
puppet-firewall 模块

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iptables 是一个配置 Linux 内核防火墙的命令行工具,通过设定一些特殊的规则,以允许或拒绝数据包通过。

puppet-firewall 模块是由 Puppet 公司维护的官方模块,用于管理防火墙和其规则。该模块通过扩展自定义资源类型来管理 firewall 规则和 iptables chains, 当前支持 iptables 和 ip6tables。

puppet-firewall 项目地址:'https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-firewall'



先别激动,这个模块的使用是有风险的,操作不慎会把自己也拒之门外,请确保可以通过除 ssh 外的方式登陆。

创建 learn_firewall.pp 文件并编辑:

  class  my_fw::pre {
    Firewall {
      require => undef,

    # Default firewall rules
    firewall { '000 accept all icmp':
      proto  => 'icmp',
      action => 'accept',
    firewall { '001 accept all to lo interface':
      proto   => 'all',
      iniface => 'lo',
      action  => 'accept',
    firewall { '002 reject local traffic not on loopback interface':
      iniface     => '! lo',
      proto       => 'all',
      destination => '',
      action      => 'reject',
    firewall { '003 accept related established rules':
      proto  => 'all',
      state  => ['RELATED', 'ESTABLISHED'],
      action => 'accept',

  class  my_fw::post {
      firewall { '999 drop all':
        proto  => 'all',
        action => 'drop',
        before => undef,

  class  my_fw {
    firewall { '004 Allow inbound SSH':
      dport    => 22,
      proto    => tcp,
      action   => accept,
      provider => 'iptables',
    firewall { '005 Allow inbound HTTP':
      dport    => 80,
      proto    => tcp,
      action   => accept,
      provider => 'iptables',

  Firewall {
    before  => Class['my_fw::post'],
    require => Class['my_fw::pre'],

  class  { ['my_fw::pre', 'my_fw::post','my_fw']: }

  class  { 'firewall': }


$ puppet apply -v learn_firewall.pp


$ iptables -L

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination


$ iptables -L

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination
ACCEPT     icmp --  anywhere             anywhere             /* 000 accept all icmp */
ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere             /* 001 accept all to lo interface */
REJECT     all  --  anywhere             loopback/8           /* 002 reject local traffic not on loopback interface */ reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere             state RELATED,ESTABLISHED /* 003 accept related established rules */
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             multiport dports ssh /* 004 Allow inbound SSH */
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             multiport dports http /* 005 Allow inbound HTTP */
ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere             state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT     icmp --  anywhere             anywhere
ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             state NEW tcp dpt:ssh
REJECT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere             reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
DROP       all  --  anywhere             anywhere             /* 999 drop all */

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination
REJECT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere             reject-with icmp-host-prohibited

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination


2.1 class firewall

firewall 类用于管理 Iptables 软件包和服务,会根据内核类型申明不同的类进行管理。

class firewall (
  $ensure       = running,
  $pkg_ensure   = present,
  $service_name = $::firewall::params::service_name,
  $package_name = $::firewall::params::package_name,
) inherits ::firewall::params {
  case $ensure {
    /^(running|stopped)$/: {
      # Do nothing.
    default: {
      fail("${title}: Ensure value '${ensure}' is not supported")

  case $::kernel {
    'Linux': {
      class { "${title}::linux":
        ensure       => $ensure,
        pkg_ensure   => $pkg_ensure,
        service_name => $service_name,
        package_name => $package_name,
    'FreeBSD': {
    default: {
      fail("${title}: Kernel '${::kernel}' is not currently supported")

以 Linux 为例, firewall::linux 会根据操作系统的不同调用对应的 firewall::linux::xxx 类:

  case $::operatingsystem {
    'RedHat', 'CentOS', 'Fedora', 'Scientific', 'SL', 'SLC', 'Ascendos',
    'CloudLinux', 'PSBM', 'OracleLinux', 'OVS', 'OEL', 'Amazon', 'XenServer': {
      class  { "${title}::redhat":
        ensure       => $ensure,
        enable       => $enable,
        package_name => $package_name,
        service_name => $service_name,
        require      => Package['iptables'],
    'Debian', 'Ubuntu': {
      class  { "${title}::debian":
        ensure       => $ensure,
        enable       => $enable,
        package_name => $package_name,
        service_name => $service_name,
        require      => Package['iptables'],

以 RedHat 为例, firewall::linux::redhat 会根据操作系统和版本的不同跳转到相应的逻辑。通过这个模块可以发现, firewall 类仅完成了安装软件包 和管理服务状态,但要维护一个支持多平台和版本的模块并非易事,需要投入大量的精力进去,这也是社区模式可以得到众多公司认可的原因。

