selectize.js 基于 jQuery 的 Select 下拉菜单插件

发布于 2020-04-04 11:48:47 字数 38023 浏览 2226 评论 0

Selectize.js 是一款基于 jQuery 的操作 <select>、<input> 标签的优秀插件,实现搜索、动态选择、多选、动态数据加载等功能,Selectize 的目标是通过简单而强大的 API 提供坚实可用的用户体验。


<script type="text/javascript" src="selectize.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="selectize.css" />
    create: true,
    sortField: {
        field: 'text',
        direction: 'asc'
    dropdownParent: 'body'

IE8 支持

To support Internet Explorer 8, es5-shim must be added your page.

<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src=""></script>


optionsAn array of the initial options available to select; array of objects. By default this is populated from the original input element. If your element is a <select> with <option>s specified this property gets populated automatically. Setting this property is convenient if you have your data as an array and want to automatically generate the <option>s.array[]
itemsAn array of the initial selected values. By default this is populated from the original input element.array[]
delimiterThe string to separate items by. When typing an item in a multi-selection control allowing creation, then the delimiter, the item is added. If you paste delimiter-separated items in such control, the items are added at once. The delimiter is also used in the getValue API call on a text <input> tag to separate the multiple values.string','
createAllows the user to create new items that aren't in the initial list of options. This setting can be any of the following: true, false (disabled), or a function to process input. The function can take one of two forms: synchronous (with signature function(input){} or asynchronous (with signature function(input,
. In the synchronous case, the function should return an object for the options (eg, with defaults: return { 'value': value, 'text': text
). The asynchronous version should invoke the callback with the result in the same format as the object above (eg, callback( { 'value': value, 'text':
createOnBlurIf true, when user exits the field (clicks outside of input), a new option is created and selected (if create setting is enabled).booleanfalse
createFilterSpecifies a RegExp or a string containing a regular expression that the current search filter must match to be allowed to be created. May also be a predicate function that takes the filter text and returns whether it is allowed.RegExp|string|functionnull
highlightToggles match highlighting within the dropdown menu.booleantrue
persistIf false, items created by the user will not show up as available options once they are unselected.booleantrue
openOnFocusShow the dropdown immediately when the control receives focus.booleantrue
maxOptionsThe max number of items to render at once in the dropdown list of options.int1000
maxItemsThe max number of items the user can select. 1 makes the control mono-selection, null allows an unlimited number of items.intnull
hideSelectedIf true, the items that are currently selected will not be shown in the dropdown list of available options. This defaults to true when in a multi-selection control, to false otherwise.booleannull
closeAfterSelectIf true, the dropdown will be closed after a selection is made.booleanfalse
allowEmptyOptionIf true, Selectize will treat any options with a "" value like normal. This defaults to false to accomodate the common <select> practice of having the first empty option to act as a placeholder.booleanfalse
scrollDurationThe animation duration (in milliseconds) of the scroll animation triggered when going [up] and [down] in the options dropdown.int60
loadThrottleThe number of milliseconds to wait before requesting options from the server or null. If null, throttling is disabled. Useful when loading options dynamically while the user types a search / filter expression.int300
loadingClassThe class name added to the wrapper element while awaiting the fulfillment of load requests.string'loading'
placeholderThe placeholder of the control (displayed when nothing is selected / typed). Defaults to input element's placeholder, unless this one is specified.stringundefined
preloadIf true, the load function will be called upon control initialization (with an empty search). Alternatively it can be set to 'focus' to call the load function when control receives focus.boolean/stringfalse
dropdownParentThe element the dropdown menu is appended to. This should be 'body' or null. If null, the dropdown will be appended as a child of the Selectize control.stringnull
addPrecedenceIf true, the "Add..." option is the default selection in the dropdown.booleanfalse
selectOnTabIf true, the tab key will choose the currently selected item.booleanfalse
diacriticsEnable or disable international character support.booleantrue
Data / Searching
optionsSee abovearray[]
optgroupsOption groups that options will be bucketed into. If your element is a <select> with <optgroup>s this property gets populated automatically. Make sure each object in the array has a property named whatever optgroupValueField is set to.array[]
dataAttrThe <option> attribute from which to read JSON data about the option.string'data-data'
valueFieldThe name of the property to use as the value when an item is selected.string'value'
optgroupValueFieldThe name of the option group property that serves as its unique identifier.string'value'
labelFieldThe name of the property to render as an option / item label (not needed when custom rendering functions are defined).string'text'
optgroupLabelFieldThe name of the property to render as an option group label (not needed when custom rendering functions are defined).string'label'
optgroupFieldThe name of the property to group items by.string'optgroup'
disabledFieldThe name of the property to disabled option and optgroup.string'disabled'
sortFieldA single field or an array of fields to sort by. Each item in the array should be an object containing at least a field property. Optionally, direction can be set to 'asc' or 'desc'. The order of the array defines the sort precedence.

