- Windows API tutorial
- Introduction to Windows API
- Windows API main functions
- System functions in Windows API
- Strings in Windows API
- Date & time in Windows API
- A window in Windows API
- First steps in UI
- Windows API menus
- Windows API dialogs
- Windows API controls I
- Windows API controls II
- Windows API controls III
- Advanced controls in Windows API
- Custom controls in Windows API
- The GDI in Windows API
- PyQt4 tutorial
- PyQt5 tutorial
- Qt4 tutorial
- Introduction to Qt4 toolkit
- Qt4 utility classes
- Strings in Qt4
- Date and time in Qt4
- Working with files and directories in Qt4
- First programs in Qt4
- Menus and toolbars in Qt4
- Layout management in Qt4
- Events and signals in Qt4
- Qt4 Widgets
- Qt4 Widgets II
- Painting in Qt4
- Custom widget in Qt4
- The Breakout game in Qt4
- Qt5 tutorial
- Introduction to Qt5 toolkit
- Strings in Qt5
- Date and time in Qt5
- Containers in Qt5
- Working with files and directories in Qt5
- First programs in Qt5
- Menus and toolbars in Qt5
- Layout management in Qt5
- Events and signals in Qt5
- Qt5 Widgets
- Qt5 Widgets II
- Painting in Qt5
- Custom widget in Qt5
- Snake in Qt5
- The Breakout game in Qt5
- PySide tutorial
- Tkinter tutorial
- Tcl/Tk tutorial
- Qt Quick tutorial
- Java Swing tutorial
- JavaFX tutorial
- Java SWT tutorial
- wxWidgets tutorial
- Introduction to wxWidgets
- wxWidgets helper classes
- First programs in wxWidgets
- Menus and toolbars in wxWidgets
- Layout management in wxWidgets
- Events in wxWidgets
- Dialogs in wxWidgets
- wxWidgets widgets
- wxWidgets widgets II
- Drag and Drop in wxWidgets
- Device Contexts in wxWidgets
- Custom widgets in wxWidgets
- The Tetris game in wxWidgets
- wxPython tutorial
- Introduction to wxPython
- First Steps
- Menus and toolbars
- Layout management in wxPython
- Events in wxPython
- wxPython dialogs
- Widgets
- Advanced widgets in wxPython
- Drag and drop in wxPython
- Internationalisation
- Application skeletons in wxPython
- The GDI
- Mapping modes
- Creating custom widgets
- Tips and Tricks
- wxPython Gripts
- The Tetris game in wxPython
- C# Winforms Mono tutorial
- Java Gnome tutorial
- Introduction to Java Gnome
- First steps in Java Gnome
- Layout management in Java Gnome
- Layout management II in Java Gnome
- Menus in Java Gnome
- Toolbars in Java Gnome
- Events in Java Gnome
- Widgets in Java Gnome
- Widgets II in Java Gnome
- Advanced widgets in Java Gnome
- Dialogs in Java Gnome
- Pango in Java Gnome
- Drawing with Cairo in Java Gnome
- Drawing with Cairo II
- Nibbles in Java Gnome
- QtJambi tutorial
- GTK+ tutorial
- Ruby GTK tutorial
- GTK# tutorial
- Visual Basic GTK# tutorial
- PyGTK tutorial
- Introduction to PyGTK
- First steps in PyGTK
- Layout management in PyGTK
- Menus in PyGTK
- Toolbars in PyGTK
- Signals & events in PyGTK
- Widgets in PyGTK
- Widgets II in PyGTK
- Advanced widgets in PyGTK
- Dialogs in PyGTK
- Pango
- Pango II
- Drawing with Cairo in PyGTK
- Drawing with Cairo II
- Snake game in PyGTK
- Custom widget in PyGTK
- PHP GTK tutorial
- C# Qyoto tutorial
- Ruby Qt tutorial
- Visual Basic Qyoto tutorial
- Mono IronPython Winforms tutorial
- Introduction
- First steps in IronPython Mono Winforms
- Layout management
- Menus and toolbars
- Basic Controls in Mono Winforms
- Basic Controls II in Mono Winforms
- Advanced Controls in Mono Winforms
- Dialogs
- Drag & drop in Mono Winforms
- Painting
- Painting II in IronPython Mono Winforms
- Snake in IronPython Mono Winforms
- The Tetris game in IronPython Mono Winforms
- FreeBASIC GTK tutorial
- Jython Swing tutorial
- JRuby Swing tutorial
- Visual Basic Winforms tutorial
- JavaScript GTK tutorial
- Ruby HTTPClient tutorial
- Ruby Faraday tutorial
- Ruby Net::HTTP tutorial
- Java 2D games tutorial
- Java 2D tutorial
- Cairo graphics tutorial
- PyCairo tutorial
- HTML5 canvas tutorial
- Python tutorial
- Python language
- Interactive Python
- Python lexical structure
- Python data types
- Strings in Python
- Python lists
- Python dictionaries
- Python operators
- Keywords in Python
- Functions in Python
- Files in Python
- Object-oriented programming in Python
- Modules
- Packages in Python
- Exceptions in Python
- Iterators and Generators
- Introspection in Python
- Ruby tutorial
- PHP tutorial
- Visual Basic tutorial
- Visual Basic
