
Laying out a table

发布于 2025-02-27 23:45:41 字数 10363 浏览 0 评论 0 收藏 0

I am going to work through a slightly more involved example in an attempt to give you a better idea what polymorphism, as well as object-oriented programming in general, looks like. The project is this: we will write a program that, given an array of arrays of table cells, builds up a string that contains a nicely laid out table—meaning that the columns are straight and the rows are aligned. Something like this:

name         height country
------------ ------ -------------
Kilimanjaro    5895 Tanzania
Everest        8848 Nepal
Mount Fuji     3776 Japan
Mont Blanc     4808 Italy/France
Vaalserberg     323 Netherlands
Denali         6168 United States
Popocatepetl   5465 Mexico

The way our table-building system will work is that the builder function will ask each cell how wide and high it wants to be and then use this information to determine the width of the columns and the height of the rows. The builder function will then ask the cells to draw themselves at the correct size and assemble the results into a single string.

The layout program will communicate with the cell objects through a well-defined interface. That way, the types of cells that the program supports is not fixed in advance. We can add new cell styles later—for example, underlined cells for table headers—and if they support our interface, they will just work, without requiring changes to the layout program.

This is the interface:

  • minHeight() returns a number indicating the minimum height this cell requires (in lines).

  • minWidth() returns a number indicating this cell’s minimum width (in characters).

  • draw(width, height) returns an array of length height , which contains a series of strings that are each width characters wide. This represents the content of the cell.

I’m going to make heavy use of higher-order array methods in this example since it lends itself well to that approach.

The first part of the program computes arrays of minimum column widths and row heights for a grid of cells. The rows variable will hold an array of arrays, with each inner array representing a row of cells.

function rowHeights(rows) {
  return rows.map(function(row) {
    return row.reduce(function(max, cell) {
      return Math.max(max, cell.minHeight());
    }, 0);

function colWidths(rows) {
  return rows[0].map(function(_, i) {
    return rows.reduce(function(max, row) {
      return Math.max(max, row[i].minWidth());
    }, 0);

Using a variable name starting with an underscore (_) or consisting entirely of a single underscore is a way to indicate (to human readers) that this argument is not going to be used.

The rowHeights function shouldn’t be too hard to follow. It uses reduce to compute the maximum height of an array of cells and wraps that in map in order to do it for all rows in the rows array.

Things are slightly harder for the colWidths function because the outer array is an array of rows, not of columns. I have failed to mention so far that map (as well as forEach , filter , and similar array methods) passes a second argument to the function it is given: the index of the current element. By mapping over the elements of the first row and only using the mapping function’s second argument, colWidths builds up an array with one element for every column index. The call to reduce runs over the outer rows array for each index and picks out the width of the widest cell at that index.

Here’s the code to draw a table:

function drawTable(rows) {
  var heights = rowHeights(rows);
  var widths = colWidths(rows);

  function drawLine(blocks, lineNo) {
    return blocks.map(function(block) {
      return block[lineNo];
    }).join(" ");

  function drawRow(row, rowNum) {
    var blocks = row.map(function(cell, colNum) {
      return cell.draw(widths[colNum], heights[rowNum]);
    return blocks[0].map(function(_, lineNo) {
      return drawLine(blocks, lineNo);

  return rows.map(drawRow).join("\n");

The drawTable function uses the internal helper function drawRow to draw all rows and then joins them together with newline characters.

The drawRow function itself first converts the cell objects in the row to blocks, which are arrays of strings representing the content of the cells, split by line. A single cell containing simply the number 3776 might be represented by a single-element array like ["3776"] , whereas an underlined cell might take up two lines and be represented by the array ["name", "----"] .

The blocks for a row, which all have the same height, should appear next to each other in the final output. The second call to map in drawRow builds up this output line by line by mapping over the lines in the leftmost block and, for each of those, collecting a line that spans the full width of the table. These lines are then joined with newline characters to provide the whole row as drawRow ’s return value.

The function drawLine extracts lines that should appear next to each other from an array of blocks and joins them with a space character to create a one-character gap between the table’s columns.

Now let’s write a constructor for cells that contain text, which implements the interface for table cells. The constructor splits a string into an array of lines using the string method split , which cuts up a string at every occurrence of its argument and returns an array of the pieces. The minWidth method finds the maximum line width in this array.

function repeat(string, times) {
  var result = "";
  for (var i = 0; i < times; i++)
    result += string;
  return result;

function TextCell(text) {
  this.text = text.split("\n");
TextCell.prototype.minWidth = function() {
  return this.text.reduce(function(width, line) {
    return Math.max(width, line.length);
  }, 0);
TextCell.prototype.minHeight = function() {
  return this.text.length;
TextCell.prototype.draw = function(width, height) {
  var result = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < height; i++) {
    var line = this.text[i] || "";
    result.push(line + repeat(" ", width - line.length));
  return result;

The code uses a helper function called repeat , which builds a string whose value is the string argument repeated times number of times. The draw method uses it to add “padding” to lines so that they all have the required length.

Let’s try everything we’ve written so far by building up a 5 × 5 checkerboard.

var rows = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
   var row = [];
   for (var j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
     if ((j + i) % 2 == 0)
       row.push(new TextCell("##"));
       row.push(new TextCell("  "));
// → ##    ##    ##
//      ##    ##
//   ##    ##    ##
//      ##    ##
//   ##    ##    ##

It works! But since all cells have the same size, the table-layout code doesn’t really do anything interesting.

The source data for the table of mountains that we are trying to build is available in the MOUNTAINS variable in the sandbox and also downloadable from the website( eloquentjavascript.net/code#6 ).

We will want to highlight the top row, which contains the column names, by underlining the cells with a series of dash characters. No problem—we simply write a cell type that handles underlining.

function UnderlinedCell(inner) {
  this.inner = inner;
UnderlinedCell.prototype.minWidth = function() {
  return this.inner.minWidth();
UnderlinedCell.prototype.minHeight = function() {
  return this.inner.minHeight() + 1;
UnderlinedCell.prototype.draw = function(width, height) {
  return this.inner.draw(width, height - 1)
    .concat([repeat("-", width)]);

An underlined cell contains another cell. It reports its minimum size as being the same as that of its inner cell (by calling through to that cell’s minWidth and minHeight methods) but adds one to the height to account for the space taken up by the underline.

Drawing such a cell is quite simple—we take the content of the inner cell and concatenate a single line full of dashes to it.

Having an underlining mechanism, we can now write a function that builds up a grid of cells from our data set.

function dataTable(data) {
  var keys = Object.keys(data[0]);
  var headers = keys.map(function(name) {
    return new UnderlinedCell(new TextCell(name));
  var body = data.map(function(row) {
    return keys.map(function(name) {
      return new TextCell(String(row[name]));
  return [headers].concat(body);

// → name         height country
//   ------------ ------ -------------
//   Kilimanjaro  5895   Tanzania
//   … etcetera

The standard Object.keys function returns an array of property names in an object. The top row of the table must contain underlined cells that give the names of the columns. Below that, the values of all the objects in the data set appear as normal cells—we extract them by mapping over the keys array so that we are sure that the order of the cells is the same in every row.

The resulting table resembles the example shown before, except that it does not right-align the numbers in the height column. We will get to that in a moment.

This is a book about getting computers to do what you want them to do. Computers are about as common as screwdrivers today, but they contain a lot more hidden complexity and thus are harder to operate and understand. To many, they remain alien, slightly threatening things.

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