
Gibbs sampler

发布于 2025-02-25 23:43:57 字数 7248 浏览 0 评论 0 收藏 0

Suppose we have a vector of parameters \(\theta = (\theta_1, \theta_2, \dots, \theta_k)\), and we want to estimate the joint posterior distribution \(p(\theta | X)\). Suppose we can find and draw random samples from all the conditional distributions

\[\begin{split}p(\theta_1 | \theta_2, \dots \theta_k, X) \\ p(\theta_2 | \theta_1, \dots \theta_k, X) \\ \dots \\ p(\theta_k | \theta_1, \theta_2, \dots, X)\end{split}\]

With Gibbs sampling, the Markov chain is constructed by sampling from the conditional distribution for each parameter \(\theta_i\) in turn, treating all other parameters as observed. When we have finished iterating over all parameters, we are said to have completed one cycle of the Gibbs sampler. Where it is difficult to sample from a conditional distribution, we can sample using a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm instead - this is known as Metropolis wihtin Gibbs.

Gibbs sampling is a type of random walk thorugh parameter space, and hence can be thought of as a Metroplish-Hastings algorithm with a special proposal distribtion. At each iteration in the cycle, we are drawing a proposal for a new value of a particular parameter, where the propsal distribution is the conditional posterior probability of that parameter. This means that the propsosal move is always accepted. Hence, if we can draw ssamples from the ocnditional distributions, Gibbs sampling can be much more efficient than regular Metropolis-Hastings.

Advantages of Gibbs sampling

  • No need to tune proposal distribution
  • Proposals are always accepted

Disadvantages of Gibbs sampling

  • Need to be able to derive conditional probability distributions
  • need to be able to draw random samples from contitional probability distributions
  • Can be very slow if paramters are coorelated becauce you cannot take “diagonal” steps (draw picture to illustrate)

Motivating example

We will use the toy example of estimating the bias of two coins given sample pairs \((z_1, n_1)\) and \((z_2, n_2)\) where \(z_i\) is the number of heads in \(n_i\) tosses for coin \(i\).


def bern(theta, z, N):
    """Bernoulli likelihood with N trials and z successes."""
    return np.clip(theta**z * (1-theta)**(N-z), 0, 1)
def bern2(theta1, theta2, z1, z2, N1, N2):
    """Bernoulli likelihood with N trials and z successes."""
    return bern(theta1, z1, N1) * bern(theta2, z2, N2)
def make_thetas(xmin, xmax, n):
    xs = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, n)
    widths =(xs[1:] - xs[:-1])/2.0
    thetas = xs[:-1]+ widths
    return thetas
def make_plots(X, Y, prior, likelihood, posterior, projection=None):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,3, subplot_kw=dict(projection=projection, aspect='equal'), figsize=(12,3))
    if projection == '3d':
        ax[0].plot_surface(X, Y, prior, alpha=0.3, cmap=plt.cm.jet)
        ax[1].plot_surface(X, Y, likelihood, alpha=0.3, cmap=plt.cm.jet)
        ax[2].plot_surface(X, Y, posterior, alpha=0.3, cmap=plt.cm.jet)
        ax[0].contour(X, Y, prior)
        ax[1].contour(X, Y, likelihood)
        ax[2].contour(X, Y, posterior)
thetas1 = make_thetas(0, 1, 101)
thetas2 = make_thetas(0, 1, 101)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(thetas1, thetas2)

Analytic solution

a = 2
b = 3

z1 = 11
N1 = 14
z2 = 7
N2 = 14

prior = stats.beta(a, b).pdf(X) * stats.beta(a, b).pdf(Y)
likelihood = bern2(X, Y, z1, z2, N1, N2)
posterior = stats.beta(a + z1, b + N1 - z1).pdf(X) * stats.beta(a + z2, b + N2 - z2).pdf(Y)
make_plots(X, Y, prior, likelihood, posterior)
make_plots(X, Y, prior, likelihood, posterior, projection='3d')

Grid approximation

def c2d(thetas1, thetas2, pdf):
    width1 = thetas1[1] - thetas1[0]
    width2 = thetas2[1] - thetas2[0]
    area = width1 * width2
    pmf = pdf * area
    pmf /= pmf.sum()
    return pmf
_prior = bern2(X, Y, 2, 8, 10, 10) + bern2(X, Y, 8, 2, 10, 10)
prior_grid = c2d(thetas1, thetas2, _prior)
_likelihood = bern2(X, Y, 1, 1, 2, 3)
posterior_grid = _likelihood * prior_grid
posterior_grid /= posterior_grid.sum()
make_plots(X, Y, prior_grid, likelihood, posterior_grid)
make_plots(X, Y, prior_grid, likelihood, posterior_grid, projection='3d')


a = 2
b = 3

z1 = 11
N1 = 14
z2 = 7
N2 = 14

prior = lambda theta1, theta2: stats.beta(a, b).pdf(theta1) * stats.beta(a, b).pdf(theta2)
lik = partial(bern2, z1=z1, z2=z2, N1=N1, N2=N2)
target = lambda theta1, theta2: prior(theta1, theta2) * lik(theta1, theta2)

theta = np.array([0.5, 0.5])
niters = 10000
burnin = 500
sigma = np.diag([0.2,0.2])

thetas = np.zeros((niters-burnin, 2), np.float)
for i in range(niters):
    new_theta = stats.multivariate_normal(theta, sigma).rvs()
    p = min(target(*new_theta)/target(*theta), 1)
    if np.random.rand() < p:
        theta = new_theta
    if i >= burnin:
        thetas[i-burnin] = theta
kde = stats.gaussian_kde(thetas.T)
XY = np.vstack([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()])
posterior_metroplis = kde(XY).reshape(X.shape)
make_plots(X, Y, prior(X, Y), lik(X, Y), posterior_metroplis)
make_plots(X, Y, prior(X, Y), lik(X, Y), posterior_metroplis, projection='3d')


a = 2
b = 3

z1 = 11
N1 = 14
z2 = 7
N2 = 14

prior = lambda theta1, theta2: stats.beta(a, b).pdf(theta1) * stats.beta(a, b).pdf(theta2)
lik = partial(bern2, z1=z1, z2=z2, N1=N1, N2=N2)
target = lambda theta1, theta2: prior(theta1, theta2) * lik(theta1, theta2)

theta = np.array([0.5, 0.5])
niters = 10000
burnin = 500
sigma = np.diag([0.2,0.2])

thetas = np.zeros((niters-burnin,2), np.float)
for i in range(niters):
    theta = [stats.beta(a + z1, b + N1 - z1).rvs(), theta[1]]
    theta = [theta[0], stats.beta(a + z2, b + N2 - z2).rvs()]

    if i >= burnin:
        thetas[i-burnin] = theta
kde = stats.gaussian_kde(thetas.T)
XY = np.vstack([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()])
posterior_gibbs = kde(XY).reshape(X.shape)
make_plots(X, Y, prior(X, Y), lik(X, Y), posterior_gibbs)
make_plots(X, Y, prior(X, Y), lik(X, Y), posterior_gibbs, projection='3d')

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