Packstack 主要是由 Redhat 推出的用于概念验证(PoC)环境快速部署的工具。Packstack 是一个命令行工具,它使用 Python 封装了 Puppet 模块,通过 SSH 在服务器上部署 OpenStack。
Packstack 支持三种运行模式:
- 快速运行
- 交互式运行
- 非交互式运行
Packstack 支持两种部署架构:
- All-in-One,即所有的服务部署到一台服务器上
- Multi-Node,即控制节点和计算机分离
因为 Redhat 官方有详细的使用文档,因此本文将简要介绍 Packstack 的快速运行以及交互式运行方式来部署 All-in-One 的 Openstack。
名称 | 要求 |
处理器 | 推荐 2 核以上 |
内存 | 推荐 4G 以上 |
磁盘 | 推荐 20G 以上 |
网卡 | 至少一块 1G 网卡 |
操作系统 | CentOS7.2 |
$ sudo yum install -y
$ sudo yum update -y
$ sudo yum install -y openstack-packstack
在 packstack 命令后,使用--allinonec 参数在本机上部署所有服务。
$ packstack --allinone
使用--install-hosts 参数来运行 packstack,该参数值是由一个逗号隔开的 IP 地址列表。
$ packstack --install-hosts=CONTROLLER_ADDRESS,NODE_ADDRESSES
Packstack 在部署完成后在终端上会输出以下信息:
**** Installation completed successfully ******
# packstack
2.packstack 会提示你输入一个用于保存公共密钥的路径,输入 Enter
,则 会使用默认的 ~/.ssh/
Enter the path to your ssh Public key to install on servers:
3.packstack 提示输入一个默认密码,该密码将作为 admin user 密码, 不输入则随机生成:
Enter a default password to be used. Leave blank for a randomly generated one. :
4.输入每个 wsgi 服务的进程数,默认等于 cpu 的核数:
Enter the amount of service workers/threads to use for each service. Leave blank to use the default. [%{::processorcount}] :
5.确认是否要安装 MariaDB 数据库,默认为 y:
Should Packstack install MariaDB [y|n] [y] :
6.确认是否安装 Openstack 组件,可以根据需要定制服务:
Should Packstack install OpenStack Image Service (Glance) [y|n] [y] :
Should Packstack install OpenStack Block Storage (Cinder) [y|n] [y] :
Should Packstack install OpenStack Shared File System (Manila) [y|n] [n] :
Should Packstack install OpenStack Compute (Nova) [y|n] [y] :
Should Packstack install OpenStack Networking (Neutron) [y|n] [y] :
Should Packstack install OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) [y|n] [y] :
Should Packstack install OpenStack Object Storage (Swift) [y|n] [y] :
Should Packstack install OpenStack Metering (Ceilometer) [y|n] [y] :
Should Packstack install OpenStack Telemetry Alarming (Aodh) [y|n] [y] :
Should Packstack install OpenStack Resource Metering (Gnocchi) [y|n] [y] :
Should Packstack install OpenStack Clustering (Sahara). If yes it'll also install Heat. [y|n] [n] :
Should Packstack install OpenStack Orchestration (Heat) [y|n] [n] :
Should Packstack install OpenStack Database (Trove) [y|n] [n] :
Should Packstack install OpenStack Bare Metal (Ironic) [y|n] [n] :
Should Packstack install OpenStack client tools [y|n] [y] :
7.Packstack 为所有服务配置 NTP 服务来校准系统时间,NTP 的设置只对多节点有意义:
Enter a comma separated list of NTP server(s). Leave plain if Packstack should not install ntpd on instances:
8.是否安装 Nagios 监控服务:
Should Packstack install Nagios to monitor OpenStack hosts [y|n] [y] :
Enter a comma separated list of server(s) to be excluded. Leave plain if you don't need to exclude any server.:
Do you want to run OpenStack services in debug mode [y|n] [n] :
Enter the controller host [] :
Enter list of compute hosts [] :
Enter list of network hosts [] :
14.是否使用 VMWare vCenter 作为 hypervisor 和 datastore 的后端:
Do you want to use VMware vCenter as hypervisor and datastore [y|n] [n] :
Enable this on your own risk. Do you want to use unsupported parameters [y|n] [n] :
16.网卡名称是否被自动识别为子网+CIDR 的格式:
Should interface names be automatically recognized based on subnet CIDR [y|n] [n] :
17.是否为每个服务器订阅 Extra Packstacks for Enterprise Linux(EPEL),建议使用默认设置:
To subscribe each server to EPEL enter "y" [y|n] [n] :
