PySpreadsheet 基于 Python 为 Node 创建的 XLSX 表格插件

发布于 2019-11-29 20:03:34 字数 15247 浏览 1469 评论 0

PySpreadsheet 是一个高性能的表格创建和读取解析插件,专为 Node.js 设计,基于 Python 开源软件,PySpreadsheet 能够读取和创建 Excel 表格文件,支持 XLS 和 XLSX 格式的表格。

注意:PySpreadsheet还 是一个开发中,这仅仅是一个测试版本。


  • 更快的速度和更多的内存比大多数JS只有选择有效的
  • 使用子进程隔离和并行化处理(不会泄漏节点进程)
  • 为 XLS 和 XLSX 格式的支持
  • 可以使用一个熟悉的数据来源来创建表格文件
  • JavaScript 对象的本地集成


  • 阅读不分析格式,只有数据
  • 不能编辑现有文件
  • 基本格式写作能力
  • 不完整的API


npm install pyspreadsheet

Python 依赖从库中下载最新版本自动安装。这些依赖关系:

Reading a file with the SpreadsheetReader class

Use the SpreadsheetReader class to read spreadsheet files. It can be used for reading an entire file into memory or as a stream-like object.

Reading a file into memory

Reading a file into memory will output the entire contents of the file in an easy-to-use structure.

var SpreadsheetReader = require('pyspreadsheet').SpreadsheetReader;'input.xlsx', function (err, workbook) {
  // Iterate on sheets
  workbook.sheets.forEach(function (sheet) {
    console.log('sheet: %s',;
    // Iterate on rows
    sheet.rows.forEach(function (row) {
      // Iterate on cells
      row.forEach(function (cell) {
        console.log('%s: %s', cell.address, cell.value);

Streaming a large file

You can use SpreadsheetReader just like a Node readable stream. This is the preferred method for reading larger files.

var SpreadsheetReader = require('pyspreadsheet').SpreadsheetReader;
var reader = new SpreadsheetReader('examples/sample.xlsx');

reader.on('open', function (workbook) {
  // file is open
  console.log('opened ' + workbook.file);
}).on('data', function (data) {
  // data is being received
  console.log('buffer contains %d rows from sheet "%s"', data.rows.length,;
}).on('close', function () {
  // file is now closed
  console.log('file closed');
}).on('error', function (err) {
  // got an error
  throw err;

Writing a file with the SpreadsheetWriter class

Use the SpreadsheetWriter class to write files. It can only write new files, it cannot edit existing files.

var SpreadsheetWriter = require('pyspreadsheet').SpreadsheetWriter;
var writer = new SpreadsheetWriter('examples/output.xlsx');

// write a string at cell A1
writer.write(0, 0, 'hello world!'); (err) {
  if (err) throw err;
  console.log('file saved!');

Adding sheets

Use the addSheet method to add a new sheet. If data is written without adding a sheet first, a default "Sheet1" is automatically added.

var SpreadsheetWriter = require('pyspreadsheet').SpreadsheetWriter;
var writer = new SpreadsheetWriter('examples/output.xlsx');
writer.addSheet('my sheet').write(0, 0, 'hello');

Writing data

Use the write method to write data to the designated cell. All Javascript built-in types are supported.

writer.write(0, 0, 'hello world!');

Formulas are parsed from strings. To write formulas, just prepend your string value with "=".

writer.write(2, 0, '=A1+A2');

Note that values calculated from formulas cannot be obtained until the file has been opened once with a spreadsheet client (like Microsoft Excel).

Writing multiple cells

Use arrays to write multiple cells at once horizontally.

writer.write(0, 0, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']);

Use two-dimensional arrays to write multiple rows at once.

writer.write(0, 0, [
  ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'],
  ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'],


Cells can be formatted by specifying format properties.

writer.write(0, 0, 'hello', {
  font: {
    name: 'Calibri',
    size: 12

Formats can also be reused by using the addFormat method.

writer.addFormat('title', {
  font: { bold: true, color: '#ffffff' },
  fill: '#000000'

writer.write(0, 0, ['heading 1', 'heading 2', 'heading 3'], 'title');

API Reference


The SpreadsheetReader is used to read spreadsheet files from various formats.

#ctor(path, options)

Creates a new SpreadsheetReader instance.

  • path - the path of the file to read, also accepting arrays for reading multiple files at once
  • options - the reading options (optional)
    • meta - load only workbook metadata, without iterating on rows
    • sheet || sheets - load sheet(s) selectively, either by name or by index
    • maxRows - the maximum number of rows to load per sheet
    • bufferSize - the maximum number of rows to accumulate in the buffer (default: 20)

#read(path, options, callback)

Reads an entire file into memory.

