如何通过 shell 找到 SDCard 的设备路径
玩 OrangePi 经常要写镜像到 SD Card 中,每次都手工寻找 SD Card 在 /dev/
下的设备路径太麻烦,就想着用 shell 脚本来自动寻找。
在网上找了一下,在 https://www.enricozini.org/blog/2019/himblick/locating-a-sd-card/ 上发现了一个 Python 脚本可以自动定位 SD Card 的路径:
def locate(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Locate the SD card to work on :returns: the lsblk data structure for the SD device """ res = subprocess.run(["lsblk", "-JOb"], text=True, capture_output=True, check=True) res = json.loads(res.stdout) devs = [] for dev in res["blockdevices"]: if dev["rm"] and not dev["ro"] and dev["type"] == "disk" and dev["tran"] == "usb": devs.append(dev) log.info("Found %s: %s %s %s %s", dev["path"], dev["vendor"], dev["model"], dev["serial"], format_gb(int(dev["size"]))) if not devs: raise Fail("No candidate SD cards found") if len(devs) > 1: raise Fail(f"{len(devs)} SD cards found") return devs[0]
大概看了一下,逻辑很简单,就是在 lsblk
的结构中找出 可移动的(rm)、非只读的(ro)、类型为磁盘而不是分区(type)、设备传输类型为usb(tran)的完整设备路径(path). (关于 lsblk 每一列的作用,可以用 lsblk --help 来查看) 感觉完全可以用纯shell来实现,于是花了点时间把它改写成shell脚本
function fail() { echo "$@" >&2 exit 1 } function locating_sd_card() { sd_cards="$(lsblk -JOb |jq '.blockdevices[]|select((.rm) and (.ro|not) and (.type == "disk") and (.tran == "usb"))|.path')" sd_cards_count="$(echo "${sd_cards}"|wc -l)" if [[ ${sd_cards_count} -ne 1 ]];then fail "${sd_cards_count} SD CARDS Found!" else echo "${sd_cards}" fi }
再加上卸载分区和写镜像到 SD 卡的函数,就可以一键重置 OrangePi 了
function umount_sd_card() { lsblk -JOb |jq '.blockdevices[]|select((.rm) and (.ro|not) and (.type == "disk") and (.tran == "usb"))|.children[].mountpoint'|grep -v '[SWAP]'|xargs umount } function write_image() { image_file="$1" sd_card=$(locating_sd_card) umount_sd_card dd if="${image_file}" of="${sd_card}" bs=1M }
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