
MongoDB PHP tutorial

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In this tutorial we show how to work with MongoDB in PHP. We use the new mongodb driver for PHP. There is a concise PHP tutorial on ZetCode.

MongoDB is a NoSQL cross-platform document-oriented database. It is one of the most popular databases available. MongoDB is developed by MongoDB Inc. and is published as free and open-source software.

A record in MongoDB is a document, which is a data structure composed of field and value pairs. MongoDB documents are similar to JSON objects. The values of fields may include other documents, arrays, and arrays of documents. MongoDB stores documents in collections. Collections are analogous to tables in relational databases and documents to rows.

Installing MongoDB

The following command can be used to install MongoDB on a Debian-based Linux.

$ sudo apt-get install mongodb

The command installs the necessary packages that come with MongoDB.

$ sudo service mongodb status
mongodb start/running, process 975

With the sudo service mongodb status command we check the status of the mongodb server.

$ sudo service mongodb start
mongodb start/running, process 6448

The mongodb server is started with the sudo service mongodb start command.

Creating a database

The mongo tool is an interactive JavaScript shell interface to MongoDB, which provides an interface for systems administrators as well as a way for developers to test queries and operations directly with the database.

$ mongo testdb
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.9
connecting to: testdb
> db
> db.cars.insert({name: "Audi", price: 52642})
> db.cars.insert({name: "Mercedes", price: 57127})
> db.cars.insert({name: "Skoda", price: 9000})
> db.cars.insert({name: "Volvo", price: 29000})
> db.cars.insert({name: "Bentley", price: 350000})
> db.cars.insert({name: "Citroen", price: 21000})
> db.cars.insert({name: "Hummer", price: 41400})
> db.cars.insert({name: "Volkswagen", price: 21600})

We create a testdb database and insert eight documents in the cars collection.

Installing PHP driver

There are two drivers available: the legacy mongo driver and the new mongodb driver. In this tutorial, we work with the new mongodb driver.

Next, we show how to manually install the PHP MongoDB driver.

$ git clone https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver.git
$ cd mongo-php-driver
$ git submodule sync && git submodule update --init
$ phpize
$ ./configure
$ make 
$ sudo make install

We download the sources and install the driver from them.


We add the mongodb.so extension to the php.ini file.

Database statistics

The first example connects to the testdb database and gets its statistics.

MongoDB\Driver\Manager is responsible for maintaining connections to MongoDB. MongoDB\Driver\Command represents a database command. On success, the command returns MongoDB\Driver\Cursor .



try {

  $mng = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017");

  $stats = new MongoDB\Driver\Command(["dbstats" => 1]);
  $res = $mng->executeCommand("testdb", $stats);
  $stats = current($res->toArray());


} catch (MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $e) {

  $filename = basename(__FILE__);
  echo "The $filename script has experienced an error.\n"; 
  echo "It failed with the following exception:\n";
  echo "Exception:", $e->getMessage(), "\n";
  echo "In file:", $e->getFile(), "\n";
  echo "On line:", $e->getLine(), "\n";     

The example connects to the testdb database and executes the dbstats command. It shows some database statistics.

$mng = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017");

With the MongoDB\Driver\Manager class, we connect to the testdb database. The 27017 is the default port on which the MongoDB server listens.

$res = $mng->executeCommand("testdb", $stats);

The MongoDB\Driver\Command is used to execute the dbstats command.

$stats = current($res->toArray());

The toArray() method returns an array containing all results for this cursor and the current() function returns the array's current element. In our case, the array has one element.


The print_r() function prints a human-readable representation of the $stats variable.

$ php dbstats.php 
stdClass Object
  [db] => testdb
  [collections] => 3
  [objects] => 12
  [avgObjSize] => 52.666666666667
  [dataSize] => 632
  [storageSize] => 12288
  [numExtents] => 3
  [indexes] => 1
  [indexSize] => 8176
  [fileSize] => 201326592
  [nsSizeMB] => 16
  [dataFileVersion] => stdClass Object
      [major] => 4
      [minor] => 5

  [ok] => 1

This is the output of the dbstats.php program.

