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Flarum includes a powerful notification system to alert users to new activity.
Notification Types
Defining a Notification Type
To define a notification type, you will need to create a new class which implements Flarum\Notification\Blueprint\BlueprintInterface
. This class will define your notification's content and behaviour through the following methods:
model for the user that triggered the notification.getSubject()
The model that the notification is about (eg. thePost
that was liked).getData()
Any other data you might wish to include for access on the frontend (eg. the old discussion title when renamed).getType()
This is where you name your notification, this will be important for later steps.getSubjectModal()
: Specify the type of model the subject is (fromgetSubject
Lets take a look at an example from Flarum Likes:
namespace Flarum\Likes\Notification;
use Flarum\Notification\Blueprint\BlueprintInterface;
use Flarum\Post\Post;
use Flarum\User\User;
class PostLikedBlueprint implements BlueprintInterface
public $post;
public $user;
public function __construct(Post $post, User $user)
$this->post = $post;
$this->user = $user;
public function getSubject()
return $this->post;
public function getFromUser()
return $this->user;
public function getData()
public static function getType()
return 'postLiked';
public static function getSubjectModel()
return Post::class;
Take a look at DiscussionRenamedBlueprint
if you want another example.
Registering a Notification Type
Next, let's register your notification so Flarum knows about it. This will allow users to be able to change how they want to be notified of your notification. We can do this with the type
method of the Notification
: Your class static (example:PostLikedBlueprint::class
: The serializer of your subject model (example:PostSerializer::class
: This is where you set which notification methods will be enabled by default. It accepts an array of strings, include 'alert' to have forum notifications (the bell icon), include 'email' for email notifications. You can use, one both, or none! (example:['alert']
would set only in-forum notifications on by default)
Lets look at an example from Flarum Subscriptions:
use Flarum\Api\Serializer\BasicDiscussionSerializer;
use Flarum\Extend
use Flarum\Subscriptions\Notification\NewPostBlueprint;
return [
// Other extenders
(new Extend\Notification())
->type(NewPostBlueprint::class, BasicDiscussionSerializer::class, ['alert', 'email']),
// Other extenders
Your notification is coming together nicely! Just a few things left to do!
Mailable Notifications
In addition to registering our notification to send by email, if we actually want it to send, we need to provide a bit more information: namely, code for generating the email subject and body. To do this, your notification blueprint should implement Flarum\Notification\MailableInterface
in addition to Flarum\Notification\Blueprint\BlueprintInterface
. This comes with 2 additional methods:
should return an array of email type to Blade View names. The namespaces for these views must first be registered. These will be used to generate the body of the email.getEmailSubject(TranslatorInterface $translator)
should return a string for the email subject. An instance of the translator is passed in to enable translated notification emails.
Let's take a look at an example from Flarum Mentions
namespace Flarum\Mentions\Notification;
use Flarum\Notification\Blueprint\BlueprintInterface;
use Flarum\Notification\MailableInterface;
use Flarum\Post\Post;
use Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface;
class PostMentionedBlueprint implements BlueprintInterface, MailableInterface
* @var Post
public $post;
* @var Post
public $reply;
* @param Post $post
* @param Post $reply
public function __construct(Post $post, Post $reply)
$this->post = $post;
$this->reply = $reply;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getSubject()
return $this->post;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getFromUser()
return $this->reply->user;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getData()
return ['replyNumber' => (int) $this->reply->number];
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getEmailView()
return ['text' => 'flarum-mentions::emails.postMentioned'];
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getEmailSubject(TranslatorInterface $translator)
return $translator->trans('flarum-mentions.email.post_mentioned.subject', [
'{replier_display_name}' => $this->post->user->display_name,
'{title}' => $this->post->discussion->title
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function getType()
return 'postMentioned';
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function getSubjectModel()
return Post::class;
Notification Drivers
In addition to registering notification types, we can also add new drivers alongside the default alert
and email
. The driver should implement Flarum\Notification\Driver\NotificationDriverInterface
. Let's look at an annotated example from the Pusher extension:
namespace Flarum\Pusher;
use Flarum\Notification\Blueprint\BlueprintInterface;
use Flarum\Notification\Driver\NotificationDriverInterface;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue;
class PusherNotificationDriver implements NotificationDriverInterface
* @var Queue
protected $queue;
public function __construct(Queue $queue)
$this->queue = $queue;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function send(BlueprintInterface $blueprint, array $users): void
// The `send` method is responsible for determining any notifications need to be sent.
// If not (for example, if there are no users to send to), there's no point in scheduling a job.
// We HIGHLY recommend that notifications are sent via a queue job for performance reasons.
if (count($users)) {
$this->queue->push(new SendPusherNotificationsJob($blueprint, $users));
* {@inheritDoc}
public function registerType(string $blueprintClass, array $driversEnabledByDefault): void
// This method is generally used to register a user preference for this notification.
// In the case of pusher, there's no need for this.