Unless present, a special `$score` field will be automatically added to the beginning of the sort list. This will make results sorted primarily by match quality (descending).

You can override the `$score` function. For more information, see the sifter documentation.

searchFieldAn array of property names to analyze when filtering options.array['text']
searchConjunctionWhen searching for multiple terms (separated by space), this is the operator used. Can be 'and' or 'or' .string'and'
lockOptgroupOrderIf truthy, Selectize will make all optgroups be in the same order as they were added (by the `$order` property). Otherwise, it will order based on the score of the results in each.booleanfalse
copyClassesToDropdownCopy the original input classes to the dropdown element.booleantrue
load(query, callback)Invoked when new options should be loaded from the server. Called with the current query string and a callback function to call with the results when they are loaded (or nothing when an error arises).functionnull
score(search)Overrides the scoring function used to sort available options. The provided function should return a function that returns a number greater than or equal to zero to represent the score of an item (the function's first argument). If 0, the option is declared not a match. The search argument is a Search object. For an example, see the "GitHub" example.functionnull
onInitialize()Invoked once the control is completely initialized.functionnull
onFocus()Invoked when the control gains focus.functionnull
onBlur()Invoked when the control loses focus.functionnull
onChange(value)Invoked when the value of the control changes.functionnull
onItemAdd(value, $item)Invoked when an item is selected.functionnull
onItemRemove(value)Invoked when an item is deselected.functionnull
onClear()Invoked when the control is manually cleared via the clear() method.functionnull
onDelete(values)Invoked when the user attempts to delete the current selection.functionnull
onOptionAdd(value, data)Invoked when a new option is added to the available options list.functionnull
onOptionRemove(value)Invoked when an option is removed from the available options.functionnull
onDropdownOpen($dropdown)Invoked when the dropdown opens.functionnull
onDropdownClose($dropdown)Invoked when the dropdown closes.functionnull
onType(str)Invoked when the user types while filtering options.functionnull
onLoad(data)Invoked when new options have been loaded and added to the control (via the load option or load API method).functionnull
renderCustom rendering functions. Each function should accept two arguments: data and escape and return HTML (string or DOM element) with a single root element. The escape argument is a function that takes a string and escapes all special HTML characters. This is very important to use to prevent XSS vulnerabilities.

optionAn option in the dropdown list of available options.
itemAn item the user has selected.
option_createThe "create new" option at the bottom of the dropdown. The data contains one property: input (which is what the user has typed).
optgroup_headerThe header of an option group.
optgroupThe wrapper for an optgroup. The html property in the data will be the raw html of the optgroup's header and options.


Via the microplugin interface, features can be added to Selectize without modifying the main library. This is great because it protects against code bloat, allows for lean builds, and allows for addons to be sanely isolated. The plugin system isn't meant to be sexy; it's lean, makes very few assumptions, and gives the developer complete control.

Example Plugins

A few notes:

  • All plugins live in their own folders in "src/plugins".
  • Plugin names should be in follow the format: /[a-z_]+$
  • JS source should live in a "plugin.js" file (required).
  • CSS should live in a "plugin.less" file (optional). It will be bundled at build time.
  • Plugins are initialized right before the control is setup. This means that if you want to listen for events on any of the control's elements, you should override the setup() method (see "DOM Events").


Selectize.define('plugin_name', function(options) {
  // options: plugin-specific options
  // this: Selectize instance

Adding Dependencies

Selectize.define('plugin_name', function(options) {

Overriding Methods

Methods should be extended by wrapping them:

var self = this;
this.someMethod = (function() {
  var original = self.someMethod;
  return function() {
    // do your logic
    return original.apply(this, arguments);

Important: If the method you're overriding returns a value, make sure the overridden function returns a value as well.

DOM Events

Because all elements for the control are created within the setup() method (which is invoked after the plugin initialized) events should be added by overriding the setup method, like so:

Selectize.define('plugin_name', function(options) {
  var self = this;

  // override the setup method to add an extra `click`  handler
  this.setup = (function() {
    var original = self.setup;
    return function() {
      original.apply(this, arguments);
      this.$control.on('click', 'div', function(e) {
        alert('A div was clicked!');


Plugin Usage

List (without options)

  plugins: ['plugin_a', 'plugin_b']

List (with options)

  plugins: {
    'plugin_a': { /* ... */ },
    'plugin_b': { /* ... */ }

For a more detailed description of plugin option formats and how the plugin system works, check out the microplugin documentation.


In the usage documentation, a few callbacks are listed that allow you to listen for certain events. Callbacks aren't always ideal though; specifically when you wish to have multiple handlers.

