- 编辑器
- Visual Studio Code 基础
- 安装Visual Studio Code
- VS Code 扩展市场 VS Code Extension Marketplace
- 通过任务集成外部工具 Integrate with External Tools via Tasks
- 调试
- Why Visual Studio Code? - 为什么选用VSCode
- 版本控制(Version Control)
- Accessibility 易用性
- Editing Evolved - 与时俱进的编辑体验
- 定制化
- 定制化Visual Studio Code(Customize Visual Studio Code)
- 用户和工作区设置(User and Workspace Settings)
- VS Code 的快捷按键(Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code)
- 向 VSC 添加代码段(Adding Snippets to Visual Studio Code)
- Color Themes - 颜色主题
- Display Language - 语言区域
- 工具
- vsce - Publishing Tool Reference
- Yo Code - Extension Generator
- VS Code Extension Samples
- 技术支持
- Visual Studio Code FAQ
- Common Error Cases
- 如何升级到最新版 How to update to the latest release
- Requirements for Visual Studio Code
- 扩展
- Visual Studio Code 扩展 Extending Visual Studio Code
- 示例 - Hello World Example - Hello World
- 示例 - 单词数统计 Example - Word Count
- 示例 - 语言服务 Example - Language Server
- 示例 - 调试器 Example - Debuggers
- Running and Debugging Your Extension
- 安装扩展
- Extensibility Principles and Patterns
- Testing Your Extension
- Our Approach to Extensibility
- 扩展API
- 可扩展性参考
- 扩展清单文件 - package.json
- Contribution Points - package.json
- Activation Events - package.json
- vscode namespace API
- Complex Commands API
- Debugging API
- 语言
- 语言 Languages
- JavaScript
- 用C#进行工作 Working with C#
- C/C++ for VS Code (预览)(Preview)
- VS Code对HTML的相关 HTML Programming in VS Code
- VS Code中的PHP编程 PHP Programming in VS Code
- VS Code 对 Python 的支持
- Markdown and VS Code - Markdown与VS Code
- Editing TypeScript
- CSS, Sass and Less
- 使用Docker工作
- 运行时
- Node.js Applications with VS Code
- ASP.NET Core with VS Code
- Unity Development with VS Code
- Office Add-ins with VS Code
- 开始(Getting Started)
如何升级到最新版 How to update to the latest release
The following shows you how to update to the latest release of Visual Studio Code.
下面将向您介绍如何升级VS Code到最新版本。
Note: For Mac and Windows users, we have enabled the auto-update channel. If you're prompted by VS Code, accept the newest update and it will get installed (you won't need to do anything else to get the latest bits). If you'd rather control VS Code updates manually, see How do I opt out of auto-updates.
注意: 对于Mac和Windows的用户,我们已经启用了自动更新通道。如果你收到了来自 VS Code的提示,接受最新版的更新,它就会被安装(你不需要做任何其他的事情)。如果您愿意手动更新 VS Code,请参看 How do I opt out of auto-updates。
Auto-updates are not supported for Linux.
在Linux上更新 Updating on Linux
- 下载 VS Code的zip文件: 64-bit或32-bit.
- 打开zip文件,运行Code
- Download the VS Code zip file: 64-bit or 32-bit.
- Open the zip and run Code
在 OS X 上更新 Updating on OS X
You need to do this only if auto-update did not complete.
- 下载 VS Code的 zip 文件.
- 打开zip文件,拖拽Code 到 Applications.
- 启动Code.
- Download the VS Code zip file from here.
- Open the zip file and drag Code over to Applications.
- Launch Code.
在 Windows 上更新 Updating on Windows
You need to do this only if auto-update did not complete.
Important: Close any running instances of VS Code before attempting to update (to avoid VS Code not being able to start after you update).
重要: 更新之前,关闭所有 VS Code 的运行实例
- 从此处开始安装。
- 如果安装时遇到麻烦,请从此处下载VS Code的zip文件。
- Run the installer from here.
- If you have trouble with the Windows installer, download the VS Code zip file from here.
常见问题 Common Questions
Q: How do I know which version I'm running?
Q: 我怎么知道我运行哪个版本?
A: In Linux and Windows, choose Help, About. In OS X, use Code, About Visual Studio Code.
A: 对于Linux和Windows, 选择 帮助, 关于. 对于 OS X, 使用 Code, About Visual Studio Code.
Q: What are the supported operating system versions needed to run Visual Studio Code?
Q: VS Code 支持 哪些操作系统版本?
A: See Requirements for the supported OS versions.
A: 对于所支持的操作系统,参考 Requirements
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