- 编辑器
- Visual Studio Code 基础
- 安装Visual Studio Code
- VS Code 扩展市场 VS Code Extension Marketplace
- 通过任务集成外部工具 Integrate with External Tools via Tasks
- 调试
- Why Visual Studio Code? - 为什么选用VSCode
- 版本控制(Version Control)
- Accessibility 易用性
- Editing Evolved - 与时俱进的编辑体验
- 定制化
- 定制化Visual Studio Code(Customize Visual Studio Code)
- 用户和工作区设置(User and Workspace Settings)
- VS Code 的快捷按键(Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code)
- 向 VSC 添加代码段(Adding Snippets to Visual Studio Code)
- Color Themes - 颜色主题
- Display Language - 语言区域
- 工具
- vsce - Publishing Tool Reference
- Yo Code - Extension Generator
- VS Code Extension Samples
- 技术支持
- Visual Studio Code FAQ
- Common Error Cases
- 如何升级到最新版 How to update to the latest release
- Requirements for Visual Studio Code
- 扩展
- Visual Studio Code 扩展 Extending Visual Studio Code
- 示例 - Hello World Example - Hello World
- 示例 - 单词数统计 Example - Word Count
- 示例 - 语言服务 Example - Language Server
- 示例 - 调试器 Example - Debuggers
- Running and Debugging Your Extension
- 安装扩展
- Extensibility Principles and Patterns
- Testing Your Extension
- Our Approach to Extensibility
- 扩展API
- 可扩展性参考
- 扩展清单文件 - package.json
- Contribution Points - package.json
- Activation Events - package.json
- vscode namespace API
- Complex Commands API
- Debugging API
- 语言
- 语言 Languages
- JavaScript
- 用C#进行工作 Working with C#
- C/C++ for VS Code (预览)(Preview)
- VS Code对HTML的相关 HTML Programming in VS Code
- VS Code中的PHP编程 PHP Programming in VS Code
- VS Code 对 Python 的支持
- Markdown and VS Code - Markdown与VS Code
- Editing TypeScript
- CSS, Sass and Less
- 使用Docker工作
- 运行时
- Node.js Applications with VS Code
- ASP.NET Core with VS Code
- Unity Development with VS Code
- Office Add-ins with VS Code
- 开始(Getting Started)
向 VSC 添加代码段(Adding Snippets to Visual Studio Code)
Code snippets are ready-made snippets of code you can quickly insert into your source code. For example, a for
code snippet creates an empty for
Each snippet defines a prefix under which it will appear in IntelliSense via (kb(editor.action.triggerSuggest)
) as well as a body inserted when the snippet is selected. The snippet syntax follows the TextMate snippet syntax with the exception of 'regular expression replacements', 'interpolated shell code' and 'transformations', which are not supported.
每个代码段定义时有一个前缀,只要该前缀出现,它就会出现在 IntelliSense via(kb(editor.action.triggerSuggest))
中,以及在选择代码段时插入的主体。代码段语法遵循 TextMate代码段
语法,但不支持 “正则表达式替换”
, “插入的shell代码”和“转换”
从扩展市场添加代码段(Add Snippets from the Marketplace)
Many snippets have been uploaded to the VS Code Extension Marketplace by the community. If you find one you want to use, simply install it and restart VS Code and the new snippet will be available.
许多片段已被社区上传到VS Code扩展市场。如果你发现了一个代码段并且想要使用,你只需安装它,并重新启动VS Code,这个代码段就可以用了。
You can also browse the VS Code Marketplace site directly to find available snippets.
您还可以直接浏览VS Code 扩展市场的网站,来查找可用的代码段。
创建自己的代码段(Creating your Own Snippets)
You can define your own snippets for specific languages. Snippets are defined in a JSON format.
The example below is a For Loop
snippet for JavaScript
下面的示例是一个 JavaScript
的 For
"For Loop": {
"prefix": "for",
"body": [
"for (var ${index} = 0; ${index} < ${array}.length; ${index}++) {",
"\tvar ${element} = ${array}[${index}];",
"description": "For Loop"
In the example above:
For Loop
is the snippet nameprefix
defines a prefix used in the IntelliSense drop down. In this casefor
is the snippet content.For Loop
Possible variables are:
$1, $2 for tab stops
${id} and ${id:label} and ${1:label} for variables
Variables with the same id are connected.
is the description used in the IntelliSense drop down$1, $2 用于制表符。
${id} , ${id:label} 和 ${1:label} 是变量。
有相同 id 的变量相互关联。
是在IntelliSense 下拉列表
To open up a snippet file for editing, open User Snippets under File > Preferences and select the language for which the snippets should appear.