Selectize instances have a basic event emitter interface that mimics jQuery, Backbone.js, et al:

var handler = function() { /* ... */ };
selectize.on('event_name', handler);'event_name');'event_name', handler);

List of Events

"initialize"Invoked once the control is completely initialized.
"change"valueInvoked when the value of the control changes.
"focus"Invoked when the control gains focus.
"blur"Invoked when the control loses focus.
"item_add"value, $itemInvoked when an item is selected.
"item_remove"value, $itemInvoked when an item is deselected.
"clear"Invoked when the control is manually cleared via the clear() method.
"option_add"value, dataInvoked when a new option is added to the available options list.
"option_remove"valueInvoked when an option is removed from the available options.
"option_clear"Invoked when all options are removed from the control.
"optgroup_add"id, dataInvoked when a new option is added to the available options list.
"optgroup_remove"idInvoked when an option group is removed.
"optgroup_clear"Invoked when all option groups are removed.
"dropdown_open"$dropdownInvoked when the dropdown opens.
"dropdown_close"$dropdownInvoked when the dropdown closes.
"type"strInvoked when the user types while filtering options.
"load"dataInvoked when new options have been loaded and added to the control (via the load option or load API method).
"destroy"Invoked right before the control is destroyed.

Selectize API

Selectize controls can be controlled programmatically via the methods described in this section. When initializing the control, the selectize property is added on the original <select> / <input> element—this property points to the underlying Selectize instance.

// initialize the Selectize control
var $select = $('select').selectize(options);

// fetch the instance
var selectize = $select[0].selectize;


optionsAn object containing the entire pool of options. The object is keyed by each object's value.
itemsAn array of selected values.


addOption(data)Adds an available option, or array of options. If it already exists, nothing will happen. Note: this does not refresh the options list dropdown (use refreshOptions() for that).
updateOption(value, data)Updates an option available for selection. If it is visible in the selected items or options dropdown, it will be re-rendered automatically.
removeOption(value)Removes the option identified by the given value.
clearOptions()Removes all options from the control.
getOption(value)Retrieves the jQuery element for the option identified by the given value.
getAdjacentOption(value, direction)Retrieves the jQuery element for the previous or next option, relative to the currently highlighted option. The direction argument should be 1 for "next" or -1 for "previous".
refreshOptions(triggerDropdown)Refreshes the list of available options shown in the autocomplete dropdown menu.
clear(silent)Resets / clears all selected items from the control. If silent is truthy, no change event will be fired on the original input.
getItem(value)Returns the jQuery element of the item matching the given value.
addItem(value, silent)"Selects" an item. Adds it to the list at the current caret position. If silent is truthy, no change event will be fired on the original input.
removeItem(value, silent)Removes the selected item matching the provided value. If silent is truthy, no change event will be fired on the original input.
createItem(value, [triggerDropdown], [callback])Invokes the create method provided in the Selectize settings that should provide the data for the new item, given the user input. Once this completes, it will be added to the item list.
refreshItems()Re-renders the selected item lists.
addOptionGroup(id, data)Registers a new optgroup for options to be bucketed into. The id argument refers to a value of the property in option identified by the optgroupField setting.
removeOptionGroup(id)Removes a single option group.
clearOptionGroups()Removes all existing option groups.
on(event, handler)Adds an event listener.
off(event, handler)Removes an event listener.
off(event)Removes all event listeners.
trigger(event, ...)Triggers event listeners.
open()Shows the autocomplete dropdown containing the available options.
close()Closes the autocomplete dropdown menu.
positionDropdown()Calculates and applies the appropriate position of the dropdown.
destroy()Destroys the control and unbinds event listeners so that it can be garbage collected.
load(fn)Loads options by invoking the provided function. The function should accept one argument (callback) and invoke the callback with the results once they are available.
focus()Brings the control into focus.
blur()Forces the control out of focus.
lock()Disables user input on the control (note: the control can still receive focus).
unlock()Re-enables user input on the control.
disable()Disables user input on the control completely. While disabled, it cannot receive focus.
enable()Enables the control so that it can respond to focus and user input.
getValue()Returns the value of the control. If multiple items can be selected with a "select" input tag (e.g. <select multiple>), this returns an array. Otherwise, returns a string (separated by delimiter if "multiple").
setValue(value, silent)Resets the selected items to the given value.
setCaret(index)Moves the caret to the specified position (index being the index in the list of selected items).
isFull()Returns whether or not the user can select more items.
clearCache(template)Clears the render cache. Takes an optional template argument (e.g. option , item) to clear only that cache.
updatePlaceholder()When the `settings.placeholder` value is changed, the new placeholder will be displayed.
setTextboxValue(str)Sets the value of the input field.

Related Objects


optionsOriginal search options.object
queryThe raw user input.string
tokensAn array containing parsed search tokens. A token is an object containing two properties: string and regex .array
totalThe total number of
itemsA list of matched results. Each result is an object containing two properties: score and id .array


  • 简洁的 API,有详细的帮助文档;
  • 支持智能排序和多属性搜索,甚至可以使用打分函数进行排序的;
  • 支持键盘操作,对用户使用友好;
  • 支持同时选择和删除多个项目;
  • 支持远程数据加载,例如 Ajax 调用;


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