to
so they are effectively gone. - There are no ways to collect all the possible matching values. I'll have you implement that in an extra credit.
- There are other algorithms that are more complex but have slightly better properties. Take a look at Suffix Array, Suffix Tree, and Radix Tree structures.
Extra Credit
- Implement a
that returns aDArray
containing all the keys that match the given prefix. - Implement
and aTSTree_insert_suffix
so you can do suffix searches and inserts. - Use
to see how much memory this structure uses to store data compared to theBSTree
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