- 入门
- 核心概念
- 定制
- Base Styles
- 布局
- Flexbox & Grid
- Flex Basis
- Flex Direction
- Flex Wrap
- Flex
- Flex Grow
- Flex Shrink
- Order
- Grid Template Columns
- Grid Column Start / End
- Grid Template Rows
- Grid Row Start / End
- Grid Auto Flow
- Grid Auto Columns
- Grid Auto Rows
- Gap
- Justify Content
- Justify Items
- Justify Self
- Align Content
- Align Items
- Align Self
- Place Content
- Place Items
- Place Self
- 间隔
- 尺寸
- 排版
- Font Family
- Font Size
- Font Smoothing
- Font Style
- Font Weight
- Font Variant Numeric
- Letter Spacing
- Line Clamp
- Line Height
- List Style Image
- List Style Position
- List Style Type
- Text Align
- Text Color
- Text Decoration
- Text Decoration Color
- Text Decoration Style
- Text Decoration Thickness
- Text Underline Offset
- Text Transform
- Text Overflow
- Text Wrap
- Text Indent
- Vertical Align
- Whitespace
- Word Break
- Hyphens
- Content
- 背景
- 边框
- Effects
- Filters
- 表格 Tables
- Transitions & Animation
- Transforms
- Interactivity
- Accessibility
- 其他
- Install Tailwind CSS using PostCSS
- Framework Guides
- Try Tailwind CSS using the Play CDN
- Install Tailwind CSS with Next.js
- Install Tailwind CSS with Laravel
- Install Tailwind CSS with Vite
- Install Tailwind CSS with Nuxt
- Install Tailwind CSS with Gatsby
- Install Tailwind CSS with SolidJS
- Install Tailwind CSS with SvelteKit
- Install Tailwind CSS with Angular
- Install Tailwind CSS with Ruby on Rails
- Install Tailwind CSS with Remix
- Install Tailwind CSS with Phoenix
- Install Tailwind CSS with Parcel
- Install Tailwind CSS with Symfony
- Install Tailwind CSS with Meteor
- Install Tailwind CSS with Create React App
- Install Tailwind CSS with Adonis
- Install Tailwind CSS With Ember.js
- Install Tailwind CSS with Astro
- Install Tailwind CSS with Qwik
- Install Tailwind CSS with Rspack
Justify Items
Utilities for controlling how grid items are aligned along their inline axis.
Quick reference
Class | Properties |
justify-items-start | justify-items: start; |
justify-items-end | justify-items: end; |
justify-items-center | justify-items: center; |
justify-items-stretch | justify-items: stretch; |
Basic usage
Use justify-items-start
to justify grid items against the start of their inline axis:
<div class="grid justify-items-start ...">
Use justify-items-end
to justify grid items against the end of their inline axis:
<div class="grid justify-items-end ...">
Use justify-items-center
to justify grid items along their inline axis:
<div class="grid justify-items-center ...">
Use justify-items-stretch
to stretch items along their inline axis:
<div class="grid justify-items-stretch ...">
Applying conditionally
Hover, focus, and other states
Tailwind lets you conditionally apply utility classes in different states using variant modifiers. For example, use hover:justify-items-center
to only apply the justify-items-center
utility on hover.
<div class="grid justify-items-start hover:justify-items-center">
<!-- ... -->
For a complete list of all available state modifiers, check out the Hover, Focus, & Other States documentation.
Breakpoints and media queries
You can also use variant modifiers to target media queries like responsive breakpoints, dark mode, prefers-reduced-motion, and more. For example, use md:justify-items-center
to apply the justify-items-center
utility at only medium screen sizes and above.
<div class="grid justify-items-start md:justify-items-center">
<!-- ... -->
To learn more, check out the documentation on Responsive Design, Dark Mode and other media query modifiers.
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