Enter a comma separated list of URLs to any additional yum repositories to install:
19.是否启用 rdo test:
To enable rdo testing enter "y" [y|n] [n] :
20.是否启用 Red Hat 订阅,跳过即可:
To subscribe each server to Red Hat enter a username :
To subscribe each server with RHN Satellite enter RHN Satellite server URL:
21.ssl 证书相关的操作:
Enter the filename of the SSL CAcertificate, if the CONFIG_SSL_CACERT_SELFSIGN is set to y the path will be CONFIG_SSL_CERT_DIR/certs/selfcert.crt [/etc/pki/tls/certs/selfcert.crt] :
Enter the filename of the SSL CAcertificate Key file, if the CONFIG_SSL_CACERT_SELFSIGN is set to y the path will be CONFIG_SSL_CERT_DIR/keys/selfkey.key [/etc/pki/tls/private/selfkey.key] :
Enter the path to use to store generated SSL certificates in [~/packstackca/] :
Should packstack use selfsigned CAcert. [y|n] [y] :
Enter the ssl certificates subject country. [--] :
Enter the ssl certificates subject state. [State] :
Enter the ssl certificate subject location. [City] :
Enter the ssl certificate subject organization. [openstack] :
Enter the ssl certificate subject organizational unit. [packstack] :
Enter the ssl certificaate subject common name. [centos-7.1.shared] :
Enter the ssl certificate subject admin email. [admin@centos-7.1.shared] :
22.配置 AMQP 服务,默认会使用 RabbitMQ 作为 backend,不启用身份验证和 SSL:
Set the AMQP service backend [rabbitmq] [rabbitmq] :
Enter the host for the AMQP service [] :
Enable SSL for the AMQP service? [y|n] [n] :
Enable Authentication for the AMQP service? [y|n] [n] :
23.配置 MariaDB 服务
Enter the IP address of the MariaDB server [] :
Enter the password for the MariaDB admin user :
Confirm password :
24.配置 Identity 服务,包括设置数据库连接的密码,创建默认的 admin,demo 用户等基本操作:
Enter the password for the Keystone DB access :
Confirm password :
Enter y if cron job for removing soft deleted DB rows should be created [y|n] [y] :
Confirm password [y|n] [y] :
Region name [RegionOne] :
Enter the email address for the Keystone admin user [root@localhost] :
Enter the username for the Keystone admin user [admin] :
Enter the password for the Keystone admin user :
Confirm password :
Enter the password for the Keystone demo user :
Confirm password :
Enter the Keystone identity backend type. [sql|ldap] [sql] :
25.配置 Image 服务,包括设置数据库连接密码,glance 用户密码,后端存储:
Enter the password for the Glance DB access :
Confirm password :
Enter the password for the Glance Keystone access :
Confirm password :
Glance storage backend [file|swift] [file] :
26.配置块存储服务,包括设置数据库连接密码,cinder 用户和密码:
Enter the password for the Cinder DB access :
Confirm password :
Enter y if cron job for removing soft deleted DB rows should be created [y|n] [y] :
Confirm password [y|n] [y] :
Enter the password for the Cinder Keystone access :
Confirm password :
Enter the Cinder backend to be configured [lvm|gluster|nfs|vmdk|netapp|solidfire] [lvm] :
Should Cinder's volumes group be created (for proof-of-concept installation)? [y|n] [y] :
Enter Cinder's volumes group usable size [20G] :
Enter y if cron job for removing soft deleted DB rows should be created [y|n] [y] :
Confirm password [y|n] [y] :
27.配置计算服务,包括 flavor,资源虚拟比,迁移,虚拟化软件等参数的设置:
Should Packstack manage default Nova flavors [y|n] [y] :
Enter the CPU overcommitment ratio. Set to 1.0 to disable CPU overcommitment [16.0] :
Enter the RAM overcommitment ratio. Set to 1.0 to disable RAM overcommitment [1.5] :
