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Static Code Analysis
Static code analysis is the process of analyzing the source code against a set of rules to find bugs, code smells, and security vulnerabilities. This is a great way to improve the quality of your code and to find potential issues before they are deployed to production. An example is validating the typings of a function to ensure that the function is called with the correct arguments.
Flarum provides a static code analysis package based on PHPStan that can be added to your extension. In this guide, we will show you how to add the package to your extension and how to run the analysis.
You can use the CLI to automatically add and update the infrastructure for phpstan to your code:
$ flarum-cli infra phpstan
First you need to require the flarum/phpstan
package in your extension. You can do this by running the following command in the root of our extension:
composer require --dev flarum/phpstan:^1.0
Next, you need to create a phpstan.neon
file in the root of your extension. This file contains the configuration for PHPStan. You can copy the following configuration into the file:
- vendor/flarum/phpstan/extension.neon
# The level will be increased in Flarum 2.0
level: 5
- src
- extend.php
- *.blade.php
checkMissingIterableValueType: false
databaseMigrationsPath: ['migrations']
Finally, you need to add the following script to your composer.json
"scripts": {
"analyse:phpstan": "phpstan analyse",
"clear-cache:phpstan": "phpstan clear-result-cache"
"scripts-descriptions": {
"analyse:phpstan": "Run static analysis"
Running the analysis
To run the analysis, you can run the following command in the root of your extension:
composer analyse:phpstan
If you want to clear the cache before running the analysis, you can run the following command:
composer clear-cache:phpstan && composer analyse:phpstan
GitHub Actions
You can also run the analysis using GitHub Actions. Checkout the page on GitHub Actions for more information.
Extended model attribute types
PHPStan needs to be able to determine the type of an attribute added to an existing model. To do this you can use the Extend\Model(...)->cast(...)
For example, if your extension were to add a is_cool
attribute to the User
model, you can use attribute casting to explicitly define the attribute as boolean. The flarum/phpstan
package will automatically detect this and communicate it to PHPStan.
(new Extend\Model(User::class))
->cast('is_cool', 'bool'),
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