Python 中 UTF-8 编码的坑:字符串多种表示方法
UTF-8 中定义了一些组合字符,这些字符会与它前面的非组合字符组合显示成一个字符,一般用它来添加加重或者变音标记。
同时呢,某些常用的加重字符也会有自己的单一编码值,这些字符叫做预组合字符(precomposed characters)。
这就带来一个很恐怖的后果,某些 UTF-8 的字符可能有两种表示方法!例如单词 naïve
可以写作这6个字符 nai\u0308ve
,也可能写作5个字符 na\u00EFve
例如下面这段 python 代码
import re s1 = "nai\u0308ve" s2 = "na\u00EFve" if s1 == s2: print(s1,"is equal to",s2) else: print(s1,"is not equal to",s2) regexp = '^.....$' if re.match(regexp,s1): print(regexp,"is matching",s1) else: print(regexp,"is not matching",s1) if re.match(regexp,s2): print(regexp,"is matching",s2) else: print(regexp,"is not matching",s2) print("length of",s1,"is",len(s1)) print("length of",s2,"is",len(s2))
naïve is not equal to naïve ^.....$ is not matching naïve ^.....$ is matching naïve length of naïve is 6 length of naïve is 5
解决方法是用 unicodedata 库中的 normalize 函数来对字符串进行归一化(normalization)
import re from unicodedata import normalize s1 = normalize('NFC',"nai\u0308ve") s2 = normalize('NFC',"na\u00EFve") if s1 == s2: print(s1,"is equal to",s2) else: print(s1,"is not equal to",s2) regexp = '^.....$' if re.match(regexp,s1): print(regexp,"is matching",s1) else: print(regexp,"is not matching",s1) if re.match(regexp,s2): print(regexp,"is matching",s2) else: print(regexp,"is not matching",s2) print("length of",s1,"is",len(s1)) print("length of",s2,"is",len(s2))
naïve is equal to naïve ^.....$ is matching naïve ^.....$ is matching naïve length of naïve is 5 length of naïve is 5
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上一篇: 使用 shell 编写打字游戏