Enter protocol which will be used for instance migration [tcp|ssh] [tcp] :
Enter the compute manager for nova migration [nova.compute.manager.ComputeManager] :
Enter the path to a PEM encoded certificate to be used on the https server, leave blank if one should be generated, this certificate should not require a passphrase:
Enter the SSL keyfile corresponding to the certificate if one was entered:
Enter the PCI passthrough array of hash in JSON style for controller eg. [{'vendor_id':'1234', 'product_id':'5678', 'name':'default'}, {...}] :
Enter the PCI passthrough whitelist as array of hash in JSON style for controller eg. [{'vendor_id':'1234', 'product_id':'5678', 'name':'default'}, {...}]:
The nova hypervisor that should be used. Either qemu or kvm. [qemu|kvm] [%{::default_hypervisor}] :
Confirm password [qemu|kvm] [%{::default_hypervisor}] :
Enter the password for Neutron Keystone access :
Confirm password :
Enter the password for Neutron DB access :
Confirm password :
Enter the ovs bridge the Neutron L3 agent will use for external traffic, or 'provider' if using provider networks. [br-ex] :
Enter Neutron metadata agent password :
Confirm password :
Should Packstack install Neutron LBaaS [y|n] [n] :
Should Packstack install Neutron L3 Metering agent [y|n] [y] :
Would you like to configure neutron FWaaS? [y|n] [n] :
Would you like to configure neutron VPNaaS? [y|n] [n] :
Enter a comma separated list of network type driver entrypoints [local|flat|vlan|gre|vxlan] [vxlan] :
Enter a comma separated ordered list of network_types to allocate as tenant networks [local|vlan|gre|vxlan] [vxlan] :
Enter a comma separated ordered list of networking mechanism driver entrypoints [logger|test|linuxbridge|openvswitch|hyperv|ncs|arista|cisco_nexus|mlnx|l2population|sriovnicswitch] [openvswitch] :
Enter a comma separated list of physical_network names with which flat networks can be created [*] :
Enter a comma separated list of physical_network names usable for VLAN:
Enter a comma separated list of <tun_min>:<tun_max> tuples enumerating ranges of GRE tunnel IDs that are available for tenant network allocation:
Enter a multicast group for VXLAN:
Enter a comma separated list of <vni_min>:<vni_max> tuples enumerating ranges of VXLAN VNI IDs that are available for tenant network allocation [10:100] :
Enter the name of the L2 agent to be used with Neutron [linuxbridge|openvswitch] [openvswitch] :
Enter a comma separated list of supported PCI vendor devices, defined by vendor_id:product_id according to the PCI ID Repository. [['15b3:1004', '8086:10ca']] :
Set to y if the sriov agent is required [y|n] [n] :
Enter a comma separated list of interface mappings for the Neutron ML2 sriov agent:
Enter a comma separated list of bridge mappings for the Neutron openvswitch plugin:
Enter a comma separated list of OVS bridge:interface pairs for the Neutron openvswitch plugin:
Enter a comma separated list of bridges for the Neutron OVS plugin in compute nodes. They must be included in os-neutron-ovs-bridge-mappings and os-neutron-ovs-bridge-interfaces.:
Enter interface with IP to override the default tunnel local_ip:
Enter comma separated list of subnets used for tunneling to make them allowed by IP filtering.:
Enter VXLAN UDP port number [4789] :
29.设置 Dashboard 服务,是否开启 Https 服务:
Would you like to set up Horizon communication over https [y|n] [n] :