Listing databases

The listDatabases command provides a list of all existing databases.



try {

  $mng = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017");

  $listdatabases = new MongoDB\Driver\Command(["listDatabases" => 1]);
  $res = $mng->executeCommand("admin", $listdatabases);

  $databases = current($res->toArray());

  foreach ($databases->databases as $el) {
    echo $el->name . "\n";

} catch (MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $e) {

  $filename = basename(__FILE__);
  echo "The $filename script has experienced an error.\n"; 
  echo "It failed with the following exception:\n";
  echo "Exception:", $e->getMessage(), "\n";
  echo "In file:", $e->getFile(), "\n";
  echo "On line:", $e->getLine(), "\n";     


The example prints available databases in MongoDB.

$listdatabases = new MongoDB\Driver\Command(["listDatabases" => 1]);
$res = $mng->executeCommand("admin", $listdatabases);

We execute the listDatabases command. The command is executed on the admin database.

$databases = current($res->toArray());

The command returns a single result document, which contains the information for all databases in the databases array field.

foreach ($databases->databases as $el) {

  echo $el->name . "\n";

We go through the databases array and print the names of the available databases.

$ php list_databases.php 

On our local machine, we have these three databases.

Reading data

MongoDB\Driver\Query is a value object that represents a database query.



try {

  $mng = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017");
  $query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query([]); 
  $rows = $mng->executeQuery("testdb.cars", $query);
  foreach ($rows as $row) {
    echo "$row->name : $row->price\n";
} catch (MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $e) {

  $filename = basename(__FILE__);
  echo "The $filename script has experienced an error.\n"; 
  echo "It failed with the following exception:\n";
  echo "Exception:", $e->getMessage(), "\n";
  echo "In file:", $e->getFile(), "\n";
  echo "On line:", $e->getLine(), "\n";     


The example reads all data from the testdb.cars collection.

$query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query([]); 

A MongoDB\Driver\Query object is created. If we pass an empty array, it reads all data.

$rows = $mng->executeQuery("testdb.cars", $query);

The executeQuery() executes the query. The first parameter is the collection name and the second parameter is the query.

foreach ($rows as $row) {

  echo "$row->name : $row->price\n";

We iterate over all matched documents.

$ php read_all.php 
Audi : 52642
Mercedes : 57127
Skoda : 9000
Volvo : 29000
Bentley : 350000
Citroen : 21000
Hummer : 41400
Volkswagen : 21600

This is the output of the read_all.php script.

Filtering data

The MongoDB\Driver\Query contains a filter parameter which is used to filter the data.



try {
  $mng = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017");
  $filter = [ 'name' => 'Volkswagen' ]; 
  $query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query($filter);   
  $res = $mng->executeQuery("testdb.cars", $query);
  $car = current($res->toArray());
  if (!empty($car)) {
    echo $car->name, ": ", $car->price, PHP_EOL;
  } else {
    echo "No match found\n";
} catch (MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $e) {

  $filename = basename(__FILE__);
  echo "The $filename script has experienced an error.\n"; 
  echo "It failed with the following exception:\n";
  echo "Exception:", $e->getMessage(), "\n";
  echo "In file:", $e->getFile(), "\n";
  echo "On line:", $e->getLine(), "\n";  


The example searches for the price of a Volkswagen car.

$filter = [ 'name' => 'Volkswagen' ]; 
$query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query($filter); 

We provide the filter parameter to the MongoDB\Driver\Query .

$car = current($res->toArray());

if (!empty($car)) {

  echo $car->name, ": ", $car->price, PHP_EOL;
} else {

  echo "No match found\n";

We print the name and the price of the chosen car. We ensure that the returned variable is not empty with the empty() function.

$ php filtering.php 
Volkswagen: 21600

This is the output of the filtering.php script.


Projections can be used to specify which fields should be returned.



try {
  $filter = [];
  $options = ["projection" => ['_id' => 0]];
  $mng = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017");
  $query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query($filter, $options);
  $rows = $mng->executeQuery("testdb.cars", $query);
  foreach ($rows as $row) {
} catch (MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $e) {

  $filename = basename(__FILE__);
  echo "The $filename script has experienced an error.\n"; 
  echo "It failed with the following exception:\n";
  echo "Exception:", $e->getMessage(), "\n";
  echo "In file:", $e->getFile(), "\n";
  echo "On line:", $e->getLine(), "\n";  


In the example, we hide the first field—the _id .