- Visual Basic lexical structure
- Basics
- Visual Basic data types
- Strings in Visual Basic
- Operators
- Flow control
- Visual Basic arrays
- Procedures & functions in Visual Basic
- Organizing code in Visual Basic
- Object-oriented programming
- Object-oriented programming II in Visual Basic
- Collections in Visual Basic
- Input & output
- Tcl tutorial
- C# tutorial
- Java tutorial
- AWK tutorial
- Jetty tutorial
- Tomcat Derby tutorial
- Jtwig tutorial
- Android tutorial
- Introduction to Android development
- First Android application
- Android Button widgets
- Android Intents
- Layout management in Android
- Android Spinner widget
- SeekBar widget
- Android ProgressBar widget
- Android ListView widget
- Android Pickers
- Android menus
- Dialogs
- Drawing in Android
- Java EE 5 tutorials
- Introduction
- Installing Java
- Installing NetBeans 6
- Java Application Servers
- Resin CGIServlet
- JavaServer Pages, (JSPs)
- Implicit objects in JSPs
- Shopping cart
- JSP & MySQL Database
- Java Servlets
- Sending email in a Servlet
- Creating a captcha in a Servlet
- DataSource & DriverManager
- Java Beans
- Custom JSP tags
- Object relational mapping with iBATIS
- Jsoup tutorial
- MySQL tutorial
- MySQL quick tutorial
- MySQL storage engines
- MySQL data types
- Creating, altering and dropping tables in MySQL
- MySQL expressions
- Inserting, updating, and deleting data in MySQL
- The SELECT statement in MySQL
- MySQL subqueries
- MySQL constraints
- Exporting and importing data in MySQL
- Joining tables in MySQL
- MySQL functions
- Views in MySQL
- Transactions in MySQL
- MySQL stored routines
- MySQL Python tutorial
- MySQL Perl tutorial
- MySQL C API programming tutorial
- MySQL Visual Basic tutorial
- MySQL PHP tutorial
- MySQL Java tutorial
- MySQL Ruby tutorial
- MySQL C# tutorial
- SQLite tutorial
- SQLite C tutorial
- SQLite PHP tutorial
- SQLite Python tutorial
- SQLite Perl tutorial
- SQLite Ruby tutorial
- SQLite C# tutorial
- SQLite Visual Basic tutorial
- PostgreSQL C tutorial
- PostgreSQL Python tutorial
- PostgreSQL Ruby tutorial
- PostgreSQL PHP tutorial
- PostgreSQL Java tutorial
- Apache Derby tutorial
- SQLAlchemy tutorial
- MongoDB PHP tutorial
- MongoDB Java tutorial
- MongoDB JavaScript tutorial
- MongoDB Ruby tutorial
- Spring JdbcTemplate tutorial
- JDBI tutorial
A window in Windows API
A window is a rectangular area of the screen where the application displays output and receives input from the user. Everything is a window in Windows. At least from the programmer's point of view. A main window, a button, a static text even an icon; all are windows. A static text is only a special kind of a window, so is the desktop area.
wWinMain() function
Every Windows UI application must have at least two functions: the WinMain function and the window procedure. The WinMain function is the entry point to a Windows UI application. It initialises the application, shows the application window on the screen, and enters the main loop. In our examples, we use the wWinMain()
function prototype, which is used for creating Unicode UI programs.
int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PWSTR pCmdLine, int nCmdShow);
The hInstance
is a handle of an instance. It is a 32-bit number identifying the instance of our program within the OS environment. This number is given by Windows when the program starts executing. The hPrevInstance
parameter is always NULL
; it is a legacy from the 16-bit Windows. Windows programs can also be started from the command line. The parameters given are stored in pCmdLine
parameter. The nCmdShow
value specifies how the window will be displayed: minimised, maximised, or hidden.
The wWinMain()
function terminates when it receives the WM_QUIT
Registering a window class
Before we can create a window, we must register its class within the Windows. Many controls have their window classes already registered. So when we create a button or a static text, we do not need to register a window class for them. To register a window class, we must create and fill a WNDCLASS
structure. We set the window style, extra allocation bytes, window class name, handle of the program instance, background brush, optional menu name, window procedure, handle of the cursor, and an icon. Then the RegisterClassW()
function is called.