  # RHEL 7 and later and Fedora 15 and later require the iptables-services
  # package, which provides the /usr/libexec/iptables/iptables.init used by
  # lib/puppet/util/firewall.rb.
  if ($::operatingsystem != 'Amazon')
  and (($::operatingsystem != 'Fedora' and versioncmp($::operatingsystemrelease, '7.0') >= 0)
  or  ($::operatingsystem == 'Fedora' and versioncmp($::operatingsystemrelease, '15') >= 0)) {
    service { 'firewalld':
      ensure => stopped,
      enable => false,
      before => Package[$package_name],

  if $package_name {
    package { $package_name:
      ensure => $package_ensure,
      before => Service[$service_name],

  if ($::operatingsystem != 'Amazon')
  and (($::operatingsystem != 'Fedora' and versioncmp($::operatingsystemrelease, '7.0') >= 0)
  or  ($::operatingsystem == 'Fedora' and versioncmp($::operatingsystemrelease, '15') >= 0)) {
  # Redhat 7 selinux user context for /etc/sysconfig/iptables is set to unconfined_u
  case $::selinux {
    'true',true: {
      case $::operatingsystemrelease {
        /^(6|7)\..*/: { $seluser = 'unconfined_u' }
        default: { $seluser = 'system_u' }
    default:     { $seluser = undef }

  file { "/etc/sysconfig/${service_name}":
    ensure  => present,
    owner   => 'root',
    group   => 'root',
    mode    => '0600',
    seluser => $seluser,


第一点, versioncmp 函数用于比较两个版本号并返回比较结果,例如:

$result = versioncmp(a, b)

  • a 大于 b,返回 1
  • a 等于 b,返回 0
  • a 小于 b,返回-1


if ($::operatingsystem != 'Amazon')
  and (($::operatingsystem != 'Fedora' and versioncmp($::operatingsystemrelease, '7.0') >= 0)
  or  ($::operatingsystem == 'Fedora' and versioncmp($::operatingsystemrelease, '15') >= 0))

首先() 的优先级最高,因此以下表达式会优先进行计算:

  • ($::operatingsystem != 'Amazon')
  • (($::operatingsystem != 'Fedora' and versioncmp($::operatingsystemrelease, '7.0') >= 0))
  • ($::operatingsystem == 'Fedora' and versioncmp($::operatingsystemrelease, '15') >= 0))

其次, == 的优先级等于 != 高于 >= 高于 and 。 最后是最外层的 and/or 运算 if statement1 and statement2 or statement 3 ,那么其运算顺序是哪一种?

  • if (statement1 and statement2) or (statement 3)
  • if statement1 and (statement2 or statement 3)

答案是前一种,因为 and 的优先级高于 or

第三点,掌握 case 条件语句的语法。

case 条件语句和 if 条件语句类似,均是选择其中的一个 Puppet 代码块进行执行,但其更适合用于字符串和数值的匹配。

case $facts['name'] {
  'A':       { include role::case1 } 
  'B', 'C':  { include role::case2  } 
  /^(D|E)$/: { include role::case3  } 
  default:   { include role::default_case }

2.2 type firewall

资源类型 firewall 用于管理防火墙规则,以下举例说明如何在真实环境中使用该类型:

2.2.1 为 apache 开启 80 和 443 端口

firewall { '100 allow http and https access':
    dport  => [80, 443],
    proto  => tcp,
    action => accept,

2.2.2 丢弃 FIN/RST/ACK 包如果没有对应的 SYN 包

firewall { '002 drop NEW external website packets with FIN/RST/ACK set and SYN unset':
  chain     => 'INPUT',
  state     => 'NEW',
  action    => 'drop',
  proto     => 'tcp',
  sport     => ['! http', '! 443'],
  source    => '!',
  tcp_flags => '! FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN',
2.2.3 SNAT
firewall { '100 snat for network foo2':
  chain    => 'POSTROUTING',
  jump     => 'MASQUERADE',
  proto    => 'all',
  outiface => 'eth0',
  source   => '',
  table    => 'nat',

2.3 type firewallchain

资源类型 firewallchain 用于管理管理防火墙的规则链,以下举例说明如何在真实环境中使用该类型:

2.3.1 默认丢弃 INPUT 链上的包
  firewallchain { 'INPUT:filter:IPv4':
    ensure => present,
    policy => drop,
    before => undef,

需要说明的是,这个模块有一定的 局限性,如只支持管理 iptable 和 ip6tables。此外,在和 Neutron 同时使用时会遇到 iptable 规则的冲突问题。



  1. 本章给出的第一个示例 learn_firewall.pp 存在一些问题,当修改防火墙规则时,旧的规则不会被删除,请修复这个问题
  2. 为 OpenStack Nova 服务编写 firewall 规则,开放相应的服务端口

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