$options = ["projection" => ['_id' => 0]];

Projections are specified in a projection array. Here we hide the _id field.

$query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query($filter, $options);   

The projections are passed in the second argument of the MongoDB\Driver\Query .

$ php projection.php 
stdClass Object
  [name] => Audi
  [price] => 52642
stdClass Object
  [name] => Mercedes
  [price] => 57127

This is the partial output of the projection.php script. Only the name and price fields are returned.

Limiting data output

The limit query option specifies the number of documents to be returned and the sort option the sort order.



try {
  $mng = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017");
  $query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query([], ['sort' => [ 'name' => 1], 'limit' => 5]);   
  $rows = $mng->executeQuery("testdb.cars", $query);
  foreach ($rows as $row) {
    echo "$row->name : $row->price\n";
} catch (MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $e) {

  $filename = basename(__FILE__);
  echo "The $filename script has experienced an error.\n"; 
  echo "It failed with the following exception:\n";
  echo "Exception:", $e->getMessage(), "\n";
  echo "In file:", $e->getFile(), "\n";
  echo "On line:", $e->getLine(), "\n";     


The example reads all data from the testdb.cars collection, limits the output to five cars, and sorts according to the car name in ascending order.

$query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query([], ['sort' => [ 'name' => 1], 'limit' => 5]); 

We specify the sort and limit options in the second parameter of the query.

$ php read_limit.php 
Audi : 52642
Bentley : 350000
Citroen : 21000
Hummer : 41400
Mercedes : 57127

This is the output of the read_limit.php script.

Bulk write

The MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeBulkWrite method executes one or more write operations, including inserts, updates, and deletes.



try {
  $mng = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017");
  $bulk = new MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite;
  $doc = ['_id' => new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID, 'name' => 'Toyota', 'price' => 26700];
  $bulk->update(['name' => 'Audi'], ['$set' => ['price' => 52000]]);
  $bulk->delete(['name' => 'Hummer']);
  $mng->executeBulkWrite('testdb.cars', $bulk);
} catch (MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $e) {

  $filename = basename(__FILE__);
  echo "The $filename script has experienced an error.\n"; 
  echo "It failed with the following exception:\n";
  echo "Exception:", $e->getMessage(), "\n";
  echo "In file:", $e->getFile(), "\n";
  echo "On line:", $e->getLine(), "\n";  


The script inserts a new car, updates one car, and deletes one car.

$bulk = new MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite();

The MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite collects one or more write operations that should be sent to the server.

$doc = ['_id' => new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID, 'name' => 'Toyota', 'price' => 26700];

This is a new document to be inserted. The MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID generates a new ObjectId. It is a value used to uniquely identify documents in a collection.


An insert operation is created with the insert() method.

$bulk->update(['name' => 'Audi'], ['$set' => ['price' => 52000]]);

An update operation is created with the update() method. The $set operator replaces the value of a field with the specified value.

$bulk->delete(['name' => 'Hummer']);

A delete operation is created with the delete() method.

$mng->executeBulkWrite('testdb.cars', $bulk);

The executeBulkWrite() executes the three operations on the testdb.cars collection.

> db.cars.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("571e05a6c4a3bc7dc758b457"), "name" : "Audi", "price" : 52000 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("571e05b5c4a3bc7dc758b458"), "name" : "Mercedes", "price" : 57127 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("571e05bec4a3bc7dc758b459"), "name" : "Skoda", "price" : 9000 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("571e05c7c4a3bc7dc758b45a"), "name" : "Volvo", "price" : 29000 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("571e05d0c4a3bc7dc758b45b"), "name" : "Bentley", "price" : 350000 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("571e05e0c4a3bc7dc758b45c"), "name" : "Citroen", "price" : 21000 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("571e05fcc4a3bc7dc758b45e"), "name" : "Volkswagen", "price" : 21600 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5720a4e581365b0e9414d0e1"), "name" : "Toyota", "price" : 26700 }

With the mongo tool we confirm the changes.

In this tutorial, we have worked with MongoDB and PHP.

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