Creating a window
The window is created by calling the CreateWindowW()
HWND CreateWindowW(LPCWSTR lpClassName, LPCWSTR lpWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hWndParent, HMENU hMenu, HINSTANCE hInstance, LPVOID lpParam);
The lpClassName
uniquely identifies the window. It is the name under which we registered the window. The lpWindowName
is the window name. Its effect depends on the context—it can be title of the window in parent windows or a label in child windows like button or static text. Windows can be created using several styles. For this, we have the dwStyle
parameter. The x
, y
specify the initial horizontal and vertical position of the window. The nWidth
and nHeight
specify the window width and height. The hWndParent
is a handle to the parent window. For windows that do not have parents, we use NULL
. For a parent window the hMenu
is an optional handle to the menu, for a child window, it is a control identifier. The hInstance
is a handle to the program instance. The lpParam
is the last parameter, it is an optional value passed to the window during the WM_CREATE
message. The CreateWindowW()
function returns a handle to the newly created window.
The WinMain()
function creates a message loop. It is an endless cycle which runs during the life of the application. Message loop is a programming construct that waits for and dispatches events or messages in a program. Windows communicate using messages. A message is an integer value that identifies a specific event—a button click, resizing of the window, or closing of an application. There can be multiple messages created in one moment. The messages cannot be processed all at the same time; therefore they are stored in a message queue. The message enters the message queue and waits until it is processed. The GetMessage()
function retrieves the message from the message queue. The DispatchMessage()
function dispatches a message to a window procedure. If the application obtains character input, we include the TranslateMessage()
function in the loop.
Window procedure
LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
Every window has an associated window procedure. It is a function that receives messages. The hwnd
is a handle to the window that is going to receive the message. The uMsg
is the message. The wParam
and lParam
parameters provide additional message information. The values of these parameters depend on the message type. The messages come from the user or from the operating system. We react to a message or we call the default window procedure to provide default processing. Most messages are sent to the default window procedure. The default window procedure is called DefWindowProcW()
. It is called with the same parameters as the normal window procedure.
A simple window
The following example shows a skeletal Windows application.
#include <windows.h> LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PWSTR pCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { MSG msg; HWND hwnd; WNDCLASSW wc; wc.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.lpszClassName = L"Window"; wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.hbrBackground = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE); wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); RegisterClassW(&wc); hwnd = CreateWindowW(wc.lpszClassName, L"Window", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE, 100, 100, 350, 250, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL); ShowWindow(hwnd, nCmdShow); UpdateWindow(hwnd); while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { DispatchMessage(&msg); } return (int) msg.wParam; } LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(msg) { case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); break; } return DefWindowProcW(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); }
We are going to explain the example code step by step.
#include <windows.h>
This is a header file for the C programming language. It contains all function declarations in the API, all common macros and all the data types. The Windows API is added to the C programming project by linking the necessary libraries— kernel32.lib
, user32.lib
, gdi32.lib
—and by including the <windows.h>
header file.
We set the window style here. The CS_HREDRAW
flags mean that whenever there is a movement or size adjustment of the height or width of the window, the entire window is redrawn.
wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
In our example, we do not use the additional bytes. So we set the members to zero. The most common use of those two attributes is window subclassing.
wc.lpszClassName = L"Window";
Window is a class name for this particular window type. We will use this class name when creating the window. The L
character precedes wide strings.
wc.hInstance = hInstance;
We set the instance of our program.
wc.hbrBackground = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE);
Here we set the background brush. It is the colour that is used to paint the client area of the window.
wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
In our example, we do not create a menu.
wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;
We provide the window procedure for the window class.
wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
We set the cursor for our application. We load the cursor from system resources by using the LoadCursor()
function. IDC_ARROW
is a value for a standard arrow cursor.
wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
We set the icon for our application. The icon is retrieved from system resources with the LoadIcon()
is a value for a default application icon.
We register the window class with the system.
ShowWindow(hwnd, nCmdShow); UpdateWindow(hwnd);
These two lines show the window on the screen. The nCmdShow
specifies how we display the window on the screen.
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { DispatchMessage(&msg); }
This is the message loop. We receive messages from the message queue using the GetMessage()
function and dispatch them to the window procedure using the DispatchMessage()
return (int) msg.wParam;
At the end of the application, the exit code is returned to the system.
switch(msg) { case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); break; } return DefWindowProcW(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
In the window procedure, we react to the WM_DESTROY
message. The PostQuitMessage()
sends the WM_QUIT
message to the message queue. All other messages are sent to the default processing using the DefWindowProcW()

In this part of the Windows API tutorial, we have created a basic window.
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