Enter the Swift Storage devices e.g. /path/to/dev:
Enter the number of swift storage zones, MUST be no bigger than the number of storage devices configured [1] :
Enter the number of swift storage replicas, MUST be no bigger than the number of storage zones configured [1] :
Enter FileSystem type for storage nodes [xfs|ext4] [ext4] :
Enter the size of the storage device (eg. 2G, 2000M, 2000000K) [2G] :
31.是否启用 Tempest 服务:
Would you like to provision for demo usage and testing [y|n] [y] :
Would you like to configure Tempest (OpenStack test suite). Note that provisioning is only supported for all-in-one installations. [y|n] [n] :
32.设置 Floating IP 网段
Enter the network address for the floating IP subnet [] :
Enter the name to be assigned to the demo image [cirros] :
Enter the location of an image to be loaded into Glance [] :
Enter the format of the demo image [qcow2] :
Enter the name of a user to use when connecting to the demo image via ssh [cirros] :
Enter the name to be assigned to the uec image used for tempest [cirros-uec] :
Enter the location of a uec kernel to be loaded into Glance [] :
Enter the location of a uec ramdisk to be loaded into Glance [] :
Enter the location of a uec disk image to be loaded into Glance [] :
Would you like to configure the external ovs bridge [y|n] [y] :
34.设置 Ceilometer,Aodh,Gnocchi 服务:
Enter the password for Gnocchi DB access :
Confirm password :
Enter the password for the Gnocchi Keystone access :
Confirm password :
Enter the password for the Ceilometer Keystone access :
Confirm password :
Enter the Ceilometer service name. [ceilometer|httpd] [httpd] :
Enter the host for the MongoDB server [] :
Enter the host for the Redis server [] :
Enter the port of the redis server(s) [6379] :
Enter the password for the Aodh Keystone access :
Confirm password :
35.设置 nagios 用户的密码:
Enter the password for the nagiosadmin user :
36.最后一步,确认生成的配置是否符合期望,输入 yes
,并按 回车
Packstack will be installed using the following configuration:
ssh-public-key: /root/.ssh/
service-workers: %{::processorcount}
mariadb-install: y
aodh-ks-passwd: ********
nagios-passwd: ********
Proceed with the configuration listed above? (yes|no):
使用下述命令生成一个 answer file:
# packstack --gen-answer-file=my_file
使用 vim 打开文件,每个配置项都含有详细的说明:
# Path to a public key to install on servers. If a usable key has not
# been installed on the remote servers, the user is prompted for a
# password and this key is installed so the password will not be
# required again.
# Default password to be used everywhere (overridden by passwords set
# for individual services or users).
# The amount of service workers/threads to use for each service.
# Useful to tweak when you have memory constraints. Defaults to the
# amount of cores on the system.
# Specify 'y' to install MariaDB. ['y', 'n']
# Specify 'y' to install OpenStack Image Service (glance). ['y', 'n']
例如,我们不希望配置 MariaDB,只需要将 CONFIG_MARIADB_INSTALL
设置为 n
保存并退出 my_file,在终端下运行以下命令指定相应的配置文件:
# packstack --answer-file=my_file
深入理解 Packstack
Packstack 的使用非常简单,关于如何使用的介绍就到此结束。接下来才是重点,我们要深入到 Packstack 的核心逻辑: Plugin,并且举例说明如何编写 Plugin 来完成对 Packstack 的功能扩展。
什么是 Plugin
在前面两章对于 PuppetOpenstack modules 的介绍中,所有服务的部署工作实际是由每个 modules 完成的。 在使用 Packstack 的时候,我们发现 Packstack 支持大量的服务部署,例如:nova,glance,maridb,amqp 等等。在其背后每个服务的配置项管理都是由 plugin 实现的,其路径是在: packstack/plugins,它看起来是这样的:
- init .py
- ...
每个 plugin 的名称都是由服务名称+下划线+三位数字编码组成,那么这些数字有什么作用?