Notification drivers are also registered via the Notification
extender, using the driver
method. The following arguments are provided
: A unique, human readable name for the driver$driverClass
: The class static of the driver (example:PostSerializer::class
: An array of types for which this driver should be enabled by default. This will be used in calculating$driversEnabledByDefault
, which is provided to theregisterType
method of the driver.
Another example from Flarum Pusher:
use Flarum\Extend
use Flarum\Pusher\PusherNotificationDriver;
return [
// Other extenders
(new Extend\Notification())
->driver('pusher', PusherNotificationDriver::class),
// Other extenders
Rendering Notifications
As with everything in Flarum, what we register in the backend, must be registered in the frontend as well.
Similar to the notification blueprint, we need tell Flarum how we want our notification displayed.
First, create a class that extends the notification component. Then, there are 4 functions to add:
: The Font Awesome icon that will appear next to the notification text (example:fas fa-code-branch
: The link that should be opened when the notification is clicked (example:app.route.post(this.attrs.notification.subject())
: What the notification itself should show. It should say the username and then the action. It will be followed by when the notification was sent (make sure to use translations).exerpt()
: (optional) A little excerpt that is shown below the notification (commonly an excerpt of a post).
Let take a look at our example shall we?
From Flarum Subscriptions, when a new post is posted on a followed discussion:
import Notification from 'flarum/forum/components/Notification';
import username from 'flarum/common/helpers/username';
export default class NewPostNotification extends Notification {
icon() {
return 'fas fa-star';
href() {
const notification = this.attrs.notification;
const discussion = notification.subject();
const content = notification.content() || {};
return app.route.discussion(discussion, content.postNumber);
content() {
return app.translator.trans('flarum-subscriptions.forum.notifications.new_post_text', {user: this.attrs.notification.fromUser()});
In the example, the icon is a star, the link will go to the new post, and the content will say that "{user} posted".
Next, we need to tell Flarum that the notification you send in the backend corresponds to the frontend notification we just created.
Open up your index.js (the forum one) and start off by importing your newly created notification template. Then add the following line:
app.notificationComponents.{nameOfNotification} = {NotificationTemplate};
Make sure to replace {nameOfNotification}
with the name of the notification in your PHP blueprint (getType()
) and replace {NotificationTemplate}
with the name of the JS notification template we just made! (Make sure it's imported!)
Let's give users an option to change their settings for your notification. All you have to do is extend the notificationGrid
's notificationTypes()
From Flarum-Likes:
import { extend } from 'flarum/common/extend';
import app from 'flarum/forum/app';
import NotificationGrid from 'flarum/forum/components/NotificationGrid';
import PostLikedNotification from './components/PostLikedNotification';
app.initializers.add('flarum-likes', () => {
app.notificationComponents.postLiked = PostLikedNotification;
extend(NotificationGrid.prototype, 'notificationTypes', function (items) {
items.add('postLiked', {
name: 'postLiked',
icon: 'far fa-thumbs-up',
label: app.translator.trans('flarum-likes.forum.settings.notify_post_liked_label')
Simply add the name of your notification (from the blueprint), an icon you want to show, and a description of the notification and you are all set!
Sending Notifications
Data doesn't just appear in the database magically
Now that you have your notification all setup, it's time to actually send the notification to the user!
Thankfully, this is the easiest part, simply useNotificationSyncer
's sync function. It accepts 2 arguments:
: This is the blueprint to be instantiated we made in the first step, you must include all variables that are used on the blueprint (example: if a user likes a post you must include theuser
model that liked the post).$users
: This accepts an array ofuser
modals that should receive the notification
Whats that? You want to be able to delete notifications too? The easiest way to remove a notification is to pass the exact same data as sending a notification, except with an empty array of recipients.
Lets take a look at our final example for today:
From Flarum Likes:
namespace Flarum\Likes\Listener;
use Flarum\Event\ConfigureNotificationTypes;
use Flarum\Likes\Event\PostWasLiked;
use Flarum\Likes\Event\PostWasUnliked;
use Flarum\Likes\Notification\PostLikedBlueprint;
use Flarum\Notification\NotificationSyncer;
use Flarum\Post\Post;
use Flarum\User\User;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher;
class SendNotificationWhenPostIsLiked
protected $notifications;
public function __construct(NotificationSyncer $notifications)
$this->notifications = $notifications;
public function subscribe(Dispatcher $events)
$events->listen(PostWasLiked::class, [$this, 'whenPostWasLiked']);
$events->listen(PostWasUnliked::class, [$this, 'whenPostWasUnliked']);
public function whenPostWasLiked(PostWasLiked $event)
$this->syncNotification($event->post, $event->user, [$event->post->user]);
public function whenPostWasUnliked(PostWasUnliked $event)
$this->syncNotification($event->post, $event->user, []);
public function syncNotification(Post $post, User $user, array $recipients)
if ($post->user->id != $user->id) {
new PostLikedBlueprint($post, $user),
Awesome! Now you can spam users with updates on happenings around the forum!
Tried everything? Well if you've tried everything then I guess... Kidding. Feel free to post in the Flarum Community or in the Discord and someone will be around to lend a hand!
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