打开要编辑的代码段文件,请在 文件>首选项
下打开用户代码段,然后选择 代码段应显示的语言
In case your snippet should contain
, it is possible to escape them, in JSON as\\{
Once you have added a new snippet, you can try it out right away, no restart needed.
使用TextMate代码段(Using TextMate Snippets)
You can also add TextMate snippets (.tmSnippets) to your VS Code installation using the yo code extension generator. The generator has an option New Code Snippets
which lets you point to a folder containing multiple .tmSnippets files and they will be packaged into a VS Code snippet extension. The generator also supports Sublime snippets (.sublime-snippets).
您还可以使用 yo代码扩展生成器
将 TextMate代码段(.tmSnippets)
添加到VS Code 安装。生成器有一个 选择新代码片段
,它允许您指向包含多个 .tmSnippets
文件的文件夹,它们将打包到VS Code代码段代码扩展中。生成器还支持 Sublime代码段(.sublime-snippets)
The final generator output has two files: an extension manifest package.json
which has metadata to integrate the snippets into VS Code and a snippets.json
file which includes the snippets converted to the VS Code snippet format.
,其将会把代码集成到VS Code的元默认数据以及 snippets.json
文件中,其包括被转换为VS Code 代码片段格式的片段。
├── snippets // VS Code integration
│ └── snippets.json // The JSON file w/ the snippets
└── package.json // extension's manifest
Copy the generated snippets folder to a new folder under your .vscode/extensions
folder and restart VS Code.
将生成的 snippets
文件夹复制到 .vscode/extensions
文件夹下的新文件夹中,然后重新启动VS Code。
在扩展市场中共享您的代码段(Sharing Your Snippets in the Marketplace)
Once you have created your snippets and tested them out, you can share them with the community.
To do this, you need to create a snippet extension. If you've used the yo code
extension generator, your snippet extension is ready to be published.
为此,您需要创建一个代码段扩展。如果您已使用yo code
If you want to share user snippets, you'll need to package your snippet json file along with an extension manifest which has the necessary metadata to integrate the snippets into VS Code.
如果您想要共享你的代码段,则需要打包您的代码段json文件以及具有必要默认数据的扩展清单,以将代码段集成到VS Code中。
Depending on your plaform, your user snippets file is located here:
- Windows
- Mac
$HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/User/snippets/(language).json
- Linux
where (language).json
depends on the targeted language of the snippets (e.g. markdown.json
for Markdown snippets). Create a new folder for your extension and copy your snippet file to a snippets
的位置取决于片段的目标语言(例如Markdown片段的markdown.json)。为扩展程序创建一个新文件夹,并将您的代码段文件复制到 snippets
Now add an extension manifest package.json file to the extension folder. The snippet extension manifest follows the structure defined in the Extension Manifest reference and provides a snippets
现在,将扩展清单 package.json
文件添加到扩展文件夹。代码段扩展清单遵循 “扩展清单”
Below is an example manifest for Markdown snippets:
"name": "DM-Markdown",
"publisher": "mscott",
"description": "Dunder Mifflin Markdown snippets",
"version": "0.1.0",
"engines": { "vscode": "0.10.x" },
"categories": ["Snippets"],
"contributes": {
"snippets": [
"language": "markdown",
"path": "./snippets/markdown.json"
Note that snippets need to be associated with a language
identifier. This can be a language supported directly by VS Code or a language provided by an extension. Make sure the language
identifier is correct.
请注意,代码段需要与 语言标识符
相关联。这是被 VS Code 默认支持的语言,或由扩展提供的语言。请确保语言标识符正确。
You then use the vsce publishing tool to publish the snippet extension to the VS Code Extension Marketplace.
然后使用vsce发布工具将代码段扩展名发布到VS Code扩展市场。
Tip: To make it easy for users to find your snippet, include the word "snippet" in the extension description and set the
in yourpackage.json
提示: 为了方便用户查找您的代码段,请在扩展说明中包含
We also have recommendations on how to make your extension look great on the VS Code Marketplace, see Marketplace Presentation Tips.
下一步(Next Steps)
Snippets are just one way to extend VS Code. If you'd like to learn more about VS Code extensibility, try these topics:
代码片段只是扩展VS Code的一种方法。如果您想了解有关VS代码可扩展性的更多信息,请尝试以下信息:
- Colorizers and Bracket Matchers - Learn how to import TextMate colorizers
- Custom themes - Learn how to import existing TextMate themes.
- Extending Visual Studio Code - Learn about other ways to extend VS Code
- Editing Evolved - Learn more about the VS Code editor's capabilities
Common Questions
Q: I created a snippets extension but they aren't showing up in the VS Code editor?
A: Be sure you have correctly specified the language
identifier for your snippet (e.g. markdown
for Markdown .md files, plaintext
for Plain Text .txt files). Also verify that the relative path to the snippets json file is correct.
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。