我们来看一下 packstack 代码入口 packstack/installer/
是怎么加载 plugins 的:
在主函数入口,可以看到第一步调用了 loadPlugins 函数来加载插件:
def main():
options = ""
# Load Plugins
接着,我们跳转到了 loadPlugins 函数的定义,可以看到其中使用了 sorted 函数对由 plugin 文件组成的列表进行排序:
def loadPlugins():
Load All plugins from ./plugins
fileList = [f for f in os.listdir(basedefs.DIR_PLUGINS) if f[0] != "_"]
fileList = sorted(fileList, cmp=plugin_compare) #使用 plugin_compare 函数作为 key 进行排序
for item in fileList:
# Looking for files that end with, example:
match ="^(.+\_\d\d\d)\.py$", item)
if match:
moduleToLoad =
logging.debug("importing module %s, from file %s", moduleToLoad, item)
moduleobj = __import__(moduleToLoad)
moduleobj.__file__ = os.path.join(basedefs.DIR_PLUGINS, item)
globals()[moduleToLoad] = moduleobj
logging.error("Failed to load plugin from file %s", item)
raise Exception("Failed to load plugin from file %s" % item)
查看函数 plugin_compare 的定义,我们终于找到了关键,plugin_compare 使用每个 plugin 文件尾缀的三位数字用于排序比较:
def plugin_compare(x, y):
Used to sort the plugin file list
according to the number at the end of the plugin module
x_match =".+\_(\d\d\d)", x)
x_cmp =
y_match =".+\_(\d\d\d)", y)
y_cmp =
return int(x_cmp) - int(y_cmp)
在了解了 plugin 的加载顺序后,我们再看看 Plugin 的代码结构。实际上,每个 plugin 的代码结构是一致的,由两个函数组成:
用于初始化 Plugin 的配置,主要是参数和参数组。initSequences(controller)
用于定义该 plugin 执行的任务。
在这些 plugin 中,必然会有一些与众不同的 plugin,比如说第一个被加载的 plugin,,倒数第二个被加载的 plugin,以及最后一个被加载的 plugin:
是第一个被加载的 plugin,顾名思义它提供了一些全局的初始化设置,比如 ssh public key,default_password,workers 的进程数量,是否开启各个 OpenStack 服务的设置等等,同时它会在被管理的主机上执行一些预备任务:生成 authorized_keys 文件,安装并开启 epel 源和 rdo 源,安装 puppet 软件包依赖和 module 依赖等等。
是一个重要的 plugin,顾名思义它提供了与 puppet 相关的任务,例如:生成最终的 manifest 文件,拷贝 puppet modules 到指定主机,生成 hieradata 文件,以 standalone 方式运行 puppet:执行puppet apply
,获取 puppet 运行中的输出等等。
是最后一个呗加载的 plugin,它只做了一件事情,就是运行 Tempest 跑测试任务。
动手写一个 Plugin
在了解了 plugin 的运行机制后,我们来动手写一个 plugin,我们称之为 NOOP:这是一个空 Plugin,默认只输出一行信息: NOOP Plugin.
创建一个 Plugin 文件
在 packstack/plugins 目录下,我们创建一个 plugin 文件:。
设置 Import 和 Plugin 定义
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Installs and configures NOOP
from packstack.installer import basedefs
from packstack.installer import validators
from packstack.installer import processors
from packstack.installer import utils
from packstack.modules.common import filtered_hosts
from packstack.modules.documentation import update_params_usage
from packstack.modules.ospluginutils import generate_ssl_cert
# ------------- NOOP Packstack Plugin Initialization --------------
PLUGIN_NAME_COLORED = utils.color_text(PLUGIN_NAME, 'blue')
每个 Plugin 的 import 可能会有所不同,但大多数都会用到 packstack.installer 和 packstack.modules。
此外,这里有两个和 plugin 相关的变量:
变量 | 说明 |
PLUGIN_NAME | plugin 名称,全部大写字母 |
PLUGIN_NAME_COLORED | plugin 显示的颜色,默认使用 blue 即可。 |
定义 Plugin 的配置信息
我们定义一个 initConfig 函数,其中包含了两个变量:
- params
- group
def initConfig(controller):
params = [
{"CMD_OPTION": "enable-noop",
"USAGE": "To set up noop service set this to 'y'",
"PROMPT": "Would you like to set up noop service",
"OPTION_LIST": ["y", "n"],
"VALIDATORS": [validators.validate_options],
"MASK_INPUT": False,
"CONDITION": False},
group = {"GROUP_NAME": "NOOP",