  • path - the path of the file to read, also accepting arrays for reading multiple files at once
  • options - the reading options (optional)
    • meta - load only workbook metadata, without iterating on rows
    • sheet || sheets - load sheet(s) selectively, either by name or by index
    • maxRows - the maximum number of rows to load per sheet
  • callback(err, workbook) - the callback function to invoke when the operation has completed
    • err - the error, if any
    • workbook - the parsed workbook instance, will be an array if path was also an array
      • file - the file used to open the workbook
      • meta - the metadata for this workbook
        • user - the owner of the file
        • sheets - an array of strings containing the name of sheets (available without iteration)
      • sheets - the array of Sheet objects that were loaded
        • index - the ordinal position of the sheet within the workbook
        • name - the name of the sheet
        • bounds - the data range for the sheet
          • rows - the largest number of rows in the sheet
          • columns - the largest number of columns in the sheet
        • visibility - the sheet visibility, possible values are visible, hidden and very hidden
        • rows - the array of rows that were loaded - rows are arrays of cells
          • row - the ordinal row number
          • column - the ordinal column number
          • address - the cell address ("A1", "B12", etc.)
          • value - the cell value, which can be of the following types:
            • Number - for numeric values
            • Date - for cells formatted as dates
            • Error - for cells with errors (such as #NAME?)
            • Boolean - for cells formatted as booleans
            • String - for anything else
        • cell(address) - a function returning the cell at a specific location (ex: B12), same as accessing the rows array

Event: 'open'

Emitted when a workbook file is open. The data included with this event includes:

  • file - the file used to open the workbook
  • meta - the metadata for this workbook
    • user - the owner of the file
    • sheets - an array of strings containing the name of sheets (available without iteration)

This event can be emitted more than once if multiple files are being read.

Event: 'data'

Emitted as rows are being read from the file. The data for this event consists of:

  • sheet - the currently open sheet
    • index - the ordinal position of the sheet within the workbook
    • name - the sheet name
    • bounds - the data range for the sheet
      • rows - the largest number of rows in the sheet
      • columns - the largest number of columns in the sheet
    • visibility - the sheet visibility, possible values are visible, hidden and very hidden
  • rows - the array of rows that were loaded (number of rows returned depend on the buffer size)
    • row - the ordinal row number
    • column - the ordinal column number
    • address - the cell address ("A1", "B12", etc.)
    • value - the cell value, which can be of the following types:
      • Number - for numeric values
      • Date - for cells formatted as dates
      • Error - for cells with errors, such as #NAME?
      • Boolean - for cells formatted as booleans
      • String - for anything else

Event: 'close'

Emitted when a workbook file is closed. This event can be emitted more than once if multiple files are being read.

Event: 'error'

Emitted when an error is encountered.


The SpreadsheetWriter is used to write spreadsheet files into various formats. All writer methods return the same instance, so feel free to chain your calls.

#ctor(path, options)

Creates a new SpreadsheetWriter instance.

  • path - the path of the file to write
  • options - the writer options (optional)
    • format - the file format
    • defaultDateFormat - the default date format (only for XLSX files)
    • properties - the workbook properties
      • title
      • subject
      • author
      • manager
      • company
      • category
      • keywords
      • comments
      • status

.addSheet(name, options)

Adds a new sheet to the workbook.

  • name - the sheet name (must be unique within the workbook)
  • options - the sheet options
    • hidden
    • activated
    • selected
    • rightToLeft
    • hideZeroValues
    • selection


Activates a previously added sheet.

  • sheet - the sheet name or index

.addFormat(name, properties)

Registers a reusable format.

  • name - the format name
  • properties - the formatting properties
    • font
      • name
      • size
      • color
      • bold
      • italic
      • underline
      • strikeout
      • superscript
      • subscript
    • numberFormat
    • locked
    • hidden
    • alignment
    • rotation
    • indent
    • shrinkToFit
    • justifyLastText
    • fill
      • pattern
      • backgroundColor
      • foregroundColor
    • borders
      • top | left | right | bottom
        • style
        • color

.write(row, column, data, format)

Writes data to the specified cell with an optional format.

  • row - the row index
  • column - the column index
  • data - the value to write, supported types are: String, Number, Date, Boolean and Array
  • format - the format name or properties to use (optional)

.write(cell, data, format)

Same as previous, except cell is a string such as "A1", "B2" or "1,1"

.append(data, format)

Appends data at the first column of the next row. The next row is determined by the last call to write.

  • data - the value to write (use arrays to write multiple cells at once)
  • format - the format name or properties to use (optional)


Save and close the resulting workbook file.

  • callback(err) - the callback function to invoke when the file is saved
    • err - the error, if any

Event: open

Emitted when the file is open.

Event: close

Emitted when the file is closed.

Event: error

Emitted when an error occurs.


  • Tested with Node 0.10.x
  • Tested on Mac OS X 10.8
  • Tested on Ubuntu Linux 12.04
  • Tested on Heroku


  • Python version 2.7+
  • xlrd version 0.7.4+
  • xlwt version 0.7.5+
  • XlsxWriter version 0.3.6+
  • bash (installation script)
  • git (installation script)



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