"DESCRIPTION": "NOOP Config parameters",
controller.addGroup(group, params)
params 是 NOOP plugin 定义的配置项,每个配置项的数据类型是字典。这些配置项可以作为顺序执行的一部分,或者作为 Puppet 模板的变量。
选项 | 说明 |
CMD_OPTION | 被命令行使用的选项名称 |
USAGE | 选项的使用说明,同时作为 answer file 的注释 |
PROMPT | 交互模式下给用户的提示 |
OPTION_LIST | 可选值列表,可以设置为[]或移除该选项,表示对选项值无限制 |
VALIDATORS | 验证器函数列表,用于检查输入是否符合要求 |
DEFAULT_VALUE | 选项的默认值 |
PROCESSORS | 处理器函数列表,处理器函数对用户的输入做了处理,比如 processors.process_host 将主机名转变为 IP 地址等等 |
MASK_INPUT | 是否隐藏用户的输入,如 password |
LOOSE_VALIDATION | 若为 true,则即使验证器返回为 false,仍然使用用户输入的选项值 |
CONF_NAME | 在 answer file 中的配置项名称,你同时可以在 controller.CONF dict 中找到 |
USE_DEFAULT | 若为 true,在交互模式下,将不会要求用户输入此变量的值,而直接 DEFAULT_VALUE |
NEED_CONFIRM | 若为 true,则要求用户确认其输入(比如 password) |
CONDITION | enable/disable 该选项的条件,总是设置为 False 即可 |
DEPRECATES | 弃用的 CONF_NAME 选项列表,通常在新版本时使用 |
group 表示组的概念,在 Packstack 中,会把相关的配置项分组,这样就可以通过组的方式来管理和使用。group 的数据类型是字典:
选项 | 说明 |
GROUP_NAME | 组名,全局唯一 |
DESCRIPTION | 组的描述,在命令行的帮助命令下会显示此信息 |
PRE_CONDITION | 前提条件,可以是一个配置项的值或函数的返回值匹配预期。若为 False,那么该配置组处于启用状态 |
PRE_CONDITION_MATCH | 前提条件的预期匹配值 |
POST_CONDITION | 配置组所有参数是正确的后置条件,若设置为 False,则表示不做检查。通常设置为 False |
POST_CONDITION_MATCH | 后置条件的预期匹配值,通常设置为 True |
这里最重要的是 PRE_CONDITION 和 PRE_CONDITION_MATCH,可能有些晦涩,我们以部署 Cinder 服务为例,只有当 PRE_CONDITION 中的变量 CONFIG_CINDER_INSTALL 为"y"时,才会显示"Cinder"组的配置选项:
"DESCRIPTION": "Cinder Config parameters",
最后一步,把这些已定义的选项添加 controller 的组中:
controller.addGroup(group, params)
前面我们说到每个 plugin 除了定义一组相关的选项之外,还会执行一些任务,比如:从用户给定的变量值来渲染 template,从而生成该服务的 Puppet manifest 文件。这些任务是由一个个函数组成,函数之间有执行的先后顺序,这个顺序就是由 initSeqeuence 函数来决定。
我们假设 NOOP 服务的安装需要数据库服务 MariaDB,以及在 Keystone 中创建 endpoint 等操作:
def initSequences(controller):
if controller.CONF['CONFIG_NOOP_INSTALL'] != 'y':
steps = [{'title': 'Adding MariaDB manifest entries',
'functions': [create_mariadb_manifest]},
{'title': 'Adding NOOP manifest entries',
'functions': [create_manifest]},
{'title': 'Adding NOOP Keystone manifest entries',
'functions': [create_keystone_manifest]}]
controller.addSequence('Installing NOOP service', [], [], steps)
setps 是一个列表,其中每个元素的数据类型都是字典,它的格式如下:
选项 | 说明 |
title | 函数的简单描述信息 |
functions | 函数列表 |
最后,我们调用 controller.addSequence() 方法把 plugin 的 steps 添加到将要被执行的序列列表中。 通常情况下,第二个和第二个选项为空。
生成 manifest 文件
在讲生成 manifest 文件之前,我们需要花些时间来了解 packstack 的 templates,在当前版本中 packstack 的 templates 的路径是 packstack/puppet/templates,数量已经从几十个削减为 3 个:
- controller
- compute
- network
我们以 controller 为例,我们选取其中的代码片段:
stage { "init": before => Stage["main"] }
Exec { timeout => hiera('DEFAULT_EXEC_TIMEOUT') }
Package { allow_virtual => true }
class {'::packstack::prereqs':
stage => init,
include ::firewall
if hiera('CONFIG_NTP_SERVERS', '') != '' {
include '::packstack::chrony'
include '::packstack::amqp'
include '::packstack::mariadb'
if hiera('CONFIG_MARIADB_INSTALL') == 'y' {
include 'packstack::mariadb::services'
} else {
include 'packstack::mariadb::services_remote'
我们可以发现,这实质上是一个 manifest 文件(.pp),而非 template 文件(.erb),所有 class 或 define 的 include 不再使用 erb 模板的方式来渲染,而是使用了简单的条件判断来做选择。
- config
- messages
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